Arella O'Connor

  1. Asilynne
    Name: Arella O'Connor
    Age: 12
    Gender: Female
    Looks: Medium length red hair with bangs, and two small braids that she wears in front of her ears, with the rest of her hair flowing free behind. Sparkling green eyes. She usually wears light blue shorts and a white shirt with a fairy couple on the front. 4'11"
    In game she wears a long dark green cape with a hood which she usually leaves hanging behind her, baggy brown pants which end into black knee high boots, a baggy green long sleeved shirt which ends into oversized brown gauntlets. Has a red wrap of baggy cloth around her neck. Is still short though her hair is slightly longer.
    Her terminal is an orb that when she holds it it calls up a holographic like image in the air above it, displaying everything right in front of her.
  2. Asilynne
    Personality: Quiet and shy around people, she has a fiery adventurous spirit, and liked to spend time outdoors when her parents and her lived in the country. Now she lives in Dublin, and because of the city influence and her adventurous spirit, she has taken to playing the MMORPG Dimension Jump, and has really gotten into how challenging and adventure filled it is, things she cant find IRL. Doesnt have too many outside friends because of this and because shes shy. Doesnt really know how to make them too.
    Weapon: A bow and quiver, the bow has celtic runes in it and its made of wood from an ash tree. When its being used the weilder has extremely good eyesight, especially for things far away. The arrowheads are made from diamonds, mwahahaha hardest mineral on earth ^v^
  3. Asilynne
    Sentient: Asilynne Outlaw
    S-Looks: Long silver hair, blue lupine eyes, silver wolf tail and ears. She usually wears blue silk pants and knee high black boots, a blue shirt slit down the middle and laced up with black, and a black and silver cloak, also with celtic runes inlay.
    Attacks: Summon Wolves: Summons shadowed wolves to fight alongside them in battle, are fast and can bite but cannot be harmed. The duration and quantity varies on Sentient Level.
    Winter Winds: Creates a blizzard which freezes enemies solid or make it difficult to travel. Again, the duration and severity vary on its level.
    C-Attack: Change form: This attack changes her and Arella into larger than normal wolves for a certain length of time varying on level. Damage taken as a wolf does not carry over onto the human body after changing back. Speed and pack attack and defense maneuvars are an asset in battle.
    Strengths: Magic and Speed mostly
    Other: Appears to be 19-20, and is 5'8" 150 lbs
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