Brittany Chance

  1. Asilynne
    Name: Brittany Chance
    Nickname: Lunepine
    Appearence:Long almost white blond hair with a fluffy feathery appearance, piercing green eyes. Is pretty tall for a girl, standing close to 6 ft tall, though not quite. Has a well proportined body, not overly skinny, and a well toned frame.The skin you can see has a slight tan to it. Sounds about normal right? Guess again. She has a light feathery brushing of white fur over her arms from the shoulder to the elbow, and from her collar bone to mid stomach (so if she wanted to, she could go shirtless but she has modesty lol) her ears look like big fluffy wolfs ears and she has a long slender but fluffy wolf-like tail.Think Nightcrawler, in the way that her outward appearance has mutated along with her power. Usually dresses in long sleeved shirts that arent low cut when going out in public, more for her familys sake than hers.When her fur is showing people tend to stare, knowing what she is but she doesnt particulary care.
  2. Asilynne
    Costume appearence: Blue and black spandex with a hole in the back for the tail, a crescent moon shape on her headband (Im not good with superhero costumes so if anyone has any suggestions LOL)
    Powers: The power to influence gravity in herself and the world around her. She can make herself as heavy or as light as she wants, as well as create pockets of varying gravity in the area around her, up to 30 ft away.
    Limitations: Her power waxes and wanes with the moon. When its a new moon she can barely do anything, and what powers she has are limited to herself only. When its a full moon she has the potential to do so much more. However right now, since shes relatively new at the school, her powers work unconsiously, and when she thinks too hard about it she cant do anything, it just has to come naturally. She still has a little more training to do to realise the full extent of her powers.
  3. Asilynne
    History: Always had a fascination with the moon. She felt alive when it was full, and depressed when it wasnt in the sky. At birth she had ears that were longer than the norm, but the doctors passed it off as a birth abnormality, and since she was able to hear fine, it was deemed harmless. She discovered her powers one day when she was being forced to go to the doctor. She remembered getting a shot once before and so rooted herself to the spot, her dad (who can bench press 350 lbs) found it impossible to lift her. It was later found that she went from 92 pounds to 635 lbs in a matter of seconds, with no real ill effects to speak of.
  4. Asilynne
    After this her dad knew she wasnt normal, but for a few years no other instances have occured, until her 13th year she began to sprout the white fur, during the course of this year she grew the ears and tail the way it is today, and so was taken out of school and homeschooled to hide this fact from the world. In order to protect his daughter from mutant haters they moved, and she lost the friends she had. When before she a popular likable girl, now she was alone, with only her little sister and her dad as friends. She hated the change at first, due to her newfound lonliness, but her dad and sister kept her spirits up, telling her that she was like this for a reason, and that it was special. So with her old confidence nearly back, she looks forward to attending the Profs school and being with others who are also 'special'.
    Alliance: X-Men, but more neutral than anything else.
    Relationships: Open, she has a dad and a little sister named Selene (14 years old)
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