Sadist Rose

  1. Asilynne
    Codename: Sadist Rose
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Appears to be in early to mid twenties. The bottom part of her uniform (pants and shirt, and sleeves) are shredded, she shredded them shortly after regaining consiousness, while she thought about where and who she was. Long red hair she leaves free to go anywhere it wants, cold green eyes. Her eyes appear somewhat asian though of course she knows nothing about it. 5’9” With a slender but muscular build, 145lbs. Has painted black fingernails and a tatoo of a black rose on her right shoulder, with the stem covered in thorns twining all down her arm. Not too big though lol
    Personality: She is one psycho bitch LOL cool and calculated, she never smiles. In fact, if you see her smile, you should probably run because it doesnt mean she wants to be your friend. Shes the type that would ‘black widow’ a guy for fun.
  2. Asilynne
    Killing isnt wrong in her demented little head, and she gets a sort of high from it. Sees pretty much everyone else on earth as a lesser being and looks upon them with disdain. Doesnt really seem to have any feelings at all. Because shes pretty some people are drawn to her, and she will use this any way possible to get what she wants. Like I said psycho bitch from hell LOL
    Weapon of Choice: Throwing stars and throwing daggers, basically things where you can kill with a flick of the wrist, not expelling much energy. Almost like its an afterthought lol
    Skills: Amazing accuracy, as highly developed sense of smell and hearing as a human can possibly have. Can pick up the smell of blood easily. Is quick on her feet and has absolutely no fear. Reflexes like a cat.
  3. Asilynne
    Other: Has a sort of split personality, sometimes shell start crying for no reason at all and then immediately forget she did. Has a very unnerving laugh when she actually does laugh, and tends to laugh at odd times. Likes to twirl a throwing star through her fingers, or shred some article of clothing when thinking. Is not phased in the least by blood, whether its her own or someone elses.
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