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Thread: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

  1. #1
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Come on out, Spook~!

    "The rules say your attacking first~!"
    Last edited by Ayeun; 15th January 2012 at 08:21 PM.

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

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  2. #2
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Torunament] Ayeun vs Charles

    Will ref!

  3. #3
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Torunament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    I hate ghosts. -_- Go Rhinox!

    Ok Rhinox start off with Swagger next use Attract then end with Toxic!

    Thanks for reffing this Oslo also if it's not to much to ask would you also ref my match with Mikachu please?

    ~Charles Legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

  4. #4
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [Torunament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo fault. I had to cut you from the tourney because of an oversight. I know this seems harsh, but I've made sure you have first dibs on the next one which won't be...wait. Actually no. Take that back. Match continue. LA

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  5. #5
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Torunament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Sorry, Charles, but since I'm in the middle of term I don't have as much time/energy to devote to reffings. Tournament battles are quick and there's less of a chance of a participant vanishing and causing the match to dangle, so I like the idea of reffing these for the time being. As always, summer will open up a bit of time in my schedule, so I'll be back in top form then.

  6. #6
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Ok... that was odd...

    Start off with Taunt. Silly non fighting in a fighting contest. Blergh!
    Next, use Blizzard. No point beating around the bush here. Fight to win.
    Finish with Earthquake. Unless toxic goes through as an attack, in which case, use Protect.

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

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  7. #7
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo


    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  8. #8
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo


    Location: Steel field
    Rules: Healing moves are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: ?

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round 1 ‡

    Iiiit’s tourney time! Ladies and gents, Round One of the Survival Tournament kicks off as Gym Leader and all-around Grass-type connoisseur Ayeun squares off against that pirate-loving oddball Charles. Today's match will be held here at a lovely construction site, with idle bulldozers and girders aplenty littering the field. Each trainer raises a Pokeball containing their sole entrant for the duration tournament.

    With a toss, Ayeun and Charles summon their fighters to the field as flashes of crimson light dazzle the arena. Ayeun calls upon a fearsome genie while Charles sends a drill-bearing rock monster into battle. Spook waves her fingers intimidatingly as Rhinox bellows and loudly causes his pointed horn to start spinning. It’s on!

    Being the faster Pokemon by only a hair, Spook begins uttering some rather rude comments about Rhinox’s mother. The nerve! However, before Rhinox can fully digest the comment, he just barely manages to puff out his chest and stomp around the field like he owns the joint. As the effects of the Taunt and Swagger simultaneously begin to settle in, both Spook and Rhinox are sent careening into similar yet also quite different disoriented fits of rage.

    Spook: <-4 EP; +2 Att; Cfn>
    Charles: <-6 EP; Tnt>

    Spook begins to wobble in the air as the whole world around her starts spinning wildly. Fortunately, the Duknoir manages to snap her fingers and summon a near-paralyzing storm of snow and ice into the construction site! While I reach for my handy-dandy Official Reffing Mug of Hot Cocoa, Rhinox appears to lack any such luxury: he suffers the full force of the Blizzard. As the cold snap wreaks havoc on Rhinox’s body, his Solid Rock exterior minimizes the damage from Spook’s attack. Though he wishes he could lash out at his foe, all he can do is think about Spook’s nasty comments about Mrs. Rhinox. The Rhyperior’s hot temper won’t melt that Blizzard, but it will certainly keep him from making a move.

    Spook: <-10 EP>
    Rhinox: <-12 HP; Can’t move!>

    Clumps of snow tumble from the Rhinox’s body as that pesky storm becomes nothing more than a bad memory. However, his other bad memory of Spook’s Taunt still remains potent and prevents him from attacking. This gives Spook a clear opening to… start pummeling herself in the face with a nearby hammer? Huh. Well. Confusion will do that to you, I guess.

    Spook: <-6 HP; Can’t move!>
    Rhinox: <Can’t move!>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > At 0 EP, Pokemon will begin to lose 1 HP for every 2 EP they consume
    > Rhinox will remain under the effects of Taunt for three more actions
    > TEAM AYEUN to command next

  9. #9
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Earthquake ~ Shadow Ball ~ Earthquake

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

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  10. #10
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Rhinox ram spook with a Drill Run then Crunch then then end this round off with Payback!

    ~Charles Legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

  11. #11
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo


    Location: Steel field
    Rules: Healing moves are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: ?

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round 2 ‡

    As the next round begins, Spook gives her head a shake, overcoming Confusion. Waving her arms and muttering some kind of spell, she causes our surroundings to shake and shimmy around violently. Rhinox falls at once and snarls. Woah, easy there, ragamuffin! With a leap, he hurls his whole frame into the Ghostie. She collides hard with a nearby girder. Damn it, who put that there?

    Spook: <-10 HP; -8 EP>
    Rhinox: <-14 HP; -8 EP>

    Back in prime form, Spook whips up a ball of ghostly energy and absolutely hucks the thing at Rhinox. It catches the rocky behemoth in the gut and he lets out a bellow of frustration as his Special Defence drops a tick. Stomping toward Spook like, well, like a rhino, he picks the Gripper Pokemon up in his hands and sinks his frightening fangs into her shoulder. She lets out an eerie, mournful wail.

    Spook: <-12 HP; -6 EP>
    Rhinox: <-10 HP; -8 EP; -1 SpD>

    Spook manages to escape her foe’s clutches by waving her hands about, causing the construction site around us to begin shaking wildly. Rhinox is thrown into the side of a nearby bulldozer and, like a wrecking ball, leaves one hell of a dent in that thing. Um, I hope the negligent crew that allowed us to battle here remembered to get their stuff insured. Fortunately for Rhinox chooses to exact a bit of Payback and lunges back over to Spook. He swats at her with a Darkness-infused claw, dealing potent damage.

    With that, the effects of Taunt come to an end.

    Spook: <-15 HP; -8 EP>
    Rhinox: <-14 HP; -10 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > TEAM CHARLES LEGEND to command next

  12. #12
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Rhinox use Crunch Shadow Claw then finish off this round with Payback!

    ~Charles Legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

  13. #13
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Earthquake x 3

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

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  14. #14
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo


    Location: Steel field
    Rules: Healing moves are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: ?

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round 3 ‡

    Things are just about even as Spook slams herself into the ground, causing another thumping Earthquake to trip up poor Rhinox. The rocky beast growls and snatches up Spook yet again, treating the lovely lady to a bite to eat. Geddit?

    Spook: <-12 HP; -8 EP>
    Rhinox: <-14 HP; -8 EP>

    Spook wriggles free and summons another Earthquake. Rhinox lands hard on a nearby toolbox and crushes it into a thin sheet of metal. In retaliation, he lashes out with a swift, shadowy slash. Type advantage FTW!

    Spook: <-11 HP; -8 EP>
    Rhinox: <-14 HP; -7 EP>

    Yet another Earthquake shakes things up a little bit more and Rhinox promptly exacts revenge. He bounces back to deal a little Payback, causing Spook to flicker in and out of sight.

    Spook: <-15 HP; -8 EP>
    Rhinox: <-14 HP; -10 EP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡


    > TEAM AYEUN to command next

  15. #15
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Finish him. Earthquake x 3

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

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  16. #16
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Rhinox Fissure three times!

    ~Charles Legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

  17. #17
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo


    Location: Steel field
    Rules: Healing moves are banned
    Abilities: Active
    DQ Time: ?

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round 4 ‡

    Spook slams the ground one final time as Rhinox prepares to do the same. However, the rhino just isn't quite fast enough this time: Rhinox is tossed clear off his feat and into a backhoe. He doesn't get up.

    Spook: <-8 EP>
    Rhinox: <-8 HP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡

    With that, Ayeun becomes the first person to move ahead to the second stage of the tournament! She gets two points, Charles gets one and I get four.

    Nice fight, guys!

  18. #18
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Tournament] Ayeun vs Charles - Ref = Oslo

    Good job Charles! Was really close there.

    ZOMG. I go in to the next round with 69 HP. My favorite number!

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

    Ayeun's Safari adventures.

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