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Thread: The Close Encounters Contest

  1. #1
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default The Close Encounters Contest

    The Close Encounters Contest

    This is my first go at running a contest, so go easy on me here. I'm making it a small one so I get used to it first, rather than trying to please loads of people with a huge contest outright.

    It's a cool, autumn night, so be sure to dress appropriately. You and two of your pokemon have been invited to watch a lights and laser display on a tall mountain peak. It's a bit of a climb, but you're assured of an amazing spectacle when you get to the top. Spaces are limited, so the first five people to RSVP will get the spots!

    - Oslo ; Ruben Sterling (m) Mr. Mime @ Filter & Pinocchio von Badass (m) Banette @ Insomnia
    - Techy ; Betha (f) Hippowdown @ Sand Stream & Onix (f) @ Rock Head
    - Puma ; Sospidon (g) Metang @ Clear Body & Sparkles (g) Castform @ Forecast
    - Ampharos ; Squirtle (m) Torrent & Heatmor (f) White Smoke
    - Emerald ; Lloyd Irving (m) Gallade @ Justified & Undine (f) Slowking @ Regenerator

    The contest will consist of three rounds, with a single elimination after the second round.

    I'll give it a week to fill the spots, but obviously if they fill up before that then we'll go from there.
    Last edited by RaZoR LeAf; 12th August 2013 at 04:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest


    I choose...

    Ruben Sterling, my male Mr. Mime with Filter, and Pinocchio von Badass, my male Banette with Insomnia.

  3. #3
    Smell ya later! Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    Awesome! My first contest!

    I'll chose......

    @Sand Stream


    @Rock Head

    Vs. Seeker
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    I took some time and thought about getting you another Magnemite, but that would be hilariously redundant.

  4. #4
    Layout Madman Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    Hm... I think I'll give this one a shot.

    Using Sospidon, Metang, @Clear Body and
    Sparkles, Castform, @Forecast
    Avatar drawn by the wonderful Cynder in reference to this! Go check her other art out! ^-^

  5. #5
    heyheyhey Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    I'll enter with my Squirtle (Male, Torrent), and my Heatmor (Female, White Smoke).

  6. #6
    Does it look like I care? Advanced Trainer
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    It depends on who's asking...

    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    I'll enter with Lloyd Irving *Blaze Kick (Gallade,M,Justified) and Undine *Shell Blade (Slowking,F,Regenerator)

    Are you ready for this?
    Vs Seeker
    Adventure, another Pokemon Forum
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  7. #7
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    As I thought, this filled up very quickly, so we will go straight into the first round!

    Round One

    The light show was a bit drab to be honest, but there's some kind of light in the sky, growing brighter as it comes towards you. Holy crap, look at the size of that thing! A huge space ship is floating in the sky above you. Its presence is causing all the electrical equipment to go haywire, and there are lights and lasers beaming in every direction. The light show is causing whoever or whatever is flying the ship to get disorientated, and the ship is in danger of crashing into the mountainside. It's left to you to provide a clear landing space for the ship by whatever means necessary.

    Using one pokemon, and four move, clear a space and provide guidance for the ship to make a safe landing. You'll be judged on efficiency, skill and the least amount of damage caused by the ship. There will be no elimination's in this round.

    You have one week to post your moves. Good Luck!

  8. #8
    Smell ya later! Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    Hippowdon! You're up!

    First use Bulldoze to clear out the area. Next use Ice Fang to freeze the land around you in a circle big enough to land the space ship. Thirdly, use Bite to bite off the rough areas to make the landing circle nice and smooth. Finish off with a Stealth Rock to form a barrier around the circle, so no one interferes with the landing. With this nice landing pad, the space ship should have to trouble landing!

    Vs. Seeker
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    I took some time and thought about getting you another Magnemite, but that would be hilariously redundant.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    Uhm, RaZoR, I'm sorry, forgot I already evolved him. It's a Metagross, I just forgot to put that in the VS. Seeker, so I screwed up. Hope that's not a problem! Anyway, let's get this rolling! I assume it's night?

    Metagross, let's show them how it's done!

    You need to get moving fast, so first of all, clear off the landing area of any wires and stuff that might block it with a quick Bullet Punch! Afterwards, make sure the ship is getting it's vision back by also making sure the lights are not distracting anyone anymore by focussing the light into a different direction with Confusion!
    [if it's night:] Now help the pilot to navigate by using Sunny Day, and follow up with a Telekinesis to ensure safe landing in case it's not avoidable.
    [if it's day:] Telekinesis the ship to ensure safe landing as you will never be able to hold back the whole ship, and then Giga Impact a big area for the landing, so the ship is not going to crash into anything, while being safe itself.

    hax activate, the ship might not even crash at all :'D
    Last edited by Puma; 12th August 2013 at 09:27 AM.
    Avatar drawn by the wonderful Cynder in reference to this! Go check her other art out! ^-^

  10. #10
    heyheyhey Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    I'll go with my Squirtle.

    Pretty simple here, Squirtle. Start with a Water Spout, then use Surf to keep all that water in place as a platform, as well as moving it towards the presumed landing area of the ship. Use Water Spout for the rest of the round, letting all that water merge with your current platform, hopefully providing as much of a cushion as you can.

    shows you what you get for not using evolved pokemon

  11. #11
    Does it look like I care? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    OK Lloyd to the stage. Rock Slide followed by bulldoze to clear the area of any debris and hazards. Then use Psychic to move the lights out of the way to clear the things vision and lastly Magical Leaf and make it go all around the area to signify a landing strip.

    Are you ready for this?
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    Adventure, another Pokemon Forum
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  12. #12
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    Okay, Pinocchio von Badass, you're up!

    Aim a Night Shade at those pesky lights to stop them from blinding the pilot. Then, conjure up two rows of Will-O-Wisp flames to create a visible landing strip. Use Psychic to clear the path for the ship to land and finish by coating the bottom of the ship in a Cotton Guard to cushion its landing.

  13. #13
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    Round One

    The ship sways overhead, and suddenly splits into five smaller ships, all of which are in distress. This is handy, since five different pokemon are going to help them land! Retconning ftw!

    Techy and Bertha
    Bulldoze - Ice Fang - Bite - Stealth Rock

    Techy and Bertha have a first attempt at landing a ship. Bertha hunkers down to the ground and sends out a heavy ripple that shoves dirt and rock out in a huge circle around her. She bites into the ground, an icy chill spreading out, but not quite far enough to make any sort of difference. Not put off, she trots around the edge, biting down on the larger chunks of rock, grinding them into smaller pieces, before finally summoning a stealthy assortment of large boulders to attack as a barrier around the bulldozed circle. The ship flies around in the air, but manages to land somewhat in the circle, despite bouncing off one or two of the rocks hanging around at the edges.

    A good demonstration of Bertha's attacks, you started off well clearing space with Bulldoze, but made a slip up with Ice Fang. The move is best used in close quarters and isn't designed for freezing large areas. Your final choice of moves caused some confusion, first you grind up rocks, only to replace them with more? Never the less, the ship managed to land despite sustaining damage from the rocks it was unable to avoid.

    Final Score
    8.0 / 10

    Puma and Sospidon
    Bullet Punch - Confusion - Sunny Day - Telekinesis

    Puma and Sopsidian take on the responsibility of another ship. Sobsidion speeds around, clearing the landing site of debris with punches thrown at bullet speed. Turning its attention to the random lights, a burst of confusion psychic energy.. would have put paid to the lasers, but bending light is beyond the powers of such a basic attack! Never the less, the Metagross glows with a dark bronze aura and the skies clear of any clouds, resulting in the moon fully lighting the landing site. Using all of its strength to guide the ship down with Telekinesis, the craft makes a bumpy, but safe landing.

    Good job tidying up the landing site. Getting the skies empty of clouds so the moon could act as a natural beacon was a nice touch. Confusion can't really do much to beams of light, it's meant to attack the senses, so it wasn't going to do much. Using telekinesis to help the ship down was a great idea, and even thought it looked like Sospidon was on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion, the ship got down with little trouble.

    Final Score
    8.5 / 10

    Ampharos and Squirtle
    Water Spout - Surf - Water Spout - Water Spout

    Ampharos and Squirtle step up next, and whilst Ampharos looks nervous about using an unevolved pokemon, Squirtle is determined to do well. The tiny turtle starts off with a powerful Water Spout, jettisoning gallons of water into the sky. As the water starts to fall, Squirtle whips it into shape, using a Surfing wave to pull it back into a constantly spinning platform of raging rapids. With not one, but two more Water Spouts to fill it, Squirtle can barely keep control of the chaotic maelstrom, and as son as the ship makes a dramatic splash down into it, Squirtle is thrown down by the disruption and the water goes everywhere.

    That's a hell of a lot of water, and with all the electrical equipment nearby, you're lucky nobody got shocked! Despite Squirtle having just as full a move pool as all the other pokemon taking place, you chose to stick with it's most basic of attack types. Water. Squirtle did a fine job keeping all that water in one place, but it was a little bit boring to be honest. At least the ship got down without any problems, let's just hope it's not leaking.

    Final Score SCORE OUT OF 10.0
    7.5 / 10

    Emerald and Lloyd Irving
    Rock Slide - Bulldoze - Psychic - Magic Leaf

    Emerald and Lloyd approach the landing strip. Lloyd begins by pulling rocks from the surrounding area into the ground and then bulldozing them to flatten out a big patch for the ship to land on. With his innate psychic powers he tosses the machinery aside, deactivating the lasers and flashing lights and providing the pilot a chance to focus on landing. A flurry of glittering magical leaves acts as a guide for the ship, and it makes a perfect landing on the pre flattened land.

    A good demonstration of clinical logic from Lloyd here. Clearing the space with Bulldoze has already proven to be a success, but you're the first pokemon to actually get rid of all the crazy lasers. The choice of magical leaf was a good one too, having plunged the mountain into darkness, their bright colours would have lit up a runway making it much easier for the pilot to land.

    Final Score
    9.0 / 10

    Oslo and Pinocchio von Badass
    Night Shade - Will O Wisp - Psychic - Cotton Guard

    Finally Olso and Pinoccio make an attempt. The sneaky Banette throws a burst of night at the lights, blocking them out and clearing the sky of distraction. With a ghostly flame in both hands, the fire shoots out to make a runway that shines in the night sky. Clearing the path with psychic, brushes debris to one side, and as the ship descends, a cloud of fluffy cotton spores lifts up to attach to the hull. Though the cotton provides some protection, most of it is crushed under the weight of the ship.

    An interesting take on blocking out the lights by overwhelming them with darkness. Since you didn't destroy any equipment, the science guys will be a lot happier with you. Again, you chose well to make a well-lit runway and did your best to clear the space suing the abilities at your disposal. I don't think Cotton was ever going to be enough to slow the ships descent, but it certainly softened the impact a little.

    Final Score
    9.0 / 10

    Round One

    =1st - Oslo / Emerald
    3rd - Puma
    4th - Techy
    5th - Ampharos

    If everyone is ok with the massive delay in getting this round up, I will post the requirements for Round Two soon as.

  14. #14
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Round Two

    The ships have made a successful landing, and the main doors are opening up. An alien emerges, a kind of purple octopus thing with a bubble helmet and a ray gun! Oh dear, it looks like the alien ship wasn't here for first contact but rather to invade, and you helped them get here! As the first aliens emerge from the ships, it falls to you to demonstrate that invading this planet wont be an easy task.

    Using both pokemon, and five moves between them, take on four aliens at once and show them that pokemon are a force to be reckoned with. The aliens will try and fight back, so a defence against their weapons should be on your priorities. You will be judged on your overall impression and how much of a beating you and the aliens take. Beware, the lowest total score at the end of this round will be eliminated! God Speed!

  15. #15
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    Still on hiatus, but I don't want to get thrown out of my first contest, and it doesn't take that much time so..

    This is going to be some tricky move, so listen up Sparkles. We are not going for brute force this time around, but for intimidation!
    First of all, i want you to unleash a rain dance, followed by a spinning thunderwave to hopefully get them all to spaz out and avoid them attacking us. Then, Sospidon, execute a strong Meteormash, followed by an Earthquake immediately afterwards. And to make this single punch seem even more devastating, I want you, Sparkles, to set a huge thunder up exactly when Sospidon hits one of the aliens! Don't fry him though. That would completely ruin the whole effect.

    Sospidon: So
    Sparkles: Sp

    [Rain Dance (Sp) ~ Thunderwave (Sp) ~ Meteor Mash (So) + Earthquake (So) + Thunder (Sp)]

    Going all in with highlighting Metagross' strength. (:
    Avatar drawn by the wonderful Cynder in reference to this! Go check her other art out! ^-^

  16. #16
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    Default Re: The Close Encounters Contest

    Hmm. This should be fun! Bertha, use Sandstorm to shroud yourself and Onix in sand, creating an illusion, which hopefully will freak the aliens out. Next, Onix, use Dig down and up to appear right behind the aliens, which will cause them to turn around to face you, and when they do, use Swagger on all of them. They will then be enraged and confused, so have Bertha use Earthquake, which will rock the alien's world.

    Sandstorm (Bertha) ~ Dig Down (Onix) ~ Dig Up (Onix) ~ Swagger (Onix) ~ Earthquake (Bertha)

    Vs. Seeker
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    I took some time and thought about getting you another Magnemite, but that would be hilariously redundant.

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