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Thread: Any Wrestling Fans on here?

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  1. #1

    Default Any Wrestling Fans on here?

    Just a little shameless promotion i wanna swing past you guys.

    As some of you know im becoming a bit of a Podcaster lately and one of my projects could do with some advertising.

    For the last year or so, myself and a pair of friends have been running a Wrestling Podcast that may interest. Its a PPV review using John Cenas career as the framing tool. We dont claim to be pros, we dont know all the ins and outs of the biz but between us we have...

    - Nik the host, that only got into Wrestling in the mid 00's so Cena is all he has known (hence the framing premise)...
    - Peter who watched through the 80's and 90's and came back to it but missed the rise of Cena
    - Myself who has been in and out of watching all my life but only caught bits here or there

    Follow the show on Twitter at (the hosts individual Twitters are there too) and the Podcasts themselves can be found both on ITunes (under IWChronicles) and

    We're not always right, we dont always make sense, but were opinionated and we swear alot, so there is that

    For reference we started with Vengeance 2002 and the last release is WM21. We also record live, usually bi-weekly and stream it on twitch though were obviously on break now for Christmas. We just got done recording WM22 so theres a few in the can being edited atm.
    Last edited by Ultimate Charizard; 17th December 2014 at 05:53 PM.

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  2. #2
    Thread Killer Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Any Wrestling Fans on here?

    Push Kofi Kingston

    That is all.

  3. #3
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Any Wrestling Fans on here?

    Big time wrestling fan but I'm in a weird place right now regarding the WWE. Started watching again in 2011 when I heard The Rock was back. Was disappointed that it was mainly for WrestleMania hosting duties but I stuck around mainly because I took one look at CM Punk and just had this feeling the guy was going to explode into one of their biggest stars (this was just prior to the 2011 "Summer of Punk" angle). Didn't take long before I started watching and enjoying many of the newer roster members such as Ziggler, Ryder, D-By, Del Rio and AJ Lee.

    Then the situation with Punk following the 2014 Royal Rumble occurred. Del Rio gets fired in August for a BS reason. Then the true story behind what happened to Punk comes out a week or two ago. Sure AJ is the best part of the Diva's division right now and Ziggler is finally getting a push again. However it doesn't help that 75% of the folks I enjoy watching have either been fired over stupid shit, are injured, stuck as jobbers or a combination of those things.

    I had a WWE Network sub but I've recently let that lapse. Part of it is me feeling that WWE is getting stale again and part of it is over some of the shady behind the scenes crap that WWE can sometimes be famous for. Right now me continuing to watch hinges on the 2015 Royal Rumble, what they plan to do with Sting, D-By's return and the setup for WM31.
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  4. #4
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Any Wrestling Fans on here?

    Wwe is still cool. Shaq vs big show was epic!!
    The Hero of Hyrule.

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