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Thread: Private Messages (Limits on)

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  1. #1

    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Hey. It's possible that there always was a limit, I just wasn't aware of it, but I only noticed with the new format that you now have a "limit" of 20 PMs. This I found rather distressing as I had about 54 (including sent), and it took my a while to while that number down to 18, but I'm now unsure about somethings. Mainly this;

    If I was PMed while I had too many PMs, will this stop me from receiving that PM?

    If I weren't half-expecting a PM from some people I'd just brush it asside and guess I didn't get any, but this is really starting to bug me.

    Plus I'm gonna have trouble keeping to 20... but that's my problem...

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  2. #2

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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Quote Originally Posted by Darien Shields
    If I was PMed while I had too many PMs, will this stop me from receiving that PM?
    Yes. The sender of the PM would be given an error upon sending the PM stating that your inbox was full.

    If you really need to keep PMs, just save them locally as text files or something, or opt to have E-Mail notification when someone sends you a PM and use the E-Mailed copy of the PM as your "backup"...

  3. #3

    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    On the old vB my PM box was unlimited and I had close to 400 in there, then on the update I had to reduce that to less than 70... fun ~_~

  4. #4

    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Well... I seem to remember the old limit being around 50 or so... I have 48 and I wasn't planning on cleaning out until I got two more (I'm lazy), but now I guess I'd better get on that...

    Quote Originally Posted by PancaKe
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  5. #5
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Do different people have different PM limits? O_O

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  6. #6
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Yes, it depends on your level of access I think.

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  7. #7
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    70 PM Limit 4 Supermods.

  8. #8
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    70 for less-than-supermods, too, it seems.

  9. #9
    Veteran Trainer
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    I am sure you can change this "limit" somewhere around the CP?

  10. #10

    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    That would be a pretty strange limit, you know, the kind that's not really a limit, but you can break if you want to? Yeah, you know what I mean. I still think 20's way to low. I'm gonna have to, I dunno, kill a mod and take there inbox. Either that or... become a mod. I dunno. The first sounds easier.

    Question: Which one of you mods is most likely to die of a heart attack? I'm just asking.

    I guess whatshisface had teh right idea with the text copies... Chris. Wow, is he related to Brit Chris? Maybe he's like the international version...

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  11. #11

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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Quote Originally Posted by Darien Shields
    I guess whatshisface had teh right idea with the text copies... Chris. Wow, is he related to Brit Chris? Maybe he's like the international version...
    I'm not related to Brit Chris, honest... I live in England and everything, but I swear I don't know him and I'm not his brother...

    Anyway, the whole save-as-text-file or E-Mail method is what I've used in the past and it's always worked perfectly for me. It's useful for important PMs too.

  12. #12
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Oh. I'll consider using that feature one of these days.

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  13. #13
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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    One Word. Email.

    This is not spam, i will say more things so it is not two short sentences. blah blah blah.

  14. #14

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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Hunter, why did you bump this?

  15. #15
    Master Trainer
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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Good work necroing!!

    I'm sure if you had some dramatic life threatening PMs that you don't want to delete, then you'd save them anyway to a document or something. Just delete the others; I don't see the point in keeping them.

  16. #16
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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Sorry to bring up a dead topic, but I have a point to make.

    On most forum systems, you can have the limit for PMs set to 10000 and it won't make much of a difference. I'm on some other forums and my limits 1000 and I've used up 2/3's of it or so and the IPB people haven't complained.

  17. #17

    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    If you really want to talk about PMs so much, maybe you should start a new topic? Gawd knows this one's died enough.

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  18. #18

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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Nah, I don't mind people bumping old topics here (no matter how old they are) as long as the posts are relevant to the topic. It's not the most active of forums anyway.

    The reason we don't set the PM limit to something stupidly high is because knowing some people here, a number of users would choose to fill their PM boxes to 10,000 and would still have the audacity to ask for more (not naming any names), which would fill up our disk quota considerably...

  19. #19
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    50 seems a much more reasonable number.

    PS - Why haven't you fixed my forum subscription problem?

    Winner of the 2009 Zing, the 2010 Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!, the 2011 Conventioneers, the 2012 Me loved ponies first, and the 2013 Cool Unown Awards

    "Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it." - A Softer World

  20. #20

    Default Private Messages (Limits on)

    Amen to that! I've wanted to subscribe to the Other Pokemon Games Forum for yonks now. Uuh, that was your problem, right? You didn't want to say, unsubscribe? 'Cause I'm fine for unsubscribing, I like having Fan Fiction and TWL... But yeah.

    I would like to gripe about the low limit on PMs, but there seems little point, as it wouldn't make you change it, would it?

    Possibly temporarily back. Again.

  21. #21

    Default Whoa.

    I just checked my PMs and my limit is now 40. Either somebody accidentally modded me *checks status*, no, or they've been increased! Thank you whoever did this!

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  22. #22

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    Default Private Messages (Limits on)


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