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Thread: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

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  1. #1
    Cloyster Moderator
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    Default 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    It's that time of the year again. The air is crisp up north and growing warmer down south. Kids are busy picking out costumes and dreaming of that night of collecting candy. And here at TPM, it's time to kick off another year of the Unown Awards!

    So, most of you know how it works, but for the uninitiated:
    The first round is the nomination round, where we pick people for each award. With 26 Unowns representing letters, for each letter you pick both a member and something that has to do with that member and starts with that letter. The exclamation mark award is usually given out for something surprising or exiting, and the question mark award is usually given out for something strange/questionable/unusual/mysterious/etc. To give you an idea, Here's a list of last year's winners. The nomination round lasts two weeks, so that puts the deadline for nominations at the evening of October 29, 2011 my time.

    Don't feel obligated to put in a nomination for each Unown award, and you are allowed to go back and edit your nominations before the deadline. If you're still not sure how it all works, check out the threads for last year's Unown Awards in the Main Archive forum.

    After the nomination round, will come the voting round, which will last a week. The voting round is typically followed by the tiebreaker round, which also lasts a week. If there's a tie in the tiebreaker round, it goes into sudden death, where the first vote decides the winner, but each member is only allowed to cast a single vote.

    So get nominating! Post your noms here or send them to me via PM if you so wish.

    To wrap this post up and officially kick of the 2011 Unowns, time to give credit to:
    -Kevin, for creating TPM, and to the rest of the forum staff
    -Lady Vulpix and The_Missing_Link, for originally approving the Unown Awards
    -Dark-San and Number1ChanseyFan, for hosting the annual Unown Awards in past years.
    -Everyone who has participated in the past years' Unown Awards and have made them a success!
    Last edited by Jeff; 15th October 2011 at 09:12 PM.
    Winner of the Unown Awards: 2008 "Hard Work", 2010 "Dedicated", 2012 "Journalist", 2012 "Unown", 2013 "Anchorman", 2014 "Unown", 2015 "Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff!"

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    Joined November 8, 2004 - Modded October 24, 2008

  2. #2
    Cloyster Moderator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    I'll start this off with some of my nominations, more may come later

    B - Brony - RedStarWarriror
    D - Dedicated - Telume, for everything he's done for TPM, and continues to do
    F - Facebook Stalker - ChobiChibi, for finding out about Drago's engagement before anyone else
    I - IRL - Asi, For organizing our first TPM meetup
    M - mrs_pikachu - Becky, Because it had to be done
    S - Super - Gavin Luper, for being TPM's newest supermod, and for just generally being super
    X - Xtreme Poster - kurai, for all those posts in the post count capsule
    ! - Ash is a loser! - Gary Oak
    Last edited by Jeff; 20th October 2011 at 11:45 AM.
    Winner of the Unown Awards: 2008 "Hard Work", 2010 "Dedicated", 2012 "Journalist", 2012 "Unown", 2013 "Anchorman", 2014 "Unown", 2015 "Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff!"

    Facebook - YouTube - Miiverse
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    Joined November 8, 2004 - Modded October 24, 2008

  3. #3
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    First time I've ever nominated anyone; let's see if I can do this right.

    SB Hero - DarkestLight - For being a machine in ASB.
    Dedicated - Fanfiction Mod Team - For handling one of the worst breakdowns in TPM history speedily and efficiently.
    Effectively Drunk - MeLoVeGhOsTs - See G.
    Grammatically Correct - mr_pikachu - For obvious reasons.
    Mt. Mooninite - shazza - Stay classy.
    Never Give Up - Ayeun - Despite her unfavorable battle record, Ayeun is always willing to put up a fight.
    Obtuse - Charles Legend - What does it even mean?

  4. #4
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    F - Facebook Stalker - ChobiChibi, for finding out about Drago's engagement before anyone else
    Becki Hudd likes this

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  5. #5
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Jaywalking - Jay.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Jaywalking - Jay.

    Hero - Heald - For helping rescue one of the greatest members this forum has ever seen from the inexorable wrath of the TPM staff.
    Last edited by Jay; 16th October 2011 at 07:26 AM.

  7. #7
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Jaywalking - Jay.
    I endorse this.

    I wonder if I'll get by without nominating anyone for a third year?

    Winner of the 2009 Zing, the 2010 Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!, the 2011 Conventioneers, the 2012 Me loved ponies first, and the 2013 Cool Unown Awards

    "Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it." - A Softer World

  8. #8
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Ooh, I like the design of the awards

    I'll make this more complete later, but I'll just nominate someone for now as I'm very distracted by homework!

    Bear-Bear... Yes, I'm nominating you for an award called Bear.
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
    (q)ueenly (2012), (y)ara sofia with Oslo (2012), (l)egalized (2014), (d)ream (2015), (a)ctive (2019), and (e)ighth generation unown awards! thanks TPM!

    member since day 1

    TPMNoVA12 ~ Hopes and Dreams ~ Team Birdo
    TPMUK12 ~ Drink the Pounds Away ~ Groceries

    3DS Code: 3325-3072-6715
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    You Are Awesome.

  9. #9
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    And the nominees are…

    A: Artist – Mikachu: Not only has he done sigs for members on TPM, but he also provided inspiration with his thoughts on what it is to truly BE an artist.

    B: Bold – Heald: He shows no fear when giving his opinions, which is a positive but daring choice.

    C: Calm - Lady Vulpix: I think she’s been able to withstand many accusations and was able to respond maturely and kindly.

    D: Docile – mystic_clown: At least, that what I perceive.

    E: Entei – Magmar: OK, he’s a fire type, and it’s a legend here in TPM.

    F: Family – TPM forums: Well, last year the board got an award, so this year can’t be the exception, right?

    G: Grammar Nazi – Gavin Luper: Well, he said he became one.

    H: Humble – mistysakura: I think this adjective fits her. Those who know her know what I mean.

    I: Invaluable – Jeff: He’s done a lot for the TPM site project, so he’s an invaluable member.

    J: Jolly – Asylinne: Yep. Pretty self explanatory.

    K: Keen – Knight Of Time: on his speed my friends… on his speed.

    L: Leonheart – Telume: Take the good qualities of this character: Quiet, Thoughtful and dedicated to his job. Plus his nickname is Leo.

    M: Missingno - Number1ChanseyFan: The no. 1 Celebi fan is missing for quite some time.

    N: New – Becky – She’s a new member, and has been one of the fastest to familiarize herself with the whole TPM community.

    O: Overlord – Gary Oak: < That!

    P: Pimp – shazza: well, that what he looks like on his pic.

    Q: Quirky – Mr.E: self-explanatory… a peculiar mystery.

    R: Racer: Roy Karrde – OK, in a race you compete to win… know what I mean?

    S: Sturdy – Blademaster: Yep, sometimes he’s been well described, sometimes, not too much. But he’s still here and kicking…

    T: Treasure – dratinihaunter13: he managed to pull out a treasure from a floppy disk.

    U: Undine: Crystal Tears – Not by voice, but by words.

    V: View – Chobichibi: Viewing fb and spreading the news.

    W: Wonder writer: mattbcl: Ask him for his ability to write… you’ll see what I mean

    X: Xenodocheionology – mvtm: check out her apartment (in the picture topic, of course).

    Y: Yoyo – Fett One: He comes and goes but he’s an active member.

    Z: Zero – Oslo: Meaning like the character from the megaman series: might not be a protagonist, but it’s a cool and well-appreciated member.

    ?: O_o?– MaxXD001: The impression left on many TPMers.

    !: I’m back! – mr_pikachu: He’s back, and back for good I believe!
    Last edited by Shadow Wolf; 17th October 2011 at 07:54 AM. Reason: Fixing a typo I didn't notice for a while.

    Optimist award 2012.

    “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” (Linda Grayson)

    Thank you everyone... for being so kind and for bringing out the best in me! You are definitely awesome! ^_^

  10. #10
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    B- Brandy's Beloved Ben- Mystic Clown, my wonderful fiance and future husband <3
    C-Conventioneers- Jeff, Bear, Kuro Espeon, Redstarwarrior, Asilynne, and Mystic Clown, for attending the TPMNoVA Convention!
    D-Dino Man- Mew Master, for his work as an archeologist
    E- Excellent friend- Darkestlight, he'll joke around but hes there when you need him ;D
    G- Game Expert- Blade, he is a game encyclopedia!
    H-Hardcore TPMer- Mikachu, he is the most hardcore fan of TPM I know!
    I- Inspiring- Crystal Tears, she always inspires awesome works of art/rpg posts
    K- Koalito- Mystic Clown, Ana's nickname for my Australian <3
    L- Like a sister- Kuro Espeon, she's just like a sister after all these years!
    M- Musical Genius- Chobichibi, I don't understand half the things she says when you get her started on music <3
    Q- Quiet- Jeff, he is very quiet but thats not a bad thing!
    U-Upsidedownland- Every TPM Australian , because they are upside down
    V- Visa Buddy- Redstarwarrior, for going through the same process as me and giving me advice
    W- Wise- Shadow Wolf- Words of wisdom my friend!
    ?- Any of you cunts want a drink? -Heald, for his awesome sig ;D

    Will complete over time ;D
    Last edited by Asilynne; 27th October 2011 at 10:59 AM.

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  11. #11
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    C - Cheesecake - Bear (He makes good cheesecake.)
    D - Dream Team - Heald (Best modding partner; glad I suggested him for Misc.)
    J - Jaywalking - Jay (Always doing something illegal.)
    K - King of Mt. Moon - shazza (Shannon suggested the name and we took it and ran.)
    O - Organizer - Asilynne (Organized TPM NoVA 2011.)
    Q - Quiet - Jeff (Reserved, but it's not a bad thing.)
    R - Reliable - kainashi (Great mod after all these years; glad I suggested him for Mt. Moon.)
    T - Third Wheel - DragoKnight (He's the odd-mod-out in Misc.)
    W - Watchful - Gabi (Our only active Admin; someone's got to do it!)
    Last edited by RedStarWarrior; 19th October 2011 at 01:20 AM.

    Winner of the 2009 Zing, the 2010 Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!, the 2011 Conventioneers, the 2012 Me loved ponies first, and the 2013 Cool Unown Awards

    "Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it." - A Softer World

  12. #12
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    P: Photographer - MVTM. Have you seen her posts at the Picture Topic? If you haven't, I recommend that you go and check them out.

    R: Resurrection - mr_pikachu. You know why.

    Q: Quick - Becky, for her immediate rise to fame among the forums as soon as she joined.

    E: Endurance - classy_cat18, for keeping up the hard work even at the worst times.

    H: Hair-trigger - Knight of Time. If you play Hangman and/or BrainStrain, you'll know why.

    T: Treasure - Shadow Wolf. He not only runs the two games mentioned above and is good at playing them, but he also came up with the idea of making a special place on TPM to store everyone's winnings.

    I: Improvement - DarkestLight, for the amazing improvement his writing has undergone this year. Just read his posts at the Battle Range and the Dragon Games!

    S: Super - Gavin Luper, for his promotion to supermod but also for his super efficient work. Now I see he's already been nominated for that, so I'll support Jeff's nomination.

    D: Dragon - Hypotenuse Man, for his dedication to Dragon Tamers and for winning the Dragon Games.

    M: Multilingual - Mikachu.
    Last edited by Lady Vulpix; 18th October 2011 at 02:50 PM.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  13. #13
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    B- BrainStrain buddy- Shadow Wolf (I'm really glad to have him as a co-worker in the game)
    R- Return- Lady Vulpix (for giving me the opportunity to work at Goldenrod Tower again in AC/CC)
    L- Lingo is back!- Lady Vulpix (for bringing this game back)
    S- Super- Gavin Luper (for becoming TPM's newest Super Moderator)
    W- Welcome Back- Jay (for getting back his old account and also for coming back to AC/CC; I figured I can give you a second chance there Jay, so there you go)

    That's all I have for now...if I come up with more, I'll post them later on.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  14. #14
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    P - Promotion - Gavin Luper, for his new position.

    R - Republican - Roy Karrde, for presenting every GOP view in every discussion on the board.

    V - Virus - Classy Cat, for helping deal with a recent hacker attack that royally screwed up the fanfiction section.

  15. #15
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Thanks for the nomination Grey, I am effectively drunk, to drunk to post my own nominations actually.


  16. #16
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Aphasic: Charles_Legend
    Booze: MeLoVeGhOsTs
    Censor: Lady_Vulpix
    Dedicated: DarkestLight
    Ecletic: shazza
    Fickle: RedStarWarrior
    Grammar Nazi: mr_pikachu
    Haapavesi: Mikachu Yukitatsu
    Indifferent: kainashi
    Judicator: Greyfox
    Kick-Around: Heracross
    Liquid: Crystal_Tears
    Musician: ChobiChibi
    Noble: Mystic_clown
    Old Meme: Master Rudy
    Pedo: Roy Karrde
    Quiet: Shadow Wolf
    Royal: Heald
    Stacked: Kuro Espeon
    Tech Support: Telume
    Unfriendly: firepokemon
    Veteran: Magmar
    Webmaster: Jeff
    Xenodochial: Asilynne
    Young: mymyilikepie
    Zelda: Knight of Time
    Where Are They Now?: Kevin
    Promotion!: Gavin_Luper
    Last edited by Blademaster; 20th October 2011 at 02:56 PM.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

    HEY! I do art commissions! Follow me and my pals on their website here!

  17. #17
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Adorable - ChobiChibi (aww)
    Bro - DragoKnight (for being a massive bro to me)
    Crazy - Mikachu (seriously dude, you crazy)
    Deserving - Gavin Luper (deserves Supermodding like a boss)
    Engaged - Asilynne
    Fiance - Mystic_clown
    Generosity - Lady Vulpix (giving Jay a second chance)
    Hipster - kainashi (for his hipster Ariel avatar)
    LOL - Gary Oak
    Mt Mooniest - shazza (self explanatory)
    Negro Amigo - DarkestLight
    Postcount - kurai (for racking up an impressive reply rate in the Mt Moon thread)
    Return - mr_pikachu (he returned, fuck you)
    Singularity - Jay (for transforming Fanfic into a single thread)
    Trolololo - RandySavage
    World Collision - RedStarWarrior (change your name back to World Collision if you win this award)
    Zionist - Zak (won't shut up about Jews)

    What the Fuck? - MaxXD001 for his fucking weird antics
    GET OUT! - kainashi (since he loves this smiley so much)
    Last edited by Heald; 23rd October 2011 at 03:30 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  18. #18
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Heald: thanks, but he owes it to you above all. For that, I will nominate you for Forgiveness.

    Blade: it's not censorship if you can still see it. You only have to click.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  19. #19
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Espada - Telume (his avatar)
    Wait, What? - Gavin Luper (my reaction to his drunken posts)
    AAAARGH! - Those trolls from Cosmo Forums

    I'll most likely have more.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  20. #20
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Frumpiest - Blademaster (doesn't he just seem frumpy all the time?)
    Unwavering - Mystic_clown (methodical)
    Chiester - Kuro Espeon (she's mah chiester!)
    Kitty Advisor - Asilynne (inside joke)
    Eclectic - DarkestLight (just came to me)
    Rrrrrr, g - DragoKnight (YOU MUST LOSE SOMETIME!!!)
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
    -Benjamin Franklin

  21. #21
    Just Too White & Nerdy Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    Frumpiest - Blademaster (doesn't he just seem frumpy all the time?)
    Unwavering - Mystic_clown (methodical)
    Chiester - Kuro Espeon (she's mah chiester!)
    Kitty Advisor - Asilynne (inside joke)
    Eclectic - DarkestLight (just came to me)
    Rrrrrr, g - DragoKnight (YOU MUST LOSE SOMETIME!!!)
    I see what you did there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Asilynne View Post
    L- Like a sister- Kuro Espeon, she's just like a sister after all these years!
    D'aww shucks. -^_^-

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    Stacked: Kuro Espeon
    Why thank you, Blade! XD

    I'll be getting my nominations up soon. Stay tuned!

    **Winner of the "Most Mysterious Character" Award (2009)**
    Sanya Halvacor - Kingdom Heartless

    Kuro's quote fav:
    "Take whatever you want, just don't headbutt me." - Bear

  22. #22
    Cheesecake! Moderator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Poke - ChobiChibi (IT'S ON! D<)
    Why Linux is better.

    Can't live without IRC.

    Happy 10 Year Anniversary Mikachu:

  23. #23
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Hrm. I got 6 nominations left to post.

    Addicted: Hypotenuse man. Im addicted to Kurtzwick
    Battle: Classy! Rematch...soon. Sometime.
    Competent: Greyfox, for being a great remodaddition to ASB.
    Drunk: Muggles! He can't even read this
    Extraridiculous: DarthCookiemonster and that damn battle I'm reffing...
    Facebook: I think its Drusilla :/ Im bad with IRL names.
    Gansta: Dragoknight. He pulled a knife on me on MSN. Shit got real.
    Hustler: Knight of time. Brainstrain, s'all I gotta say
    Invincible: Oslo. Guy comes back, wins 6 matches, and vanishes.
    Kind: Shadow Wolf. Only person I know that minds what he says diligently :O.
    MSN: Asilynne -Wait til the wedding. XD
    New: Gavin Luper and being new Supermod.
    Obvious: papabopp.
    Photographer: mvtm, I still want that camera
    Quest driven: WEEZY who's gone now u_u.
    Renegade: Ayeun
    Spell check: Lady Vulpix. Again. Brainstrain.
    Technosavvy: Telume & Jeff really, Both worked on getting that site back up.
    Vanished: Metallix Girl!
    Watching: Blademaster. Seriously. Yer borderline stalking. lol
    Zen: Mystic Clown
    WHATCHAGONNADO! - Randysavage Simply cause of the TPM centric jokes that came from it XD.
    What the ? -Charles Legend- Only person I know that sends me a contest appeal write up in PM and wants me to grade it.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  24. #24
    Just Too White & Nerdy Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Here are my nominations (so far)
    A: Always A.W.O.L. - Pokemaster Kevin
    B: Brother Bear - Bear (cause he's my brother and he's a Burrrrr)
    C: Crazyass Motherf**ker - Darkestlight (seriously dude, you're crazy as hell, I but <3 you XD)
    E: Everybody WINS – All TPMers far and wide.
    G: Get Along or GTFO – Heald (for putting up with all of the bickering in DBSU)
    H: Hyperactive - ChobiChibi
    I: IHOP Club – Asilynne, ChobiChibi, Crystal Tears, Kuro Espeon (we’re a group, lol)
    J: Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff - Jeff ('nuff said)
    K: Kangaroo Jack - Mystic_Clown
    L: Like Family – Asilynne (mah sista from anotha mista!)
    M: Moderating Real Life - Jeff
    N: Never Say Die – Asilynne & Mystic Clown (for continuously reviving ISSTBU)
    O: Over the Hill – Outlaw JT
    P: Puts the Kettle On - ChobiChibi
    Q: Quotable – Bear
    R: RPG Mistress - Crystal Tears
    S: Sig Master - Mikachu
    T: Trippy – Shazza (dude, seriously, your sig trips me out)
    U: Uber Mush – Asilynne & Mystic_Clown
    V: Video Game Aficionado - Blademaster
    W: Welcome Back – Mewtwo-D2
    X: Xtra Sexy - All the ladies of TPM
    ?: Do I have to lick it? - Redstarwarrior

    If I think of any more I'll edit them in.

    **Winner of the "Most Mysterious Character" Award (2009)**
    Sanya Halvacor - Kingdom Heartless

    Kuro's quote fav:
    "Take whatever you want, just don't headbutt me." - Bear

  25. #25
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuro Espeon View Post
    J: Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff - Jeff ('nuff said)
    Lol is this what I think it is?
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
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  26. #26
    Just Too White & Nerdy Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    Lol is this what I think it is?
    Yes. Yes it is. XD

    **Winner of the "Most Mysterious Character" Award (2009)**
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  27. #27
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    B. Bride - Asilynne, my bride-to-be
    C. Cheesecake - Bear, now make me some more!
    I. I love cats! - Kuro Espeon, I love every kind of cat!
    J. Join - Jasae Bushae, now jooooiiiiinn
    L. Lightning Farron - Crystal Tears, the face of Final Fantasy!
    N. Neckbeard - Mew Master, who else?
    P. Pumpkin - Chobichibi, no Pumpkin, it's not play time!
    T. Team Fortress 2 - Blademaster, who is really a spy!
    W. Welcome - Shadow Wolf, Welcome to RPG!
    Last edited by Mystic_clown; 26th October 2011 at 05:07 AM.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  28. #28
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Mystic_clown View Post
    Team Fortress 2 - Blademaster, who is really a spy!
    AND an Engineer. Figure THAT one out.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  29. #29
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    d'awwww, so glad you guys liked my chizcake! I'll definitely make some for next year's convention, so y'all better make it!
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
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  30. #30
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Cheesecake... That's one of the things I definately can't eat on this diet I'm on...

    Heck, I have to stay away from anything that contains cheese... I'm dying for a cheeseburger right now, but my doctor would kill me...

  31. #31
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    alright, i joined XD

  32. #32
    Just Too White & Nerdy Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    d'awwww, so glad you guys liked my chizcake! I'll definitely make some for next year's convention, so y'all better make it!
    Yes, I should say so, considering two different people NOMinated you for a Cheesecake award.

    **Winner of the "Most Mysterious Character" Award (2009)**
    Sanya Halvacor - Kingdom Heartless

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  33. #33
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuro Espeon View Post

    for the love

    of all

    that is holy...
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
    -Benjamin Franklin

  34. #34
    Just Too White & Nerdy Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post

    for the love

    of all

    that is holy...

    You love me, don't deny it. XD

    **Winner of the "Most Mysterious Character" Award (2009)**
    Sanya Halvacor - Kingdom Heartless

    Kuro's quote fav:
    "Take whatever you want, just don't headbutt me." - Bear

  35. #35
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    'A'gent - RedStarWarrior (modding both TPM and, previously, the green forum)

    'B'urning - firepokemon (this is not a joke, it's an universal truth)

    'C'larinet - ChobiChibi (told you she plays it)

    'D'eism - Kevin (Deism is a belief where God has created the Universe but then left it be)

    'E'picentre - Mew Master (read his Godzilla fic for some epic disaster)

    'F'luent - Jasae Bushae (I think we haven't had anybody nominated only a day or two after he joined, so this is the real chance!)

    'G'rey Text - Greyfox (the newesr ASB mod deserves a nomination as well)

    'H'ermit - Gavin Luper (at least he's said he has been living like one)

    'I'magination - Mystic_clown (there come ideas for many RPGs)

    'J'ajajaja - Shadow Wolf (keep on that way of laughing)

    'K'ilt - Heald (Scottish color FTW)

    'L'-Fangirl - Asilynne (insert your Death Note reference here)

    'M'andala - Magmar (likes to use Sailor Senshi attacks in his posts)

    'N'o Capitalization - kainashi (yeah, kurai does this too, but there's another award for him)

    'O'bscure - Charles Legend (what did he just say)

    'P'wn - DarkestLight (pwns at ASB)

    'Q'uistis Trepe - Oslo (hot for the teacher)

    'R'AGE - Blademaster (ask the guy himself for an explanation, and what happens may be what explains)

    'S'peed - Knight of Time (too fast to post)

    'T'eam Pub - MeLoVeGhOsTs (he said he'll be one if ASB will have teams)

    'U'-Turn - DragoKnight (not only plays Starfox 64, but also makes surprising moves in Misc)

    'V'erbs - mr_pikachu (something true grammar masters HAVE to KNOW how to USE)

    'W'orld Of Warcraft - Master Rudy (if it weren't for him, who would keep us up-to-date there)

    'X'-Rated - Drusilla (hide your children, she's at Mt. Moon!)

    'Y'ou - You (yes, I'm shamelessly stealing this from Blademaster, he proposed this for the reader already in 2008)

    'Z'antetsuken - Crystal Tears (she would look fine with Odin's Decapitalization Iron Sword)

    '!'Mt. Moon For Postcount! - shazza (one of the most notable Postcount++ TPMers is now associated with a forum with no postcount)

    '?'What's For The News? - kurai (for providing everyday news in Postcount Capsule)

  36. #36
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post
    'Q'uistis Trepe - Oslo (hot for the teacher)

  37. #37
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Indeed, I forgot it was Master Rudy who said that. Sorry. But I won't change it, which I'm also sorry for.

  38. #38
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    You can change the award for Master Rudy, and change the W award for Oslo. Maybe give him a "W"eight-lifter for lifting his girl, woot (or maybe "W"oot itself, lol)

    Optimist award 2012.

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  39. #39
    Cloyster Moderator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    If anyone else has any nominations, be sure to get them in soon! Voting starts tomorrow!
    Winner of the Unown Awards: 2008 "Hard Work", 2010 "Dedicated", 2012 "Journalist", 2012 "Unown", 2013 "Anchorman", 2014 "Unown", 2015 "Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff!"

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  40. #40
    Cheesecake! Moderator
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    Default Re: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    Has anyone nominated Bear for Bat Flea yet? 'cause if not I totally am.

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