NOTE: All credit for the original idea goes to Razor Leaf, as he started the original one in RBY. However, seeing as Razor Leaf doesn't come on as often anymore, Crazy (Jim Crill) started up the R/S Monotype Challenge, and I got permission from him to start this, seeing as he doesnt have enough time.

Seeing as alot of people have beaten Diamond and Pearl, and may already be getting bored of it (as I have) I figure that we as well start up a new monotype challenge, however, this time on Diamond and Pearl!

The Rules are simple: (Thanks to Razor Leaf/Jim Crill once again for the rules)

* You play through Diamond/Pearl using pokemon of only one type (including Dual types who must share the chosen type)
* If your chosen starter is not of the type you picked, you are forbidden to use it(Except to catch your 1st type.)
* No matter how stuck you get you must not use any other types.
* You are allowed to use only ONE set of TMs. This includes trading between other versions.
* Trades are allowed as long as they are of that type.
* After you pass certain events or feel the need to update, you reply to the topic with details on how your progress is going, the status of your team, how hard it is, etc.
* You may have only ONE member of a family in your team. That means no duplicating a pokemon to fill your spots. No having two Pikachus to fill out your team.
* HM Slaves are allowed
* The Challenge is truly completed once you have defeated the Elite Four.

I don't think I left much out, so without further ado, let's start it up! *Cuts Rope*

As for me, I think I'm gonna have to do something easy to begin so... Electric Types?


Just before I go, I should ask... do you feel we should be able to trade for our starting pokemon or should we stick with just catching them in the wild? For example, I could get a Chinchou or something as my starter via a trade, or should I just catch a Shinx?