Quote Originally Posted by Bulbanews
The newest rumors on the Nintendo front claim that industry officials are reporting that development kits for the successor to the Nintendo DS, known colloquially by fans as the "DS2", have been distributed to several studios. Details such as the console's formal name and specs are as of yet unknown, but it seems that Nintendo is planning for a late 2010 or early 2011 launch.

Supposedly, The Pokémon Company is one of the first firms to be working on the device. An insider from gaming site CVG states the following:

Quote Originally Posted by CVG insider
It's genuinely the best thing I think I've ever worked with. I can tell you that it's got a 'tilt' function that's not dissimilar to iPhone, but does a lot more. We know that The Pokémon Company are getting special attention with it.
This rumor comes with Nintendo's Q1 Media Summit in San Francisco just a week away, as well as the 2010 Game Developers' Conference just around the corner. A formal announcement of some sort is expected soon.
While the Rumor of a DS successor been floating around for a while It dose make Sense that a DS successor is on it's way.

Also could The Pokémon Company are getting special attention with it be do to the fifth gen just a though? Hum it could be a possibility and if it's true the fifth gen may turn out to be lunch titles or close to it anyways.

~Charles Legend