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Thread: 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

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    Cloyster Moderator
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    Default 2011 Unown Awards: Nominations

    It's that time of the year again. The air is crisp up north and growing warmer down south. Kids are busy picking out costumes and dreaming of that night of collecting candy. And here at TPM, it's time to kick off another year of the Unown Awards!

    So, most of you know how it works, but for the uninitiated:
    The first round is the nomination round, where we pick people for each award. With 26 Unowns representing letters, for each letter you pick both a member and something that has to do with that member and starts with that letter. The exclamation mark award is usually given out for something surprising or exiting, and the question mark award is usually given out for something strange/questionable/unusual/mysterious/etc. To give you an idea, Here's a list of last year's winners. The nomination round lasts two weeks, so that puts the deadline for nominations at the evening of October 29, 2011 my time.

    Don't feel obligated to put in a nomination for each Unown award, and you are allowed to go back and edit your nominations before the deadline. If you're still not sure how it all works, check out the threads for last year's Unown Awards in the Main Archive forum.

    After the nomination round, will come the voting round, which will last a week. The voting round is typically followed by the tiebreaker round, which also lasts a week. If there's a tie in the tiebreaker round, it goes into sudden death, where the first vote decides the winner, but each member is only allowed to cast a single vote.

    So get nominating! Post your noms here or send them to me via PM if you so wish.

    To wrap this post up and officially kick of the 2011 Unowns, time to give credit to:
    -Kevin, for creating TPM, and to the rest of the forum staff
    -Lady Vulpix and The_Missing_Link, for originally approving the Unown Awards
    -Dark-San and Number1ChanseyFan, for hosting the annual Unown Awards in past years.
    -Everyone who has participated in the past years' Unown Awards and have made them a success!
    Last edited by Jeff; 15th October 2011 at 09:12 PM.
    Winner of the Unown Awards: 2008 "Hard Work", 2010 "Dedicated", 2012 "Journalist", 2012 "Unown", 2013 "Anchorman", 2014 "Unown", 2015 "Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff!"

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    Joined November 8, 2004 - Modded October 24, 2008

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