How did I get frozen?

Quote Originally Posted by Ayeun View Post

Fire suppression system: A system implanted to protect the gardens. Has 6 settings. Starts at 0 (default).

0. No change. Battle acts as normal. The level of sun in this stage is equivalent to ‘Sunny day’.

1. Rain effect. Battle field under effect of Rain dance/Rain conditions.

2. Mist effect. Covers entire battle field.

3. Haze effect. Covers entire battle field.

4. Fog effect. Covers entire battle field in a thick layer of fog. Reduces accuracy by 50%.

5. Heavy Rain. Fire, ground and rock types take damage per turn. Solar beam takes an extra round to charge. Doubles the effect of Hydration, Water Dish, Swift Swim, and Dry skin. If thunder is used, its chance of being protected or Detected goes from 30% to 15%.
Sunny day

Level 0 is Sunny day. You can not be frozen during 'intense sunlight' (sunny day)