I have caught both Unown (J) and Mewtwo since my last check in.
Level 39 now. Pikachu community day was spent mostly at home, mass-evolving stuff using Lucky Eggs for the extra XP. Went to a park for a while to catch some Chus, but only one shiny. Dratini day was better. 100+ caught, 8 shinies, and it was a park I hadn't been to yet in a biome I'm not familiar with so I had like 8 Pokedex additions that day.
PINK DRAGONAIR IS MY FAVORITE POKEMON NOW! I wanna make her my signature gym drop, since I don't last long as a Valor in my area anyway so what's the point of Blisseying.
I have vacation plans in a few months that will net me Mr. Mime, Lunatone, and Volbeat.