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Thread: Call for Pokemon smilies!

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  1. #1
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Exclamation Call for Pokemon smilies!

    First of all, I'm happy to announce that we're reaching the end of 2011 with a full set of Pokemon smilies up to Gen 4 inclusive. This took a lot of work, considering we started the year with only the first 251. Now, all we need is the Gen 5 smilies to have the full set (for now). I have already made a few, but I must admit I'm rather tired of making smilies, so I will appreciate some help.

    So here's the deal:

    What we need:

    Smilies for all the Pokemon that are not yet on the list. The smilies must be:

    -Exactly 32×32 pixels in size.
    -In GIF format with transparent background.
    -With the bottom line containing at least one non-transparent pixel.
    -Similar in quality to the smilies we already have.

    What you can do:

    1. Make a new smilie from scratch (this is the hardest option, but in some cases it's the best you can do).
    2. Grab a small image from the web and edit it to fit the size and/or look good enough.
    3. Pick an existing smilie of a similar Pokemon and edit it to look like a new one.
    4. Merge different smilies in order to get one which looks better than either one of them.
    5. Find a smilie that already fits the criteria for the list (this may only be possible in rare cases). If you do this, please cite the source.

    I have done all the things above in order to complete generations 3 and 4. If you have other ideas, you can put them into action as well.

    If you don't know how to make smilies, you can still suggest a smilie for someone else to edit. Suppose you come across a smilie that looks mostly good but perhaps it's a pixel too big, or the border is incomplete, or the colors are a bit off... then you can post it here so that someone retouches it and gets it ready for the list.

    What you must not do:

    -Do not post the tiny smilies from the game as they come: while they're 32×32, the visible image is usually too small, it lacks detail and the colors are off. You can use those smilies as a base to make your own (like I did with Skuntank and Darkrai), but the end result must be good enough for the list.

    -Do not grab a larger image, shrink it to 32×32 and post the result without editing it first. The result of that process is usually a blur of partially blended colors. You can shrink an image as the first step in the process of making the smilie, but then you'll have to draw the borders and fill in the missing details. (That's how the Glaceon smilie was made, though I'm not too proud of that one. Fixing resized smilies is HARD!)

    -Do not post images you've found that look nothing like the original Pokemon (anything horribly disproportionate, or anything you have to stare at for a while before you can tell what Pokemon it is). Of course, you can edit them and then post the result.

    That's it for now. Once the first smilies are posted, I will edit this post to include a list of
    contributors with their respective contributions.

    These are the Gen 5 smilies we have so far:

    Last edited by Lady Vulpix; 31st December 2011 at 08:19 AM.

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