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Thread: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

  1. #241
    Jr. Comp. Tech Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Another great duel, this time with the major Fire monsters shining (including a Little Slugger - or Bat Boy, whichever version of a particular show you've watched - hitting a few out of the park) and new Worms taking the field. The cards used by Edmund in this one makes me wish Konami would finally release the Duel Terminal cards outside of Japan. Ah well, guess we'll end up having to wait on that...

    On the negative side, it seems to me that Edmund wasn't on his A-game this time around. For one, he took Ember a little too lightly. Had he known what she was truly capable of, I'm sure he would have avoided toying with her so much. Also, it seems strange that he'd leave his journal behind. If it was really that important to him, wouldn't he have tried to save it as he escaped? On the positive side, though, I think it's safe to say we haven't seen the last of him. For all we know, pretty soon could become an even graver threat than DaPen is right now...
    Computer problems? Contact Serv U 724 and Tune it up, Back it up, Keep it up.

  2. #242
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    I've gotten no confirmed reports, but I believe that the Duel Terminal sets will indeed be made available for the TCG soon. (After all, the new booster packs have some X-Saber and Flamvell support, which isn't much use without them.)

    Yes, it is odd that Edmund left the journal behind. It's possible that he did so by accident, but far more likely that he did so on purpose for some reason. Why? You may find out sooner than you think...

    And I will confirm right now that we haven't seen the last of him yet.

  3. #243
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Great duel, Brian. I liked how an old fire monster, UBB, was able to wreck Ed's (censored) so bad because he didn't research the card. Then he goes and breaks the Treaty onl y to realize that his flash bomb had lied about the duration of its effect and was off by half, so he had to flee like a coward. ^_^

    On the good side, we can be sure that Edmund's not going to have any friends when he eventually falls.

    I also liked the file, but that means I'll have to rewrite my story a bit...
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorak
    Ever wonder what it'd be like if a person who could barely speak English were to rom-hack one of the Pokemon games, replace the characters, plot, and Pokemon with ones of his own creation, while at the same time making a terrible mockery of the English language as a whole?

    Of course not. Because that'd suck really, really hard. Unfortunately, even though you didn't think about it, this guy did.

  4. #244
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Author’s note: As those who play the game know, the September 2009 Forbidden/Limited List brought some rather intense changes. Monster Reborn is gone, and replaced by Call of the Haunted, Dark Strike Fighter is now illegal (thank goodness) and so are Crush Card Virus and Card of Safe Return.

    However, like I said before, that will not affect this fic. If I write a follow up to this fic down the road, I’ll go with whatever list is most recent at the time. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.


    The story behind the weapon DaPen was about to use against Shichiro is long and mysterious. According to legend, soon after Duel Disks began to be used, duelists heard about a mysterious shopkeeper who lived in the rural part of Domino City. This shopkeeper had a very powerful Spell Card, and if you asked him for it, he’d give it to you, for free. No strings attached, he’d give you this powerful card for absolutely nothing.

    Thing was, everyone who accepted this gift never kept it for long. After using it once, it scared them almost to death. Whether they won or lost, they didn’t dare use it again, and went back to that shopkeeper, and practically begged him to take it back. He did so, and the cycle repeated time and time again.

    It is believed that the King of Games himself owned this card, and used it against a foe that even he was unsure he could beat. He won the duel, but even he was scared of the card’s dark power. Even he went back to the shopkeeper to give it back.

    It’s been years since then, and it seems that somewhere in Neo Domino, maybe in the slums of Satellite, maybe in the more rural parts of the city itself near Bootleg, the same shopkeeper is still in business, still willing to give the card to anyone who thinks he’s brave enough…

    Because Louis DaPen was the most recent owner…

    Shichiro turned the key, and the padlock on the door opened with a click.

    He opened it slowly.

    “That was almost too easy,” said Ember.

    Shichiro nodded.

    “He wants us to come…” he replied.

    They walked in, and down the unlit hall, towards the door that led to the office where both of the previous duels had taken place.

    Shichiro opened the door to the office, and reached for a light switch. The lights went on before he found one.

    There was no sign of the illithid. His briefcase and laptop were on his desk. And sitting on the couch…

    “Jinx! Gears!” shouted Shichiro.

    It was them. They were sitting on the couch, staring straight ahead, seeming not aware of the presence of anyone else in the room.

    Shichiro rushed up to them and shook Jinx a little.

    “Come on, people!” he pleaded. “What did he do to you?”

    “Gears!” said Ember. “Come on! Can’t you hear me?”

    “Oh, he can,” said DaPen’s voice. “But he can’t do much in the way of responding.”

    Shichiro turned around, and saw the illithid sitting at the desk, again in his true form, typing something on the laptop.

    “Psychic teleportation, huh?” he asked.

    “It’s called psychoportation,” replied DaPen, “but yeah.”

    “What did you do to them?” screamed Ember.

    “I merely disabled the part of their brains that enables them to access their motor functions,” replied DaPen. “Sort of a psionic-induced paralysis…

    “But fear not, it’s only temporary… I have no use for a pair of living dolls…”

    “Then what do you plan to do them?” said Shichiro with a scowl. “I know that you illithids have only two uses for humans – food and slaves.”

    DaPen stopped typing.

    “Well, that’s a pretty broad generalization,” said DaPen. “As far as slaves go, there are several types. An illithid doesn’t trust the same slave that mops his floors with the same duties as the one he uses as a bodyguard, you know.

    “You see, Mr. Osaka, one of my immediate goals is to unite several clans of Shadowkind that dislike the Shadowchasers under my leadership. Form a united group to oppose Jalal.

    “But my attempts to do so thus far have not met with much success…”

    “Because very few Shadows in their right minds would ever trust an illithid,” said Shichiro.

    “To put it bluntly, yes,” replied DaPen. “But I’ve always felt that actions always spoke louder than words. After all, the ancient illithid empire gained a great deal of respect when they harnessed the Power Primordial and used it to build whole worlds…

    “Anyway, I thought I could use a display of the Regalia’s might to impress them, but as you know, that plan almost led to disaster.

    “But I had a brainstorm… What if I presented to them all three of the Shadowchasers in Neo Domino, defeated and under my complete control? It would be a show of my superiority over the Shadowchasers like none other…

    “However… I’m no fool… I’ve seen enough movies to know that when you brainwash someone this important, it never lasts long, especially when such people have an organization as powerful as Jalal’s ready to retaliate.

    “I needed to do something to you three that Jalal simply couldn’t reverse. Illithids reserve this for slaves who are too important to ever lose, and even then they don’t use this frivolously…”

    “What are you talking about?” said Shichiro, getting nervous.

    “Thralls,” said DaPen.

    Shichiro looked at him.

    “Thralls?” he said, making a face. “What the hell is that?”

    “Thralls are special slaves brainwashed via a long and complex psionic ritual,” replied DaPen. “It’s almost like reconfiguring a hard drive, except that it’s done to a living brain. It can’t be reversed, and it ensures complete loyalty forever.”

    A look of panic crossed Shichiro’s face. He looked at Jinx and Gears.

    DaPen stood up.

    “Don’t panic, Mr. Osaka, I haven’t done it yet,” he said. “Doing it is so exhausting, it incapacitates an illithid for several days, rendering him helpless. In fact, a thrall’s first job is most often to guard his master while he recovers.

    “And no sane illithid wastes his energy doing the ritual on one subject at a time. If he can do it on a small group at once, he does so.”

    “You were waiting for all of us to get here?” said Shichiro. “I don’t know whether to feel flattered or nauseous.”

    “If you’re going to be sick, please don’t do it in here,” replied DaPen. “I just had the carpet shampooed.”

    “DaPen, do you realize the trouble you’re in?!” shouted Shichiro. “You’ve got a Sector Security docket a mile long, we have proof that you’ve consorted with practitioners of the dark arts, approved of illegal summoning rituals, brainwashed innocents, and stolen a magical item capable of being used as a weapon of mass-destruction! And now this!”

    “Can I help it if I’m a workaholic?” asked DaPen.

    Shichiro held his forehead.

    “You aren’t a crimelord any more, DaPen,” said Shichiro. “You’re a terrorist leader.”

    He held his Disk out in front of him.

    “Jinx couldn’t stop you… Neither could Gears… But I swear on all that’s holy, your streak ends now!”

    Both Duel Disks activated. Lightning flashed outside. It seemed that the angry clouds were mounting a second attack…

    (Shichiro: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (DaPen: 8,000)

    “I’ll make the first move…” said DaPen.

    He drew a card.

    “I summon Krebons,” he said.

    Once again, the Psychic Tuner covered with binary symbols appeared. (1,200 ATK)

    “Psychic Monsters used by a psychic monster,” said Shichiro. “Real original.”

    DaPen paused for a minute. He wasn’t used to duelists who actually knew what Psychic Monsters were.

    He took two more cards from his hand.

    “I’ll end with these…” he said.

    They appeared facedown in two flashes of light.

    “My move!” said Shichiro, drawing a card.

    He looked at the six cards in his hand.

    “I summon Warrior Dai Grepher!” he shouted.

    Grepher slowly materialized. (1,700 ATK)

    “Hold it right there, Mr. Osaka,” said DaPen.

    One of his facedown cards lifted up.

    “I pay 1,000 Life Points to activate this… It’s called Monster Register.”

    Before Shichiro’s eyes, a large, cartoonish cash register with a demonic face appeared next to DaPen. It dinged, and rang up a four.

    Then a long tongue shot out, and grabbed four cards off of Shichiro’s deck.

    “HEY!” he shouted. “What gives?”

    “Monster Register demands a cost for summoning Monsters,” replied DaPen. “Grepher is Level 4, so summoning him costs four cards from your deck.”

    Shichiro glared at him.

    So he’s playing a Mill Deck now? he thought.

    He looked at Krebons.

    If I attack, Krebons’ effect will save itself. But it will cost DaPen 800 Life Points, which is more than he’d lose if the attack went through…


    “Grepher, attack!” he shouted.

    Grepher swung his sword at the harlequin…

    “I activate Krebons’ effect!” shouted DaPen.

    Grepher’s sword was halted by a sphere of force.

    “I end my turn!” shouted Shichiro.

    (S: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 6,200)

    DaPen drew a card quickly.

    “I summon Psychic Snail,” he said.

    He played a card, and the semi-humanoid mollusk appeared next to Krebons. (1,900 ATK)

    The Monster Register rang up a four again, and snatched four cards off of DaPen’s deck.

    Huh? thought Shichiro.

    “Psychic Snail,” commanded DaPen, “attack Grepher with mind thrust!”

    The Snail concentrated, and shot a wave of pure mental energy at Grepher. He was blown to shards.

    What sort of a Mill Deck involves attacking? thought Shichiro.

    “I move Krebons to Defense Mode,” said DaPen.

    Krebons knelt and shielded itself. (400 DEF)

    “…and I end my turn…”

    (S: 7,800) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 6,200)

    Shichiro drew a card.

    He chose one, and set it on his Disk. A facedown Monster appeared.

    “Smart,” said DaPen. “Monster Register can’t do anything if the Monster’s Level can’t be determined.

    “No matter… I doubt you can win this duel without attacking.”

    “Just shut up and move…” said Shichiro.

    DaPen drew a card.

    “I’ll also set a Monster,” he said, as a reversed card appeared.

    “Then I’ll attack with Psychic Snail!”

    Psychic Snail shot its mind thrust at the facedown Monster…

    Command Knight appeared, crouching in Defense Mode. (1,900 DEF)

    “Okay, so that was a draw,” said DaPen. “I’ll set one more card, and end my turn.”

    Anther reversed card appeared.

    Shichiro made another draw.

    This is gonna cost me some cards, he thought, but I can’t just defend if I want to win.

    “I summon Axe Raider!” he shouted.

    Axe Raider appeared with a fierce battlecry. (1,700 ATK) –> (2,100 ATK)

    Monster Register rang up four again, and grabbed four cards off of Shichiro’s deck.

    “Where’d you get that weird Trap anyway?” he asked.

    “The internet,” replied DaPen. “This Trap was the key card of a Pro League duelist who at one point owned the best Mill Deck ever built.

    “The thing was, Monster Register is devastating to both players, so he used a Monster called Trap Sluzer to protect him from it. It only had 800 Attack Points, but so long as it was in Attack Mode, both he and every card he controlled were unaffected by Traps.”

    “Like a one-sided Royal Decree?” gasped Shichiro.

    DaPen nodded.

    “If you think it was broken, you’re right,” he replied. “Whoever designed it thought that a low Attack Score would make it balanced. He was wrong. Low Attack Scores benefit Monsters more than they hinder them.

    “Trap Sluzer could be summoned with Mystic Tomato, searched for with Sangan, summoned from the Graveyard with Limit Reverse, and protected with Heart of Clear Water, among other things.

    “After this guy finally lost a duel, and everyone found out that he lost, people watched him closely, and some folks at KaibaCorp wondered why Trap Sluzer hadn’t been outlawed a long time ago. It got the axe, and his ranking in the Pro League dropped like an anchor.

    “But Monster Register still fits my needs…”

    “No kidding?” said Shichiro, as Command Knight moved to Attack Mode. (1,600 ATK)

    “Axe Raider, stomp his Snail!”

    Axe Raider swung his axe, and Psychic Snail was blown to chunks.

    Command Knight swung her sword at the facedown Monster. Doctor Cranium appeared on the card, and exploded into shards.

    “I activate Doctor Cranium’s effect,” said DaPen. “I pay 800 Life Points, and I get to take any Psychic I want from my deck.”

    He got what he wanted from his deck, and reshuffled.

    “I end my turn…” snarled Shichiro.

    (S: 7,800) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 5,200)

    DaPen drew a card, and looked at it.

    One of his facedown cards lifted.

    “I activate Psychic Overload,” he said. “Now, I take three Psychics from my Graveyard, and shuffle them into my deck…”

    He took three cards from his discard slot, and reshuffled.

    “Then I draw twice…”

    He made two draws.

    If DaPen had a mouth that was capable of smiling, he likely would be doing so from ear to ear at that point.

    “Ahem,” he said with a cough, as he played another card. “I play Monster Reborn.”

    The holy ankh appeared glowing with fire, and Psychic Snail appeared again. (1,900 ATK)

    The monstrous cash register dinged, and snatched four cards off of DaPen’s deck.

    “Now, I summon Power Injector,” continued DaPen.

    A lumbering brute of a Monster appeared. It looked like Frankenstein with a blue jacket, and two tanks full of red liquid on its hands. (1,300 ATK)

    The cash register dinged again, and took four more cards.

    “DaPen, let me explain the concept of a Mill Deck to you…” said Shichiro. “You’re supposed to deplete your opponent’s deck, not your own!”

    “And just what makes you think I’m using a Mill Deck?” asked DaPen. “Maybe Monster Register has a far deeper meaning than that, and you just don’t realize it.

    “While you’re thinking about that, I’ll move Krebons to Attack Mode…”

    Krebons stood up. (1,200 ATK)

    “Then I’ll pay 600 Life Points to use Power Injector’s effect, and increase the Attack Scores of all my Psychics by 500 points for one round.”

    Psychic Snail rose to an Attack Score of 2,400, Krebons rose to 1,700, and Power Injector itself rose to 1,800.

    This isn’t good… thought Shichiro.

    Psychic Snail let out its mind thrust, and Axe Raider shattered into pixels. Then Power Injector blasted a spray of fluid at Command Knight. She screamed as it soaked her, and then she shattered.

    Then Krebons fired a burst of binary symbols at Shichiro, hitting him directly.

    “Ergh!” he groaned.

    “I’ll throw down a facedown, and end my turn,” said DaPen, “as one great duelist used to say…”

    A facedown card appeared. All three of the Psychics lost the 500-point bonus.

    (S: 5,600) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 4,600)

    “Lovely…” said Shichiro, drawing a card.

    He looked at the six cards in his hand, and chose four.

    “I set a Monster, and throw down three reversed cards!” he shouted.

    A reversed Monster and three Spell or Trap Cards appeared.

    “It’s your move…”

    “Then I’ll activate two Trap Cards,” said DaPen.

    His two facedown cards lifted up.

    “One, Life-Absorbing Machine.

    “Two, Psychic Rejuvenation. This Trap restores my Life Points by 1,000 for each Psychic Monster I have.”

    (S: 5,600) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 7,600)

    “Now, it’s my draw…”

    He drew a card.

    “And thanks to Life-Absorbing Machine, I gain 300 more Life Points.

    “Then I’ll pay 600 so that Power Injector can use its effect again…”

    Power Injector glowed, and all three Psychics gained 500 Attack Points.

    “Then, I’ll pay 800 Life Points to use Psychic Snail’s effect. By forfeiting its attack, another Psychic, like Power Injector, can attack twice.

    “Heck… I’ll make the payment twice, so that Krebons can do it too!

    “So… Power Injector, attack his Monster!”

    Power Injector blasted its vile fluid at the facedown Monster…

    Big Shield Gardna appeared on the card, and Power Injector was thrown backwards by the backlash. (2,600 DEF)

    “You think you’re so smart,” growled DaPen. “Well, now your Big Shield moves to Attack Mode…”

    Big Shield Gardna stood up. (100 ATK)

    “Power Injector… Attack again!”

    Power Injector fired a second time…

    “Activate… Ready for Intercepting!” shouted Shichiro. “Now, Gardna moves back to reversed Defense Mode!

    “And I chain Emergency Provisions to it, to gain 1,000 Life Points.”

    The second facedown card lifted, and Gardna was replaced by a facedown card. Power Injector was thrown backwards again.

    DaPen’s eyes burned with anger as Gardna moved to Attack Mode again. (100 ATK)

    “Krebons…” he said.

    Then he paused. He noticed Shichiro’s last facedown card.

    “I… don’t think so…” he said. “I end my turn…”

    (S: 6,600) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 3,800)

    Shichiro drew a card.

    “I set one card,” he said, as a facedown card appeared.

    “Then, I sacrifice Gardna…”

    Big Shield Gardna vanished.

    “To call forth Freed, the Matchless General!”

    With a blinding light, the boss of the Warrior class of Monsters appeared, his decorated armor and rune-covered sword gleaming, and his blonde hair moving as if it was in a breeze. (2,300 ATK)

    “Oh, I’m so scared…” mocked DaPen.

    Monster Register rang up a five, and snatched that many cards off of Shichiro’s deck.

    “I’ll show you scared!” shouted Shichiro. “Destroy Power Injector!”

    Freed leapt into the air, and brought his sword down on the Psychic on the way down. There was an explosion, and Power Injector was no more.

    “Ergh…” muttered DaPen.

    (S: 6,600) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 2,800)

    “It’s your move, DaPen…” said Shichiro.

    DaPen drew a card.

    “First, I gain 1,100 Life Points from Life-Absorbing Machine,” he said.

    “Now, the time has arrived… Time to bring out my ultimate weapon…

    “But first, I play Giant Trunade!”

    “Eh?” said Shichiro, as the facedown card appeared. A wind blew over the field, and Monster Register, Life-Absorbing Machine, and his facedown card blew off the field. Both cards reappeared in their owners’ hands.

    “Monster Register has served its purpose and is no longer needed,” said DaPen. “Time to unveil my true strategy…”

    Lighting flashed as he fit a card in his Disk.

    “I play… Underworld Circle!”

    As the Spell Card appeared, a larger bolt of lightning struck, and the lights in the room went out.

    “Huh?” said Ember.

    “Another blackout?” said DaPen. “I’m going to have to have a word with that electrician…”

    “I’m not sure it was the wiring…” said Ember, pointing to the Spell Card that was just played.

    It was glowing with an eerie light…

    “Ah, yes…” said DaPen. “This gets a little complicated, so listed closely. First, Underworld Circle destroys all Monsters on the field.”

    “Huh?” said Shichiro.

    Then he stepped back in shock as a wave of black fire blasted over the field, incinerating Krebons, Psychic Snail, and Freed.

    “Next,” continued DaPen, “we both remove from play all Monsters remaining in our hands and decks.”

    “You gotta be kidding!” shouted Shichiro.

    “Sacrifices must be made to unleash the tremendous power of this card, Mr. Osaka,” said DaPen. “And, might I add, you have no choice.”

    DaPen placed the remaining Monsters from his deck in his jacket, and Shichiro placed his in a pocket in his coat.

    “Now that that’s done,” continued DaPen, “the benign effects of this card come into play. We are each able to Special Summon any Monster we desire from our Graveyards, and disregard the summoning conditions.”

    Shichiro looked at him.

    “Seriously?” he said. “Then I choose this guy!”

    Gilford the Legend appeared in an aura of dark energy. (2,600 ATK)

    “And I choose Krebons,” said DaPen, as the Psychic Tuner appeared, also in an aura of dark energy. (1,200 ATK)

    “And that’s not all… We can each do that during every one of both of our Standby Phases.”

    Shichiro looked dumbfounded.

    “This card…” he said. “How did you get it?”

    “There are ways of getting anything…” said DaPen. “The King of Games once owned this card… He used it in his second duel against the one duelist who had beaten him. He knew that a second defeat was not an option.

    “But even he felt fear when he saw this card’s power. Everyone who has owned this card seems to think it’s cursed…”

    “I don’t blame them…” said Ember.

    Then they heard a loud whir, and the lights went on again.

    “See?” said DaPen. “My emergency generators just kicked in. I’ll bet you thought that the so-called ‘curse’ killed the power.

    “Humans are such fools… They’ll believe in the craziest things… Curses, superstitions, good luck charms… the Easter Bunny…

    “One of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen humans believe in is that a rabbit’s foot is good luck. Don’t those idiots realize that the rabbits they come from weren’t very lucky?”

    He fit two cards into his Disk, and they appeared facedown.

    “I end my turn…” he said.

    Shichiro made a draw.

    He looked at the four cards in his hand.

    “Don’t forget,” said DaPen, “Underworld Circle activates during each of our Standby Phases.”

    “Then I choose to summon Command Knight!” shouted Shichiro.

    Command Knight appeared in the same dark aura. (1,200 ATK) –> (1,600 ATK) Gilford rose to an Attack Score of 3,000.

    “And I choose Psychic Commander,” replied DaPen.

    The metal-faced officer with a saucer-shaped tank for a lower body appeared in front of him. (1,400 ATK)

    Shichiro took the card that DaPen’s Giant Trunade had blown back to his hand, and set it back in his Disk. It appeared facedown.

    “Gilford, attack Psychic Commander!” shouted Shichiro.

    Gilford leapt at the much smaller Monster.

    “Not so fast!” shouted DaPen, as one of his facedown cards shot up. “I’m getting rid of him, by activating Dimensional Prison!”

    Gilford vanished into ripples of light.

    Shichiro sneered.

    “Attack Krebons!” he shouted.

    Command Knight rushed at Krebons.

    “Once again, I use its effect,” said DaPen.

    Command Knight’s sword bounced off an invisible shield.

    “Fine,” said Shichiro. “You can’t do that forever. I end my turn.”

    (S: 6,600) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 2,000)

    DaPen quickly drew a card.

    “Now my Circle’s effect activates again,” he said. “I choose to summon Genetic Woman.”

    In the same dark aura a female figure appeared. She wore a cowl that looked like a she-leopard’s mane, a black, leather bodysuit, had a large, mechanical, claw on her right arm, and a weapon of some sort mounted on her left wrist. (1,700 ATK)

    “I choose Big Shield Gardna,” said Shichiro.

    Gardna appeared, kneeling behind his shield. (2,600 DEF)

    “Then I use Genetic Woman’s effect,” replied DaPen, “paying 1,000 Life Points to retrieve a Monster that has been removed from play.”

    Genetic Woman glowed with red energy, and a card appeared in DaPen’s hand.


  5. #245
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Continued from last post:

    “Now that that’s done,” he said, “I’ll use Psychic Commander to give her a Tune-up!”

    Psychic Commander’s visor opened, revealing glowing eyes. Then it and Genetic Woman formed into seven glowing stars that slowly formed into a tall shape…

    Shichiro and Ember couldn’t believe what they saw. The Synchro Monster was only too familiar – the tall Warrior in primitive armor, with a helmet made from the skull of a steer, with two swords on his back… (2,200 ATK)

    “X-Saber Urbellum!” gasped Ember. “That’s Jinx’s card! You’re using Jinx’s card!”

    “Jinx doesn’t seem to mind,” replied DaPen. “Do you mind, Jinx?”

    “DaPen…” growled Shichiro.

    “Lower your voice,” said DaPen, as a Spell Card appeared. “I play Enemy Controller.”

    Big Shield Gardna struggled, but he couldn’t resist. He stood up into Attack Mode. (100 ATK)

    Krebons blasted its binary attack, and the Warrior was blown away. Shichiro cringed.

    “Urbellum,” commanded DaPen, “strike down Command Knight!”

    X-Saber Urbellum drew one sword, and lunged at the female Warrior.

    “I don’t think so!” shouted Shichiro, as his facedown card lifted up. “I activate… Shrink!”

    Urbellum fell to an Attack Score of 1,100.

    DaPen growled, and threw another Quickplay Spell into his Disk. Mystik Wok appeared in front of him, and Urbellum vanished into grains of light.

    “Now I gain Life Points equal to his Defense Score instead of losing any,” he said.

    “And it’s your move…”

    (S: 5,500) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 2,300)

    Shichiro drew again. Underworld Circle glowed again.

    Shichiro waved his arm, and Freed the Matchless General appeared. (2,300 ATK) –> (2,700 ATK) DaPen pointed, and Mind Master appeared. (200 DEF)

    Shichiro growled, and Command Knight slashed with her sword, cleaving Mind Master in two. Freed tried to attack Krebons again, but the invisible shield protected it again.

    “I end my turn,” said Shichiro.

    “And once again,” said DaPen, “Life-Absorbing Machine activates.”

    His facedown card lifted.

    (S: 5,500) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 1,500)

    DaPen made a draw.

    “I gain 500 Life Points from my Trap Card,” he said, “then I use Underworld Circle to summon Mind Protector.”

    A small robot that seemed to be made out of gold, silver, and sapphires appeared next to Krebons. (2,200 DEF)

    “And I choose Obnoxious Celtic Guardian,” replied Shichiro.

    The elven swordsman appeared, brandishing his blade. (1,400 ATK) –> (1,800 ATK)

    “Now, I Tune both my Monsters together…” continued DaPen.

    Krebons and Mind Protector dissolved into five glowing stars.

    Could it be? thought Shichiro.

    It was. Ally of Justice Catastor appeared on the field in front of DaPen. (2,200 ATK)

    “DaPen!” screamed Shichiro. “You’re nothing but a thief!”

    “I beg to differ, Mr. Osaka,” replied the illithid. “I’m a great thief.

    “Attack his Matchless General! Platinum prism blast!”

    Catastor fired its death ray, and Freed was obliterated.

    “It’s your move…”

    (S: 5,500) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 2,000)

    Shichiro looked at his deck, which was now down to only eight cards.

    He made one draw.

    “All right DaPen,” he said, “first I’m using your Spell Card to summon Junk Synchron.”

    The cute robot Tuner appeared in front of him. (1,300 ATK)

    “And I’m summoning Psychic Commander again,” said DaPen.

    The not-so-cute robot Tuner appeared on the opposite side of the field. (1,400 ATK)

    “Now, I play Mystical Space Typhoon!” he shouted.

    He played the card, and the cyclone blasted Life-Absorbing Machine to pieces.

    “Damn…” said DaPen.

    “Next, I play Monster Reborn!” exclaimed Shichiro.

    The ankh appeared, and Skelengel appeared next to Junk Synchron. (900 ATK)

    “Now to use one of my own Synchros…”

    Junk Synchron yanked the ripcord on its waist, and both Monsters glowed. They split into five glowing stars…

    Junk Warrior appeared with a roar, its eyes fixed on DaPen with a look of pure anger. (2,300 ATK) –> (2,700 ATK)

    “By the way, DaPen,” said Shichiro, “I’ve seen Gears duel enough times to know that only a Dark Monster can win a battle with Catastor…

    “Well, guess what Attribute Junk Warrior is?

    “Get it! Attack with scrap fist!”

    Junk Warrior’s jetpack ignited, and it flew at the Ally fist-first. It socked the Machine in the front, and Catastor shattered into burning wreckage.

    “Ergh…”muttered DaPen.

    “Command Knight, destroy Psychic Commander!” shouted Shichiro.

    Command Knight rushed at the Tuner with her blade held high.

    “Not so fast!” shouted DaPen. “I activate its effect, and pay 300 Life Points to lower Command Knight’s Attack Score by the same amount!”

    Psychic Commander blasted its cannon, and Command Knight was blown to particles.

    (S: 5,400) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 1,200)

    “My move!” snarled DaPen, who was now just as angry as Shichiro was.

    Underworld Circle glowed, and Urbellum appeared on his side of the field. (2,200 ATK) Command Knight appeared on Shichiro’s side. (1,600 ATK)

    “Now, I sacrifice Urbellum…” continued DaPen.

    Urbellum vanished.

    “…to summon Storm Caller!”

    In a blast of wind, the same Psychic that DaPen had used in his duel with Gears to summon Thought Ruler Archfiend appeared. (2,300 ATK)

    “No way…” said Shichiro. “Where did he come from? I thought your deck had no more Monsters in it!”

    “Think back,” said DaPen. “Think back to when I used Genetic Woman’s effect.”

    Shichiro thought back. Then it came to him.

    “Then I use Genetic Woman’s effect, paying 1,000 Life Points to retrieve a Monster that has been removed from play.”

    “Oh, yeah…” said Shichiro.

    “I toss two cards facedown and end my turn!” shouted DaPen, as two facedown cards appeared.

    Shichiro drew a card.

    I don’t know what he’s planning to do with Storm Caller, he thought, but I doubt I’m gonna like it…

    “I use your Circle to summon Command Knight again,” he said.

    Command Knight reappeared. (1,600 ATK) Junk Warrior’s Attack Score increased to 2,700.

    “And guess who’s back?” asked DaPen.

    Psychic Commander reappeared on his side. (1,400 ATK)

    “Junk Warrior,” shouted Shichiro, “destroy Storm Caller!”

    Junk Warrior flew at the windy Psychic.

    “I activate both my Trap Cards!” shouted DaPen. “First, Draining Shield!”

    His first Trap Card lifted, and Junk Warrior’s scrap fist slammed into an invisible shield.

    “Second, Compulsory Evacuation Device, to get rid of your recycled Synchro.”

    His other facedown card lifted, and Junk Warrior was thrown backwards, vanishing into nothing.

    Man, he thought of everything! thought Ember.

    Shichiro looked at the field. He looked at Psychic Commander.

    He’s not gonna fool me with that thing again, he thought.

    Obnoxious Celtic Guardian crouched down in Defense Mode. (1,200 DEF)

    He glared at DaPen.

    (S: 5,400) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 3,500)

    DaPen drew a card.

    “Let’s use the Circle one last time,” he said. “I summon Mind Protector.”

    Mind Protector appeared in Defense Mode. (2,200 DEF)

    “I’ll summon my own protector,” said Shichiro, as Big Shield Gardna appeared. (2,600 DEF)

    “And that will be the last time,” said DaPen, holding up a card. “I play Mystical Space Typhoon!”

    A tornado ripped over the field, and the Underworld Circle was blown to shards.

    “What?!” gasped Shichiro.

    “Now neither of you can summon anything!” shouted Ember.

    “Not quite,” replied DaPen. “I can summon one more Monster, and once I do, I won’t need any others.

    “You ever wonder the true reason why Divine hated me, Shichiro?”

    Shichiro just looked at him.

    “Divine thought himself a master of psychic power, and also of Psychic Dueling,” said DaPen. “He thought that his Thought Ruler Archfiend was the most powerful Psychic Monster in existence…”

    Storm Caller and Psychic Commander faded into nine glowing stars.

    “But when he confronted me, I proved him wrong, by showing him a Psychic Monster of even greater power that he had never even heard of…

    “I Synchro Summon… Hyper Psychic Blaster!”

    In an explosion of energy, the stars coalesced into an eight-foot-tall humanoid in high-tech, futuristic armor, holding a heavy-duty laser rifle in each hand. (3,000 ATK)

    “AHH!” screamed Shichiro.

    Then he shielded himself as the Monster’s twin guns fired, blowing Big Shield Gardna to atoms.

    “By the way,” said DaPen, “when Hyper Psychic Blaster battles a Monster in Defense Mode, and its Attack Score is higher, the difference is taken out of your Life Points.

    “And what do you know? Those Life Points go straight to me.

    “And by the way, I also have Mind Protector. It prevents all Monsters except Psychics from attacking unless they have more than 2,000 Attack Points.

    “I end my turn, and I pay 500 Life Points to keep Mind Protector.”

    (S: 5,000) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 3,400)

    Shichiro started to sweat heavily. He drew a card.

    He placed one card in his Disk, and a facedown card appeared.

    “I end my turn,” he said.

    DaPen growled and drew a card.

    “My patience is wearing thin…” he muttered.

    “I play Enemy Controller!”

    “Wait!” shouted Shichiro. “You already used that!”

    “Oh, come on, Mr. Osaka,” replied DaPen. “You really didn’t expect a guy like me to only have one Enemy Controller, did you?

    “And this time, I’m using its second effect. I sacrifice Mind Protector to take control of your Command Knight.”

    Mind Protector vanished, and Command Knight was pulled over to DaPen’s side of the field.

    Command Knight looked like she was in a trance. She made a slash with her sword, and Obnoxious Celtic Guardian was blown to shards.

    “Well…” said DaPen. “Now that he’s out of the way, I see no reason not to...

    “JUST KILL YOU! Hyper Psychic Blaster attack directly!”

    The Psychic fired a dozen rounds of burning death, and Shichiro screamed as they stabbed into him. He was thrown against the wall with an audible splat.

    (S: 2,000) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 3,400)

    “Shichiro!” screamed Ember.

    Shichiro slowly opened his eyes.

    He slowly forced himself to a sitting position. Then to a standing position. He took some deep, gasping breaths.

    “Are you still trying to win?” asked DaPen. “What are you going to fight me with? You have no Monsters left, in case you forgot.”

    “Twenty-five percent…” muttered Shichiro.

    “Huh?” said DaPen.

    “That’s my chances,” said Shichiro. “See, my deck has four cards left in it right now…

    “And one of them is one that I can use to beat you… That gives me a twenty-five percent chance…

    “Feeling lucky?”

    Command Knight appeared back on his side of the field.

    He drew a card.

    “And here it is!” he shouted. “I play Soul Release!”

    “You think I’m scared of a card that lets you remove five Monsters in my Graveyard from play?” asked DaPen. “The one I have on the field is all I need!”

    “Not yours, DaPen,” said Shichiro. “Mine. I’m using this to remove Junk Synchron and Skelengel in my Graveyard from play.”

    He took another card from his hand.

    “Then, I play Synchronized Realm. This Continuous Spell deals you 500 points of damage whenever I Synchro Summon a Monster.”

    “But how?” shouted DaPen. “How can you make a Synchro Summon when you don’t have any…”

    He stopped short.

    “Your facedown card… It couldn’t be…”

    “But it is!” replied Shichiro, as his facedown card lifted. “I activate Return from the Different Dimension!”

    Lightning flashed, and a glowing portal appeared over the playing field.

    “It costs me half my Life Points,” said Shichiro, “but it’s worth every one to bring back four Monsters that have been removed from play.”

    First, Skelengel appeared. (900 ATK) Then came Junk Synchron (1,300 ATK), Nitro Synchron (300 ATK), and Turbo Synchron (100 ATK).

    “Now for my ultimate combo!” shouted Shichiro. “I first Tune Junk Synchron and Skelengel into Junk Warrior one more time…”

    The two Monsters turned into five stars, and combined into Junk Warrior once again. (2,300 ATK)

    A blast of energy shot out of Synchronized Realm, hitting DaPen. He groaned.

    “Next, I Tune Junk Warrior and Nitro Synchron to Synchro Summon Nitro Warrior…” continued Shichiro.

    The two Monsters split into seven glowing stars, and turned into the fiery Warrior. (2,800 ATK)

    Again, a blast from Synchronized Realm hit DaPen, and the illithid clutched his gut.

    “Finally,” said Shichiro, “I Tune Turbo Synchron and Nitro Warrior into Colossal Fighter, to complete my Three Synchro Smackdown!”

    The two Monsters formed into eight stars, and Colossal Fighter landed on the office floor with a bellow. (2,800 ATK)

    DaPen screamed as Synchronized Realm blasted him a third time.

    (S: 1,000) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 1,900)

    “Thanks to your controversial strategy, DaPen,” said Shichiro, “my Graveyard now has fourteen Warriors in it. And there’s one in yours that I know about, X-Saber Urbellum.

    “And with Command Knight’s effect, that gives Colossal Fighter a grand total of…

    “Well, see for yourself…”

    (4,700 ATK)

    “This can’t be!” exclaimed DaPen.

    “Oh, but it is!” replied Shichiro. “Colossal Fighter, clobber Hyper Psychic Blaster with mega knuckle!”

    Colossal Fighter roared, and socked the armored Psychic hard. Its armor sparked and cracked, and explosions rocked over its hard shell. Then the violent Synchro burst in a blinding display of raw energy. DaPen shielded himself from the impact.

    Then he fell over as Command Knight’s sword slammed into him, knocking him down.

    (S: 1,000) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 0)

    Shichiro glared at him. DaPen got up, and threw his Duel Disk down in disgust.

    “This isn’t over, Shichiro!” he cursed.

    “So, we’re on a first-name basis now?” asked Shichiro. “Your Life Points are at zero, DaPen, that’s about as over as it can get.”

    “Fine…” muttered DaPen. “I wanted to do this the proper way… I wanted to play fair…

    “But no more playing fair! From now on we play my way…


    Shichiro stepped back as DaPen glared at him, and he felt the Mind Blast aimed at him…

    But surprisingly, Shichiro didn’t feel anything more than a small discomfort. It seemed the infamous attack had almost no affect on him.

    “What?” said DaPen, in surprise.

    Shichiro looked just as surprised.

    “Impossible!” shouted DaPen. “A Mind Blast can’t simply malfunction!”

    “Uh…” said Shichiro.

    DaPen repeated the attack, but again, Shichiro resisted it.

    Then Shichiro realized something…

    He smiled.

    “Psionic powers not working, DaPen?” he asked. “Maybe you haven’t been eating right… Maybe you aren’t taking enough vitamins…”

    He reached into his coat pocket.

    “Or maybe it’s because of this book in my pocket!”

    “Edmund’s journal!” exclaimed DaPen.

    “Yeah, I’m starting to get the picture…” said Shichiro. “I know why Edmund left this behind where he knew I’d pick it up…

    “You two had an argument, didn’t you? And after Ember beat him, he figured if he was going down, so were you.

    “So he obviously cast some sort of protection spell on this journal, so that you couldn’t zap whoever was holding it! He wanted me to take you out.

    “I guess there’s no honor among thieves…”

    “Curse him!” shouted DaPen.

    He squeezed the handle on his briefcase, and it opened.

    “Joining forces with that wizard was a mistake I’ll never make again… But I’ve come to far to be stopped now, Shichiro…”

    He pulled something out of the briefcase and aimed it at Shichiro. Both he and Ember stepped back in shock.

    Maybe Shichiro had expected a crimelord as powerful as DaPen to have a gun handy. But he didn’t expect this. The illithid was pointing an Uzi sub-machinegun at him. Him pulling it out a briefcase had come as a complete shock, but then, Shichiro had no idea of the case’s properties.

    “DaPen…” said Shichiro, nervously. “Let’s be civil about this…”

    “SHUT UP!” shouted the illithid. “I hate to resort to such a crude form of violence, but it seems I have no choice any more…

    “Now you just give me that journal, and maybe, just maybe, I won’t have to kill the two of you…”

    Shichiro didn’t know what to do. Nothing in his training as a Shadowchaser had ever prepared him for this. In this country, even owning one of those weapons was a federal offense…

    “Well, Shichiro?” asked the fiend, as he started to walk closer.

    Then Shichiro noticed something.

    DaPen was starting to perspire even more than he was. The illithid paused.

    “What…” said DaPen. “What’s happening?”

    DaPen took some heavy breaths. Then he let go of the gun with his left hand and held his chest.

    Then the gun lowered. DaPen started gasping for breath.

    “What’s happening to him?” asked Ember.

    “Beats me,” said Shichiro. “But I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth!”

    As he said that, he leapt at the crimelord. DaPen lifted the gun again, but he was too late. Shichiro’s fist slammed into his face, knocking him against the desk, and the weapon out of his hands.

    Shichiro held his fist as the evil illithid slumped to the ground.

    Then a scream came from the couch. Shichiro and Ember turned to see that it had come from Jinx.

    She and Gears were clutching their heads.

    “Gears!” shouted Shichiro. “Jinx!”

    “Not so loud!” replied Jinx.

    “Man…” said Gears. “You wouldn’t happen to have a shot of morpheme on you, would you?”

    “Glad to have you guys back,” said Shichiro, with a sigh.

    He looked at DaPen. He bent over the fallen illithid.

    Gears held his head and got up.

    “Looks like you knocked him out cold,” he said.

    Shichiro’s brow furrowed. He placed two fingers on DaPen’s pulse.

    “Cold, nothing…” he said.

    He paused.

    “Guys… He’s dead…”

    Jinx looked up, still holding her forehead.

    “Dead?” she said. “You killed him with a sock to the face?”

    Shichiro held up DaPen’s hand.

    “Discolored fingernails…” he muttered. “People… It was some sort of poison…

    “I don’t know how… But someone… or something poisoned him after his Life Points hit zero in that duel…”

    “How?” asked Ember. “How could it have happened?”

    “Only one possibility…” said Shichiro.

    He reached inside DaPen’s shirt pocket.

    “All the time he was against us… Someone even bigger was against him… Someone who did NOT want Edmund’s journal to end up in his hands…”

    He took something out of the pocket. Just as he expected, it was a card.

    Cloudian – Eye of the Typhoon.

    “People…” he said. “A storm is likely about to start…”

    DaPen was dead. And as much as we would have liked for him to have paid for his crimes, we knew that very few would mourn. He was a true monster who saw humans as having the same value as cattle, who dominated the minds of others and used lies and deception to accomplish his goals. He was dead now, and would never harm an innocent human or Shadow again.

    But had one foe been vanquished only to be replaced by another? Who had killed him? What was the driving force behind this whole scheme?

    Our only clue seemed to be Edmund’s journal. Apparently, DaPen had been killed to keep his mitts off of it. But we had it, and now it might give us answers…

    Because after Gears and Jinx had recovered slightly, we searched that building from top to bottom, and realized we had another problem…

    …the Regalia of Day was nowhere to be found…


    Continuous Trap

    A cartoonish cash register with a fiendish face on the front.

    Card Description: Pay 1,000 Life Points to activate this card. Whenever either player Normal Summons or Special Summons a Monster, he sends a number of cards from the top of his deck to the Graveyard equal to the Level of the Summoned Monster.

    Note: “Monster Register” was first used by X in the “Yu-Gi-Oh GX” episode “Not Playing with a Full Deck”. Creative Credit goes to the writers of that episode.


    Continuous Spell

    A skull on the left, and a beautiful woman’s face on the right, with a runic circle superimposed over them.

    Card Description: Destroy all Monsters on the field, and remove from play all Monsters in both players’ hands and decks. Then, both players Special Summon 1 Monster from their Graveyards, disregarding any summoning conditions. So long as this card remains on the field, both players may Special Summon a Monster from their Graveyards during each players’ Standby Phases, disregarding any summoning conditions.

    Note: “Underworld Circle” was first used by the Pharaoh in the original anime episode “Grappling With a Guardian (Part 2)” Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    Coming up next:

    Investigations are done, by Jalal… and by Ember? No joke. Not only are Edmund’s true motivations revealed, but Ember is inspired to take initiative, and find the true force behind the crisis that has stolen the Regalia of Day. Somewhere in Neo Domino City, someone has a secret, and it’s a secret that must be uncovered.

    It looks like the heroes may be “Back to Square One”, and whether they are or not, that’s the name of the chapter.

    Shadowchaser Files

    Estavan, Planar Merchant

    Luto is far from the only ogre known for being intelligent. One ogre named Estavan is so smart, he has done something that no other Shadow in the world has come close to managing. This ogre is Estavan, the head of the P.T.C., the Planar Trade Consortium.

    Technically, Estavan (who calls himself Morton Estavan among Mundanes) is an ogre mage, a smarter and more cultured relative of ogres. These relatives of giants are incredibly rare on Earth, so rare that groups of them are almost unheard of, and no clans exist. They deny that they are truly related to their brutish kin (they are, but they can deny it) and have almost nothing to do with them. To Mundanes, Estavan appears as a tall man with a black goatee and moustache, who always wears a fashionable and expensive suit. Awares can see that he is actually eight feet tall, with blue skin, green hair, and ivory horns on his head, sloping backwards.

    Estavan has run the P.T.C. for as long as anyone can remember, and to most, it’s a company that deals in exotic goods of all varieties, which has offices in every modernized country. In many ways, he’s like the mercane, but he can get far more than even they can, and rarely disappoints a customer who’s willing to pay. If you want a wyvern egg, give Estavan a week, and he’ll get it. If you want the egg of a true dragon, that might take more than a week, but rest assured, Estavan will get it. He’s expensive, yes, but he always delivers.

    What most people don’t know is that the P.T.C. isn’t limited to Earth. Estavan is a master of dimensional travel, and conducts his business on several worlds, planes, and realities, cutting deals with both fiends and celestial beings to sell his wares and get what his customers want. This is one of the reasons he can get almost anything – he has many places to look.

    Estavan’s greatest secret is known to only a chosen few: He is the only Shadowkind on Earth who can travel to and from the homeworld of Shadow, another place where the P.T.C. does business.

    No-one is clear just how Estavan manages this. He has claimed to some who have asked that he can do so because of a loophole he discovered in the laws of physics. By exploiting this loophole, he can do what others can’t. This, of course, is no help to any who want to attempt the same feat.

    Anyone who molests Estavan repeatedly comes under attack by his attorneys; infernal law clerks. Called “devils with the details” by some, these fiends are not only intimidating, they keep a record of all immoral acts committed by mortals, and their knowledge of a mortal’s past is usually enough to get them to agree to leave Estavan alone.

    For now, Estavan professes to be only a merchant who wants what any merchant wants – to profit, expand, and grow. Still, one can’t help but be suspicious of him, and worry that someone with such a dangerous secret might have something evil up his sleeve…

    Story Ideas: It’s very easy to use Estavan as either a benefactor or a villain. As a benefactor, he could have trouble with his fiendish business partners, who want to use his planar trade network for nefarious purposes. There’s only so much that he can do with his attorneys, even ones from the Underworld, and the Shadowchasers might have to be on hand to stop a hostile takeover of the P.T.C. that might threaten to turn into a demonic invasion.

    On the other hand, it’s possible that Estavan might use his trade empire to trade things that he shouldn’t be. He might be dealing slaves, drugs, or other contraband. Drugs that originate in other dimensions might have far worse effects on humans than ordinary cocaine, but dealers are notorious for being unconcerned about human life.

    A far greater problem exists, regarding Estavan’s secret. He thinks he’s going to and from the world of Shadow by exploiting a loophole in the laws of reality; it might stand to reason that a higher force knows about this loophole, and is trying hard to close it. Even worse, Estavan might be mistaken, and what he is doing might be outright breaking the laws of reality. This might eventually attract a platonic to Earth, or some other enforcer of universal law. The Shadowchasers might have their hands full trying to prevent a disaster when some extradimensional collection agency decides that a price has to be paid…

    Deck Suggestions: For some reason, Estavan’s seems to have a strange aversion to Synchros, and never uses them. Whether this is a fear, rivalry, or simple dislike, no-one knows.

    To compete with other powerful individuals who do use them, Estavan uses a Dark Counterpart Deck, using the powerful Dark Monsters in Phantom Darkness that mimic more benign Monsters. His deck includes Dark Armed Dragon, but unlike Tele-DAD, that card is not the sole point of his deck. (Tele-DAD isn’t very popular in a reality where Destiny Draw is not available anyway.) He gives equal time to Dark Horus, Dark Nephthys, The Dark Creator, and Darklord Zerato. His low-Level Monsters are ones that can help bring out the higher-Level ones quicker, such as Dark Grepher and Shadowpriestess of Ohm.

  6. #246
    Chairman Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    This was a really great chapter, Brian. Everything was epic, and the surprise ending was amazing. Of course, it seems Ember will get her limelight after all, but at least she didn't end up the deux ex machina... heh heh...
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorak
    Ever wonder what it'd be like if a person who could barely speak English were to rom-hack one of the Pokemon games, replace the characters, plot, and Pokemon with ones of his own creation, while at the same time making a terrible mockery of the English language as a whole?

    Of course not. Because that'd suck really, really hard. Unfortunately, even though you didn't think about it, this guy did.

  7. #247
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    I know it’s early for the next chapter, but this is an exhibition chapter, so I thought I’d put it up.

    This chapter takes place five days later, which is also four days after the climax of the finale of Season Two.


    With one thing and another, four days passed.

    We watched the battle between Signers and Dark Signers from a distance, which cumulated in a titanic final battle in the skies of Neo Domino, with victory for the Signers. The Crimson Dragon had been merciful to most of the Dark Signers and granted them their lives back, and had also seemingly wiped the memories of the horrors from most residents of the city.

    But it either couldn’t or wouldn’t do so for Shadows and Aware humans. Maybe it knew that such beings could possibly cause such madness a second time, and left the memories there as a warning.

    At any rate, since they could remember, many Shadows spent the time celebrating the Signers’ victory. Elves danced in their ballrooms, while the dwarves sang ballads about the individual Signers which were more than likely exaggerations, as dwarven ballads are wont to be.

    As for us, we had bigger problems. Gears and Jinx were still recovering from the horrible headaches that DaPen’s Mind Blasts had given them, even after being examined by doctors at Shadowchaser Headquarters, and Jalal was in the process of deciphering Edmund’s journal and combing over all the other evidence that we recovered from that place.

    On the morning of the fifth day, progress had been made.

    At the townhouse at four in the morning, Shichiro tossed and turned in his bed.

    Once again, the strange dream came to him…

    He once again dreamt he was on that street in Satellite, with his path blocked by the four Monsters: Junk Warrior, Explode Wing Dragon, Blackwing – Armor Master, and Archfiend General.

    Once again, he held up his empty hands.

    Then, something different happened. For some reason, they didn’t look as angry as they usually did.

    Junk Warrior turned to the other three, and nodded. They nodded back.

    Then, to Shichiro’s incredible surprise, they stepped aside. They were going to let him past!

    He walked past them, towards an illuminated area at the end of the street…

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Nine AM.

    Jinx was on the couch, holding an ice pack to her head, watching the cable cartoon station. An old American cartoon theme song played:

    Super-teen extraordinaire…
    Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
    Runs around in underwear…
    Freakazoid! Freakazoid!

    “Dumb,” she said, changing the channel.

    Ember walked in.

    “Still hurts, huh?” she asked.

    “You said it,” replied Jinx. “I haven’t had a headache this bad since the hangover I had when I turned twenty.”

    “Gee, Jinx…” muttered Ember. “I… never took you for a party girl…”

    “I’m not!” replied Jinx. “I turned twenty, and two of my friends took me to this nightclub to celebrate…

    “I ordered an iced tea, and the stupid waiter gave me a Long Island Iced Tea.”

    Gears and Shichiro walked in.

    “As you might expect, he certainly didn’t get a tip.”

    “All right!” said Boris, flying into the room with a tray.

    He set it down in front of Jinx.

    “Eggs Benedict and black coffee. Maybe this will make that nasty headache go away.”

    “I hope it does,” replied Shichiro, “because Jalal just called. He wants to talk to us in twenty minutes, and I think we need to be alert.”

    “Big news?” asked Jinx, sipping the coffee.

    “He just said that we should all be sitting down when he briefs us,” replied Gears.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Jalal was punctual as always, again appearing as a hologram, and he seemed to be more worried than usual.

    “First the good news,” he said. “Gears, Kaede, your MRIs and enchantment scans both came back negative. Apparently, DaPen’s wicked influence vanished from your systems when he died.”

    “That’s a relief,” said Jinx.

    “Which brings us to our next concern…” continued Jalal, looking at a clipboard.

    “We completed DaPen’s autopsy, and it really threw us for a loop. We called in no less than four toxicologists just to verify this.”

    “So then, it was poison?” asked Shichiro.

    “Yes, but not just any typical substance,” replied Jalal. “The poison in his system was duocaine.”

    Everyone just looked at him.

    “Yes, I know,” said Jalal. “Most people haven’t heard of it.

    “Duocaine is an incredibly potent toxin that isn’t immediately lethal. After it is introduced to the victim’s bloodstream, it can linger in his system for days. It only becomes lethal if someone uses a special transmitter to broadcast the right frequency of high-pitched sound waves to the victim’s location. This can be done through a radio, television, or almost anything that can transmit sound. Depending on the strength of the transmitter, the assassin could be in a different country when he actually kills his target. The victim feels no discomfort, and does not even know he is in danger, until mere seconds before the poison kills him. In history, assassins have infiltrated the homes of their victims while they were sleeping, injected this poison with fine needles, and as a result, were often hundreds of miles away before anyone even knew there was an assassin loose.”

    “The assassin probably used DaPen’s laptop to send the signal,” said Shichiro. “It was on during his duel with me. It might have even been the same shadowjack who rigged the booby traps for that duel in the Pandemonium Arena…”

    “I don’t see what the big deal is,” replied Gears. “Mob bosses are assassinated all the time. An old gangster is as rare as roc’s teeth.”

    “That may be true, Gears,” replied Jalal, “but duocaine is not a chemical that just any assassin can get. Only three government agencies know how to make it, and they guard the formula jealously. Your government isn’t even one of them.

    “And we have other problems too… Big ones.”

    He held up Edmund’s journal.

    “You were able to decode it, boss?” asked Shichiro.

    “I sure was,” replied Jalal. “The code was easier to crack than it seemed. Edmund wanted the Shadowchasers to read this, eventually. Maybe not so soon, but eventually.

    “You see, Edmund expects to be killed at any time. He leads a pretty dangerous life.”

    “But…” said Gears. “The Gift of Kyuss makes him almost immortal…”

    “But he likely made enemies in his time far more powerful than Kyuss,” replied Jalal. “Edmund has been walking a slippery slope for years. Long before he ever became a worm that walks, he chose to obtain power in the most dangerous way…

    “Edmund is not only a necromancer… He’s an ur-priest.”

    Everyone paused. They looked at each other.

    “You’re gonna make us ask, right?” asked Jinx. “Okay, what is an ur-priest?”

    “They’re divine magicians, Kaede,” explained Jalal, “but unlike most, they do not pledge allegiance to any god or entity to gain divine power like shamans and oracles do. Instead, they steal that power. They are thieves, who steal power from the gods, usually because they hate divine sources for some reason. Ur-priests are the enemies of all greater powers.

    “When an entity grants power to a more worthy recipient, a conduit of sorts is formed between the entity and the worshipper. An ur-priest is able to enter a trance where he acts as a siphon, drawing power from these conduits.

    “Of course, this trick is very hard to learn. A beginning ur-priest must learn how to do it from a more experienced ur-priest. But it’s worth it, because they can actually become far more powerful than most divine magicians.”

    “It seems like… cheating…” said Gears.

    “It is cheating,” replied Jalal. “And when someone tells an ur-priest that cheaters never prosper, their usual response is to laugh, and exclaim, ‘Now you’re getting the picture, dolt!’ usually punctuated with a punch to the face.

    “You see, ur-priests don’t intend to prosper. They know that they’ll never get away with it, and what they’re doing will only bring them doom. No-one ever becomes an ur-priest unless he truly has nothing left to lose, and despises the gods so much that he wants to make a mark before dying.”

    He paused for a second.

    “The Shadowchasers had problems with an ur-priest before in modern times,” he said, ominously. “In the 9-11 terrorist attacks of 2001, the victims included half of a dwarven clan called the Greyslates. A surviving member went a little mad after seeing half his clan wiped out by the attack.

    “Since the terrorists responsible claimed they were fighting a jihad, this dwarf believed that the attack was due to a divine order, and blamed all of Islam for his kinsmen’s deaths. He first learned the ways of an ur-priest, and then worked towards his ultimate goal, learning a powerful ritual called Apocalypse from the Sky.”

    “I don’t like the sound of that,” said Shichiro.

    “Apocalypse from the Sky is an epic level spell,” continued Jalal, “that summons a shower of burning meteors from the heavens, capable of destroying a moderately-sized city and killing hundreds of thousands. The downside of it is, whoever casts it must be at the target site when this occurs, so he’ll likely be killed by it as well.

    “But this dwarf didn’t care for his own life. He planned to give the people he blamed for his kinsmen’s death a jihad like none other, by using Apocalypse from the Sky to destroy Mecca.”

    “You gotta be kidding…” said Gears.

    “No joke,” replied Jalal. “He spent five years preparing to carry this out. Fortunately, another more lucid survivor of the Greyslates learned of his mad plan and told us, and we were able to stop him before it was too late.”

    He sighed again.

    “That is only one example of the evil that ur-priests have been involved with every time blame has been cast on one group. You know what happened during World War II…”

    Everyone nodded. As horrible as World War II was, it had a dark side that only Shadows and Awares knew about. Several unscrupulous Shadowkind were recruited by Nazi Germany by its Aware members, often with promises that the Shadowchasers would be obliterated once the Nazis conquered Britain. As a result, Jalal urged Shadowchasers everywhere to aid the Allied forces at every opportunity.

    When the Allies won the war, several Shadowkind Nazis were arrested, and two of them were executed, which was the first time the Shadowchasers had actually used the death penalty in centuries.

    Of course, not all Shadowkind Nazis were brought to justice. Many of them, like human Nazis, fought to the bitter end, preferring to die than be captured.

    “So there were ur-priests in the Third Reich?” asked Shichiro.

    “We have no concrete proof,” said Jalal. “But some of the blueprints and notes we recovered from Shadowkind in their ranks sure looked like the mad plots of ur-priests. Spells designed to defile holy sights, create unnatural plagues… Magic of the vilest type.”

    “One thing I don’t get…” said Ember. “If all ur-priests learn from other ur-priests, who was the first ur-priest?”

    “Clearly, only they know, Ember,” said Jinx.

    “No, Kaede, you’re wrong,” replied Jalal. “The history of the first ur-priest is well-documented. He lived three-thousand years ago, in the days of ancient Egypt. His name was Sezzik Tam.

    “According to legend, Tam started out as a true priest, though not a very important one. He was an acolyte of Osiris, the chief god of the dead. Now, the Egyptians were, as a culture, obsessed with death. Their whole lives were spent preparing for their afterlives. As you might imagine, this made the priesthood of Osiris a rather exalted profession.

    “Osiris’s faithful were not just priests, they were coroners and undertakers. They handled the long process of embalming, and conducted funerals. They collected the bodies of unfortunates who died on city streets, making sure that no-one who had been lost was without a final rest.

    “But in handling the deceased, Tam saw opportunities. He started to take things from them. It started with a ring that he took fancy to, that he figured no-one would miss. Then he would take the coins that were in some merchant’s pocket when he died. Eventually, he got greedy. He’d steal valuable jewelry from the corpses of rich men, and even the coins placed on a dead man’s eyes to keep them closed.

    “But one day, he was discovered… And he was in trouble. You see, to those who worship Osiris, stealing from the dead is not only a crime, it is a blasphemy. The dead are sacred to Osiris, and robbing from them is taboo to their dogma.

    “Tam was expelled from the order, but not before being flogged. He was told that he got leniency. But he thought otherwise. He burned with hatred at the indignity, and in his mind, he started to hate Osiris.

    “Then, according to legend, a being of light descended out of the night sky and appeared before him. The being had knowledge that it wanted to share, and had decided that Tam was the ideal candidate. It told Tam that he was right to hate the gods, because they were nothing but frauds that had used deception and trickery to gain the power they had, and didn’t deserve the worship that mortals gave them. Why should mortals pledge allegiance to them to gain their power when there was a much easier way? It knew an easier way, and it was willing to teach Tam how to do it. It only asked that Tam ask no questions about where the knowledge came from. Tam agreed, and learned the secrets he needed to become the first ur-priest.

    “No-one is clear on what this being was. Some say that it was the aspect of Osiris’s evil brother Set, who had reason to hate the clergy of the God of the Dead. But most point out that not even Set would teach a mortal this craft. Set was a god himself. Would any god be foolish enough to teach a mortal something that could one day be used against him?

    “After this, Tam possessed great power indeed. A story of his whole life would take a long time to tell, but it was full of dark acts and horrible atrocities. He commanded great spells, and led powerful armies of a dark kingdom for three-hundred years.”

    “He lived for three-hundred years?” asked Shichiro.

    “Yes, and he didn’t die of old age, either,” continued Jalal. “You see, as the first ur-priest, Tam was more daring than modern ones. He thought he could get away with what he was doing. Eventually, his power got so great, he thought himself superior than the entities that he stole from, and started committing the most foolish acts of blasphemy imaginable.

    “His career ended when he made the boldest move of all. He led a small army of troops to attack the great temple of Osiris itself in Cairo. He slaughtered the temple guards, defiled the altar, and then had the high priest dragged outside where the horrified public had gathered. Before Tam himself lifted his sword to murder the man in front of the assembled crown, he addressed Osiris himself, taunting the god, daring him to prove that he was any better than he was.

    “And that did it. A gryphon flew out of the sky and swooped upon the ur-priest.”

    “A gryphon?!” exclaimed Gears.

    “That’s a half-lion/half-eagle, right?” asked Ember.

    “A half-lion/half-eagle who serves the gods, Ember,” replied Shichiro. “They act as agents of divine retribution, and are strong enough to tear a man in two.”

    “Which is exactly what happened to Sezzik Tam,” said Jalal, shaking his head. “Well, in his case, it might have been more like two-hundred. His hour of reckoning had come.

    “This proved what modern ur-priests now know: they won’t get away with it forever. Eventually, the gods notice what they’re doing, and make them pay for the power they’ve stolen, often with interest. Sezzik Tam’s violent death taught them one thing – that any campaigns they make against divine powers had to be done subtly and in secret. Making their activities so public with outright attacks would lead to a premature end.”

    “One would wonder why they would even try,” muttered Ember.

    “Well, all ur-priests have a reason,” said Jalal. “Which brings us back to our friend Edmund…

    “Roughly twenty years ago, he was nothing more than an exceptionally bright scholar who happened to be Aware. He was engaged to be married to a woman he loved more than anything. But then, she was killed in the most bizarre way – her car was struck by a plummeting meteorite.

    “Edmund’s grief, combined with the incredibly unlikely chance of such a thing happening, drove him mad. He knew that the odds against a human dying like that by accident were about a billion to one. He believed it wasn’t an accident, and that the gods had killed his beloved on purpose.

    “He never wanted power. He wanted revenge. He long ago stopped caring about his own life or the lives of anyone else. He seeks to punish the gods for what he perceives they did to him.”

    “And just how does he plan on doing that?” asked Shichiro.

    “Just listen to the last entry in this journal,” said Jalal. “It was dated about eight years ago:

    “My plans stand ready, and my allies are waiting. I realize that what I am doing will lead me to damnation in the pits of Hell. But, if in my final hour, I witness the death of this world, and am able to laugh in the face of its creators, I will be satisfied. They took my love, my life, my reason for being. I will relish their pain as their greatest work is consumed by the tide of darkness I will bring upon it…”

    “Do you believe it?” asked Gears.

    Jalal sighed.

    “I’ve lived a long life, people…” he replied. “During it all, I’ve heard numerous prophesies of doom from humans and Shadows alike predicting the end of the world, each one with a sillier name than the last… The Sigils of Ragnora… The Calamity of Pandorym… The Y2K Bug… All of them so far have turned out to be nothing more than big false alarms…

    “But something about the ramblings in this journal make them seem different than the standard rants of the typical doomsayer…”

    “So why did he want us to read this?” asked Shichiro. “Is it a threat? A taunt? A dare?”

    “I think he wants us to try to stop him for some reason,” replied Jalal. “Normally, only a fool would play into his scheme, but this is too serious to ignore.”

    “I think I need some coffee myself…” said Ember.

    She got up and walked to the kitchen. Jalal watched with concern.

    As Ember sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee, a lot was on her mind.

    She was surprised to see Jalal’s hand on her shoulder.

    “Take heart, child,” he said. “I haven’t forgotten the ceremony. I’m sure you’ll find it satisfactory.”

    “I know…” muttered Ember. “I’m kinda wondering what I’m going to tell my folks about all this…

    “What was your mother like, dare I ask?”

    Jalal smiled, and blushed slightly.

    “I’ll bet she was some princess or queen,” continued Ember. “Or some female knight like St. Joan…”

    “Far from it, Michiko…” sighed Jalal. “Truthfully, my mother was little more than a farmer.

    “She didn’t know my father was a dragon when they first met, but she found that out on her own… She was very clever, and did something that very few humans had managed to do: follow him to his lair. That’s what impressed him the most.

    “Back then, one of the most important things a suitor was judged on was his ability to protect a prospective wife… Who would be more able to protect her than a dragon? A courtship followed, and eventually, they were married.”

    “She wasn’t worried about the stories of what dragons did to maidens?” asked Ember.

    “Exaggerated myths, all of them,” replied Jalal. “Dragons don’t eat maidens and princesses. Metallic dragons, like my father aren’t even carnivorous; they eat gems and precious ore. Evil dragons do eat meat, but they prefer food with a bit more kick to it. Humans are actually rather bland to them.”

    His brow furrowed.

    “I eventually came to realize a grim truth… Malys had likely intended to gorge herself on my father’s carcass if he had died from that assassin’s blade. The flesh of other dragons is a rare delicacy for evil wyrms like her.

    “But anyway, one thing my mother had a great deal of was wisdom, and it’s something I inherited from her greatly.”

    He placed his hand on her shoulder, and then slowly vanished.

    Ember thought for a minute.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    It was almost noon.

    In contrast to the bar where Ember had gone to find Hebi-Na, the Crêpe Suzette was a bar with a much friendlier atmosphere. It was actually a bar and grill of sorts, and Ember went frequently. It wasn’t exactly the place to go if you were watching the calories (the bar was named after the dessert that they specialized in) but it was still a place with a friendly atmosphere.

    The lunch hour wasn’t as busy as the dinner hour, so Ember knew she likely could talk to the guy she wanted to talk to for at least a few minutes. The guy in question was the bartender, and he immediately took notice when she walked in.

    “Michiko?” he said, looking up. “I haven’t seen you in, what, three weeks?”

    “Hi, Mark,” said Ember. “I’ve been… busy…”

    Mark was a sixty-year-old, grandfatherly gentleman who had been a bartender all his life, apparently. Rumor had it that he knew how to make over a hundred cocktails.

    “So, what can do for you?” he asked, as Ember sat at the bar. “Put up an order for a chicken cordon bleu?”

    “Maybe later…” replied Ember. “Look, Mark… I was wondering… What goes into a Long Island Iced Tea?”

    “Long Island Iced Tea?” said Mark. “Well, a traditional one consists of three parts vodka, three parts tequila, three parts white rum, three parts triple sec, three parts gin, five parts lemon juice, six parts gomme syrup, and a dash of Cola, served on the rocks in a highball glass with a slice of lemon.”

    Ember rubbed her chin.

    “Sounds like a pretty stiff drink,” she said.

    “It is,” he replied. “Only for serious cocktail enthusiasts.”

    “So…” said Ember. “No-one would ever drink four of them, I guess?”

    Mark chuckled.

    Four of them?” he laughed. “Good grief no. I once knew a colonel in the United States Marines who lived for cocktails, and he rarely ever had more than one Long Island Iced Tea. If he had two, I had to call him a ride. No-one would ever stay conscious long enough to finish four of those.”

    Ember looked a little nervous.

    “Can I have a Diet Coke?” she asked.

    “Coming up,” said Mark.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Half an hour later, Shichiro was looking through the journal.

    Doesn’t make sense… he thought. This reads like DVR instructions…

    “Shichiro!” shouted Ember, rushing into the room.

    “Ember?” he asked.

    “Shichiro, listen…” she said. “I may know who we have to look for…”

    Shichiro looked at her.

    “I know this sounds crazy…” said Ember. “But… Who was it who first pointed us in DaPen’s direction?”

    Shichiro’s eyebrows narrowed.

    “Ember…” he said. “You aren’t accusing your old boss, are you?”

    “Hear me out,” said Ember, sitting down. “Jinx’s quip about the Long Island Iced Tea made me remember something. Mr. Draco frequently has these business lunches. Basically, those are a kind of scam that rich businessmen use to treat colleges to expensive lunches and deduct them from their taxes as business expenses. But everyone in his position does it.

    “Anyway, a few months ago, he went on a business lunch with someone on Godwin’s board of directors. I knew the guy because he came into the office a lot. I also knew that this guy didn’t drink because of health issues. Draco once offered him a scotch, and he turned it down, saying his wife and his doctor would kill him.

    “Anyway, he went on this business lunch with this guy, and I was in charge of filing the receipt for the tax return purposes. I noticed what was written on the tab in terms of beverages ordered – four Long Island Iced Teas, and three Diet Pepsis. Clearly, Mr. Draco ordered the four cocktails.”

    Shichiro looked at her.

    “So what you’re saying is…” he said. “Nothing human could have had four of those drinks and remained functional?”

    Ember slowly nodded.

    “I remember him coming back from the restaurant and giving me the receipt,” she said, softy. “He was clearly not drunk. He wasn’t even tipsy. He managed to give four more presentations that day before going home at six o’clock.

    “Come to think of it, Shichiro, I have never seen Mr. Draco intoxicated. Not even after coming back from socials where everyone he was with clearly were.”

    Shichiro stood up, and held Ember by the shoulders.

    “Ember, you do realize the seriousness of the accusation you’re making, right?” he asked. “Draco is likely the second-most powerful citizen in this city, after Godwin…

    “And now that Godwin is… gone…”

    “I know, Shichiro,” said Ember. “I know that he has influence everywhere. But I just can’t shake the feeling…”

    Shichiro sighed.

    “What scares me is, this actually makes sense,” he said. “Okay… I’ll go see what I can get from our local government contact…

    “You know, I probably should tell you who he is at this point…”

    * * * * * * * * * *

    In a corner office in the headquarters of Sector Security at midtown, a short, effeminate-looking man in colorful clothing and odd makeup was on the phone at a desk that was more disorganized than it had been at months. He was not very happy.

    His name was Jeager – if there was a last name connected to that, he never used it. To most, he was Head of Special Investigations and Godwin’s second-in-command. He was also, like Godwin, a member of Yliaster, although very few non-members knew that.

    Ever since gaining his position, he was content to be the number two man in Godwin’s organization. He never dreamed that Godwin would leave without a replacement, putting the job squarely on his shoulders, especially now that it seemed there was a work docket a mile long.

    “Reports are spreading through Satellite like wildfire, sir,” said the Security officer on the other end of the video phone. “They say that Louis DaPen is dead. But we can’t confirm it.”

    “Then keep trying until you DO confirm it!” shouted Jeager, angrily. “I’m up to my neck in new business, and this is all we need!”

    He held his head as he hung up. He hit a button on the desk.

    “Security post five?” he said. “Send a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water up here…”

    He sighed.

    “This is bad…” he muttered. “If DaPen is dead, Security won’t take the credit for it… If word gets out that we never caught him, it will be bad for our reputation…”

    “Having trouble, Jeager?” asked a voice.

    Jeager frowned. He turned around slightly and saw Shichiro.

    “What do you want?” he asked. “In case you didn’t notice, I’m busy!”

    “Gee, Jeager,” said Shichiro, “I thought you’d have jumped at the chance to run things.”

    “Well, I didn’t know that about five-dozen projects had been approved before Godwin decided to… leave,” muttered Jeager. “Look at all this stuff we have to oversee! Renovations in Satellite, construction projects in Satellite…

    “And this bridge is going to occupy most of our time. I’ve got a bidding war with about ten construction companies who want the contract, and dealing with the insurance company has been a nightmare! Do you know what you have to do to insure a project that has to be built over water?

    “It’s a waste of time, in my opinion…”

    “You know, Jeager, I never liked you,” said Shichiro. “If it had been up to me, I would have let that Dracotta beast get you. You should have known that the best way to get a female creature angry was to threaten its young.”

    “The thing was fifteen feet long!” shouted Jeager, standing up. “How was I supposed to know it was an infant?!”

    “And the reason you didn’t is because you’ve always taken Shadowkind for granted!” replied Shichiro. “To you, elves are nothing but slim humans with pointy ears, and dwarves are nothing but stout humans with beards. You never learned that when dealing with them, you have to think outside the box!”

    “That’s why I stay away from the Shadows from now on,” replied Jeager. “I stay around humans. And I get something from them that I never get from you or any Shadows… I get respect.”

    “Respect, Jeager?” asked Shichiro. “The only respect you get from them is out of fear, not from any ability or talent you have.”

    Jeager sighed.

    “Shichiro, I’m too tired to argue,” he said, “so I’ll just ask it again… What do you want?!”

    “Glad you asked,” replied Shichiro. “I heard that you got the alleged news that DaPen was dead. Well, I hate to disappoint you, but it’s true. He was killed by an assassin. You should know that in the underworld, these things happen. Still, there is a way that your organization can benefit…”

    “Oh? How?” asked Jeager.

    Shichiro held up a flash drive.

    “See this?” he said. “This is a copy of the files on the hard drive on the computer that was in his office. It contains information on every criminal and apparently legitimate businessman he was known to have connections to, activities they were engaged in, activities they are planning to be engaged in…”

    Jeager’s heart skipped a beat. Then he composed himself.

    “…and a lot of other stuff that Sector Security would find quite useful,” continued Shichiro.

    “And I suppose you aren’t just going to give it to me?” he asked.

    “I want to make a trade, Jeager,” said Shichiro. “It’s yours, in exchange for a copy of all your information on Anthony Draco.”

    Jeager looked at him. Then he chuckled a little.

    “Draco, huh?” he said, sitting down at his computer. “Eh, I never liked him…

    “Why not? When Godwin was around, I likely wouldn’t dare give you information on one of his business partners… But with Godwin out of the picture, I couldn’t care less about his associates…

    “Just one thing… If Draco is in any trouble, we don’t want any part of it!”

    “Wouldn’t dream of it,” replied Shichiro.

    Five minutes later, Shichiro and Jeager swapped flash drives.

    “A pleasure doing business with you,” muttered Jeager, as the Shadowchaser left.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    One hour later, Shichiro was going over the files, superimposed over the Shadowchaser archives on his own hard drive. Jinx and Gears started watching him.

    “People, we may just have something here,” said Shichiro. “Draco’s history sure fits the profile of that of a Shadow. No record of his birth, family, education… Nothing before thirty years ago.

    “According to this, he just appeared on Wall Street one day as a new investor, who started to invest big, and buy the stock in the most promising commodities…”

    “Hold it…” said Gears. “When a Shadow comes to this world, he doesn’t have anything but the clothes on his back. Where’d he get the money to invest?”

    “Not sure,” said Shichiro. “But before long…”

    The computer beeped.

    “Hello?” he said.

    The file had made a match with the archive database. Shichiro compared them.

    “People…” he said. “The first company that Draco owned was an American firm that was previously owned by… an illithid. One who called himself Jarvis Powell.

    “I think we may have found a smoking gun…”

    He started to type.

    “The magic number for stockholders is fifty-one,” he said. “Own fifty-one percent of a company’s stock, and you have a controlling share, which means you pretty much own the company.

    “This Powell fellow didn’t technically own a controlling share. He owned forty-nine percent of the stock. But two percent of it was owned by a stockholder who was more-or-less his puppet.

    “This stockholder, it seems, was married to an immigrant, who had been repeatedly denied a green card for some reason. Powell apparently blackmailed him, threatening to get Immigration Services on his wife’s case unless he complied with everything he told him to do.

    “Thus, this stockholder always agreed with Powell, and Powell was able to run the company and maintain the illusion that he didn’t actually control it via majority share, a good bit of PR.

    “But here’s what happened… Draco got on the board of directors, and bought up the remaining forty-nine percent. Then he used his influence to finally get the woman’s green card approved. Apparently, she wasn’t getting one because her applications were being railroaded to an official who was being bribed, and Draco exposed the guy to a more competent official.

    “Powell’s threat had no power any more, and Draco was easily able to obtain the guy’s two percent of stock. He now had a majority share, and took over the company.”

    “And what happened to Powell?” asked Gears.

    Shichiro hit a command on the keyboard, and the illithid’s photo came up. The word “deceased” was stamped on it.

    “He’s dead?” asked Jinx.

    “An apparent suicide,” replied Shichiro. “But what if…”

    He started to type.

    “Shichiro,” said Gears, “bring up the list of companies that Draco acquired through hostile takeovers.”

    “I’m way ahead of you,” said Shichiro.

    A list of names came up. Then six of them were highlighted.

    “Good lord…” said Shichiro. “Six… Six companies that Draco took by force were once owned by illithids!

    “And look at what happened to them! Three apparently committed suicide, two went insane and were committed to facilities, and the last disappeared without a trace…”

    “This can’t be a coincidence,” said Jinx. “Clearly, Draco didn’t like illithids too much…”

    “No one likes them too much,” said Gears, “but even if they were crooks, they had rights! If what eventually happened to them was ultimately foul play…

    “And I can’t shake the feeling that Draco might be an even greater threat than they are if he makes a habit out of ruining them.”

    Shichiro realized something.

    “Where’s Ember?” he said.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    At that moment, Ember was riding a private elevator up to an upper floor of a building she had gone to so many times before.

    She exited the elevator, onto a long hallway.

    She took a deep breath, and walked down the hallway, towards the wooden double doors at the end. She opened them.

    She walked right through the entrance hall where her old desk was.

    Then she entered his office.

    She was met with a surprise. It was there, on the middle of the floor. The complete Regalia of Day was there, glowing with a soft light.

    Ember looked at it.

    Better not touch it… she thought, pulling her hand back.

    “Good thinking,” said a familiar voice. “You’ll get a nasty shock if you do.”

    Ember turned around and saw Draco there, as she expected him to be.

    “I guess you have questions, Ember…” he said.

    “Yeah,” replied Ember. “Why did you send Hebi-Na to kill me?”

    Draco looked at her sadly.

    “I had hoped you wouldn’t figure that part out,” he said.

    “Oh, I figured it out, all right,” replied Ember. “She was actually working for you, as an assassin. I can sum up the reason why you didn’t like talking to her in two words: Salary dispute. She was getting good, and wanting more money, and it was giving you a headache. But you had no intention of getting rid of her, nor did she have any intention of quitting.”

    “You’re only half-right, actually,” replied DaPen. “It was a salary dispute, but the reason I didn’t like discussing it with her was because I wasn’t her true employer.”

    “Pardon?” asked Ember.

    “She really works for a… Partner of mine,” replied Draco. “She was not only an assassin, but the go-between between me and this partner, plus DaPen as well. But this partner can’t exactly pay anyone with actual money, so I was required to pay her salary. It got kind of annoying after awhile. I was basically paying someone to do a job she was doing for someone else.”

    “So your… partner wanted her to kill me?” asked Ember. “Why?”

    “Because we noticed your powers forming,” replied Draco. “You had incredible potential. It just wouldn’t do to have a budding Shadowchaser that close to me, Ember. If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t want it done.”

    “Why didn’t you just fire me?” asked Ember.

    “Fire you?” asked Draco. “Without any cause or explanation? You were one of my best employees. What message would that have sent to everyone else working for me?”

    “So, this partner of yours tried to kill me…”asked Ember.

    “If it’s any consolation,” said Draco, “I objected to the idea. But my partner insisted. I couldn’t continue my plans without cooperation, and we couldn’t let an Aware get so close.”

    “And when Hebi-Na messed up,” said Ember, “you covered your tracks by giving me a big bonus and a vacation, and shifting the blame to DaPen. DaPen was set up to be the fall-guy in this whole scheme.”

    “You say that as if it were a bad thing,” said Draco, narrowing his brow. “DaPen was far from innocent. Didn’t you hear him say what he intended to do to your three friends? Nasty. I witnessed him commit murder personally, several times, either with a gun or by devouring a victim’s brain. He was involved in the drug trade, racketeering, and even a slave ring among the most unscrupulous Shadowkind. I figured that I was doing the Shadowchasers a favor by pointing them in his direction.”

    “While you were free to do whatever you and this partner of yours were planning with that thing,” said Ember, pointing to the Regalia. “Who are you? Just who is this partner, anyway?”

    “I’m someone with big plans, Ember, very big plans,” sighed Draco. “I’ve been around so long, waiting for the chance to make them… My people have seen empires rise and fall, things come and go like you wouldn’t believe…”

    Ember looked at him hard.

    “Who are you?” she asked.

    “I’ll gladly explain everything, Ember,” he replied, “but we all know what’s about to happen. The doors to this floor are all locked, and yelling for help won’t do you any good, because I sent everyone home early. Don’t dream of forcing your way past me either, because I’m much stronger than any human, even a Shadowchaser.”

    He placed a Duel Disk on his arm.

    “If you defeat me, I’ll let you go, but my secrets will remain mine. If I should win this duel, I’ll explain everything right before I deal with you.”

    “You want to finish what Hebi-Na started, right?” asked Ember.

    “Oh, I have no intent to kill you now,” replied Draco. “The situation has changed a great deal. But you’ll probably find that out later anyway.”

    He chuckled.

    “In the meantime, you have a great opportunity, wouldn’t you say? What employee wouldn’t jump at the chance to beat her old boss senseless?”

    I had once again decided to take initiative, and to confront Draco. But after listening to him, I couldn’t help but think that I might be in over my head. I was Aware, after all, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t see anything other than human when I looked at him. Clearly, his true form was hidden under a very powerful illusion.

    I could only imagine what horrible form lay behind the false face that he had fooled me with for so long. But I would figure that out later. I had no choice but to duel. And I wasn’t as sure of myself now as I was when I had first come here.

    In fact, I had more self-doubt now that I had in a long time…

    Coming up next:

    Ember duels Draco, and even better, the details of the villainous plan are revealed. This chapter was called “Back to Square One”, but the next one will be called “Breakthrough!” Don’t miss it.

    Shadowchaser Files

    Rhul, Orcish Battle Mage

    As a race, orcs are not too fond of magic. They are superstitious creatures who do not trust wizards and their ilk. And they usually lack the education or inborn ability necessary to practice arcane magic. Orc clans may have a shaman or witch doctor, both of which are divine spellcasters, but almost never a true sorcerer.

    That almost changed several years ago in New York City. The orc clans there do leave humans alone most of the time, as they don’t want trouble with the Shadowchasers, but they and clans of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears often spar with each other in old-world style gladiatorial fights, held in dark underground arenas in the inner city. Only a few rules are enforced in these brawls, which often leave one or more combatants seriously hurt, but the clans need them on occasion to curb their bloodlust, both for the fighters and spectators.

    One orc named Rhul figured he could improve his chances and provide a better show after finding a large spellbook in a wizard’s abandoned laboratory. He studied them, and learned how to become what is properly called a militant wizard, but what most call a battle mage. A battle mage is a wizard who is capable with a weapon and armor, a rare thing, but it seemed to appeal to the orc.

    However, it did not appeal to the members of Rhul’s clan. They had little trust for magic, and were nervous over his spellcasting. Rhul tried his hand at alchemy, thinking that potions of bull’s strength and elixirs of heroism could win his clan over. But the strange smells and odd-colored smoke coming from the small lab he set up made them even more nervous. Finally, the clan’s chieftain decided he was going to take that spellbook and shove it down Rhul’s throat, and took his five top aides to help him.

    Ten minutes later, a fireball had reduced the six of them to charred bones. The furious battle mage told the rest of the clan that he was taking over, and the clan, too afraid of him to refuse, and with more respect for magic than they previously had, agreed. Rhul decided that he was going to take the clan in a new direction, and told them all to start packing.

    In the weeks that followed, word spread among certain groups and interests that if anyone needed a group of mercenaries, Rhul’s Regiment was available for a fair price.

    Since that time, Rhul has led his band of mercenaries, and has worked for anyone who has needed them. His Regiment has worked in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and anywhere an orc could use his skills for profit. Rhul doesn’t care whether he works for drug dealers, terrorists, or legitimate constabulary, so long as they pay him. His Regiment constantly loses members as they get killed or captured (by the Shadowchasers or others) but Rhul has never been caught, and he just recruits more members, most of them orcs, but also other savage humanoids.

    On the homeworld of Shadow, a battle mage usually wore chain mail and carried a longsword. Rhul does not. He wears a flack-jacket and uses whatever firearm his employer provides, often a high-caliber assault rifle. Even worse, he knows spells that let him enchant a firearm, turning bullets into fiery blasts capable of dealing even greater pain.

    Story Ideas: Rhul’s Regiment could show up in any part of a story where a Shadowchaser has to deal with the dark side of humanity. Third world countries and outlaw nations are havens for terrorists and criminals, and these groups could easily have Rhul on their payroll. Even criminal groups from more respectable nations could hire Rhul’s group as bodyguards for a foray into such a place. Rhul doesn’t care who his employers are, and they change often.

    Deck Suggestions: When Rhul has to duel his way out of a situation (not a common occurrence), he uses an odd deck that combines both Warriors and Spellcasters. This deck takes full advantage of The A. Forces, which benefits both Types, and Frontier Wiseman, a Spellcaster who supports Warriors.
    Last edited by Dark Sage; 25th August 2009 at 02:42 PM.

  8. #248
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Good chapter. I like gigantic chunks of information, it turns me on. The explanation of everything that was going on until now felt great.

    The plot twist with DaPen being almost nothing and Draco being the big man was nicely done, and I can't wait for more revelations.

    This next battle looks promising.

    Keep up the good work, I even let other people from my pals read this because I like it so much.

    The Battle Mage from your extra could also use 'Ready for Intercepting', which is also for Spellcasters and Warriors. I always wondered why nobody uses that card against someone. My brother uses Warriors so I stop an attack with that card.

  9. #249
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    It seemed I had come face-to-face with the mastermind behind this whole scheme, and it was none other than my old boss, Anthony Draco.

    Strangely, however, he didn’t seem to fit the profile of the typical villainous mastermind. He wasn’t threatening or condescending so far; in fact, he was almost as polite as he had always been. Something odd was going on, and there was something that I was missing.

    I was determined to know the rest, but for now, all I could do was duel…

    “So…” said Ember, “this partner of yours… Is it Edmund? Are you an ur-priest like he is?”

    “No, to both questions,” replied Draco. “He’s an acquaintance of my actual partner, and I have as little to do with him as possible. To tell the truth, I despise him.

    “Not that he cares. He pretty much gave up trying to get people to like him when he decided to turn himself into a living pile of vermin.”

    “Uh, yeah…” said Ember. “So… is this some sort of Shadow Duel?”

    “Oh, please,” replied Draco.

    He placed a deck in his Disk.

    “I’m the CEO of a major multi-national company, Ember,” he said. “I don’t need to tell you that. I didn’t get to the top in the world of business by being frivolous with my resources.

    “Why waste magic creating a Shadow Duel when a normal duel will suffice?

    “What’s the point of summoning the Shadows anyway? I suppose that if my deck were full of cursed cards like the ones the Dark Signers had, it would be necessary.

    “But other than that, Shadow Duels do nothing but satisfy sadists and megalomaniacs who enjoy watching their opponents suffer. I like to think I’m beyond that.”

    “Lucky me,” said Ember, as both Disks activated.

    (Ember: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Draco: 8,000)

    “Now, let’s see here…” said Draco, making his first draw.

    “I summon…”

    He placed a card on his Disk.

    “…Genex Power Planner.”

    The Monster that appeared looked like little more than a small engine that was sparking with electricity and covered with tubing and circuits. It didn’t seem to be in the best shape. (300 ATK)

    “Not the strongest Monster,” said Ember.

    “But it has a useful effect,” replied Draco, looking through his deck. “By Normal Summoning it, I get to take an Effect Monster from my deck that is Level 3 or less, with the word ‘Genex’ in its name.”

    Genex Monsters? thought Ember. I’ve… heard of them…

    He got what he wanted, and then reshuffled. Then he placed a card in his Disk, and a facedown card appeared.

    “I’ll set this, and that will be all for now.”

    Ember made a draw.

    This couldn’t be more obvious… she thought. But… maybe he’s bluffing…

    “I summon Blazing Inpachi!” she shouted.

    A bonfire appeared on her side of the field, and the huge, burning wicker man appeared. (1,850 ATK)

    “Destroy his Genex Power Planner!” she shouted.

    Blazing Inpachi lifted its fist.

    “I activate… No Entry!!” shouted Draco.

    His facedown card lifted up.

    “Now, all Monsters in Attack Mode move to Defense Mode.”

    Blazing Inpachi stumbled, and then knelt in defense. (0 DEF) Genex Power Planner seemingly shut off. (200 DEF)

    Ember sighed.

    “Your move…” she muttered.

    Draco made a draw.

    “I summon Genex Searcher,” he said.

    He played another card, and a new Machine appeared. It was shaped like a man, vaguely, but could hardly be called humanoid. It looked like it had been cobbled together out of scrap metal and junk, and was covered with dials, gauges, and gewgaws. Its arms were thin and spindly, and ended in clamps. (1,600 ATK)

    “I end my turn,” he said.

    Ember raised an eyebrow.

    Doesn’t he see that my Blazing Inpachi has zero Defense Points, and that I have no reversed cards? she thought.

    She drew a card.

    He’s up to something… she thought.

    She drew a card.

    “I move Blazing Inpachi back to Attack Mode…” she said.

    Blazing Inpachi stood up.

    “…and then summon Blue Flame Swordsman!”

    In an aura of blue fire, the fiery Warrior appeared. (1,800 ATK)

    “Let’s try this again!” she shouted. “Attack Genex Power Planner!”

    Blue Flame Swordsman struck the small motor with his blade, melting it clean in two.

    “Blazing Inpachi, junk his junk-bot!”

    The Inpachi socked Genex searcher with a fiery fist, and it fell backwards before shattering into pieces.

    “Junk-bot, Ember?” he said. “Hardly. It’s not called a searcher for nothing. When it’s destroyed by battle, I get to bring out another Genex in Attack Mode, so long as it has 1,500 Attack Points or less.

    “I think Genex Worker will do this time.”

    The Machine that appeared this time seemed to be less shoddily-built than the last two. It looked like a cross between a hovercraft and a small tank, made of gunmetal grey steel. (1,200 ATK)

    “I end my turn…” said Ember, shaking her head.

    I don’t know where the heck this is going… she thought.

    (E: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 7,750)

    Draco made a draw.

    “I activate Worker’s effect,” he said. “I sacrifice it…”

    Genex Worker vanished into grains of light.

    “…and in return, I can Special Summon another Genex from my hand. I choose Genex Undine.”

    There was a blast of water, and a strange-looking robot appeared. Its skin seemed to be made out of a transparent plastic, revealing its interior, which was full of water and odd machinery.

    It knelt in Defense Mode. (600 DEF)

    “Now, I summon Genex Neutron,” he said.

    A far more high-tech Genex appeared, with black and gold plating, a definite humanoid form, and solar panels on its face, arms, and torso. (1,800 ATK)

    “Now I use its effect,” he said, looking through his deck again. “Since I Normal Summoned it, I get to take a Machine-Type Tuner Monster from my deck…”

    Tuner?! thought Ember. Lovely…

    Draco reshuffled.

    “I set a facedown,” he said, as a facedown card appeared, “and it’s your move.”

    Ember quickly drew a card.

    I gotta stop his Synchro Monster from showing up if I can, she thought. They’re never good news!

    “Blazing Inpachi, attack Genex Neutron!” she shouted.

    Blazing Inpachi raised its fist.

    “I activate Staunch Defender!” shouted Draco, as his Trap Card lifted. “Now, your Monsters can only attack the Monster I choose.

    “But… since you wanted to attack Neutron so much, I think I’ll choose that one.”

    “Eh?” said Ember.

    Inpachi punched the android, and it exploded.

    She took a card from her hand.

    That means I can’t attack his Undine… she thought. He must have wanted to protect it pretty badly…

    She set a card on her Disk, and a facedown Monster appeared.

    “I’ll end with this,” she said.

    (E: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 7,700)

    “My draw,” said Draco.

    He drew a card.

    “Mmm…” he said, adding it to his hand.

    He took the card he had searched for with Neutron’s effect.

    “The Monster you are about to see is unlike any other,” he said. “This is the lynchpin that unites the Genex. It can harness the powers of the elements, and unlock limitless potential…

    “I summon Genex Controller.”

    Ember stepped back. She expected something big and scary to appear…

    However, the Machine that appeared was anything but. It was actually kind of cute. It was a little robot with a large, cubical face, covered with light bulbs, some of which were placed to form a face, with four tiny limbs underneath. (1,400 ATK)

    Ember tried very hard not to laugh.

    That Monster unites all the Genex?” she giggled. “R2D2 is scarier!”

    “Well, Ember,” replied Draco, “if I remember my movie history right, R2D2 helped the heroes out of a lot of bad situations, now didn’t he?”

    “Touché,” said Ember.

    “Genex Controller may not look impressive,” said Draco, “but it’s the only Tuner that the Genex can use to create their most powerful Synchros. Just as Junk Synchron is the only way for Junk Warrior, Genex Controller is the only way for several Synchro Monsters.

    “And not only does each Genex Synchro need Genex Controller, but the non-Tuner must be the right Attribute. For example, the one I intend to summon right now requires a Water Monster.”

    Genex Controller and Genex Undine dissolved into six glowing stars, which coalesced into a brilliant light.

    “Synchro Summon… Hydro Genex!”

    A Monster appeared in a blast of bubbles. It looked like an upgraded version of Genex Undine, with more solid armor, and twin panels on its back connected to a spherical tank. It held a long spear in its hands. (2,300 ATK)

    “Lovely…” said Ember.

    “Now…” said Draco, “I could explain how the various elements oppose one other, but in simple terms… Water puts out fire.

    “Extinguish her Blazing Inpachi! Hydro cannon!”

    Hydro Genex pointed its spear, and a high-pressure blast of water shot at the Inpachi. It fell backwards and burst into an explosion of steam.

    “Hydro Genex has a useful effect,” said Draco, as he glowed with pulsating energy. “Whenever it wins a battle, the Attack Score of the destroyed Monster is added to my Life Points.

    “And that will end my turn…”

    (E: 7,550) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 9,550)

    “I don’t get it, Draco,” said Ember. “What’s the deal with all these… Genex?”

    “Well, Ember,” said Draco, as he crossed his arms, “according to Duel Monsters lore, Genex were originally built to work in the creation of better versions of alternative energy production. Each Genex represents a different form of harnessed power. And that’s an area where I’ve always been interested.

    “This one, for example, is the embodiment of hydroelectric energy. Other Genex represent geothermal energy, solar power, wind energy conversion, and even more exotic types.

    “I’ve spent so many years of my life and so much company resources trying to improve the quality of life for humans and Shadows alike with energy sources such as this…”

    He sighed.

    “Sadly, all things must come to an end…”

    Ember quickly drew a card.

    “I Flip-Summon Flamvell Archer,” she said.

    Her facedown Monster flipped up, revealing the fiery, bearded bowman. (1,000 ATK)

    “Then, I summon Ultimate Baseball Kid.”

    She played another card, and the young, hot-blooded batter appeared. (500 ATK)

    “Next, I’ll Tune both Monsters together…”

    Flamvell Archer and Ultimate Baseball Kid burned with fire, and then dissolved into six glowing stars. They flew to the ceiling, and then with a flaming blast, Flamvell Urquizas landed on the floor next to Ember. (2,100 ATK)

    “Your favorite Monster, huh?” asked Draco.

    “When all is said and done, yes,” replied Ember. “Now, I use Blue Flame Swordsman’s effect, and reduce his Attack Score all the way to zero, to give it all to Urquizas.”

    Blue Flame Swordsman fell to zero Attack Points, while Urquizas rose to an Attack Score of 3,900.

    “Impressive…” said Draco, raising an eyebrow.

    “Attack his Hydro Genex!” shouted Ember. “Fist of flame!”

    Urquizas flew at the robot, and socked it with a burning fist. Hydro Genex buckled under the blow, and then exploded into another burst of hot steam.

    (E: 7,550) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 7,950)

    “Due to his effect, Urquizas gains 300 more Attack Points,” said Ember.

    (4,200 ATK)

    “I move Blue Flame Swordsman to Defense Mode…”

    The Warrior knelt, and held his sword down. (1,600 DEF)

    “… and I end my turn.”

    Draco frowned, and made a draw.

    He set two cards on his Disk, and a reversed Monster appeared and a reversed Spell or Trap appeared.

    “End!” he said.

    Ember drew a card.

    “I summon Familiar-Possessed Hiita!” she shouted.

    She played the card, and Hiita leapt onto the field, with her fox at her heals. (1,850 ATK)

    “Urquizas, destroy his Monster!” she shouted.

    Urquizas’s fist burned with fire, and he flew at the hidden Monster. Mystic Tomato appeared on the card, and exploded into pulp.

    “ERGH!” groaned Draco.

    Urquizas rose to an Attack Score of 4,500, and a second Mystic Tomato appeared where the first one had been. (1,400 ATK)

    Hiita aimed her staff, and fired a blast of flames. The second Mystic Tomato exploded.

    “I use its effect to summon Spare Genex!” shouted Draco.

    The Machine that appeared this time looked similar to Genex Controller, but with far more wear and tear. It held a small flower in its left hand. (800 ATK)

    “I end my turn,” said Ember.

    (E: 7,550) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 4,400)

    Draco quickly drew a card.

    “I sacrifice my Spare…” he said.

    Spare Genex vanished into grains of light.

    “…to summon a Genex that was developed for military applications… The mighty Army Genex!”

    In a burst of fiery energy, the biggest Genex to date appeared on Draco’s side of the field. It was a ten-foot-tall robot whose armor was painted the color of camouflage fatigues, with a head shaped like a skull wearing a helmet, a tank of strange liquid on its back with tubes connecting it to its head and shoulders, and a huge missile launcher mounted on its left shoulder. (2,300 ATK)

    “Uh… Not bad…” said Ember. “But Urquizas is far stronger…”

    “But it has a special ability,” replied Draco. “Since I summoned it by sacrificing a Genex, it can destroy any card I desire.”

    Army Genex blasted a volley of missiles from its weapon at Flamvell Urquizas. Ember braced herself as her Monster exploded.

    “I’m not done,” continued Draco. “I activate my Ultimate Offering Trap Card.”

    The facedown card lifted up

    “Now I can make as many Normal Summons as I desire, so long as I pay 500 Life Points for each additional one. So I also summon Turbine Genex.”

    With a loud hum, a cylindrical Machine with a glowing core appeared next to Army Genex. (1,400 ATK)

    “And with it on the field, all Genex Monsters gain 400 more Attack Points.”

    Army Genex rose to 2,700 Attack Points, and Turbine Genex rose to 1,800.

    “Army Genex, attack Hiita!”

    The Genex blasted its missiles again. Hiita screamed before she was blown to atoms.

    “And now I play Enemy Controller,” said Draco, as a Spell Card appeared. “I’ll move your Swordsman to Attack Mode.”

    Blue Flame Swordsman stood up. (0 ATK)

    Turbine Genex blasted a bolt of pure energy, and he was incinerated. Ember cringed and held her gut.

    She waved her hand, and the Fusion version of Flame Swordsman appeared in his place. (1,600 DEF)

    “It’s your move…” said Draco.

    (E: 4,900) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 3,900)

    Ember drew a card.

    She glared at him, and set a card on her Disk. A facedown Monster appeared.

    “Just move,” she said.

    Draco made a draw.

    “Attack!” he shouted. “Wipe out her Monsters!”

    Army Genex fired, and Molten Zombie appeared on the card before it was blown to pieces. Turbine Genex fired its blast, and Flame Swordsman was atomized.

    “That’s all for now.”

    Ember made another draw.

    Yes! she thought.

    “I summon Flamvell Gurnika!” she shouted.

    In a burst of fire, a tall, humanoid dragon-man appeared. He had violet scales, wings, a mane of red hair, and wore a pair of leather trousers. (1,700 ATK)

    “Next, I’m tossing Flamvell Baby from my hand to boost his Attack Score.”

    She discarded the card, and Gurnika burned with fire. (2,100 ATK)

    “And then, I’m playing Molten Destruction!”

    She placed the card in her Field Slot, and the office vanished, replaced by the fiery, volcanic wasteland. (2,600 ATK)

    “Nice try,” said Draco, “but for all that work, it still can’t beat Army Genex.”

    “He’ll be able to if it loses the bonus it’s getting from Turbine Genex,” replied Ember.

    Draco stopped short as he realized Ember was right.

    “Attack Turbine Genex!” shouted Ember.

    Flamvell Gurnika breathed a stream of hot, blue flames from his jaw, and Turbine Genex sparked, and fizzled. Then it exploded in a large blast.

    “Gurnika has a special effect too,” said Ember. “Now, you lose 200 additional Life Points for each Level your destroyed Monster had. Since it was Level 4, that’s 800 more.”

    Draco winced a little.

    “I end my turn…” said Ember.

    (E: 4,900) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 2,300)

    Draco made a draw.

    He threw two of his cards into his Disk, and two facedown cards appeared. Then Army Genex knelt, moving into Defense Mode. (1,300 DEF)

    He glared at Ember.

    “My move!” said Ember.

    She made a draw.

    “I summon Magna Drago!” she shouted.

    The small, fiery Dragon appeared. (1,400 ATK) –> (1,900 ATK)

    “Gurnika, destroy Army Genex!” she shouted.

    Gurnika breathed its flame, and Army Genex exploded in a flaming blast. Debris flew everywhere.

    “Don’t forget,” said Ember, “you lose 200 Life Points for each Level it had…”

    (E: 4,900) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 1,100)

    “This next hit is gonna wipe you out!” she shouted. “Magna Drago…”

    “I think not, Ember…” said Draco.

    “What? A Trap?” asked Ember.

    One of Draco’s facedown cards shot up.

    “Indeed…” he said. “One that represents the epoch of technological advances… Activate… Time Machine!”

    There was a blast of steam, and a dark, metal chamber appeared on his side of the field.

    “Most scientists agree that actual time travel is a scientific impossibility, best left to the realms of science fiction. But Duel Monsters can bend the rules of physics. This Trap Card lets me reach into the past, and bring back Army Genex as it was an instant before Flamvell Glunica destroyed it… In Defense Mode once again.”

    The door of the chamber opened, and Army Genex emerged. It knelt in a defending position again. (1,300 DEF)

    Magna Drago continued its assault, and Army Genex exploded again.

    “So now what, boss?” asked Ember.

    “We’ll see…” said Draco.

    He made a draw.

    “Perfect…” he said.

    He played a Spell Card.

    “I play Dark Eruption,” he said. “Now, I get to recover a Dark-Attribute Monster from my Graveyard, so long as it’s Attack Score isn’t more than 1,500.”

    A card slipped out of his discard slot.

    “Now I’ll summon it…”

    In a flash of light, Genex Controller appeared again. (1,400 ATK)

    His last facedown card lifted.

    “I activate Necro Alchemy!” he exclaimed. “Now, I can change the Attributes of all Monsters in both Graveyards to any I desire. And I choose Fire.”

    “Huh?” said Ember. “But why? Why do you want all the Monsters in your Graveyard to be Fire?”

    “You’ll see in a minute,” replied Draco.

    Then he held up the last card in his hand, the one he had just drawn.

    “With Genex Controller on the field, I can Normal Summon this Monster without a sacrifice. So I’ll pay 500 Life Points to use Ultimate Offering again.

    “I summon Genex Heat!”

    A new Monster appeared in a burst of fire. It looked like an old-fashioned industrial furnace with two arms, one of which was holding a coal shovel. (2,000 ATK) –> (2,500 ATK)

    “Your Life Points are almost gone,” said Ember.

    “Almost only counts in horseshoes, Ember,” replied Draco. “And let’s face it, who plays horseshoes any more?


  10. #250
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Continued from last post:

    “Now, I Tune both Monsters together!”

    Genex Controller and Genex Heat formed into eight glowing stars…

    With a crash, a huge robot landed on Draco’s side of the room. It was made of solid iron, had large arms, and a hatch on its chest which revealed a burning, fiery core within. Its face looked at Ember with glaring, burning eyes. (2,400 ATK)

    “The Thermal Genex!” exclaimed Draco. “And it has a powerful effect… It gains 200 Attack Points for each Fire Monster in my Graveyard.

    “Due to my Trap Card, that’s all of them, and I have thirteen Monsters in my Graveyard. Not to mention the bonus it gets from your Field Spell.”

    Ember stepped back in shock. (5,500 ATK)

    “Attack Magna Drago!” ordered Draco.

    Thermal Genex’s hatch opened, and an explosion of flame shot out, incinerating Magna Drago. Ember screamed in pain, and fell to her knees.

    “I… I still have Life Points left…” she squeaked.

    “Not for long,” said Draco. “Thermal Genex has another effect. When it deals damage, you lose 200 Life Points for each Genex Monster in my Graveyard. I have eleven, and that’s more than enough.”

    Before Ember could even respond, Thermal Genex blasted its wave of flame again, and this time she was the target. She screamed again, and fell on her face.

    (E: 0) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 600)

    “No…” she groaned.

    Draco walked up to her.

    “Well, I have to say, it was a noble attempt,” he said.

    “Wait…” she said, meekly. “You promised an explanation…”

    “I keep my promises,” said Draco. “But first thing’s first…”

    He lifted a small, glowing object.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Back at the townhouse, Mistle and Boris came out of the kitchen, with Mistle holding two cups of tea.

    “What’s this?” asked Gears.

    “I don’t share this with humans often,” said Mistle, “but I think you and Jinx need it. It’s made with secret fey healing herbs. It can cure even the most severe migraines.”

    Gears and Jinx didn’t need any more persuasion. They took the tea and drank it quickly.

    Jinx held her head. To her surprise, the headache faded almost immediately.

    “Wow…” she said. “Mistle… Remind me to get you something nice for Christmas this year…”

    “If we don’t work fast, we won’t be celebrating Christmas,” said Jalal’s voice.

    They all turned and saw Jalal. And he wasn’t a hologram. He was actually there. And he was wearing his armor.

    “Good grief!” shouted Boris. “Boss… If I new you were gonna actually come, I would have ordered the stuff to make steak and kidney pie!”

    “What’s the occasion, boss?” asked Shichiro, who was just as surprised.

    “I know where Ember is,” said Jalal. “She went to confront Draco on her own. Sadly, she’s been captured.”

    “No…” said Jinx.

    “But Draco told her his plans, and I heard them,” continued Jalal. “I had a spell of clairaudience on Ember that lasted for a while.”

    He sighed.

    “Let’s just say that with the recent… turn of events, I was worried about all of you.

    “First of all, Draco made a pretty startling claim. He’s a Shadowkind who came to Earth via his own volition.”

    “That’s impossible,” said Shichiro. “Isn’t it?”

    “I always thought so,” replied Jalal. “But his plan for the Regalia is incredibly potent.

    “People… Draco plans to cast the Deluge.”

    “The Deluge?” asked Gears.

    “The most powerful epic level spell of elemental water,” replied Jalal. “If cast, it will cause endless rains, causing the land to flood and the sea to rise. The continents will sink, turning the world into one giant ocean, destroying all land-dwelling life.

    “Apparently, he has a partner who is helping him. Hebi-Na is in on it, and so is Edmund.”

    “This is crazy,” said Jinx. “In Genesis, after the Great Flood, God promised Noah that He would never flood the world again.”

    “True,” replied Jalal, “the Almighty said that He would never again flood the world. But apparently, now a devil is trying to do it. And since no-one warned anyone beforehand like He did back then, we have to stop it.”

    “This is Edmund’s revenge,” muttered Gears. “How he plans to strike against the gods by destroying their greatest work… Destroying the world in a flood!”

    “Wait a second…” said Shichiro. “Hebi-Na was in on this? Why? Ophidia are reptiles, not amphibians! They can’t survive if the world is flooded.”

    “Wait…” said Jinx. “Ophidia legends often boast that they descended from a stronger race of snake men, ones that were larger, stronger… And that had both lungs and gills…”

    “So?” replied Shichiro “It isn’t like they can reverse evolution…”

    “Maybe Draco’s partner can do just that,” added Jinx. “Ember had a waking nightmare when Hebi-Na summoned Vennominaga in that duel. Ember said that Vennominaga told her that she was going to ‘restore the ophidia to the glory of their past’. Maybe that means reversing evolution, transforming them into the stronger race that would be capable of ruling the world if it were flooded!”

    “One thing I really don’t get,” said Shichiro. “How does Draco himself benefit? His long-term commodities aren’t going to be worth much if he succeeds…”

    “That he did not say,” replied Jalal.

    “We have to stop this…” said Gears.

    “I know,” said Jalal. “That’s why I came personally. This mission cannot fail. Sadly, I do not know what Ember’s condition is right now. The spell stopped working after I learned what I did. Something cut me off from her.”

    “What are we waiting for?” asked Shichiro.

    “Hold it,” said Gears. “Draco likely broke the bank on magical wards and security for that building, and they more than likely violate the Treaty and then some. Plus, he has the Regalia of Day. He’s gonna know we’re in there before we do.”

    Jinx looked at Mistle.

    “Hey, Mistle,” she said. “I he heard that fey creatures are very good at stealth. Maybe you could…”

    “Yes, we are,” replied Mistle, “but nymphs like me are rural creatures. If you wanted me to infiltrate a forest shrine or a druidic meeting place, I’d have no problem. This is an office building. For this… You’d need a more urban fey…”

    Everyone looked at her. They thought for a minute.

    “Elsie!” exclaimed Shichiro, Gears, and Jinx at once.

    “Who?” asked Jalal.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Evening started to fall.

    Elsie’s self-appointed job was both easy and hard. It was easy to find the joystealers, but very hard to make herself duel them.

    Her opponent at this moment was one of the hardest. She and Lacie had been the best of friends before they had become joystealers. But they had barely spoken to each other since that terrible day, so long ago.

    Hopefully, Elsie could end it now. Still, it was hard to look at Lacie… She was still a joystealer at the moment, and her body was still corrupted, with the hot pink skin and glowing eyes. Even worse was the horrible Monster she had just summoned, which was probably the Unseelie’s card – the dreaded Dark Necrofear. (2,200 ATK) Lacie had 2,000 Life Points remaining.

    Elsie had Blessed Iris (2,200 ATK), so it was a standoff at the moment. She also had a facedown card, but nothing else, including no cards in her hand. She had 1,500 Life Points left.

    “Your move, runt,” said the Unseelie, speaking through Lacie’s mouth. “Crush this Fiend down if you think it will get rid of me, but be warned… You can’t be certain of it…”

    Elsie drew one card, and looked at it.

    It’s right, I can’t… she thought. And I can’t use Iris’s effect again… I don’t have any Dark Monsters left. If I just attack and I’m wrong, I’ll be wide open…

    But I can make sure.

    “Pass,” she said.

    “So be it,” said the Unseelie, drawing a card.

    “I play the Spell Card, Riyoku. It drains half of your Monster’s Attack Points, and gives it to mine.”

    Blessed Iris fell to an Attack Score of 1,100, while Dark Necrofear rose to 3,300.

    “Destroy her Fairy!” shouted the Unseelie.

    “Not so fast!” shouted Elsie, as her facedown card lifted. “I passed for my turn so I would have a card to discard to use this! Karma Cut!”

    A slash cut across Dark Necrofear, and the demon was blasted out of existence.

    The Unseelie screamed an unholy howl. Lacie’s mouth opened, and the evil spirit flew out of it.

    “Curse you, Eoshee!” screamed the wicked fey’s dying words.

    Lacie fell to her knees, and as the Unseelie vanished, her skin and eyes started to change to the color of a true Eoshee.

    Then she groaned, and fell over, as the holograms vanished. Elsie caught her.

    “It’s okay, Lacie, it’s okay!” she said, stroking her hair. “It’s over… It’s finally over…”

    Then she heard clapping.

    She turned around, and saw Shichiro, Gears, and Jinx.

    “Hey!” she said. “I never thought I’d see you guys again!”

    “You should be so lucky,” said Gears.

    “I’ve been busy,” said Elsie. “Since we last met, I’ve found ten Joystealers and driven the Unseelies out of all of them.”

    “Look… Elsie…” said Gears. “Uhm… I’ll put it bluntly…”

    “I’ll do anything, Gears,” said Elsie. “You saved me, after all.”

    “Then do you think you can help us save the world?” asked Gears.

    And so the final game began. I was in condition to help at this exact time, being kind of tied up at the moment (no, I don’t mean that literally, by the way) but I knew that they would be coming, just as Jinx and Gears likely knew that we would be coming after they lost to DaPen.

    Okay, maybe I didn’t exactly expect Jalal to be joining at this point, but the first part of the initial assault was something that would surprise even him.

    It was time for our Commander in Chief to take command, and he would do so in a battle that was a long time coming…

    GENEX CONTROLLER (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Dark
    Level: 3
    ATK: 1,400
    DEF: 1,200

    Flavor Text: A one-of-a-kind Genex that can communicate with its allies. It can control the powers of various elements.

    GENEX NEUTRON (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 4
    ATK: 1,800
    DEF: 1,200

    Card Description: When this card is Normal Summoned, during your End Phase, you may search your deck for 1 Machine-Type Tuner Monster and add it to your hand.

    GENEX POWER PLANNER (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 1
    ATK: 300
    DEF: 200

    Card Description: When this card is Normal Summoned, search your deck for 1 “Genex” Effect Monster and add it to your hand.

    GENEX SEARCHER (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Earth
    Level: 4
    ATK: 1,600
    DEF: 400

    Card Description: When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you may Special Summon 1 “Genex” Monster with an ATK of 1,500 or less from your deck in Attack Position.

    GENEX WORKER (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Wind
    Level: 3
    ATK: 1,200
    DEF: 1,200

    Card Description: Activate by Tributing this card. Special Summon 1 “Genex” Monster from your hand.

    GENEX UNDINE (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 3
    ATK: 1,200
    DEF: 600

    Card Description: When this card is Normal Summoned, you can send 1 WATER Monster from your deck to the Graveyard to add 1 “Genex Controller” from your deck to your hand.

    HYDRO GENEX (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 6
    ATK: 2,300
    DEF: 1,800

    Card Description: “Genex Controller” + 1 or more WATER non-Tuner Monsters

    When this card destroys an opposing Monster as a result of battle, increase your Life Points by an amount equal to the ATK of the destroyed Monster.

    Note: The proceeding seven Genex Monsters were released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 02: Invasion of Worms!” system. They have not yet been released in the United States.

    SPARE GENEX (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Dark
    Level: 3
    ATK: 800
    DEF: 1,200

    Card Description: Activate only when you control a “Genex” Monster, other than this one. Until the End Phase of the turn, you can treat the name of this card as “Genex Controller”. This effect may only be used once per turn.

    TURBINE GENEX (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Earth
    Level: 4
    ATK: 1,400
    DEF: 1,300

    Card Description: When this card is face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all “Genex” Monsters you control by 400.

    GENEX HEAT (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Fire
    Level: 5
    ATK: 2,000
    DEF: 1,300

    Card Description: If you control a face-up “Genex Controller”, you may Normal Summon this card without Tribute.

    THERMAL GENEX (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Fire
    Level: 8
    ATK: 2,400
    DEF: 1,200

    Card Description: “Genex Controller” + 1 or more FIRE non-Tuner Monsters

    This card gains 200 Attack Points for each FIRE Monster in your Graveyard. When this card destroys an opposing Monster as a result of battle, inflict 200 points of damage to your opponent for each “Genex” Monster in your Graveyard.

    Note: The proceeding four Genex Monsters were released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 03: Strike of Justice!!” system. They have not yet been released in the United States.

    ARMY GENEX (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Earth
    Level: 6
    ATK: 2,300
    DEF: 1,300

    Card Description: If this card is Tribute Summoned by Tributing a “Genex” Monster, you can destroy one card your opponent controls.

    Note: “Army Genex” was released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 04: Demon Roar God Revival!!” system. It has not yet been released in the United States.

    NECRO ALCHEMY (Trap Card)

    Continuous Trap

    Elemental Mistress Doriado in a zombie-infested graveyard, striking down the zombies with bolts of burning lightning.

    Card Description: Declare 1 Attribute when this card is activated. For as long as this card remains face-up on the field, all Monsters in both Graveyards are considered the declared Attribute.

    FLAMVELL GURNIKA (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Fire
    Level: 4
    ATK: 1,700
    DEF: 200

    Card Description: When this card destroys a Monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the Level of the destroyed Monster x200.

    Note: “Flamvell Gurnika” was released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 03: Justice Strikes Back!!” system. It has not yet been released in the United States.

    Coming up next:

    Telling too much about the next chapter would give too much away. I will tell you, however, that in the next chapter, Jalal finally gets to stop being a spectator again and handle a threat personally. And the threat he faces is one with a lot of significance for the leader of the Shadowchasers.

    “Dark Hunter” is coming soon.

    Shadowchaser Files

    Beringe, Recruiter of the Revolutionary League

    The Revolutionary League… Most Shadows say it doesn’t exist. Some say that it’s a secret group of anarchists who seek to overthrow governments worldwide, and unite both humanity and Shadow in a natural state of peace. Anarchists? Revolutionaries? It’s easy to think that such a group is a myth. But just ask the mountain dwarf named Beringe, and he’ll tell you the League isn’t a myth. After all, he’s most likely a member.

    The League is a lot like any other anarchist group, but it’s more widespread. It started on some other world elsewhere in the cosmos centuries ago, and was successful in its goals there. It spread to other worlds, and led revolutions there too. It only recently started recruiting members on Earth.

    Here’s their philosophy, in a nutshell. They know that “anarchy” is a dirty word to most, but it’s hard to sweeten it. The League professes that so long as governments run our lives and boundaries are defined by nations, peoples really have no inalienable rights, regardless of what a constitution or treaty says. They only have what rights the state gives them. Do Americans truly have freedom of expression? Yes, because the state allows it. Do they have freedom of speech, religion, and the press? Do they have the freedom to marry whom they choose and select the career they desire? Yes, because such pleases the state. The League says that it’s the same thing in any other country that claims those rights as inalienable, and in all cases, those rights could easily be taken away at any time if the state wanted to. Thus, the only way anyone could have true freedom is to do away with the state entirely, so that people can be in charge of their own destinies.

    Beringe is a cross between a promoter of this philosophy and a recruiter for the Revolutionary League. His past, and his motivations, are mostly unknown. His last name and the name of his clan are not known, as he’s absolved any relations with any clan anyway. Indeed, he has many names and aliases, so it isn’t known if “Beringe” is his real name, but that’s the one he uses most often. He’s a dour, middle-aged dwarf with a grey beard, and a very large nose. He speaks with a Scandinavian accent, the only clue to his country or origin.

    When Beringe wants to meet with someone, it’s usually at night in a quiet, unassuming place, like a bar an hour before closing time (he has never lost the fondness for ale that most dwarves have). It’s quite likely that other members of the League are nearby to help him in case he gets in trouble. Still, Beringe won’t start a scene, as the League isn’t powerful enough on Earth yet to get away with it. He usually clams up if a member of the constabulary is nearby, and makes himself scarce if a Shadowchaser appears.

    Beringe has never actually been proven to have done anything illegal – yet. However, he has been seen viewing various demonstrations by unnamed groups at government buildings and landmarks in various parts of the world, but not taking part in them. If the group turns violent, he leaves as quickly as he can. Some say that if the League were ever to form terrorist cells and start making an actual attacks on targets, Beringe might be the leader of at least one of them.

    Of course, Beringe never admits to being a member of the League. He usually claims to be a “sympathizer” for their cause, or an “expert” on such matters. Still, if he ever convinces someone to meet with someone who will admit it, he always tells that person to “tell them Beringe sent you.”

    Story Ideas: The Revolutionary League has been around for a long time, and they are, if nothing else, patient. They’re in no hurry to complete their goals on Earth, and they aren’t strong enough to complete them yet on Earth anyway. Still, Beringe does his hardest to strengthen them, finding Shadows with a revolutionary bent who dislike the system. It isn’t enough to not like the Treaty; to make it in the League, you have to dislike all forms of government.

    Naturally, there are many different ideas on how the “plan” should be enacted. Many believe that anarchy is synonymous with violence, and that groups like the League only cause suffering. But not all members of the League think that violence is necessary for their goals to be met (most do, however). It may be possible that the League chapters on Earth are in danger of being taken over by a dangerous radical with cataclysmic plans, and someone with more borderline views (like Beringe) needs help getting the League back to normalcy. Beringe is willing to call a truce with the establishment (i.e. the Shadowchasers) to prevent a bloodbath.

    More often than not, however, heroes will know that Beringe is someone who is not to be trusted. Eventually, he and his group are going to oppose them. Just when is only a matter of time.

    Deck Suggestions: Beringe’s deck is more-or-less “anti-meta”. He uses Vanity’s Fiend (along with cards to summon it easier, like Cost Down and Star Blast) and Royal Oppression to prevent Special Summoning, and cards like D.D. Warrior Lady and Karma Cut to get rid of opposing Monsters. This deck is not only hard to oppose, but it goes against the norm for most competitive play, which mirrors his ideals.

  11. #251
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    Now, my cousin (whom I really hope you’ll get to meet someday) always says some pretty smart things. One thing he likes to say is, “no good deed goes unrewarded”. Of course, Gears would argue that rescuing Elsie was not a good deed. It was his duty as a Shadowchaser to free the Eoshee from the curse they were living under.

    Still, Elsie was more than willing to help them infiltrate the outer perimeter, despite the danger involved. Her reasoning was, what did she have left to lose? Very little, in fact, and she figured that helping save the world might make a higher power smile upon her people and make their plight easier to escape once and for all.

    And fey are very good at sneaking into and through places they shouldn’t be. They take pride in it. How do you think tooth fairies are able to get into children’s rooms and exchange the teeth for cash without being detected? A bit of natural stealth and a great deal of magic makes fey incredibly stealthy and sneaky.

    So, as the moon rose and the clock neared eight o’clock, Elsie snuck into the parking garage under the Draco Industries building…

    Four Shadowchasers were waiting outside the large skyscraper. Jalal was on the back of Shichiro’s D-Wheel, while Gears and Jinx were on theirs.

    A beep came from Shichiro’s dashboard.

    “Mother bird to home nest,” said Elsie’s voice. “I’m in…”

    “You can cut the military jargon, Elsie,” said Shichiro. “How does the place look from where you are?”

    “I found the weakest part of the security system,” replied Elsie. “Not weak, mind you, but weakest. I’m in the underground parking garage, four floors down. I think there’s a private elevator two floors up that Ember may have taken once she got here. Just use your equipment to open a portal and hone in on me.

    “Oh, and be careful… There’s one guard here, but I don’t think he’s seen me yet…”

    However, Elsie was wrong. The one guard, a tall, humanoid creature in a dark cloak and hood, was well aware that she was there. And he knew who she was talking to.

    He reached inside his cloak with his gloved hand, and took out a small, glowing sphere.

    “They’re coming, master,” he said, in a low, raspy voice. “Jalal is with them…”

    “Jalal?” said a voice from the sphere, which was clearly not Draco’s. “Hmm… An unexpected development… I expected that half-breed to get involved, but not quite so soon…”

    “What do you want me to do?” asked the guard.

    “What do you think?” asked the voice. “Finish what you started…”

    “It will be my pleasure, master…” said the guard, putting it away.

    He looked in Elsie’s direction…

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Five minutes later, the portal opened nearby, and the three D-Wheels drove through.

    They received a shock as they pulled to a stop. Elsie was tied up and gagged on the floor in front of them.

    When she saw them, she struggled and tried to scream something, but she couldn’t possibly.

    “Elsie!” shouted Gears, running up to her.

    He ripped the gag off.

    “RUN!” screamed Elsie. “Run for your lives! He’s a demon straight from hell!”

    “What do you mean?” asked Shichiro. “It couldn’t be that bad…”

    Then a cackling, hideous laugh echoed through the parking garage. The three humans’ blood ran cold.

    Jalal gave a look of sheer terror. He got off the D-Wheel.

    “No…” he whispered. “It couldn’t be…”

    “You recognize that laugh, boss?” asked Jinx.

    Jalal paused for a minute.

    “I’d never forget it…” he whispered.

    They all turned around, and saw the cloaked figured standing there.

    “What is it?” asked Jinx.

    “His name is Zargon,” said Jalal, his voice full of bile. “He’s a reeve… The highest paid and best skilled killers among Shadowkind…”

    “Reeve…” said Shichiro. “Wait… Wasn’t a reeve who…”

    He stopped short.

    “…killed your father?”

    Then he noticed that Jalal had tears in his eyes.

    “So nice to be remembered, Jalal,” said the reeve. “Do you know how much fun that job was? Dragons were always my favorite targets. Although, I was really upset when that foul worm Malys refused to pay me…”

    “How can you still be alive?” shouted Jalal. “You botched the job… Why didn’t your fellow reeves kill you like they did to all failures?”

    “Because they’re all like you guys, stupid,” replied Zargon. “Not smart, like me. I knew that one of them was coming to kill me, so unlike most, I had a plan…

    “They sent another reeve to kill me… His name was Horashian. But I saw him coming, I ambushed him, and killed him first.

    “I knew more would come once they learned of his failure, so I took all of Horashian’s things… His weapons and equipment, and his clothes, which, as was the style for our race, were so good at concealing one’s face. Then I reported back to the other reeves, posing as Horashian and telling them that the mission was a success, and Zargon was dead. I burned his corpse, as he was instructed to do with mine, and since he was allowed to keep anything I had owned, took all of my possessions along with his. I had survived, and gained a new identity. I was the only one who knew that Zargon still lived.

    “All went well for a century, until once again, my quarry evaded me. Once again, my fellows sent one to dispose of me for failure. But once again, I killed the killer, and repeated the trick all over again.

    “I’ve used this trick several times. I’ve lived so many lives, so many identities, all of them stolen from would-be-assassins. All because I outsmarted my fellows each time. They’ve likely forgotten that Zargon ever existed…”

    “Hold on!” shouted Shichiro. “Exactly how long do you guys live?! Jalal’s father was murdered a thousand years ago!”

    Zargon laughed again.

    “The reeves do not die of natural causes,” he replied. “We don’t get old, and we never catch diseases. We would all live forever if we were not killed by violence. But, word hasn’t gotten out, because almost all reeves on Earth are killed by enemies or their own race.”

    “You were the assassin who killed DaPen, weren’t you?” asked Jinx.

    “Guilty,” replied Zargon. “Wouldn’t you say I did a good job?”

    “How the heck did you get duocaine?” asked Gears.

    Zargon laughed once again.

    “Who do you think invented it?” he asked. “The three government agencies who know how to make duocaine learned how to make it from reeves. They invented the stuff, along with some of the deadliest tools of assassination in existence.”

    By now, Jalal looked more upset than he had likely been in decades.

    “Stand back, boss,” said Shichiro. “I can handle this guy.”

    “No, Shichiro,” said Jalal, stepping forward.

    His special Duel Disk appeared on his arm.

    “This one is personal…”

    Zargon chuckled, and a Duel Disk appeared on his own arm. It looked uncomfortably like the Chaos Disks used by the Orichalcos Soldiers many years ago.

    “Looks like I’ve hit a bonanza,” he said. “Do you know how many bounties I’ll be able to collect once I handle you?”

    “Thirty-seven, at last count,” replied Jalal. “I keep track of all prices on my head.”

    Zargon seemed to lose his nerve a little at this statement. Clearly, he had not known there were that many.

    “Good gravy…” he muttered. “I’ll be able to retire after I finish here…”

    “In a pig’s eye,” said Jalal. “I’ve survived countless attempts on my life since the Treaty was written. This will be no different.”

    Zargon regained his composure.

    “Yeah, I know you can’t be killed,” he replied. “I learned that the hard way the last time we met. But I also know of many ways to deal with immortal beings.

    “My favorite way is to cut them into pieces and bury each piece in a separate location. Puts them out of commission permanently.”

    The two Disks activated.

    “Duel!” they both shouted.

    (Jalal: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Zargon: 8,000)

    “I’ll start this show,” said Jalal, drawing a card.

    “I summon…”

    He played a card.

    “…Koumori Dragon!”

    With a small growl, a man-sized Dragon with wings and violet scales appeared in front of him. (1,500 ATK)

    “You call that a Monster?” chuckled Zargon. “I kind of expected more…”

    Jalal frowned, and fit a card into his Disk. A facedown card appeared.

    “Just move…” he said.

    “With pleasure,” said Zargon, making a draw. “Meet my Insect Knight!”

    With a hideous drone, a humanoid mantis holding a sword leapt onto the field. (1,900 ATK)

    “Destroy his Dragon!” ordered Zargon.

    Insect Knight flew at Koumori Dragon with a sickening buzz…

    “Not so fast!” shouted Jalal.

    His facedown card shot up, revealing a Quickplay Spell.

    “I activate Both Sides,” he said. “This lets me sacrifice a Dark Monster to summon a Light one of the same Level from my hand, or vice versa. And I just so happen to have one that qualifies right here…

    “So I’ll get rid of Koumori Dragon…”

    The small Dragon vanished.

    “…to bring out Light Lindworm! Attack Mode!”

    In a flash of light, the lizard-like, wingless, many-tailed Dragon appeared. (1,900 ATK)

    “Tricky…” said Zargon, as Insect Knight landed. “Very well… My bug calls off his attack…

    “And I’ll play a Spell Card…”

    He fit a card into his Disk.

    “I play Verdant Sanctuary!”

    Suddenly, the whole parking garage changed. Trees, vines, ferns, and flowers sprouted, turning the place into a small, dense forest.

    “A Field Spell?” asked Jinx.

    “No, it seems to be a Continuous Spell,” said Gears. “But I have no idea what it does…”

    “I’d love to explain what it does,” said Zargon, “but you all will find out soon anyway… I end my turn…”

    Jalal quickly drew a card.

    “I sacrifice Lindworm…” he said.

    Light Lindworm vanished into particles.

    “…to summon Genesis Dragon!”

    Lightning flashed, and a much bigger Dragon rose over the field. It stood upright, having only two legs and a pair of wings. Its back was colored a burnt crimson, and it had a white underbelly. Lightning crackled all over its scales. (2,200 ATK)

    “Flatten his bug! Scorching ray!”

    Genesis Dragon blasted a beam of pure light from its jaws, incinerating Insect Knight.

    “Ergh…” muttered Zargon.

    “All right!” cheered Jinx. “First blood to Jalal!”

    (J: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Z: 7,700)

    “True, first blood to him,” said Zargon. “But thanks to Verdant Sanctuary, Monsters is one thing I’ll never run out of.”

    He took his deck from the holder.

    “You see, thanks to my Spell Card, whenever one of my Insects is stomped, I get to take another from my deck, so long as it’s the same Level as the one that was destroyed.”

    “Fine…” said Jalal. “It’s your move…”

    Zargon drew a card. He would have smiled if his mouth had been built in a way that could accommodate a smile. It was Bottomless Trap Hole.

    He placed two cards on his Disk, and both it and a reversed Monster appeared.

    “Your move…” he said.

    Jalal made a draw.

    “I can’t even see your face, and I don’t like the look on it,” he said.

    “I summon Shine Dragon.”

    As the Monster started to appear, Zargon’s finger tensed on the trigger…

    It was a small Dragon, with sharp claws, a sharp crest, and bright, silvery scales. (1,400 ATK)

    Aw, crud! thought Zargon. That thing’s Attack Score is too low for my Trap to affect!

    “You seem disappointed, Zargon,” growled Jalal. “Since this Monster seems to have ruined some plan of yours, I have a pretty good idea just what that plan is…

    “Let’s see if I’m right… I activate Shine Dragon’s effect. By sacrificing it, I can wipe out one of your reversed cards.”

    “HUH?” said Zargon.

    Shine Dragon turned into a beam of pure light, and shot towards the Trap Card, burning it to a cinder.

    “Yep, I was right,” said Jalal. “Are you starting to see a difference between me now and how I was a thousand years ago? I’ve gotten smarter and more cunning over the past ten centuries. I can anticipate an enemy’s moves by his expressions even if he hides them under a hood. There are some things you simply can’t hide.

    “And I’m willing to bet that your Monster is Howling Insect. Let’s see if I’m right again!”

    Genesis Dragon blasted its bolt of energy at the facedown Monster, and it was indeed Howling Insect.

    “Oh, I’m so smart,” mocked Zargon, taking his deck. “Well, I can’t use the effect of Verdant Sanctuary this time, because Howling Insect is the only Level 3 Insect I’ve got. But I can use Howling Insect’s effect to Special Summon Pinch Hopper…”

    A large, typical-looking grasshopper appeared in front of him. (1,000 ATK)

    “Anything else, Mr. Predict-Every-Move?”

    “I think Jalal got him mad,” said Jinx.

    “Can you blame him?” asked Shichiro. “Don’t forget what this guy did…”

    Zargon drew a card.

    “Hey, Jalal!” he shouted. “Predict this!”

    He played a Spell Card.

    “I play Insect Costume! First I gotta toss one of my Insects…”

    He discarded a Metal Armored Bug.

    “…which lets me take another one from my deck…”

    He took a card from his deck, and looked at it.

    “Then, I get to destroy one that’s on the field, like my Pinch Hopper…”

    Pinch Hopper exploded into shards.

    “Lovely,” said Gears. “When Pinch Hopper goes to the Graveyard…”

    “I get to Special Summon an Insect from my hand,” continued Zargon. “Like Chainsaw Insect!”

    There was a roar of chainsaws, and a huge beetle with serrated mandibles appeared in front of him. (2,400 ATK)

    “I’m not done!” he laughed. “I’m removing two Insects from play…”

    He took Insect Knight and Howling Insect from his Graveyard and placed them in his robe.

    “…to bring out Doom Dozer!”

    With a loud roar, a cephalopod that was twice as big appeared. It looked like a huge millipede with a rust-red exoskeleton and huge mandibles. (2,800 ATK)

    “Ho… boy…” said Gears.

    “I’m still not done!” laughed Zargon. “I’m removing one more Insect from play…”

    Pinch Hopper slipped out of his discard slot, and he pocketed it.

    “…to bring out Aztekipede the Worm Warrior!”

    The best way to describe the Insect that appeared next was to say that it was a smaller version of Doom Dozer. It was the same basic shape, but only about half the size, and had a green exoskeleton. (1,900 ATK)

    “Scared, Jalal?” asked Zargon.

    Jalal sighed.

    “NO,” he replied, bluntly. “Scared of a bunch of bugs, Zargon? Get serious! Why would I be scared of things that I swat with a rolled-up copy of the London Financial Times?

    “You’re talking to someone who slew Malys, who fought her head-on, I might add. And I’ve fought many Shadows who were just as strong in my time.

    “Unlike you… You’re not a warrior, you’re a killer. You don’t fight your foes face-to-face, you cheat. When you tried to assassinate my father, you jabbed a poisoned dagger into his ribs while he was asleep, and then ran. Poisoning is the mark of a coward.”

    “I’m facing you now, aren’t I?” shouted Zargon.

    “Only because my own Treaty requires me to use Duel Monsters!” shouted Jalal. “I’m willing to bet that if I was able to use my sword, you’d cower in the corner and beg for mercy like the coward I’m sure you are!”

    “I’ll show you who’s a coward!” yelled Zargon. “Chainsaw Insect! Eviscerate Genesis Dragon!”

    Chainsaw Insect lunged at the large Dragon, and the Dragon exploded into a blast of pure energy.

    “Due to your Monster’s effect,” said Jalal, “I get to draw one card…”

    He made a draw.

    “And due to Genesis Dragon’s effect, all Dragons in my Graveyard now go back to my deck.”

    He took Shine Dragon, Light Lindworm, Koumori Dragon, and Genesis Dragon itself from his Graveyard, added them to his deck, and then reshuffled.

    “Yeah?” said Zargon, “well chew on this!”

    Aztekipede roared, and fired a bolt of energy from its jaws, striking Jalal squarely in the torso.

    Everyone looked. Jalal didn’t even flinch. He had just stood there like a statue.

    “Huh?” said Zargon. “Uh… Aztekipede’s effect…”

    “I know…” said Jalal.

    He took the top card off his deck and discarded it.

    “Ooh, I’ll show you!” screamed Zargon.

    Doom Dozer blasted an even more intense bolt of energy, and an explosion erupted around Jalal.

    When the smoke cleared, Jalal was still looking at his foe as defiantly as ever.

    He casually discarded another card.

    (J: 3,100) - - - - - - - - - - (Z: 7,700)

    “Yeah, yeah,” said Zargon, taking a card from his hand. “Fine. You proved you weren’t a coward…”

    He set it on his Disk, and a facedown Monster appeared.

    “Let’s see if bravery can keep you from losing next turn. It’s your move…”

    “I’m worried,” said Jinx. “Jalal might talk tough, but he’s way behind, and Zargon has the clear advantage.”

    “Don’t worry,” said Shichiro. “Jalal has recovered from worse situations than this…

    “Uhm… At least I’m pretty sure he has…”

    Jalal drew a card.

    “Zargon, before we continue…” he said. “I have to ask… Why Insects? Do they have a deeper meaning to you?”

    Zargon looked like he had lost his nerve a little at this question.

    “No… I…” he said. “I just… like them…”

    “Why?” asked Shichiro. “Insector Haiga liked them, but I think that was just because he liked Monsters that were intimidating. But no-one really uses them because they like Insects.”

    “Yeah,” said Gears. “One of the Dark Signers used spiders, but it was probably only because his Earthbound God demanded it.”

    Zargon sighed.

    “Fine…” he said. “I’ll show you…

    “But I warn you… Once you hear the story I’m about to tell, I’ll do my hardest to make sure that none of you live to tell it to anyone…”

    He slowly started to pull back his hood. Everyone watched.

    They couldn’t believe it. Zargon was an insect himself, or something like one. His head looked like some mutant mantis, with multifaceted eyes, and a pair of mandibles.

    “Good lord…” said Shichiro.

    “What do you think?” asked the reeve. “I’m a good-looking fellow, aren’t I?”

    “No wonder you use bugs,” said Jinx. “You ARE a bug!”

    “We weren’t always…” sighed Zargon.

    He paused.

    “Like all Shadows, I lost most of my memories when I was pulled onto your world,” he began. “But no force in the universe could ever make any reeve forget the infernal bargain that made us what we are today. It has been burned into our memories like a branding iron on skin.

    “We assume that once, in ancient times, we were a soft, weak race, who had trouble competing for land and food with the other, stronger races. Our race simply couldn’t evolve past a primitive state, because we didn’t have the magic that the elves had, the skills that the dwarves had, or the strength in battle possessed by humans.

    “So we decided that in order to cope, we’d get some help.

    “The strongest members of our race, whose power was still pathetic compared to the leaders of other races, went to the stronghold of an exiled devil princess named Zauriel. She had long been banished from the nether regions for reasons that are beyond mortal comprehension. But she was still willing to make deals with anyone brave enough to come to her. Our representatives did, stating that we desired that our race be strong… powerful… And feared by other races.

    “Zauriel said she could do that. And as a price, she demanded that the reeves serve her for one generation. We thought it a fair price for such a grandiose task, thinking that our race would dominate the world for generations after. We agreed.

    “She made us powerful, and capable, turning us into killers capable of delivering death with a powerful stroke. But in doing so, she turned us into these things, making us immortal… And also making us genderless and neuter, unable to reproduce.”

    Everyone gasped.

    “She…” gasped Shichiro. “She double-crossed you… The one generation… It would last forever…”

    “Exactly!” snarled Zargon. “From that point on, the reeves became her servitor race.

    “Some folks say that when you make a deal with devils, you should always read the fine print. That’s a dirty lie. The best advice for dealing with them is, DON’T. Never deal with them, ever! We’re far from the only ones who were scammed.

    “The only escape for any of us is when whatever brings Shadowkind to Earth decides to do so for one of us. Technically, the reeves who live on Earth still serve her, but she can’t tell us what to do while we’re here, and she can’t make us go back, so here we’re free to plot our own destinies.

    “And those of us who were lucky enough to escape resolved never to be taken advantage of again. We resolved that we would be a force to be reckoned with. That is why failure among our kind is not tolerated. Failures are not ones to be feared. On Earth, our race weeds out failures, so that we can be stronger than ever.”

    “And yet you’ve failed several times over the last thousand years,” said Jalal.

    “I was a victim of circumstance, Jalal…” said Zargon. “Yet, I proved each time that I was superior to any member of my own kind that came after me.

    “And I’ll tell you something… The fear that most Shadows and Awares on Earth have of us is unfounded. You said it yourself… We’re assassins, not warriors. We can do things that involve killing, but a reeve that is competent at anything else is a rarity.

    “We may be expert chemists when it comes to making poison, but we can’t make anything else. We can barely even cook. We can make devices that are designed to kill, but other than that, we’re hopeless with machines. I have yet to see a reeve that can program a DVR. In all areas other than killing, most reeves are hopeless. Maybe the reason is that Zauriel saw no reason to give us any skills that didn’t involve killing, because killing is all she wanted us to do for her. But that sits fine with me.

    “Eventually, I might stand a chance of assuming leadership of the reeves, and fulfilling my ultimate goal.”

    “And what might that be?” asked Jalal.

    “Finding a way back to the home world of Shadowkind,” said Zargon. “Then, I’ll present proof of all these failures, and proof of numerous other failures that I’ve kept track of, which is proof that most of my kinsmen are nothing more than a bunch of buffoons. This will be proof that Zauriel didn’t deliver on her end of the bargain. Then we will be freed from the contract…”

    “And you’ll rule as king, right?” asked Jalal. “Well, finding your way back home is a big weak spot in your plans.”

    “I have plenty of time,” said Zargon. “I’m immortal, remember?”

    “Yes, I remember,” said Jalal. “And I kind of pity you… Because your plan makes such little sense, that I now know why you and all other reeves turned into psychopaths who kill for a living.”

    “What do you mean?” asked Zargon.

    “I believe it’s my move,” said Jalal, taking a card from his hand.

    “First, I set two cards…”

    Two facedown cards appeared.

    “Then, I summon Chaos-End Master!”

    In a burst of pure light, the angelic Warrior appeared on his side of the field. (1,500 ATK)

    “Now, the Spell Card, Enemy Controller,” he said, playing another card. “This moves your Chainsaw Insect to Defense Mode…”

    Chainsaw Insect drew back and shielded itself. (0 DEF)

    “Chaos-End Master, destroy it!” ordered Jalal.

    The Tuner conjured up a sphere of crackling energy, and hurled it at Chainsaw Insect. The beetle exploded into shards.

    “Once again, your Monster lets me draw one card…” continued Jalal.

    He made a draw.

    “…while mine lets me Special Summon a high-Level Monster with an Attack Score of 1,600 or less.

    “So I’ll bring out Sphere of Chaos.”

    In a scintillating pattern of light and darkness, the weird, spherical Machine appeared. It hummed and its lights flashed. (1,600 ATK)

    “Now, I Tune both Monsters together…”

    Chaos-End Master and Sphere of Chaos dissolved into eight glowing stars. They flew into the sky of Verdant Sanctuary.

    The whole place went dark. A pair of red, glowing eyes appeared in the shadows, and a low growl came from where they appeared…

    “Come out,” called Jalal, “Dark End Dragon!

    The Dragon that appeared seemed to be the polar opposite of Jalal’s Light End Dragon. Its scales were as dark as midnight, and its wings were bat-like. Most startling, it had two fiendish faces, one where you’d expect the face to be on a Dragon, and the second on its muscular torso. (2,600 ATK)

    “Heh…” said Zargon. “That’s very scary, but Doom Dozer will still demolish it.”

    “Doom Dozer isn’t going to be here in a few seconds,” replied Jalal. “I’m activating Dark End Dragon’s effect. By reducing its Attack Score by 500, I can banish one of your Monsters to the Graveyard.”

    Dark End Dragon glowed with an aura of dark energy, and its Attack Score lowered to 2,100.

    “Dark Evaporation!” shouted Jalal.

    Doom Dozer screeched as a chocking black fog engulfed it, and literally ate it alive. Within seconds, nothing was left of the huge bug.

    “Man, Jalal…” said Jinx. “I’m glad I’m never gonna have to duel you… You play rough.”

    “It’s your move…” said Jalal.

    Zargon drew a card.

    “I flip Morphing Jar into Attack Mode!” he shouted.

    His facedown Monster flipped up. Morphing Jar appeared, and cackled. (700 ATK)

    Jalal shrugged. He discarded the one card in his hand, and made five draws. Zargon discarded the card he had just drawn, and also drew five.

    “Now I think I’ll sacrifice it…”

    Morphing Jar vanished.

    “…to summon Saber Beetle!”

    Another large beetle appeared. It was just as big as Chainsaw Insect, but instead of mandibles, it had a large, frontal horn, which glowed with energy. (2,400 ATK)


  12. #252
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Continued from last post:

    “Attack his Dragon!” he shouted.

    Saber Beetle scurried towards the large Dragon.

    “Activate… Draining Shield!” shouted Jalal.

    One of his facedown cards lifted up, and Saber Beetle slammed against an invisible shield.

    “So be it,” said Zargon. “I end my turn…
    “But what will you do? Dark End Dragon isn’t strong enough defeat Saber Beetle in battle, and if you use its effect on Saber Beetle, it will have to reduce its Attack Score to 1,600. I’ll be able to destroy it with Aztekipede.”

    “Oh yeah?” shouted Shichiro. “I don’t recall Jalal saying that he can only use that effect once per round!”

    “Actually, Shichiro, I can only use the effect once per round,” replied Jalal.

    Shichiro turned beet red.

    “I think we’d best leave this to him,” said Gears.

    (J: 5,500) - - - - - - - - - - (Z: 7,700)

    “Don’t worry,” said Jalal, drawing a card, “I’ve already got it covered…”

    His other facedown card lifted.

    “I activate De-Synchro!”

    Dark End Dragon split into two orbs of light, which formed into Chaos-End Master (1,500 ATK) and Sphere of Chaos. (1,600 ATK)

    “But they’re only here so I can Tune them together again…”

    The two Monsters formed into eight glowing stars again.

    “…to Synchro Summon Dark End’s counterpart… The Light End Dragon!”

    With another roar, the far more beautiful Light Dragon with feathered wings appeared, looming over the field. (2,600 ATK)

    “Now I activate its effect,” continued Jalal. “When it battles, I can reduce its Attack Score by 500 to reduce the Attack Score of your Monster by 1,500!”

    “HUH?” said Zargon.

    “Attack!” shouted Jalal. “Shining Sublimation!”

    Light End Dragon glowed with blinding light. Its Attack Score lowered to 2,100, and Saber Beetle’s fell all the way to 900. A blast of pure energy blew the bug out of existence.

    “Ergh…” muttered Zargon, bracing himself.

    (J: 5,500) - - - - - - - - - - (Z: 6,500)

    “I’ll throw this facedown, and end my turn,” said Jalal, as a facedown card appeared.

    Zargon snarled and made a draw.

    “I set a Monster, and then move Aztekipede to Defense Mode,” he said.

    A set Monster appeared, and then the huge millipede curled up into a defensive position. (400 DEF)

    “It’s your move…”

    Jalal drew a card.

    His facedown card lifted up.

    “I activate Forbidden Chalice,” he said. “Now, for one round only, my Dragon loses its effect, and gains 400 Attack Points.

    “Of course, if Light End Dragon loses its effect, its Attack Score returns to its base score. So with the bonus from Forbidden Chalice, it has 3,000 Attack Points.”

    Light End Dragon roared as its Attack Points went up. Then it breathed its beam of energy, blowing Aztekipede to pieces.

    “Bah!” said Zargon, looking through his deck. “I use the effect of Verdant Sanctuary to pull another Insect.”

    “Fine,” said Jalal. “I end my turn, which means it loses the 400 extra points, but it stays at the base score until I want to use its effect again.”

    (2,600 ATK)

    “It won’t matter in a minute!” laughed Zargon, drawing a card.

    “I flip my facedown Monster into Attack Mode! My Man-Eater Bug!”

    One of the oldest and nastiest Flip-Effect Monsters in the game appeared on the field, and snarled at Jalal. (450 ATK)

    Then it leapt at the much bigger Monster in front of it….

    “Light End Dragon!” shouted Jalal. “Escape!”

    Then Light End Dragon simply vanished. Man-Eater Bug stopped short, and it was confused. It looked back and forth, wondering where its quarry had gone…

    Then it stepped back in shock as another Monster, just as big as Light End Dragon, towered over it. It was a humanoid Dragon standing ten feet tall, dressed in the armor of a heroic knight, with a sword and shield. (2,800 ATK)

    It roared at Man-Eater Bug, and the Insect backed off.

    “What happened?!” shouted Zargon. “Where’d Light End Dragon go? Where’d THAT thing come from?”

    “Simple,” said Jalal. “Since Man-Eater Bug’s effect would have destroyed Light End Dragon, I was able to activate Dragonic Knight’s effect, sending Man-Eater Bug’s target to the Graveyard to summon the Knight from my hand. This guy is a nasty surprise for anyone who tries to destroy my Dragons with Monster effects.”

    “No kidding!” gasped Gears. “Look at the size of that guy!”

    “It’s still my move, Jalal!” shouted Zargon. “I summon Bee List Soldier!”

    With a loud buzz, an Insect that looked like a humanoid bee carrying a trident with a red bandana around its neck appeared. (500 ATK)

    “Now, by sacrificing Bee List Soldier and another Insect, I can draw two cards.”

    Bee List Soldier and Man-Eater Bug vanished. Zargon made two draws.

    “Heh, heh…” he chuckled. “I play Monster Reborn!”

    He played the card, and the glowing ankh appeared.

    “What could he be summoning?” asked Jinx.

    “Beats me,” said Gears. “The only thing he has in his Graveyard that can stand up to Dragonic Knight is Doom Dozer, and you can’t summon that with Monster Reborn.”

    “I summon Metal Armored Bug!” shouted Zargon.

    With a huge blast of energy, a beetle even bigger than Saber Beetle appeared in front of him. It looked like it had a shell made entirely of steel, with an overall aura of strength. (2,800 ATK)

    “When was that in his Graveyard?” shouted Jinx.

    “I discarded it to play Insect Costume, remember?” replied Zargon. “And it looks like we have a standoff.

    “It’s your move…”

    Jalal made a draw.

    Lava Dragon… he thought, looking at it. This guy might be useful later…

    He took another card, and set it on his Disk. A reversed Monster appeared.

    “That’s all for now…”

    Zargon made a draw.

    “Time to take you down,” he said.

    “First, I summon Neo Bug…”

    A large, green, scorpion-like Insect with wings appeared. (1,800 ATK)

    “Then, I remove two more Insects from play…”

    He took Man-Eater Bug and Bee List Soldier from his discard slot.

    “…to summon my second Doom Dozer!”

    A second Doom Dozer, a twin of the first one, appeared next to Metal Armored Bug. (2,800 ATK)

    “Man, just how many Level 8 Monsters can one duel have?” asked Jinx.

    “Uh, I think Dragonic Knight is actually Level 7,” said Shichiro.

    “Shut up!” shouted Zargon, playing a Spell Card. “I play Riryoku! Now, Dragonic Knight loses half its Attack Score…”

    Dragonic Knight fell to a score of 1,400.

    “…and those points go right to my Doom Dozer!”

    Doom Dozer grew to a score of 4,200.

    “Attack!” shouted Zargon.

    Doom Dozer fired its bolt from its jaws, and Dragonic Knight exploded it a fiery blast. Jalal struggled to keep on his feet.

    He grunted, and discarded the top card from his deck.

    “Next I’m going after that mystery Monster of yours!” shouted Zargon.

    Metal Armored Bug scurried towards the facedown Monster. Masked Dragon appeared on the card, and was crushed to pieces.

    “I use its effect to summon a second Masked Dragon!” shouted Jalal.

    Another Masked Dragon appeared, crouching and folding its wings. (1,100 DEF)

    “Neo Bug, get it!” shouted Zargon.

    Neo Bug scurried over to the Dragon, and crushed it in its pincers.

    “By all means, summon a third one,” he said.

    “No-one ever uses Masked Dragon without bringing three,” said Jalal, as a third one appeared. (1,100 DEF)

    “I end my turn!” shouted Zargon.

    (J: 2,700) - - - - - - - - - - (Z: 6,500)

    Jalal quickly made a draw.

    “I play Pot of Avarice,” he said, playing a card.

    He took Sphere of Chaos, Chaos-End Master, Luster Dragon, and both Masked Dragons from his Graveyard, added them to his deck, and reshuffled. Then he made two draws.

    He looked at the two cards.

    “I summon Decoy Dragon!” he shouted.

    In a small burst of energy, a little, baby Dragon appeared in front of him. (300 ATK)

    “And that will be all.”

    Zargon laughed as he made a draw.

    “You don’t fool me, Jalal!” he laughed. “I know what will happen if I attack that thing… You’ll summon Light End Dragon from your Graveyard, and my attack will be redirected towards it.

    “Well guess again… I play Soul Taker!”

    He played the Spell Card, and a death ray shot from it, hitting Decoy Dragon and blasting it into shards.

    “Cheer up,” said Zargon. “At least you got 1,000 more Life Points. Now to clean up…

    “Doom Dozer, destroy Masked Dragon!”

    Doom Dozer’s bolt fired, and the Masked Dragon was blown to pieces.

    “Nice try, Zargon, but I sent both of the other Masked Dragons back to my deck when I used Pot of Avarice.”

    The second Masked Dragon appeared for the second time.

    Zargon was clearly angry. He pointed, and Metal Armored Bug crushed the third Masked Dragon.

    “Well?” he said. “Summon the third one so I can crush that one too!”

    “I think not, Zargon,” said Jalal. “I think this time, I’m going to summon Golem Dragon.”

    With a rumble, a large, bulky Dragon, seemingly made entirely of granite, appeared in front of Jalal, covering itself with its claws. (2,000 DEF)

    “Neo Bug can’t defeat that!” shouted Zargon. “Ooh… I end my turn…”

    (J: 3,700) - - - - - - - - - - (Z: 6,500)

    Jalal quickly made a draw.

    “I play two facedowns,” he said, as two facedown cards appeared, “and then summon Lava Dragon.”

    In a bonfire of flame, a new Dragon appeared on the field. Well, sort of. It looked more like a very large lizard, with violet scales, a long tail, no wings, and eight legs. (1,600 ATK)

    “Eh?” said Zargon.

    “Your move…” said Jalal.

    “Then I draw!” said Zargon, drawing a card.

    “Neo Bug, destroy Lava Dragon!”

    Neo Bug scurried towards the strange Dragon

    Jalal’s facedown card shot up.

    “I activate Rising Energy!” he shouted.

    “Ah, crud…” said Zargon.

    “I discard one card,” said Jalal, discarding A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon, “and Lava Dragon gains 1,500 Attack Points for this round.”

    Lava Dragon rose to an Attack Score of 3,100. It belched a blast of fire mixed with lava, and Neo Bug was melted into slag.

    “I should thank your Doom Dozer,” said Jalal. “If it weren’t for its effect, I wouldn’t have drawn this Trap last round.”

    “Fine…” said Zargon. “You’re trying to stall for some reason, but it won’t work…

    “I’ll end my turn. Just try to protect your Monsters next round…”

    (J: 3,700) - - - - - - - - - - (Z: 5,200)

    Jalal made a draw. He looked at the card and the one he already had.

    I don’t have to, he thought Jalal. True, I was stalling… But the moment I was stalling for has finally arrived…

    “Now, Zargon…” he said. “Now I’m going to finish you off…

    “First I move Lava Dragon to Defense Mode.”

    Lava Dragon curled up into a defensive position. (1,200 DEF)

    “When Lava Dragon is in Defense Mode, I can activate its effect. I sacrifice it…”

    Lava Dragon vanished.

    “…and in return, I can Special Summon two Level 3 or less Dragons, so long as one comes from my hand, and one comes from my Graveyard.”

    First, Masked Dragon appeared. (1,400 ATK) Then, Twin-Headed Behemoth appeared next to it. (1,500 ATK)

    “Next, I summon Debris Dragon!” he shouted.

    In a burst of wind, a small Dragon with silvery scales, and an elongated snout appeared. It looked sort of what the offspring of Yusei Fudo’s Dragon might look like, if such a thing were possible. (1,000 ATK)

    “When Debris Dragon is Normal Summoned, I get to Special Summon a Monster with 500 Attack Points or less from my Graveyard. So once again, here’s Decoy Dragon!”

    Decoy Dragon appeared again with a squeak. (300 ATK)

    “Now, I Tune together Debris Dragon, Masked Dragon, and Twin-Headed Behemoth!”

    The three Dragons faded, turning into ten glowing stars…

    “A Level 10 Synchro Summon?” gasped Zargon.

    With a furious bellow, a gigantic Monster appeared behind Jalal. It was a huge, limbless Dragon with huge wings and three fiendish heads on long, snaky necks.

    “Meet Trident Dragion!” shouted Jalal.

    (3,000 ATK)

    “Is it just me,” asked Jinx, “or did Jalal just summon King Ghidorah?”

    “It’s not just you…” said Shichiro, nervously.

    “Now I activate Trident Dragion’s effect,” said Jalal. “I can now destroy up to two of my own cards…”

    Golem Dragon and Decoy Dragon shattered into shards.

    “Why the heck would you do that?” asked Zargon.

    “Because,” replied Jalal. “For each card that I just destroyed, Trident Dragion gets an extra attack!”

    “It does??” shouted Zargon.

    “Destroy Doom Dozer!” shouted Jalal. “Flame Fury!”

    Trident Dragion’s left head shot a stream of fire, burning Doom Dozer to a crisp.

    “Bah!” shouted Zargon. “I use the effect of Verdant Sanctuary…”

    He looked through his deck… Then a look of panic appeared on his face.

    “No…” he said. “I’m all out of Level 8 Insects!”

    “What a shame,” said Jalal. “Attack Metal Armored Bug! Second Flame Fury!”

    Trident Dragion’s right head fired a blast, and the huge beetle exploded.

    “My Dragon still has its normal attack,” said Jalal, “and it has your name on it!”

    “Attack him directly! Final Flame Fury!”

    Trident Dragion’s central head fired an even more intense blast, and Zargon screamed as he was hit by it…

    (J: 3,700) - - - - - - - - - - (Z: 1,800)

    He caught his breath.

    “Well you were wrong on one matter,” he said. “You haven’t finished me yet…”

    Then Jalal’s last facedown card lifted up.

    “I activate Synchro Out,” said Jalal. “This Trap Card works much like De-Synchro…”

    Trident Dragion vanished, and Debris Dragon (1,000 ATK), Masked Dragon (1,400 ATK), and Twin-Headed Behemoth (1,500 ATK) appeared in its place.

    “…but since it’s a Trap, I don’t have to end my Battle Phase to activate it!”

    “No…” said Zargon.

    Then he screamed again as Twin-Headed Behemoth and Masked Dragon blasted him with bolts of ice and fire. He staggered backwards and fell over.

    (J: 3,700) - - - - - - - - - - (Z: 0)

    Jalal walked up to the assassin.

    “It’s over, Zargon,” he said. “You’re under arrest.”

    “No…”said Zargon, getting up. “NO!”

    He drew a dagger from his belt.

    “I can still finish you!”

    He lunged at Jalal…

    Then the dagger flew from his hand, and the next second, Jalal’s sword was at his throat.

    The reeve fell to his knees.

    “Mercy, please!” he begged. “I give up…”

    “Seems I proved my point,” said Jalal. “You’re nothing but a coward…

    “You know, Zargon, maybe a part of me knew all along that you weren’t dead… Maybe a part of me knew that we’d meet again… And frankly, all you are is a big disappointment.

    “You aren’t some dark force that can slay any foe. If you had confronted my father directly, you wouldn’t have stood a chance. You’re nothing more than someone who stabbed your victim with a poisoned blade while he slept. You’re just a common thug.”

    He lifted a gemstone, and Zargon vanished.

    “Good work, boss,” said Shichiro. “But… I gotta ask… Why did he and all the other reeves turn into psychopaths who kill for a living?”

    “Immortality insanity,” replied Jalal. “I’ve seen it many times.”

    He sighed.

    “It’s an affliction that happens to most mortals who become immortal. Immortality is not something that most mortals can handle. After a few centuries, they accumulate more memory and knowledge than their minds are meant to handle, and ennui sets in. It drives them mad.

    “My father thought that he was safe from this affliction. After all, a dragon’s lifespan is already several thousand years to begin with.”

    “What about you, boss?” asked Jinx.

    Jalal sighed again.

    “The concept terrified me from day one,” he replied. “That’s one of the reasons I started the Shadowchasers, to have a purpose I could follow. And I’ve used special techniques and therapy all this time to increase my mental capacity. I’ve managed to avoid madness so far.

    “I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it forever… But I’m still strong. I think I have at least a few more centuries under my belt.”

    “Is it safe to come out now?” asked Elsie’s voice.

    They spun around. They had forgotten about her.

    Shichiro quickly untied her.

    “Elsie, get out of here,” he said. “We’ll handle it from this point.”

    As Elsie ran back the way she came, the four of them mounted the three D-Wheels and sped up to the next floor of the parking garage.

    Unfortunately, as they did so, a portal appeared in their path, and drew them in.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Anthony Draco was in his office, watching. He thought hard, with a worried look on his face, but he said nothing…

    The second individual responsible for the murder of Jamor Stormbringer was now in custody. It had taken his son a thousand years to do it, but he knew now that finally, his father’s spirit could rest in peace.

    One might, at first, feel sorry for the reeves, but that sorrow would be misplaced. They should have known better than to make a deal with a devil princess. No good can ever come from an infernal contract. They say that you should read the fine print, but this is a myth; infernal contracts never have fine print. Usually, the part that lets the fiends exploit it is somewhere in plain sight in the actual body of the contract, but is written in such confusing legal lingo that the “client” overlooks it.

    Now it was time to handle the business at hand. Draco would have been happy to confront them right away, but his mysterious partner had other ideas. That portal they had driven through was going to take them on a short detour before they could get to the place where he and I were.

    And while that portal had one entrance, it had three exits. Jinx, Gears, and Shichiro were going to be in three different confrontations, and only Shichiro would have a supporter in his…

    Divide and conquer…

    INSECT COSTUME (Spell Card)

    Normal Spell

    A dragonfly with a larger wasp above it.

    Card Description: Discard 1 Insect-Type Monster from your hand. Then, search your deck for 1 Insect-Type Monster and add it to your hand. Then, you may destroy 1 Insect-Type Monster you control.

    Note: “Insect Costume” was first used by Uryu in the “Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s” episode “Creepy Crawlies”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    SHINE DRAGON (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 4
    ATK: 1,400
    DEF: 1,000

    Card Description: You can Tribute 1 Monster to destroy 1 facedown card your opponent controls.

    Note: “Shine Dragon” was used by Manjyome’s manga counterpart. Creative credit goes to the writers.

    SYNCHRO OUT (Trap Card)

    Normal Trap

    A glowing portal in the sky, casting a beam of light downward.

    Card Description: Select 1 of your face-up Synchro Monsters. Return it to your Extra Deck. Then, if all the Monsters that were used for the Synchro Summon of that Monster are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon them. Monsters Special Summoned by this effect are destroyed at the End Phase of the turn.

    Note: “Synchro Out” was first used by Yusei in a third season episode of “Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    Coming up next:

    Jinx is forced into a dangerous Turbo Duel, in an arena where the roads were clearly not built with motorcycles in mind. What’s more, her opponent forces her to play for the ultimate stakes, in a Shadow Turbo Duel, with one of the most dreaded beasts in the game. Can Jinx’s luck hold out one more time?

    “Overwhelm” is coming soon.

    Shadowchaser Files

    Navid Qamar, Oil Baron of Shadow

    Genies are not one race of Shadowkind, but several races, each a race of elemental spirits with different peculiarities. One of the most infamous races of geniekind is the efreet, a race of fire spirits known for their tyrannical ways, cruelty, and hatred of servitude.

    Navid Qamar (not his true name, but the name he uses among humans) was an efreeti who presumably populated a nation in the homeworld of Shadow that mirrored the fantastic stories of the Arabian Nights. He ruled as a sultan, ruling his subjects with an iron fist, and accumulating a great fortune. Thus, a cruel trick was played on him when he was pulled into our world, where he had no influence, and none of his wealth. He arrived in Saudi Arabia, a modern version of the land he was used to, so at least the local customs were similar to the ones he knew of.

    Qamar decided he would gain his power and fortune back from scratch. He soon learned that a sultan could not gain much power in this world. He also found out that here, gold and jewels did not measure wealth and power. They were mere frivolities. True power in this nation was measured in how much you controlled of a far more valuable treasure. The name of this treasure was petroleum. Naturally, Qamar was determined to master it.

    Qamar learned fast, and quickly became a big name with Saudi Arabia’s oil ministry. His influence grew, and he gained credentials with them and OPEC, quickly becoming an important figure in Middle Eastern oil production. He is now the most important Shadowkind in energy production in the world, although only Shadows know his true secret.

    Qamar has other secrets that he keeps to himself. His ultimate plan is to become the head of the Saudi oil ministry, and possibly even to become the head of OPEC itself, making himself the most powerful figure in energy production, period. Not many know of these ambitions, and he is careful to cover his tracks, using methods to cover them that aren’t always legal. Efreet don’t always let things like laws stop them.

    Qamar is aware that oil is not a renewable resource, and since his own lifespan is several thousand years, he knows that he’ll be around when this planet’s oil reserves dry up. Thus, he is working harder than even other Saudis to develop alternate energy programs. One form of energy that he has his eye on is Neo Domino’s Momentum generator. If the miraculous generator can truly churn out an unlimited supply of energy like a perpetual motion machine, the secrets of its construction is something that the efreeti will want more than anything. Of course, he knows about Zero Reverse, and would likely be more careful if he ever started his own project.

    Story Ideas: Energy… Everyone needs it. Qamar could well be inserted into any story that takes place, in part or whole, in the Arabian Peninsula, or one that deals with oil production, transport, or even accidents. A good place to look for a plot that might involve him would be the James Bond movie The World is Not Enough, which also involved an oil baron (or rather, the heiress of one) as a villain. Even in reality, the history of OPEC is one filled with corruption, and it can spawn serious plots.

    Stories involving Qamar might involve him sending spies into Neo Domino to find out about the miraculous Momentum system. This could cause no end of troubles, as the first version of that system was what ultimately woke the Earthbound Gods. Momentum is a double-edged sword, as proven by the events of the anime, and if used wrong or by evil men, disaster could occur. In the hands of an efreet, dark things could happen…

    Deck Suggestions: Qamar plays a deck that uses the Jurak Dinosaur Monsters. This theme combines two different aspects that define him: One, the Fire Attribute, which represents his race; and two, Dinosaurs, which are part of the source of fossil fuels. (The corpses of ancient organisms like dinosaurs transform into coal and petroleum after millions of years.)

  13. #253
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    I was wondering when we'd see an Insect deck pop out. Interesting how Zargon would be the one using it. And it was fulfilling for Jalal to be one to finally bring his father's assassin down, and in incredible fashion. Trident Dragion, while situational, is quite the nasty Synchro if used at the right time. It's final moves like this that make duels all the more satisfying to read.

    So the gang is all split up. While it does drag the plot down a bit, I'm sure you'll be able to give all of the encounters meaningful for each Shadowchaser. This 'ultimate beast' you're referring to intrigues me, since there are plenty of creatures in Duel Monsters lore that can fit the bill...
    Computer problems? Contact Serv U 724 and Tune it up, Back it up, Keep it up.

  14. #254
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Glad to see an insect deck, they're one of my favorite types and it was showcased nicely. To bad they don't have an archetype yet. Still, nice job on the deck. I needed it.

    Zargon was a coward indeed, good thing for Jalal to finally have his 'revenge'.

    Wondering how Ember is doing now? And who is Draco's partner, I'm very curious.

    So, we'll see three more battles, I hope they're worth it

    Keep it up!

  15. #255
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    You might find this hard to believe, but of all the Shadowchasers currently in Neo Domino, my situation was the safest. Sure, I had been captured, but Draco wasn’t interested in torture or domination, or anything worse that terrorists have been known to do to prisoners. I was perfectly safe… All this had cost me, at the moment, was a great deal of pride. I had no idea what my fate might have been if this had gone too far, but I was safe.

    The folks who were rushing to my rescue… Now that was a different story. They were in a great deal of danger. I have to give Draco the benefit of the doubt here; he wasn’t the one who created that portal. Whether or not he could have stopped it, I’m not exactly sure.

    But his mysterious partner was going to make sure that my friends weren’t going to have an easy time. The detours they had been sent on were designed to be quite lethal…

    Jinx drove out of the portal to a much different area than she had been in.

    For one, she was outdoors, and it was incredibly hot and humid. And while it had been evening a minute ago, she now saw the morning sun beating down on her.

    “Ow,” she said, swatting a mosquito.

    She looked around. She was in the middle of some sort of jungle ruins. All around her were ancient stone ziggurats, and strange carvings of a sinister nature, depicting demons and skulls. It seemed to be some Native American city of South America.

    “Looks Incan…” she muttered.

    “Mayan, actually,” said a voice.

    Jinx turned her head, and saw another D-Wheeler above her on a bluff, perched upon a jet-black, streamlined ride, his face completely hidden by his helmet.

    “Where… am… I?” asked Jinx, furrowing her brow.

    “You’re in a place that Yliaster simply calls the Ruins,” said the figure. “They guard the location of this oasis jealously. They come here every now and then to check on the place, but they aren’t here now. It lies in about fifty miles from Lima, Peru.”

    “Peru?” said Jinx. “Yliaster… Does this place have something to do with…”

    “The Earthbound Gods?” said the figure. “Yes… This was where the cabal of magicians lived who first summoned them… This is where the unholy ritual was held that called them from the Underworld.

    “This place has a history of blood, Jinx… Many innocents were sacrificed to fuel that horrific ritual…

    “Just as I’m going to sacrifice you!”

    “Who are you?!” shouted Jinx.

    The D-Wheeler took off his helmet…

    …and revealed that he wasn’t a “he” at all. Jinx was looking at herself.

    “YOU?” shouted Jinx. “You’re that crazy boggart, aren’t you?”

    “I told you that you couldn’t use darkness to defeat the darkness, Jinx,” said the boggart. “And I haven’t given up trying to get what I want…

    “Your body is the best one I’ve ever had… I want it… I want it more than anything… And I’m going to erase you from existence so I can have it…”

    “So you’re challenging me to another Shadow Duel?” asked Jinx. “Using D-Wheels this time?”

    “It’s your right to refuse if you desire,” said the boggart. “But if you refuse, you’ll have to cross fifty miles of desert on that thing to get to civilization. Assuming you go in the right direction.

    “You have no food or water, and there are no cellular towers here… You wouldn’t stand a chance.

    “Or you could simply wait here for the next group from Yliaster to check on the place… But I wouldn’t do that if I were you. They’d wonder why you were here in this place that they keep secret from the outside world. And I wouldn’t trust any of them anyway.”

    No kidding… thought Jinx. After the stunt that Godwin pulled…

    “Of course,” continued the boggart, “if you agree to duel me and win, you’ll get a free trip back home, as if nothing had happened.

    “But… we’ll be playing by the same rules as before… If I win…”

    “Then I disappear forever…” muttered Jinx, “and you get what you want…”

    “Smart,” said the boggart.

    It replaced its helmet, and started up its engine. Then it drove the D-Wheel off the bluff with a roar.

    “And might I add,” it laughed, “in this desecrated sanctuary of evil, I’m more powerful than I was before!”

    “Bring it on!” shouted Jinx.

    The boggart chuckled.

    “You’re gonna wish you’d taken your chances with Yliaster…” it said.

    The Speed World card flashed into existence, and the silvery void of the Field Spell covered the ancient ruins. The two D-Wheels sped down the ancient stone road.

    (Jinx: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Boggart: 8,000)

    “I’ll start this off,” said Jinx, making her first draw.

    She placed the card on her gauntlet.

    “I’ll set a Monster, and that will be all.”

    A set Monster appeared, and then faded from view.

    “Starting slow, I see,” said the boggart, making a draw.

    Both Speed Counters clicked up to one.

    “I’ll also set a Monster, and end my turn.”

    A set Monster appeared in front of its bike, and faded.

    Jinx made a draw, and both Speed Counters rose to two.

    Time to go on the offensive, she thought.

    “Come on out, XX-Saber Fulhelmknight!” she shouted.

    In a burst of energy, a Warrior appeared that looked like she might be Anabelera’s little sister. She had long, blond hair, wore leather armor, a long, red cape, and held two long daggers. The X-Saber insignia was printed on her shin guards. (1,300 ATK)

    “Eh?” said the boggart. “Why is she called ‘Fulhelmknight’? I don’t see any helm.”

    “You know,” said Jinx, “I often wonder that myself…

    “Attack his… her… its… Aw, just attack!”

    Fulhelmknight leapt at the hidden Monster, and threw a volley of razor-sharp blades. It appeared on the card, a bare-chested Warrior with a helmet, holding a spear and a large shield. (1,600 DEF)

    “Shield Warrior?” asked Jinx.

    “Yes, Shield Warrior,” said the boggart. “You have a problem with that?”

    This is probably a whole new strategy than what it used last time, thought Jinx.

    She threw a card onto her dashboard. A facedown card appeared, and then faded from sight.

    “End!” she shouted.

    (J: 7,700) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 8,000)

    The boggart made a draw, and both Speed Counters rose to three.

    “I sacrifice my Shield Warrior…” it said.

    Shield Warrior vanished.

    “…to summon Meteor Dragon!”

    A large Dragon, looking like a large, molten boulder with arms, a tail, wings, and a head, appeared where Shield Warrior had been. (1,800 ATK)

    Meteor Dragon? thought Jinx. Is it going to summon Meteor Black Dragon?

    Well, it can’t yet… It doesn’t have enough counters yet to play Speed Fusion.

    “Incinerate her Fulhelmknight!” shouted the boggart.

    Meteor Dragon opened its jaws, and prepared to launch a burning meteor at the young X-Saber…

    “Not so fast!” shouted Jinx. “Fulhelmknight has a special ability that I’m allowed to use once when she’s on the field. When I use it, she can nullify one attack against any X-Saber Monster, including herself.”

    Fulhelmknight held up her hand, and a glowing shield absorbed the burning meteor as it flew towards her.

    “Clever…” growled the boggart. “I’ll set this, and end my turn…”

    A facedown card appeared behind Meteor Dragon, and then faded.

    Both D-Wheels took a sharp turn, heading down a main thoroughfare towards the big ziggurat in the center of the Ruins. The huge structure looked like it might have held something on its peak at one time… Perhaps some magical artifact to act as a conduit for the terrible ritual. But apparently, whatever had once been there had not survived the battle where the Earthbound Gods were imprisoned.

    Jinx drew, and both counters rose to four.

    “I summon X-Saber Galahad!” she shouted.

    She threw the card on her controls, and the toad-like Warrior appeared, holding his bronze sword. (1,800 ATK)

    “Galahad, slay its Dragon!”

    Galahad flew at the large Dragon, and his Attack Score rose to 2,100.

    He slammed his sword into the much bigger Monster. The Dragon roared, but it didn’t shatter.

    “What?” said Jinx.

    “Forget about my Shield Warrior?” asked the boggart. “I simply removed it from play, and my Dragon survived.”

    “Oh… right…” muttered Jinx. “Eh, I end my turn…”

    (J: 7,700) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 7,700)

    “And I start mine!” shouted the boggart.

    It drew a card, and both Speed Counters clicked up a notch, to five.

    “I summon Marauding Captain!” it shouted.

    Another portal opened, and the familiar-looking Warrior appeared. (1,200 ATK)

    “I’m sure you know his effect,” it continued. “I think I’ll use it to summon Vanguard of the Dragon.”

    Another portal opened, and a humanoid, reptilian creature with Dragon-like features flew out. It had scaly, blue skin, a very long tail, claws on all four limbs, and carried a spear and a shield. (1,700 ATK)

    Jinx glanced at her facedown card.

    Should I use this? she thought.

    She looked at the cards in her hand.

    No… I think I’ll wait…

    “All you need now is a bass player,” she said.

    “Laugh all you want,” growled the boggart. “To me, your humor doesn’t matter. And soon, you won’t matter.

    “In fact, you won’t even be matter…”

    Meteor Dragon fired its burning meteor at Fulhelmknight. She grunted, and then shattered into shards. Then the Vanguard stabbed its spear at Galahad, Galahad’s Attack Score falling to 1,300. He grunted and blew into pixels.

    Then Marauding Captain leapt at the facedown Monster. X-Saber Axel appeared on the card, and was blown to pieces.

    “I end my turn,” said the demon.

    (J: 6,800) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 7,700)

    “Draw!” shouted Jinx, drawing a card.

    Both Speed Counters clicked up to six.

    “Just what I needed!” she exclaimed. “I play Speed Spell – Speed Fusion!

    “I’ll take one part Alligator’s Sword, and one part Baby Dragon…”

    The two Monsters appeared in front of her, and combined into a vortex of light.

    “…to summon Alligator’s Sword Dragon!”

    A portal opened, and Alligator’s Sword flew out, riding a larger version of Baby Dragon as a steed. It flew beside Jinx’s bike. (1,700 ATK)

    “And now I can activate its special effect… Since you have only Earth Monsters on your side of the field, it can attack directly!”

    “Huh?” said the boggart.

    “Go!” shouted Jinx, as the merged Monster took flight. “Wyvern dive-bomb!”

    Alligator’s Sword Dragon swooped upon the boggart and slashed at the imposter with its blade. The boggart grunted, and its bike wobbled. His Speed Counters fell to five.

    “I hope you enjoyed that…” it cursed.

    “My turn is over…” muttered Jinx.

    (J: 6,800) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 6,000)

    She looked at her facedown card.

    It’ll obviously try to attack with Meteor Dragon, she thought. But when it does, my Skull Dice will blow that thing to pieces.

    “My move…” chuckled the boggart, making a draw.

    Its Speed Counters rose to six, while Jinx’s rose to seven.

    “Time to unleash my big surprise,” it said. “I summon Wish Dragon…”

    In a burst of pure light, a small Dragon hatchling with golden scales appeared next to the Vanguard. (700 ATK)

    “Next, I use its effect. I sacrifice it…”

    Wish Dragon vanished.

    “And in return, I get two Dragon Tokens.”

    Two duplicates of Wish Dragon appeared in its place. (0 ATK x2)

    “Now, my Trap Card,” it said, as its other facedown card lifted. “D. Tribe. Now, all the Monsters I control are considered Dragons for this turn.”

    Marauding Captain’s eyes glowed red. He sprouted wings, claws, and his face became reptilian.

    “What’s the point?” asked Jinx.

    “I’ll show you,” said the boggart, in a sinister tone. “This Speed Spell may look familiar to you, because you played it yourself just last turn…”

    Speed Fusion appeared in front of it.

    “You’re summoning Meteor Black Dragon?” asked Jinx.

    “Oh, no, Jinx…” said the boggart. “I have a Fusion Monster far more powerful that that…”

    “What…” started Jinx.

    Then she caught herself as she realized just what her opponent was going to summon… Panic started to overtake her…

    A portal of pure darkness appeared overhead, and Meteor Dragon, Marauding Captain, Vanguard of the Dragon, and the two Dragon Tokens were sucked into it… Lightning flashed…

    “Come forth, unstoppable engine of destruction…” chanted the boggart. “Come and lay waste to all before you…

    “I summon you… Mighty F.G.D.!”

    With a roar that sounded like five separate roars combined into one, the dreaded goliath of Dragons descended from the portal. It had five hideous heads, one pure black, one yellow and crackling with electricity, one blue with a finned crest, one metallic, and one that was literally made of fire. Its torso was a pale green, and it had huge wings that seemed to blot out the sun.

    It let out a great bellow. (5,000 ATK)

    Sweat was pouring down Jinx’s face. She couldn’t remember feeling fear like this. And her Trap Card wouldn’t be nearly enough…

    And the fear was intensified when she remembered the rules of the Shadow Duel. If she lost, she would vanish into oblivion…

    “F.G.D.,” commanded the boggart.

    “NO!” screamed Jinx. “Please!”

    “Attack!” shouted the boggart. “Pentecost holocaust!”

    F.G.D. shot a blast of fire, a cone of frost, a bolt of lightning, a stream of acid, and a beam of pure darkness from its five mouths. Jinx screamed as her Monster was eradicated, and her D-Wheel skid out of control.

    She came to her senses just in time to avoid crashing into the huge building that they were heading towards. She swerved, and pulled to a stop.

    She caught her breath, but all was not well. Not only had the attack cost her a great deal of Life Points, it had knocked her Speed Counters down to four.

    (J: 3,500) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 6,000)

    The boggart pulled to a stop about twenty paces from her. The huge Dragon was hovering behind it, looking at Jinx the way most humans would look at a prime rib.

    “Why don’t you just give up?” it asked. “I can make this painless if you want…”

    Jinx looked at the imposter. Maybe it had something…

    “Question…” she asked. “If I lose, will you also erase my history? Will folks forget that the real Noriko Kaede ever existed?”

    “No,” said the boggart. “This duel won’t alter history. It will just cause you to cease to exist. And your friends will remember your failure and how you were crushed down in your last battle.”

    “No…” replied Jinx. “I’ll be remembered as someone who fought to the bitter end!”

    She started up her D-Wheel again, and started driving up the ramp that encircled the ziggurat.

    “Catch me if you can!” she shouted.

    The boggart cursed, and rode in pursuit, with the huge Dragon following.

    “My draw!” shouted Jinx, drawing a card.

    Her Speed Counters rose to five, while her foe’s rose to seven.

    Think, Kaede, think! she thought. How did Shichiro beat this thing? He always loves telling us the story…

    She shivered in fright. Shichiro had known his opponent was using an F.G.D. beforehand, and had prepared. She, however, had come completely unprepared.

    She set a card on her console, and a reversed Monster appeared.

    “End!” she shouted.

    “I expected more of a fight,” laughed the boggart, making a draw.

    Its counters rose to eight.

    “I summon Twin-Headed Behemoth!” it shouted.

    The small, two-headed Dragon appeared, flying under the shadow of the much larger Dragon. (1,500 ATK)

    “It’s all over, Shadowchaser!” it laughed. “Twin-Headed Behemoth, obliterate her final defense!”

    Twin-Headed Behemoth blasted a bolt of frost at the facedown Monster…

    Then, X-Saber Passiul appeared on the card. He grunted, and blocked the blast with his sword. (0 DEF)

    “Eh?” said the demon.

    “X-Saber Passiul can’t be destroyed in battle,” said Jinx. “So it looks like I’m safe for now.”

    “We’ll soon see!” cursed the boggart. “I set a facedown, and end my turn!”

    A facedown card appeared, and faded from view.

    “My move!” said Jinx, as she drew.

    Her Speed Counters rose to seven. Both D-Wheels started to climb the second tier of the ramp up the ziggurat.

    “I summon X-Saber Airbellum!” she shouted.

    With a snarl, the X-Saber on the wild side leapt in front of the D-Wheel, and bore his claws. (1,600 ATK)

    “Attack Twin-Headed Behemoth!” shouted Jinx.

    Airbellum growled, and pounced at the small Dragon. With two slashes of claws, Behemoth shattered.

    “I set one card facedown,” said Jinx, as she played another card, “and I end my turn.”

    “That means the effect of Twin-Headed Behemoth activates,” said the boggart, “and it returns.”

    Twin-Headed Behemoth appeared again. (1,000 ATK)

    (J: 3,500) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 5,900)

    “And it’s my move again…” said the boggart, making a draw. “And I happen to know that whenever I start my turn, your friend Passiul costs you 1,000 Life Points.”

    Jinx groaned as her Life Points went down, and her Speed Counters fell to seven.

    “Now, I’ll sacrifice Behemoth to summon the mighty Des Volstgalph!”

    Behemoth faded into grains of light, and a new Dragon appeared, flying beside its bike. This one looked like a cross between a Dragon and the legendary Archfiend of Gilfer, with the same style of exoskeleton. (2,200 ATK)

    “Not that I need it much… F.G.D… Destroy Airbellum!”

    The huge Dragon roared again.

    “Go, Trap Card!” shouted Jinx, as her facedown card shot up. “Staunch Defender! Now, the only Monster you can attack this round is Passiul!”

    “As you wish!” cursed the boggart. “But he won’t be surviving the attack…”

    Its own facedown card shot up.

    “I activate Skill Drain! I pay 1,000 Life Points, and all Effect Monsters lose their effects!”

    F.G.D. blasted its Pentecost Holocaust, and Passiul exploded into bits.

    “I end my turn…” it said.

    (J: 2,500) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 4,900)

    “My move!” shouted Jinx.

    She made a draw, her Speed Counters rising to eight.

    She looked at the card.

    “I play Speed Spell – Shift Down,” she said.

    Her Speed Counters took a dive, all the way to two, and she fell behind her foe.

    “Now, by sacrificing six counters, I can draw two cards…”

    She made two draws. She looked at them.

    “I set both facedown,” she said, as they appeared in front of her, “and move Airbellum to Defense Mode.”

    Airbellum crouched and shielded himself. (200 DEF)

    “Still holding on to dear life, I see,” said the boggart, making a draw.

    Its Speed Counters clicked up to twelve. It was now at the maximum it could obtain.

    They both started up the third tier of the ramp. Jinx started to regain speed as her own counters rose to three.

    “Des Volstgalph…” said the creature, “wipe out Airbellum!”

    The Dragon blasted a beam of pure energy towards the X-Saber.

    “I activate Fairy Box!” shouted Jinx, as one of her facedown cards lifted.

    It all comes down to this Trap Card… she thought.

    A bolt of light shot out of the rear of her D-Wheel.

    “Heads!” she shouted.

    The coin started to spin.

    She gasped in fright. It was tails. Des Volstgalph’s blast landed, vaporizing Airbellum.

    “F.G.D., destroy her!” ordered the boggart.

    F.G.D. loomed over Jinx’s bike and prepared to fire…

    Jinx waved her arm, and the energy coin shot out of her bike again. All her prayers were on this toss…

    “Heads!” she shouted.

    Her heart skipped a beat as she saw it spin.

    Only when she saw it come up heads did it actually resume beating. F.G.D. let loose its attack, but its Attack Score fell to zero, and Jinx didn’t feel a thing.

    “Your luck won’t last forever!” screamed the boggart.

    I know! thought Jinx, as tears flowed down her face. I know it won’t last forever!

    It didn’t hold out against DaPen, and I lost… I could have been his slave forever…

    She looked to the sky.

    If anyone is listening, I want to make a little deal… If you let my luck hold out long enough to survive this duel, I swear I won’t rely on luck any more! I’ll rework my deck… make it so it doesn’t depend so much on chance…

    Just please… Let it hold out just one more time!

    “It’s your move, kid,” said the boggart.

    Jinx pulled her bike to a stop. There was nowhere left to go. She had reached the apex of the huge ziggurat. She now had a view of the whole oasis, and of the desert beyond. But the otherwise beautiful view was spoiled by the hideous Dragon looming in front of her.

    She drew a card. Her Speed Counters rose to four.

    “I pay 500 Life Points to keep Fairy Box,” she said.

    She looked at the card.

    “Your Skill Drain can’t stop this guy’s effect,” she said. “Because his effect activates in my hand.

    “Since I control no Monsters, and I have at least two X-Sabers in my Graveyard, I can Special Summon him… Meet XX-Saber Gardestrike!”

    In a burst of energy, a savage-looking Beast-Warrior leapt out to face the huge Dragon. He looked like he was some relative of Panther Warrior; he had the same cat-like features, paws, and fur, and wore a red cape. He carried a long scimitar. (2,100 ATK)

    Then her last facedown card lifted up.

    “Now, I activate Gatmuz’s Urgent Orders! This lets me summon two more X-Sabers from my Graveyard!”

    In two flashes of light, Fulhelmknight (1,300 ATK) and Axel (400 ATK) appeared.

    “I didn’t mention before that Fulhelmknight is also a Tuner. So, I’ll Tune her, Axel, and Gardestrike together!”

    All three of the X-Sabers leapt into the sky, faded into light, and turned into nine glowing stars…

    With a roar, XX-Saber Gatmuz appeared out of the ether, holding the Sword of Sparkles. (3,100 ATK)

    I’ll put all my faith in my best Monster… she thought.

    “Destroy Des Volstgalph!” she shouted.

    Gatmuz leapt at the Dragon, and with one mighty smash, blew it into pebbles.

    “ERGH!” grunted the boggart.

    (J: 1,800) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 4,000)

    “Oh, you think you’re so smart…” it said, drawing a card.

    It looked at the card, which was Speed Spell – The End of Storm.

    “Well, even Gatmuz is no match for my Dragon!

    “Obliterate XX-Saber Gatmuz!”

    Jinx watched as F.G.D. prepared to attack…

    Now was the moment of truth… Now she would see if her offer had been accepted…

    F.G.D. blasted its five lethal bolts.

    “Go, Fairy Box!” shouted Jinx, as the coin shot into the air.

    “Heads!” she shouted.

    The coin spun…

    She almost cheered when she saw that it came up heads.

    Thank you… she thought, closing her eyes.

    As the five blasts honed in on Gatmuz, he swatted them aside with his sword. The F.G.D. howled, as its own flames fell back on it…

    It screamed an unholy roar of agony. It was on fire. It fell, plummeting down to the floor of the oasis like a flaming meteor, and exploded in a blast that shook the whole jungle.

    The boggart screamed.

    (J: 1,800) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 900)

    “HOW?” it shouted. “F.G.D. can only be destroyed by Light Monsters! Gatmuz is Earth!”

    “Look at the field, stupid,” said Jinx. “The answer is right in front of you!”

    The boggart looked at the controls…

    Then it gasped. It was its own Skill Drain.

    “That Trap may have seemed like a good idea at the time,” said Jinx, “but you forgot that it doesn’t play favorites. It nullified your Dragon’s defenses.”

    “Yeah?” said the boggart, with a scowl.

    It snatched The End of Storm.

    “Well I can still destroy your Monster… I play…”

    Then it stopped short…

    It had a terrifying realization. It couldn’t play The End of Storm. It needed ten Speed Counters to do so, and that failed attack had knocked them down to nine.

    The Speed Spell was useless, and so was the only other card in its hand, its second Speed Fusion.

    The boggart started its D-Wheel up, and turned, rushing back down the ramp the way it came.

    “Oh no you don’t!” shouted Jinx, drawing a card.

    Fairy Box vanished. It had served its purpose, and she wouldn’t use it any more… Not now, not ever again.

    “Gatmuz…” she ordered, “end this duel!”

    XX-Saber Gatmuz flew after the evil imposter, chasing it down the ramp. It tried to flee, but he caught up with it, and made a slash with the Sword of Sparkles. The demon screamed.

    Then flames and smoke poured out of the back of its D-Wheel. It was out of control.

    (J: 1,800) - - - - - - - - - - (B: 0)

    Jinx watched as the imposter drove right off the side of the ramp, and crashed into the heart of the jungle, just as its Dragon did. A cluster of trees caught fire where it landed.

    She took a deep breath.

    That’s the end of that unpleasant part of my life, she thought.

    She saw a portal appear in front of her.

    That’s my way home, she thought, with a sigh of relief.

    She looked again where the boggart had crashed. The fire was starting to spread to other trees.

    Yliaster will be puzzled when they come here and see this place devastated by fire, she thought. But it’s just as well. This place is where the ultimate evil was unleashed… No good can ever come from it.

    She started her D-Wheel, and drove through the portal.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    In his office, Draco slammed his fist down on his desk.

    “This was NOT part of the deal!” he shouted. “This is sadistic!”

    He was speaking to a glowing screen in front of him.

    “We have little choice now, Draco,” said a voice from the screen. “If you had gotten what we needed from the apprentice, we wouldn’t have to do this. But she is incompatible with our needs.”

    Draco frowned, but didn’t say anything.

    “Now we must make the sacrifice another way,” said the voice, “with another subject. It doesn’t matter to me now who of them it is, but if you are unwilling to cooperate…

    “Well, you know what will happen.”

    “I know…” growled Draco.

    “And keep an eye on Ember,” said the voice. “She is our only bargaining chip should her friends actually get to you.”

    “Don’t worry, she isn’t going anywhere,” growled Draco. “But once you have your sacrifice, she is spared, got it? She never should have been dragged into this mess.”

    “You drive a hard bargain, Draco,” said the voice. “One would think you actually have feelings for that human. Odd for a member of your race, a race who claims to have purged themselves of emotions, thinking them unnecessary.”

    “I don’t know…” muttered Draco. “Maybe I’ve been around humans so long, some of their traits have rubbed off on me… I don’t know if that’s an asset or a liability now…”

    “Very well,” said the voice. “She will be spared. But stay with the plan.”

    The screen vanished.

    Draco looked at a small, shiny object on his desk.

    He stroked it once. Then he took out a cigarette, and lit it with a lighter.

    “You really shouldn’t smoke,” said Ember, who had just appeared next to him. “Don’t you know what it’s doing to your health?”

    Of course, she was only being polite because she was compelled to do so. She wanted to cuss him out right now; truthfully, she also wanted to strangle him.

    However, she couldn’t. The same thing that kept her from trying to escape also prevented her from making any aggressive moves against him.

    “Ember…” sighed Draco, leaning on his hand, “at this point, cancer, heart disease, and emphysema are the least of my problems…”

    Jinx had survived. She had defeated one of the most powerful Monsters in the game, a Monster whose power rivaled even some God Cards. And she would keep the promise she made in that hasty prayer. That was the last time she would depend on luck to win a duel.

    In the weeks after this mess was resolved, Jinx would give away all her cards that depended on die rolls and coin tosses, giving them to underprivileged children. She would then work on a stronger deck, one that focused even more on the X-Sabers, which made better use of their unique talents.

    At any rate, she never saw that nasty boggart again. Maybe it had perished in the crash. Good riddance was all she had to say. Having an enemy who existed solely to oppose her was a little too much to handle, especially when that enemy wanted to erase her from existence.

    In the meantime, we had other problems. Jinx had escaped the mad trap, but Gears, Shichiro, and Jalal still had problems…


    Normal Spell

    The demon Darkness casting an evil spell.

    Card Description: You can only activate this card when you have 10 or more Speed Counters. Destroy all Monsters on the field. Each player takes 300 points of damage for each Monster he controlled that was destroyed by this effect.

    Note: “Speed Spell – The End of Storm” was first used by Jack in the “Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s” episode “A Blast from the Past (Part 2)”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    WISH DRAGON (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 2
    ATK: 700
    DEF: 100

    Card Description: During your Main Phase, you can Tribute this card to Special Summon 2 “Dragon Tokens”. (Dragon/Light/Level 1/0ATK/0DEF)

    Note: “Wish Dragon” was first used by Manjyome’s manga counterpart. Creative credit goes to the writers.

    Coming up next:

    Gears finds himself in an alternate dimension, and guess who’s there to confront him? That’s right, Edmund is back, and he’s finally decided to face Gears head-on! But he’s not using his Worm Deck this time, instead choosing a type of Monster that frightens Gears even more, which he has already lost to! In the Shadow Turbo Duel that follows, Gears must muster all the courage he has to confront creatures without compassion, as he finally faces the wicked worm.

    “Mysterious Triangle” is coming soon.

    Shadowchaser Files

    Gavin Lamont, Speed Demon

    Motorbikes, hot rods, race cars, drag cars, funny cars… All vehicles built for speed. Most of their pilots are simply skilled drivers. But some are much more. Some are speed demons.

    Speed demons are Shadowkind or Aware humans who have supernatural skills with their vehicle of choice. To a speed demon, the vehicle is an extension of the rider’s body, and a quick thought translates into immediate action. Speed demons live for speed, and can pilot these incredibly fast vehicles with skill that can only be called magical.

    With the rise of Turbo Dueling, it was only natural that speed demons who could pilot D-Wheels eventually appeared. The moon elf known as Gavin Lamont has made a name for himself as one of the best in combining the two aspects. To him, the cards are secondary – the D-Wheel itself is the more vital part of the duel.

    Originally from Chicago, Gavin eschewed the pro circuit, instead making a name for himself in more private duels. Once he became known as one of the best duelists on the road, he moved to New York, and accomplished the same thing there. He then moved to Los Angeles, and repeated the trick. The same cycle repeated itself in several major cities. Along the way, Gavin worked both with the Shadowchasers and against them, depending on his mood at the time. He has, on occasion, helped topple groups of the Sons of Tyranny (for instance), but he has also aided criminals in escaping mounted Shadowchasers. It seems to depend a lot on what would make the better Turbo Duel.

    Gavin has challenged many Turbo Duelists in the United States and Canada, but he knows he isn’t done. He has his eye on Neo Domino, where the Turbo Duel circuit is even more intense. His next move may be in that direction. He may dream of eventually dueling the two Signers who can Turbo Duel; like Bommer, he has said that if he ever had to lose, he would want to do so while facing one of the Five Dragons.

    Story Ideas: Gavin is the perfect opponent for a hero who thinks he’s the best there is. His powerful deck (see below) is difficult to use, but difficult to defeat if used right.

    It may be possible that other speed demons exist, possibly characters that have already been introduced. The mysterious D-Wheeler named Dark Glass has not yet said much about his past, and he could well be a speed demon in a Shadowchasers story – he certainly isn’t the average biker. He may even become a rival of Gavin’s, as they play the same type of decks.

    Gavin’s odd habit of seesawing from one side of the law to another makes him a serious loose cannon. One possible part of a story would be to place him in a situation so dire, he would be forced to choose, once and for all. Depending on his choice, either the forces of Good or Evil could gain a powerful recruit that day…

    Deck Suggestions: Gavin’s deck is a powerful and hard to use Accel Synchro Deck, similar to the one used by Dark Glass. Accel Synchro is an advanced evolution of Synchro Monsters, which combines Synchros into more powerful Synchros and allows Synchro Summoning during the opponent’s turn. Very little is known of this advanced form of Synchro Summoning as yet, but more should be revealed as the current season of the anime progresses. At any rate, Gavin rarely duels off his bike, preferring to duel exclusively via Turbo Duel. Of course, he likely could duel using the normal format if he had to.

  16. #256
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    The duel was a bit lame, to me that is. FGD is bleg, and I'm getting tired of Jinx deck. That's why it was very nice to see that she's getting rid of her luck-cards, not perse because I dislike those cards, but because I want to see something different from her. Can't wait to see what that reworked deck of her gives.

    Edmund vs Gears looks very promising, so I'm on the edge of my seat

  17. #257
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    The duel itself was ok, but there were a few things about it that, in my opinion didn't feel right. First, this is perhaps the shortest duel you've written that doesn't end within the first few turns (from what I've read, at least). Second, maybe it's because I was expecting the "Ultimate Monster" to be something else. Had I not received hints on its identity, I was probably going to guess something along the lines of Light and Darkness Dragon. F.G.D., while rightfully considered a powerhouse, kinda had a bland taste, especially with the way it was taken down.

    It's interesting how you've developed Jinx over her last few duels, and how she makes an oath never to use luck-based cards again. When the X-Sabers made their appearance in her deck, I wasn't sure which cards were more out of place: them or the ones that rely on chance. It's nice to know that the X's can officially headline her deck the next time we see it in action.

    I'm surprised Edmund makes a comeback so soon. Since you said Gears already lost to the deck Edmund will be using, does this mean the V-to-Z monsters will make a comeback, as well? Either that, or perhaps he's using a Psychic deck similar to DaPen's?

    Then again, I'm sure Gears has lost to plenty of other decks in the past...
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  18. #258
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    I'll admit that it was short, but when facing something as powerful as F.G.D., Jinx had to find a solution fast, or she was going to be mowed down.

    And Jinx's decision is sort of a precursor to a future story, when all the characters will rework their decks, some more than others. Jinx will rework it the most, getting rid of her gamble cards and focusing more on an X-Saber theme.

    Edmund will be using something that dates back to when Gears was opposing the first worm that walks. The deck theme is something I haven't used since Legend of the Sorcerer Kings, but it has evolved since then, gaining support with each set to be released, and even adjusting to the third generation of the game. (Although it has not yet appeared in 5D's.)

    Intriguing? Stay tuned.

  19. #259
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Hello, it's me. Well, I was Shuppet Master! Now I'm Lord Almaz!

    Sorry, folks, but for some reason I can't access my old account - I lost my hotmail address due to having to reformat my entire freaking computer due to a virus crash - I'm never going to play Spore again - and had to make a new account.

    Anyways, on to the reviews, Brian!

    "Back to Square One" - Edmund's fiancee was crushed by a meteorite? She must be one of those Sims from The Sims 2! LOLZ. Yeah, The Sims 2 has a chance of making someone get killed by a falling satellite, but the chances are 1%. Reminds me of one story where an alien woman was stargazing and... BOOM.

    That whole ur-priest thing and how you connected 9/11(it's not "too soon" anymore) and WWII to them was pretty neat.

    And Ember's old boss is a Shadow? I am thinking back to the origins of the gith races and thinking he's one of them - read on. Also, I had a feeling he knew about the Shadowchasers, but he was paying Hebi-Na? Whoa.

    "Breakthrough!" - Great duel, as always. I have never seen Genex monsters before so this was a nice debut to them. Too bad Ember lost.

    Oh my god, Draco's going to recreate the Great Flood? That's insane! Oh, and it looks like Elsie's going to be owning up on that favor and Jalal's leading the charge. Knowing this much, I have faith in Ember's safe rescue - she's my favorite character! ^_^

    "Dark Hunter" - Gosh, I really need to catch up! Funny military jargon dialogue in the beginning, it's nice to have a bit of humor before we get serious. (Okay ,maybe it wasn't humor, but still...)

    I have a creeping feeling I know who Draco's "partner" is, especially if they're using the same killer who killed his dad. Interesting backstory on how the reeve managed to escape his fate. Clearly, he was quite clever.

    Clearly, Jalal had made many enemies - too bad they'll never get to kill him because of the sphinx's immortality. ^_^

    GOOD LORD! The reeves are mantis-men!

    Great duel, as always. And Jalal finally put his dad's spirit to rest.

    "Overwhelm" - Oh gawd, a rematch of Jinx vs. the Boggart in Peru, this time Turbo Duel flavored. Clearly, this "partner" of Draco is powerful beyond words! I can't wait to be surprised by the big reveal!

    HOLY (bleep)! I didn't expect the Boggart to be using F.G.D. or use the same tactics that I had my character, Giselle, use in Sister of Anansi!

    Nice drama there, and it seems Draco is indeed trying to keep Ember safe. I can't wait for the big reveals to come. ^_^
    Last edited by Lord Almaz; 30th September 2009 at 08:28 PM.
    ~ Lord Almaz, #2 Honor Student of Evil Academy ~
    (Don't read TOO much into that, folks)

  20. #260
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    You ever hear the old slogan, “Suppose they gave a war and nobody came?” That’s an American slogan from the Vietnam era, made popular by a woman named Charlotte E. Keyes, a noted anti-war activist. Ironically, people like her were the people who the U.S. Government should have been listening to during those years.

    But as terrible as conflicts like the Vietnam War were, there are rumors of conflicts elsewhere in the cosmos that would make them seem like playground brawls. A library at Shadowchaser Headquarters that I’m not allowed to go into yet tells of the Blood War, the eternal conflict between the devils that rule Hell and the demons of the Abyss. Supposedly, if a single battle in this war doesn’t have at least twice as many casualties as the entire Vietnam War did, it isn’t a battle; it’s a “frivolous engagement”.

    And battles in this war that are considered important? Legends say that the armies involved literally have billions of soldiers, and that the fighting is so terrible, that even if you found a safe place to watch (which would likely mean a thousand miles away) you would die of fright.

    In conflicts like these, only lunatics ever try to promote peace. Some folks may want it, but they know it will never happen. Conflicts like the Blood War are not fought over land and resources or for political or cultural ideals like the wars on Earth. They are fought because each side represents a metaphysical concept that opposes the other, in this case, Law and Chaos.

    And Gears was about to see one of the scars of this war, one that cut deeper than most ones that humans see.

    Gears drove his D-Wheel out of the portal.

    As Jinx had, he quickly realized that something was amiss.

    He looked around, and saw buildings lying in rubble. Not a soul was in sight. The ground was strewn with ash, and the sky was full of dark smog.

    “Hello?” he shouted.

    He slowly drove his D-Wheel through the ruined city, until he came to a border.

    He gasped.

    It looked like the aftermath of a great battle. As far as the eye could see, there were skulls, bones, broken weapons, and smashed remains of war engines.

    He pulled up closer, and saw that the rotting bones were not human. They were demonic creatures, some with horns and others with claws.

    He covered his nose. A stench was in the air that could only be described as the smell of death.

    “Where the Hell am I?” he gasped.

    “Depends?” said a voice. “What Hell are you talking about?”

    Gears turned his head and saw him.

    “EDMUND!” he shouted.

    “That’s my name,” said the worm that walks. “And it’s really me this time, not some hologram controlled by any little leprechaun.”

    “Then you’ve finally decided to face me?” asked Gears.

    Edmund nodded.

    “If you want to know where you are,” he said, “I’ll gladly tell you…

    “This is a place in an alternate dimension which is commonly called the Realm of Stupidity by those who travel the planes.”

    “Uh…” said Gears.

    “I know, I know…” said Edmund. “You want to know why it’s called that… Well, I’ll tell you…

    “Long ago, this realm was beautiful… Lush, bountiful, and populated by peaceful creatures…

    “Then a mistake in a spell cast by some wizard opened a portal to the worst possible place… The middle of a battlefield where the Blood War was being fought.

    “An army of devils came through the portal. Apparently, some infernal commander had been tipped off that some powerful weapon was hidden in this place. A weapon of incredible power that could be used for military applications. He was determined to find it.

    “The only problem was, someone told the demons about it. They sent an army after them, intent on finding the weapon first.

    “Then, all Hell broke loose, literally. The two armies of fiends tore into each other. The natives fled for their lives, not all of them making it. It took only a day to turn the whole realm into a wasteland. And like all battles in the Blood War…”

    He pointed to the piles of bones and skulls.

    “Well, you can see the aftermath. The corpses were left to rot. Even the vultures and rats quickly found out that fiends taste horrible, and left for better hunting grounds. To this day, nothing will even grow here. Too much fiendish blood seeped into the ground.

    “And it had all been for nothing… The weapon they had been looking for had never even existed. Utter stupidity had destroyed this place…

    “But then, who can comprehend the minds of fiends?”

    Gears glared at him.

    “Why here?” he asked.

    Edmund looked at him.

    Then, in an aura of dark energy, his robes turned into the dark armor and helmet that he had worn when he first met Gears, and the large, heavy-duty D-Wheel appeared.

    “Why do you think?” he said, with a laugh. “The battle forever made this place an epicenter of evil. The perfect starting point for the type of duel I wanted.

    “So it’s come to this…” said Gears. “A Shadow Turbo Duel just like it ended with the other worm… Fine! I’ll defeat you just like I destroyed him.”

    “You’re a fool,” said Edmund. “You think you destroyed the first worm you met? You may have won the duel, but he was only defeated, not destroyed. He survived, at least past the duel.”

    Gears stopped short.

    “Impossible…” he said. “That guy went up in flames…”

    “It isn’t that easy to kill a worm that walks,” replied Edmund. “If even one of his component worms survives, he’ll live again. One of that guy’s worms survived, and a Contingency magic sent his deck to a Leomund’s Secret Chest in the Astral Plane.

    “It took him about a year to reform, and regenerate enough worms to have a complete body. But by that time, almost everything he had was gone. His zombie army was destroyed, and his henchmen were all dead or in jail. I found him in the sewers of Satellite, and was willing to serve him, so long as he shared with me the secrets of the Tome of Kyuss, the one thing of value he had left.

    “He trusted me… He trusted me too much. He helped me with most of the ritual, but to complete it, I had to offer a sentient being as a sacrifice. I figured that a down-on-his-luck necromancer who everyone already thought was dead would be ideal…”

    “You killed your mentor after he shared his greatest secrets?” asked Gears.

    “I thought you hated him,” replied Edmund. “After all, he killed your girlfriend and turned her corpse into a zombie. Of course, it wasn’t easy after that. I only recently found the command word to summon the Leomund’s Secret Chest and gain those cards… Until then, I used several other decks when dealing with Shadows…”

    “Like the V-to-Z Deck?” asked Gears.

    “Oh, that’s not all…” said Edmund. “Time to settle this once and for all, Gears…”

    He got on his D-Wheel.

    “There’s not enough road here for a Turbo Duel,” said Gears.

    “Roads?” asked Edmund. “This is only the sendoff point, Gears… Where we’re going, we’re not going to need roads…”

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Gears blinked.

    In the next split second, he and his bike had been transported to a void of stars. He was on a racetrack (or something that might have passed for one) shaped like a huge triangle, floating in the starry void. The strange triangle was huge, almost a mile to each side, and was covered with weird sigils and runes.

    “What is this thing?” he gasped.

    “Well, Gears, one thing I forgot to mention,” said Edmund. “The Realm of Stupidity is a pocket dimension that exists entirely inside the Astral Plane.

    “This odd formation that we’re on is also in the Astral Plane. You might say it’s in close proximity to the place where we left, although distances are measured differently here.

    “You see, as an ur-priest, I come to the Astral a lot.”

    “Why is that?” asked Gears.

    “Well, I’ve never actually seen this myself,” said Edmund, “but according to legend, the Astral Plane holds the corpses of dead gods.”

    “Gods can die?” asked Gears.

    “Yes, but not by any power that can be harnessed by mortals,” replied Edmund.

    He chuckled a little.

    “Some of the crazier ur-priests spend their time trying to figure out ways that might possibly be used to kill or imprison deities… They waste their time. It’s impossible. The only way a god can truly die is for one to fall in battle against a stronger god, or a group of gods of equal power.

    “It isn’t a common occurrence, of course, but in the history of the universe, it has been known to happen… From time to time…”

    “So the Astral has some sort of cemetery where dead gods are interred?” asked Gears. “Why do you want to find it? To vandalize it?”

    “You think too small, Gears,” said Edmund. “I’m a necromancer… I study magic of the dead. I’m an ur-priest… I steal power from gods…

    “Do you have any idea what power I might be able to gain if I combine the two? Draw energy from a dead god?”

    “I’m trying hard not to think about it,” said Gears.

    “Anyway,” continued Edmund, “getting back to the here and now… I never found any dead gods, but I did find this weird triangle… Never found out what the thing was for… I can’t decode the runes yet.

    “But it will make a splendid arena for a Turbo Duel, wouldn’t you think?”

    “Fine…” said Gears.

    The two Speed World cards activated.

    “I’m taking you down once and for all!”

    “One safety tip about the Astral Plane,” said Edmund. “If an Astral Dreadnaught shows up, don’t try to fight it. Run for your life.”

    “What’s an Astral Dreadnaught?” asked Gears.

    “Trust me,” said Edmund. “If you see one, you’ll know.”

    Two engines started.

    (Gears: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Edmund: 8,000)

    The two D-Wheels sped down one side of the huge triangle.

    “Be my guest,” said Edmund.

    Gears made his first draw.

    “I summon Dark Resonator in Attack Mode!” he shouted.

    A portal opened behind him, and the cute Fiend wearing a foolscap, holding a tuning fork and a small mallet appeared. (1,300 ATK)

    “I’ll end my turn there…”

    Edmund drew a card. Both Speed Counters rose to one.

    “I summon someone who might seem familiar to you,” he said. “Appear… Alien Shocktrooper!”

    Another portal opened, and a large creature appeared with a snarl. It was a large, reptilian creature, centaur-like in form, with webbed limbs, and blue orbs on its chest. It held a large scimitar that was clearly of extraterrestrial design. (1,900 ATK)

    Good lord… thought Gears, getting nervous. Please tell me he’s using a Normal Beatdown Deck, and NOT an Alien Deck…

    “You seem quiet all of a sudden,” said Edmund. “I wonder why…”

    Alien Shocktrooper rushed at Dark Resonator and slammed its sword into the Fiend. However, the small Fiend only grinned.

    “Silly me,” chuckled Edmund. “I forgot… Dark Resonator has to be attacked twice before it can be destroyed.

    “Oh well… I guess it’s your move…”

    (G: 7,400) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 8,000)

    Gears made a draw. Both Speed Counters rose to two, as they rounded the first angle of the triangle.

    “I play Speed Spell – Angel Baton,” he said, as a Spell Card appeared on his side of the field. “Now, I can draw two cards…”

    He made two draws.

    “…so long as I then discard one.”

    He made a discard.

    “I switch my Monster to Defense Mode…”

    Dark Resonator shielded itself. (300 DEF)

    “…and then set one card facedown…”

    A reversed card appeared, and then faded from view.

    “…And it’s your move…”

    Edmund drew a card. Both Speed Counters clicked up to three.

    “Think I’ll set a Monster,” he said.

    A reversed Monster appeared, and then faded from view.

    “Since attacking would be pointless, I’ll just end my turn there.”

    Gears was getting even more nervous. Normal Beatdown Decks didn’t typically have Monsters that had to be set.

    He drew a card, and the counters rose to four.

    That’s the one… he said.

    “I sacrifice Dark Resonator…” he said.

    The small Fiend turned into an orb of energy.

    “…to summon Ally of Justice Lethal Weapon!”

    A large robot materialized in front of his bike, looking like a cylindrical drone with a small sphere for a head, and several spindly limbs. Each limb ended in a nasty weapon; there was a mallet, a grabber, a circular saw, and most remarkably, a large drill. (2,200 ATK)

    “Next, my facedown card activates,” said Gears, as his Trap Card spun around. “DNA Transplant. I’ll turn all Monsters on the field to Light.

    “And now that that’s done… My Monster drills the point home to Alien Shocktrooper!”

    Lethal Weapon’s drill spun with a noisy roar. It flew at the Alien, and plunged the weapon into its chest. The Reptile roared before it shattered.

    “Now I can activate Lethal Weapon’s effect,” said Gears. “When it destroys a Light Monster, I get to draw one card. If the card I draw happens to be a Dark-Attribute Monster that’s Level 4 or less, I can show it to you, and then Special Summon it.”

    He drew a card.

    “Read it and weep!” he said, holding it forward. “It’s Dark Tinker!”

    He threw the card on his console, and the creepy, spider-like Fiend appeared. (1,000 ATK)

    “Are you quite done?” asked Edmund.

    “Not by a long shot,” replied Gears. “Because Dark Tinker is a Tuner, I can now Special Summon Quillbolt Hedgehog from my Graveyard.”

    The weird-looking hedgehog with bolts in its back appeared next to Dark Tinker. (800 ATK)

    “Now, I Tune my three Monsters together…”

    Lethal Weapon, Dark Tinker, and Quillbolt Hedgehog all glowed with energy, and flew into the sky, turning into nine glowing stars. A flash of light burst in the void.

    Ally of Justice Field Marshall rocketed down to the triangular racetrack, flying on a portable jetpack. (2,900 ATK)

    “Son of a…” said Edmund.

    “Now I get to use Dark Tinker’s effect,” continued Gears. “I get to flip the top card on my deck, and then decide whether to keep it on top, or put it on the bottom.”

    He checked the top card of his deck. It was Limit Reverse.

    Perfect, he thought, putting it back.

    “I end my turn.”

    (G: 7,400) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 7,700)

    Edmund drew a card.

    “Your best Monster, huh?” he asked.

    The Speed Counters rose to five.

    “It will make destroying it all the more fun. I set another Monster, and that will be all.”

    Another reversed Monster appeared next to the first.

    Gears made a draw. He looked at Limit Reverse, and then stashed it on his gauntlet. Both counters rose to six.

    “All right, Marshall,” he said, “let’s take them one at a time!”

    “Roger, roger,” said the huge Machine.

    It quickly transformed into battle mode, and fired its ballistic barrage at one of the defensive Monsters. A little, thin, grey alien appeared on the card before being blown to pieces.

    “Alien Grey?!” shouted Gears.

    His hand shook nervously.

    “When…” he continued. “When Field Marshall destroys a reversed Monster… I get to draw one card…”

    He made a draw.

    “And when Alien Grey is flipped,” said Edmund, “I get to put an A-Counter on any opposing Monster.”

    An ugly, purple slug flew at Field Marshall, and latched onto its armor.

    “Plus, when Alien Grey is destroyed after being flipped, I get to make one draw.”

    He drew a card.

    “I… I end my turn…” said Gears.

    Edmund made a draw. As they turned another angle in the triangular field, they picked up speed, both counters rising to seven.

    “I summon Alien Warrior,” he said.

    A glowing portal opened, and a snarling, feral Monster leapt out. It looked like it was the same species as Alien Shocktrooper, but it was man-shaped, albeit bulky and muscular. It had grey skin, a bestial, reptilian face, and the orbs on its chest were black. It had claws on its hands that were as big as its head. (1,800 ATK)

    “Who told you…” started Gears.

    “That someone once beat your ass good with these Alien Monsters?” replied Edmund. “That you’re afraid of them because of it? My mentor did, of course. He was building this deck, and was planning to use it against you when he gained his power back.

    “I suppose you know that A-Counters have a variety of effects… For instance, certain Aliens, like this one, cause the Monster that has them to lose 300 Attack and Defense Points when fighting Aliens.”

    “Yeah?” said Gears, trying to sound more confident than he really was. “Well, Field Marshall would need four A-Counters before that thing could defeat it. Your Warrior doesn’t scare me.”

    He was lying, but he wasn’t going to tell Edmund that.

    “Maybe not, but these two facedown cards might,” replied Edmund, as two reversed cards appeared behind Alien Warrior.

    “I end my turn.”

    Gears made a draw, and both counters rose to eight. He looked at Alien Warrior.

    I know that thing’s effect, he thought. If I destroy it, the Monster that does so will get two A-Counters…

    I’d better play it safe for now…

    “He who hesitates is lost, Gears,” said Edmund. “I activate my Trap…”

    One facedown card lifted, and the picture on it looked rather frightening, but also strange. Gears recognized the Monster on it as a powerful Alien called Alien Mother, and it was apparently screaming in agony as several A-Counters crawled over it.

    “Mutant Strain?” said Gears, looking at the name of the Trap. “What does that do?”

    “I can activate this when I have at least one Monster,” said Edmund, “and your Monsters have three A-Counters or less among them.

    “It removes the A-Counters from your Monsters, and puts them on mine.”

    The A-Counter flew off of Field Marshall, and latched itself onto Alien Warrior.

    “I know,” he continued, “you’re wondering why I would do something that dumb. Well, first of all, for each A-Counter my Monsters just got, I get to draw one card…”

    He made a draw.

    “Also, it paves the way for this other Trap…”

    His other facedown card lifted, and this one was even scarier. It showed a swarm of A-Counters attacking Seattle.

    “Planet Pollutant Virus!”

    “A Virus card??” exclaimed Gears.

    “You got it!” laughed Edmund. “And to activate it, I just have to sacrifice an Alien…”

    Alien Warrior vanished.

    “The first thing this Virus does,” continued Edmund, “is destroy all of your Monsters that DON’T have A-Counters! You see, as strange as it may seem, A-Counters act as a vaccine for the initial effects of this Virus.”

    Gears watched in horror as Field Marshall burst into shards.

    “However…” continued Edmund. “All Monsters you summon while the Virus is in effect are treated to the secondary effect. They will all gain one A-Counter as soon as they are summoned.

    “And like all Virus cards, this effect lasts for three rounds.”

    “Well, you jumped the gun, Edmund!” sneered Gears. “You should have waited until I summoned another Monster…”

    He threw a card on his console.

    “I summon Robotic Knight!”

    A portal opened, and the android chevalier appeared. (1,600 ATK)

    Another A-Counter flew at the robot, and latched onto its chest.

    “Virus or no virus, I’ll still beat you!” he shouted. “Crush his hidden Monster! Gatling blast!”

    Robotic Knight fired a burst of bullets at the reversed Monster. A second Alien Grey appeared on the card, and exploded.

    “Thank you,” said Edmund. “Now, Robotic Knight gets a second A-Counter…”

    Another of the slimy slugs latched onto the Machine.

    “And I get to draw another card…

    “Now do you see why I used my Virus right away?”

    He made a draw.

    Gears sighed.

    He threw two cards onto his controls, and two facedown cards appeared.

    “End!” he shouted.

    Edmund drew a card. The counters each rose to nine.

    “You know Gears…” he said, in a sinister voice. “I’m not cruel… I think I’ll be nice, and take those A-Counters off of your Monster…”

    The two A-Counters on Robotic Knight crumbled to dust.

    “Why…” said Gears.

    “I’ll tell you why,” interrupted Edmund. “By removing those A-Counters, I can Special Summon Alien Overlord!”

    Another portal appeared, and two glowing, red eyes appeared in it. With a roar, an eight-foot-tall, only vaguely humanoid creature emerged from it. It had a black exoskeleton, violet orbs on its chest, clawed legs and a thick tail, and eight insectoid arms ending in vicious claws. (2,200 ATK)

    “What is THAT?” shouted Gears.

    “That’s Alien Overlord,” repeated Edmund. “Quite a looker, isn’t he? And he has the ability to put an A-Counter on any Monster on the field every round.”

    A cavity on Alien Overlord’s chest opened, and an A-Counter flew out, latching to Robotic Knight again.

    “Attack Robotic Knight!” ordered Edmund. “Vicious rend!”

    Alien Overlord leapt at the Machine, and Robotic Knight’s Attack Score fell to 1,300. The Alien made a savage slash with all eight claws. Robotic Knight exploded.

    “Ergh…” said Gears.

    “I throw a card facedown,” said Edmund, as a reversed card appeared, “and that will be all.

    (G: 6,500) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 7,700)

    Both of them swerved around another angle in the triangle.

    Calm down, Gears… thought Gears. Sure you’re scared… Sure you were beaten by these creepy Aliens before… Sure he’s using them in ways you’ve never seen before…

    But you can still beat him!

    He drew a card.

    “Go, Limit Reverse!” he shouted, as his facedown card lifted. “Now, I can bring Dark Tinker back from by Graveyard.”

    The Fiend Tuner appeared with a cackle. (1,000 ATK)

    Then it gasped as an A-Counter latched directly to its face.

    “Don’t worry,” said Gears. “You don’t have to stay…”

    Dark Tinker vanished into an orb of light.

    “I sacrifice Tinker to summon Ally of Justice Claíomh Solais!”

    Another portal opened, and the large, robotic condor flew out. (2,300 ATK)

    Again, an A-Counter latched to its underside.

    “That thing is worthless,” said Edmund. “It may be stronger than Overlord now, but if it actually attacks, it will lose 300 Attack Points due to the A-Counter.”

    “Oh yeah?” asked Gears. “We’ll see about that. But first I’ll use Dark Tinker’s effect…”

    He flipped the top card on his deck. It was Urgent Tuning.

    He put it back on top.

    “Now, I activate Rare Metalmorph!”

    His other facedown card lifted up.

    “And I’ll hotwire it to Claíomh Solais. This gives it 500 more Attack Points, and gives it the ability to, just once, avoid the effect of a Spell Card that targets it.”

    (2,800 ATK)

    “With twenty-eight hundred Attack Points, one A-Counter won’t be enough to save your Overlord…


    Claíomh Solais fired a blast of lightning bolts at the evil Alien. Its Attack Points fell to 2,500, but it didn’t make much difference to its target. Alien Overlord screeched, and exploded into a blast of dark energy.

    “You’ll pay for that…” growled Edmund.

    “It’s your move, worm,” said Gears.

    (G: 6,500) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 7,400)

    Edmund growled as he drew a card. Both Speed Counters clicked up to eleven.

    “I play Speed Spell – Vision Wind,” he said, as a Spell Card appeared in front of him. “Now, I can bring back a Level 2 or lower Monster from my Graveyard.”

    Alien Grey appeared, flying in front of his bike. (300 ATK)

    “Now, a Trap Card,” he said, as his facedown card lifted up. “Orbital Bombardment!”

    A giant flying saucer loomed in the ether behind him.

    “I simply have to sacrifice Grey,” he said, as Alien Grey vanished, “and…”

    A bolt of burning energy blasted out of the spaceship, and DNA Transplant was blown to shards.

    “I’ll set a Monster and a facedown card, and end my turn.”

    A reversed Monster and a reversed card appeared, and then faded from view. The spaceship vanished back into the ether.

    Okay… thought Gears. I only have to get through this round, and then I won’t have to deal with his Virus any more…

    He drew a card, and looked at Urgent Tuning. He stashed it on his gauntlet with his other five cards.

    Both Speed Counters rose to twelve…

    “Oh, Gears?” asked Edmund. “Ever wonder what happens when a D-Wheel makes a jump to warp speed?”

    “Huh?” asked Gears. “What do you…”

    In the next second, reality became undone. Both D-Wheels accelerated, and drove into the void at incredible speed. The stars around them flashed by, then turned into starlines, and then faded into a mottled blue-black background.

    Gears couldn’t believe it… Had they entered hyperspace?

    He would think about it later… He had no choice but to continue the duel…

    He played a card.

    “I summon Machine King Prototype!” he shouted.

    The portal opened, and the first series of Machine King flew into the void. (1,600 ATK) Its Attack Score rose to 1,700.

    Another A-Counter flew at it, and latched onto its armor.

    “Claíomh Solais, attack his Monster!” he shouted.

    Claíomh Solais blasted its lightning at the concealed Monster…

    Alien Warrior appeared on the card, and was blown to shards. Two more A-Counters flew at Claíomh Solais and latched onto its hull.

    “Machine King Prototype…” snarled Gears, “attack him…”

    “Trap Card, activate!” shouted Edmund. “Brainwashing Beam!”

    His facedown card lifted up.

    “Now, Claíomh Solais becomes mine…”

    Claíomh Solais was pulled over to the front of Edmund’s bike.

    Gears sighed.

    “I set one card, and end my turn,” he said, as a facedown card appeared. “That means the effects of your Virus are expired.”

    “My move!” shouted Edmund.

    He made a draw.

    “I play Speed Spell – Acceleration Draw,” he said. “With my Speed Counters maxed out, this lets me make two draws…”

    He drew two cards.

    “Now, I sacrifice your Claíomh Solais…”

    Claíomh Solais vanished into an orb of energy. A portal appeared, and another growl came out of it.


  21. #261
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Continued from last post:

    “I summon Alien Mother!”

    Gears started to sweat as the Monster appeared, and looked at him. This thing had played a big part of the duel where he had lost.

    Similar to Worm Queen, only its name gave any suggestion of gender. It lacked any mammalian female features, and was certainly not beautiful. It was just as tall and muscular as Alien Overlord, with a bone-white exoskeleton covered with spiky protrusions and violet orbs. It had four muscular arms, each one ending in a wicked claw. (2,300 ATK)

    “Alien Mother…” ordered Edmund. “Destroy Machine King Prototype! Bite from beyond!”

    Alien Mother screeched, and leapt at the Machine. It seized it in her claws, and sank her fangs into its head. It exploded into slag.

    Gears found it hard to watch. He remembered only too well how he had taken a direct attack from this thing that had gone almost the same…

    “I’m not done,” said Edmund. “I activate Alien Mother’s effect… Since your Monster had an A-Counter, it now becomes mine.”

    Machine King Prototype appeared next to Alien Mother. (1,600 ATK)

    “Now it attacks directly!”

    Gears grunted as a blast of energy shot from Machine King Prototype, striking the front of his bike.

    I can’t wipe out here… he thought. I might really be moving through hyperspace…

    He remembered how Han Solo had said it best in the first Star Wars movie. “Traveling through hyperspace ain’t like dustin’ crops, boy.” He had meant that it was incredibly complex.

    Heck, it was supposed to be impossible, a concept that existed only in science fiction. But stranger things had happened.

    “It’s your move,” said Edmund.

    (G: 4,200) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 7,400)

    Gears quickly made a draw, and his Speed Counters went back up to twelve.

    He quickly played a Speed Spell.

    “Look familiar?” he asked. “I have an Acceleration Draw too.”

    He made two draws.

    “I set another card facedown, and then summon Nanobreaker.”

    A facedown card appeared next to his other one, and then the portal opened again. Jake flew out, holding the Nanobreaker sword. She glared at Alien Mother. (1,600 ATK)

    “I end my turn.”

    Edmund made a draw, and looked at it.

    Don’t need this critter yet… he thought, stashing it on his gauntlet.

    “Time for something bigger,” he said. “The Monster I want to summon is Level 7…

    “But since Machine King Prototype was formerly yours, it’s all I need…”

    The Machine vanished into grains of light.

    No… thought Gears, starting to sweat.

    He knew what was coming… In the previous duel where he had faced Aliens, the round where this Monster had been summoned was the round where he had lost.

    A huge Monster loomed behind Edmund’s bike. It looked like a giant brain, twice the size of Alien Mother, covered with vicious slime, with a mass of tentacles behind it, mounted on a dozen crustacean-like legs.

    “Meet Cosmic Horror Gangi’el,” he said.

    (2,600 ATK)

    “Now, I use its effect…” he continued. “which lets me put an A-Counter on one of your Monsters every round.”

    Nanobreaker gave a look of disgust as an A-Counter grabbed onto her chest.

    “Alien Mother…” commanded Edmund, “devour Nanobreaker!”

    Nanobreaker’s look of disgust turned to a look of panic as Alien Mother turned towards her…

    “You triggered my Trap!” screamed Gears. “Half or Nothing!”

    His facedown card shot up, and the intimidating form of Judge Man loomed over his bike.

    “I’m sure you know how this Trap Card works,” said Gears.

    “Fine, fine!” shouted Edmund. “I end my Battle Phase… And I end my turn too…”

    Nanobreaker breathed a sigh of relief as Gears drew a card.

    Gears looked at his hand.

    He breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he had actually gotten past that point, he saw a strategy for turning the situation around.

    “Perfect,” he said. “You know, Edmund… I should thank you for playing that Orbital Bombardment card…

    “You see, now, because only one of your Monsters is a Light Monster, I can Special Summon Ally of Justice Cosmic Closer.”

    The portal opened, and the weird, non-humanoid Machine flew out. (2,400 ATK)

    “Big deal,” said Edmund.

    “I’m just getting started,” said Gears.

    A Spell Card appeared in front of him.

    “I play Speed Spell – Platinum Echoes. Now, since I have an Ally of Justice on the field, I can summon one from my Graveyard, so long as it has a lower Level.”

    Ally of Justice Claíomh Solais appeared with a screech. (2,300 ATK)

    “Now, my Trap Card! Birthright!”

    His facedown card flipped around, and Robotic Knight leapt out. (1,600 ATK)

    “Finally, I sacrifice Robotic Knight and Nanobreaker…”

    The two androids glared at Edmund before they vanished into pixels.

    “…to summon Perfect Machine King!”

    The King of Machines emerged from the portal, flying beside Gears’s bike on a blasting jetpack. (2,700 ATK) –> (3,700 ATK)

    “Hold on!” shouted Edmund.

    “Perfect Machine King,” said Gears, pointing a finger, “obliterate Cosmic Horror Gangi’el with mega missile assault!”

    The hatches on Perfect Machine King’s shoulders opened, and a volley of missiles shot at the huge Reptile. Edmund groaned as his Monster exploded into shards, and his Speed Counters fell to eleven.

    “Cosmic Closer, wipe out Alien Mother!” ordered Gears.

    Cosmic Closer blasted a bolt at the Alien queen. She screamed before it hit her and she was vaporized.

    “Now, Claíomh Solais, attack him directly!”

    Edmund screamed as the Ally shot its lightning bolts, and he hung on as his Speed Counters fell to nine.

    (G: 4,200) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 3,900)

    The series of attacks seemed to take the two of them out of hyperspace. Gears looked around. Their two D-Wheels were now driving along a pathway of light in the middle of the astral, past giant rock formations and odd spheres of light floating in the silvery void.

    “Why don’t you stop this and bring us back to Earth, Edmund?” asked Gears. “I’ve blown your best Monster to oblivion, after all.”

    Edmund laughed.

    “Best Monster, Gears?” he asked. “Whoever said that Cosmic Horror Gangi’el was my best Monster?”

    There’s an Alien even stronger than Cosmic Horror Gangi’el? thought Gears.

    He had no idea what Edmund was talking about. Of course, in the previous duel, he hadn’t lasted long enough to see anything stronger…

    Edmund drew a card, and his Speed Counters rose to ten.

    “I summon Alien Ammonite!” he exclaimed.

    A small Monster appeared in front of his bike. It looked like a cross between a snail and a small squid. (500 ATK)

    Okay… thought Gears. Never saw THAT thing before…

    “And when Alien Ammonite is Normal Summoned,” continued Edmund, “I get to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Alien from my Graveyard.”

    Alien Warrior appeared once again. (1,800 ATK)

    “It will be destroyed when I end my turn, but it won’t be around that long. You see, Alien Ammonite is also a Tuner.”

    Alien Ammonite and Alien Warrior dissolved into five glowing stars…

    A dark shadow loomed over both the duelists. Gears watched, as the biggest Alien yet loomed behind his foe.

    Well, sort of. It was hard to determine whether this was an alien, or whether it was actually an alien spacecraft. At first glance, it might have looked like an evolved version of Cosmic Horror Gangi’el, but its exterior seemed to be made as much of metal as it was of flesh. It didn’t seem any less ugly, however. Most disturbingly, it was covered with tendrils with eyes on the ends.

    “I give you…” said Edmund, “Cosmic Fortress Gol’gar!”

    (2,600 ATK)

    “Good lord…” said Gears. “Uh… You do realize that Perfect Machine King is far stronger, right?”

    “Attack Points aren’t everything,” replied Edmund. “But for now…

    “Attack Ally of Justice Claíomh Solais! Cosmic blast!”

    A volley of bolts that looked like colored lightning shot from the peak of Cosmic Fortress Gol’gar, incinerating Claíomh Solais. Perfect Machine King’s Attack Score fell to 3,200.

    “I set one more card facedown,” said Edmund, “and that will be all for now.”

    A facedown card flashed into existence, and then faded from sight.

    (G: 3,900) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 3,900)

    I don’t get it, thought Gears. This Synchro is his best Monster? It’s got the exact same Attack Score as Gangi’el… and Gangi’el is even a higher Level…

    Of course, this may well be the strongest Level 5 Monster I’ve ever seen, but it still shouldn’t be stronger than a Level 7 one…

    And he may have weakened Perfect Machine King by destroying Claíomh Solais, but my King is still stronger… What’s his game?

    He drew a card.

    He looked at the card with a strange look. Then, he stashed it on his gauntlet with his other two cards.

    “Perfect Machine King…” he said. “Attack…”

    “Not so fast!” shouted Edmund, as his Trap Card lifted up. “I activate… Gravity Bind. An old fashioned Trap, but still useful. Now your Monsters can’t attack.”

    “Useful?” said Gears. “More like stupid. In case you didn’t notice, your Monster can’t attack either.”

    “Maybe it can, and maybe it can’t,” replied Edmund.

    Gears slowly took two cards off of his gauntlet.

    “I throw two cards facedown,” he said, “and then move Cosmic Closer to Defense Mode.”

    The light in Cosmic Closer’s portal went out. (1,200 DEF) Two facedown cards appeared, and faded from view.

    “My move!” laughed Edmund, drawing a card.

    His Speed Counters hit twelve again.

    “I activate Cosmic Fortress’s first effect,” he said. “I get to send every face-up Spell and Trap on the field back to their owner’s hands.”

    Gravity Bind vanished, and appeared in his hand.

    “And when I do that, I get to place one A-Counter on any Monster I want, for each card I do that to.”

    An A-Counter attached itself to Perfect Machine King.

    “Your Fortress doesn’t have the word ‘Alien’ in its name,” replied Gears. “Perfect Machine King won’t be weakened at all if it battles it, no matter how many of those things it has.”

    “Don’t worry,” said Edmund, “I’ll get to him later. For now…

    “Attack Cosmic Closer!”

    Gol’gar fired its lightshow, and Cosmic Closer exploded.

    “Now I’ll toss three cards facedown,” he said, as three facedown cards appeared, “and turn it over to you.”

    So that’s his game, thought Gears. He’s going to send Gravity Bind back to his hand on each of his turns, so it only functions during my turn!

    Talk about a dirty trick…

    He drew a card.

    “I set a Monster, and end my turn!” he shouted.

    A set Monster appeared, and faded from view.

    “My move again?” laughed Edmund. “This is getting fun…”

    He made a draw.

    “Once again, I play Gravity Bind,” he said, as the facedown card lifted up.

    “Then, once again, I return it to my hand.”

    The Trap Card vanished. A second A-Counter latched onto Perfect Machine King.

    “And now I activate Gol’gar’s second effect… True, it can’t weaken Monsters that have A-Counters… But, when it’s on the field, I can remove two A-Counters from anywhere on the field to destroy any opposing card.”

    The two A-Counters on Perfect Machine King crumbled into dust. Then Gol’gar blasted a bolt of energy, and Perfect Machine King was atomized.

    “Next, I set my Trap again,” he said, as the facedown card appeared, “and summon Alien Hunter.”

    The portal opened again, and a new Alien leapt out. This one was more lizard-like and streamlined than Alien Warrior, had blue skin, a long tail, black armor, and blue orbs on its chest. It carried a long spear-like weapon. (1,600 ATK)

    “Attack his last Monster!” shouted the worm. “Otherworldly electrostaff!”

    Alien Hunter leapt at the reversed Monster with its weapon. Morphing Jar appeared on the card, and was blown to shards.

    Both duelists made five draws.

    Here is comes… thought Gears, gritting his teeth.

    “Gol’gar…” ordered Edmund, “hit him hard!”

    Gol’gar fired its cosmic blast, and Gears screamed as the energy ripped through him. His Speed Counters fell to ten.

    (G: 1,300) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 3,900)

    Gears glared at his foe with a look of hate.

    “If you’re done…” he said. “I believe it’s my move…”

    He drew a card.

    “I summon Mechanicalchaser!” he shouted.

    The portal opened, and the Machine hunter flew out. (1,850 ATK)

    “It’s pointless, Gears,” said Edmund.

    His Gravity Bind activated again.

    Then, to Edmund’s shock, the Trap Card disintegrated.

    “WHAT?” he shouted. “HOW?”

    Then Edmund saw another Monster in front of Gears’s bike.

    “Trap Eater??” shouted Edmund.

    It was indeed Trap Eater, the tricky Fiend Tuner made for just such an occasion. (1,900 ATK)

    “I have to thank you,” said Gears. “This duel has helped me a great deal…

    “These Aliens may be pretty ugly, but I realize now that they’re no different than the other terrible Monsters that I’ve faced. Facing up to them again helped me break through the block, and get over the fear I had of them.

    “I’m sure that wasn’t your intent, Edmund, but I still have to thank you…”

    Edmund growled…

    “Trap Eater…” said Gears. “Incinerate Alien Hunter!”

    The Fiend blew a cone of fire from its mouth, and Alien Hunter was reduced to ash.

    “Next, a Trap Card,” said Gears, as his facedown card lifted up. “Urgent Tuning. This lets me make a Synchro Summon right in the middle of the Battle Phase…

    “Mechanicalchaser… Trap Eater… Let’s get ‘im…”

    The Fiend and the Machine flew into the starry void, and faded into eight glowing stars…

    Then, Ally of Justice Light Gazer flew down, hovering in front of Gears’s bike. (2,400 ATK)

    “If memory serves me correctly,” said Gears, “there are four Light Monsters in your Graveyard right now…”

    Four phantasms appeared behind Gears and Light Gazer: the two Alien Greys, Alien Ammonite, and Cosmic Horror Gangi’el.

    “That means 800 more Attack Points for my Monster.”

    (3,200 ATK)

    “Light Gazer… Wipe out Cosmic Fortress Gol’gar with plasma cannon!”

    Light Gazer fired its weapon directly into the heart of the huge living spacecraft. The immense Reptile groaned, and its tendrils started flailing. Then it exploded in a display of pyrotechnics and colored bursts.

    (G: 1,300) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 3,000)

    “It’s your move, Edmund…” said Gears.

    “Oh, you think you’re so smart…” said Edmund, drawing a card.

    “Gears, you may have cured your neilasparophobia, but I’ll still defeat you!”

    One of his facedown cards lifted.

    “I activate Synchro Spirits! Now, by eliminating Cosmic Fortress Gol’gar from the game, I get to summon the Monsters I used to Synchro Summon it.”

    First, Alien Ammonite appeared. (500 ATK) Then, Alien Warrior. (1,800 ATK)

    “Next,” he said, as a second Trap Card lifted, “I use Dimensional Regression. Now, all Monsters that have been removed from play go back to our decks. That means Gol’gar is now back in my Extra Deck…

    “And that means I can Synchro Summon it again!”

    Both the Aliens faded into five glowing stars again, and with a loud roar, Gol’gar returned. (2,600 ATK)

    “Light Gazer will still be stronger,” said Gears.

    “We’ll soon see,” said Edmund. “In the meantime, I summon Alien Infiltrator.”

    He played a card, and the portal opened again. A short, squat Alien with grey skin, tentacles for arms, wearing a breathing apparatus appeared. It was making a clearly audible breathing noise, which sounded uncomfortably like Darth Vader’s ominous heavy breathing. (800 ATK)

    “Now I activate its effect,” continued Edmund. “Since I made sure that you have no Monsters, Spells, or Traps in the column of the playing field that it’s in, it can attack directly.

    “Get him!”

    Alien Infiltrator leapt at Gears, and lashed at him with its tendrils. Gears cringed a little.

    Edmund set a card on his dashboard, and a facedown card appeared.

    (G: 500) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 3,000)

    Another attack from that thing, and I’m finished, thought Gears.

    He looked at Edmund’s facedown card.

    He’s only allowed to have one Gravity Bind… I gotta hope and pray that the facedown card is what I think it is…

    He made a draw.

    “Light Gazer…” he exclaimed, “destroy Alien Infiltrator!”

    Light Gazer aimed its blaster…

    “Fool,” said Edmund. “I activate my Trap!”

    His facedown card lifted. Gears smirked. It was another Planet Pollutant Virus.

    Alien Vader vanished into grains of light.

    “The only fool around here is you, Edmund!” he shouted. “I was prepared for that this time!”

    His own facedown card shot up.

    “Kill Switch?” said Edmund. “What does that do?”

    “It’s a Counter Trap,” said Gears. “I can activate it whenever you activate an effect that would destroy one or more Allies of Justice.

    “I discard one card…”

    He tossed a card into his discard slot.

    “And first, your attempt fails…”

    The Planet Pollutant Virus card was blown to bits.

    “Then, my Trap Card destroys the Monster on the field with the most Attack Points.”

    “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of!” laughed Edmund. “Your Monster has the most Attack Points!”

    “True, Light Gazer is the Monster that will be destroyed,” continued Gears.

    Light Gazer started to glow with an aura of red, intense energy.

    “But… When it blows, you’ll take damage equal to that Attack Score.”

    “But that means…” gasped Edmund.

    “It means you’re finished,” said Gears.

    Then Light Gazer self-destructed in a fiery blast. Edmund screamed as the explosion engulfed him and his D-Wheel…

    (G: 500) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 0)

    Reality came undone again, and in the next minute, Gears and Edmund were back in the place that Edmund had called the Realm of Stupidity.

    Gears slammed on the brakes, and skidded to a halt.

    Edmund was apparently not so lucky. Gears watched as he struggled to control his D-Wheel.

    He wasn’t successful. He crashed into the side of a ruined building, and his D-Wheel exploded. A scream came from the worm that walked.

    Gears got off his bike, and looked at the fire. A second explosion consumed the whole vehicle, along with the rider.

    He sighed.

    Ironic, he thought. He went up in flames… Just like the last one did…

    He turned back to his bike. A portal had opened next to it. It was time to leave this place…

    And then, a realization came to him…

    “Just like the last one did??” he exclaimed.

    He turned back to the burning wreckage.

    Sure enough, he saw a solitary worm scurry away from the burning wreck.

    “Not this time…” growled Gears.

    He chased after the lone worm, caught up to it, and crushed it under his foot.

    He sighed again.

    “And that is finally that…” he said.

    He mounted his bike, and started it up. He drove through the portal, leaving the forsaken place behind.

    He didn’t notice one thing that hadn’t been there a minute ago. An amulet set with a black jewel lying on the ground.

    It glowed with an ominous aura…

    Was Edmund really dead? Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t. Maybe a little of both. All I will say right now is, when dealing with a necromancer, very few things can ever be truly certain. Gears had thought he had rid the world of Edmund’s wicked influence, but that certainty was a bit premature.

    At any rate, Gears had survived. I tried to be patient at this point, hoping my allies would all make it through the gauntlet and reach the place where I was being held. I had only so much faith, and it was all that kept me going at this point.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Dark
    Level: 5
    ATK: 2,200
    DEF: 800

    Card Description: When this card destroys an opponent's LIGHT Monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, draw 1 card. If the card drawn is a Level 4 or lower DARK Monster, you can Special Summon it.

    Note: “Ally of Justice Lethal Weapon” was released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 6: Dragunity of the Hurricane” system. It has not yet been released in the United States.

    KILL-SWITCH (Trap Card)

    Counter Trap

    Ally of Justice Catastor in the foreground facing Worm Queen, with a digital countdown in the forefront at 0:15.

    Card Description: Discard 1 card in your hand. Negate the activation of a card that would destroy 1 or more face-up “Ally of Justice” Monsters that you control and destroy it. Then, destroy the face-up Monster on the field with the highest ATK. Your opponent takes direct damage equal to the ATK of the Monster destroyed by this card’s effect.


    Normal Trap

    Junk Synchron and White Magician Pikeru in the foreground, with Junk Warrior looming in the background.

    Card Description: Remove from play one Synchro Monster in your Graveyard. If the Monsters used in the Synchro Summoning of that Monster are in your Graveyard, you may Special Summon them from your Graveyard.

    Note: “Synchro Spirits” was first used by Yusei in the “Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s” episode “Second Round Showdown (Part 2)” . Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    MUTANT STRAIN (Trap Card)

    Normal Trap

    Alien Mother screaming in pain as she is attacked by A-Counters.

    Card Description: You may activate this card when there are three or less A-Counters total placed on Monsters controlled by your opponent, and you control at least one face-up Monster. Remove all A-Counters from Monsters controlled by your opponent. Then, distribute an equal number of A-Counters among Monsters that you control. Then, draw one card for each A-Counter gained by Monsters you control.


    Normal Spell

    The image on this card was unclear.

    Card Description: You can only activate this card when you have 12 Speed Counters. Draw 2 cards from your deck.

    Note: “Speed Spell – Acceleration Draw” was first used by Mukuro Enjo in the “Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s” episode “Surprise, Surprise”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    Coming up next:

    There was once a time that when a prisoner was sentenced to death by a court, he was executed within a week. Those days are long gone.

    In a modern, civilized justice system, when a death sentence is passed, the condemned prisoner often remains on death row for years before being executed, if he ever is at all. Courts have very strict guidelines regarding capital punishment, and make sure that it is never used hastily. Appeals must be made, defense attorneys must be given every option available, and only when guilt is certain and everyone agrees that the sentence is deserved might a date be set for an execution. These guidelines exist for many reasons: Mostly because it would be a horrible injustice if a man was executed who was later proven innocent.

    For the Shadowchasers, it is no different. But one vital problem is often overlooked with the long process of dealing with death row inmates in their case. What if a condemned inmate truly does deserve the death penalty, and the long, tedious process gives the supernatural-powered Shadowkind an opportunity to escape?

    The answer is coming soon, as Shichiro confronts someone he collared a while ago. “Exile of the Wicked” is coming soon.

    Shadowchaser Files

    Dorn, Spirit Magician of Shadow

    The world of Duel Monsters contains many mysteries. One Shadow who seeks to unravel them is the jackalwere called Dorn.

    Many people confuse jackalweres with lycanthropes, as they resemble werebeasts in hybrid form, with jackals as the animal half. However, jackalweres are not shapeshifters, and do not transmit any curse with their bites or claws. Whether any connection exists between them and true lycanthropes is unknown.

    Dorn was born on Earth, in Cairo, the city with the largest clan of jackalweres. His species has a very theocratic society, and they worship the gods of the old religions, in particular the god Anubis, Guardian of the Dead, whom they believe had a hand in their creation. (The Anubis they worship is apparently not the same one as the sorcerer who opposed Pharaoh Atemu, seeing as they depict him as a far more benign deity.) From a very young age, Dorn was trained as an acolyte of his god, and he performed his duties well.

    Most modern jackalweres are also trained in Duel Monsters, as they realize that it is the chosen form of combat among Shadows, and Dorn was no exception. But Dorn found this far more interesting than most jackalweres did. He studied the history of the game in his spare time, and started to become incredibly interested when he first learned about the existence of Duel Spirits. And he became very excited indeed when he learned of how Judai Yukai encountered a whole tribe of Gravekeepers, Duel Spirits who apparently worshipped the same gods that his people did.

    His curiosity piqued, Dorn started to study Duel Spirits as a hobby, even as his skill with divine magic grew and he matured in his true field. He studied the information he could find on Dark World, Neo-Space, and every other bit of information he could find on these strange creatures. When he was finally officially initiated into the clergy of Anubis, he was informally calling himself a spirit magician, even though he still hadn’t truly learned any magic dealing with Duel Spirits or even met one.

    Dorn now uses any excuse he can to study abroad, hoping to comb libraries and universities for more information on his hobby. He dreams of someday visiting the strange dimensions where these creatures live, and works towards making his dream a reality.

    Story Ideas: Dorn travels as a missionary, not getting much more success than most, but he also actively seeks out any information on Duel Spirits that he hears about. He could easily be inserted into any story where Spirits are present.

    Dorn’s likely weakness, however, is that he doesn’t yet realize the danger of confronting these beings. He only knows the basics of Judai’s encounters with them, not the details, and doesn’t know that not all of them are benign. Perhaps he has yet to comprehend that Duel Spirits are just as complex as other sentient beings. He could easily get into trouble following a lead.

    On the other hand, Dorn is quite willing to learn. He is willing to make deals – within reason – with anyone who can help him find out more towards his hobby. And if anyone were to plan an expedition to one of the Twelve Dimensions, he’d likely start a long bargaining process to convince them to let him come. This might be a mixed blessing – having a divine spellcaster along might help immensely, but Dorn might be as hyper as a kid in a candy store.

    Deck Suggestions: Dorn is still a loyal follower of Anubis, and as such, he can’t escape certain motifs as a duelist. His deck is naturally a Gravekeeper’s Deck. Like most such decks, his strategy consists of swarming the field and using Necrovalley to limit his opponent’s options.

  22. #262
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Now that was good battle. It totally makes up for the sucky one last chapter. The Aliens were great, Gears was great and Edmund got whacked. Lovely.

    Can't find much more things to talk about right now, since I'm sleepy. Sorry.

    I just liked it.

  23. #263
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    Now, as Shichiro hinted at when we first met, the Shadowchasers must be very cautious in any criminal case where the death penalty is warranted. Each race of Shadowkind has different views on capital punishment, and with some of them, it can be a delicate situation. Orcs traditionally demand that a member of another race be beheaded for any at all crime against an orc, but they can’t enforce this tradition on others, and other races aren’t as lax.

    The Shadowchaser courts have provisions for handing down death sentences, but such sentences are rarely given, and even more rarely carried out. When two Shadowkind Nazis were executed following the defeat of Germany after World War II, it had been the first time the Shadowchasers had used capital punishment in six-hundred years. Since that time, you could pretty much count on one hand the number of Shadowkind criminals who had actually been executed.

    But now and then, a criminal was sentenced to die, and like all cases where the death penalty was involved, it led to a long process of appeals and reviews. Like I said, it was not a matter to be taken lightly.

    And in recent years, the long process had caused the unthinkable to happen. Shichiro was about to come face-to-face with a criminal who had actually escaped from death row, something almost unheard of in most justice systems.

    Of course, the way he had escaped was pretty much unheard of in
    any justice system…

    Shichiro drove his D-Wheel through the portal, with Jalal holding on behind. He pulled to a stop.

    “Uh… Jalal?” said Shichiro.

    They looked around. They were in the middle of dark, dank cavern, lit by several torches set in the walls.

    “You think we took a wrong turn at Albuquerque?”

    Jalal dismounted the bike.

    “Unlikely…” he said, not getting the reference. “I think we’re in a small, pocket demiplane, somewhere in the Deep Ethereal…”

    Then an evil laugh echoed through the cavern.

    “I know that laugh…” said Shichiro, ominously.

    He got off the bike.

    “Lord Porpen!” he shouted. “Show yourself!”

    Two glowing, catlike eyes appeared in the darkness.

    “Is that supposed to scare me?” asked Shichiro. “Get out here…”

    The figure chuckled, and walked into the light. He was a tall figure, with a head and claws like a black panther, dressed in expensive-looking clothing that suggested Indian origins.

    “Got rid of the prison-issue clothes, I see,” said Shichiro.

    The creature frowned.

    “Yes,” he replied, “I had time to go shopping before you started your manhunt… But not much else…”

    Lord Porpen (the “lord” in his name was self-appointed) was a rakshasa, a demon that was legendary in Indian myth (for some reason, almost all of them arrived in India and neighboring countries after coming from the homeworld of Shadow). Myths gave them a variety of roles, from being common thieves and tricksters to powerful entities who could match the gods themselves in sheer power. The truth was, they were a race of Shadowkind, much like any other.

    Porpen had once been the heir of a rich family, and had behaved himself surprising well for a rakshasa (a race that legends say were man-eaters, grave robbers, and evil magicians), but when his parents were arrested due to their ties to a smuggling ring that was run out of Mumbai, he became angered at “the system”, as he called it, and became more true to his nature.

    Determined to gain revenge on society, he gathered together a group of Mundane outcasts, and started a modernized Thagna cult. Supposedly done out of homage to the goddess Kali (although Jalal suspected that Porpen only wanted the money, and cared little for any goddess) the cult used the same traditional means of robbery as the original Thagna. They traveled in packs in out-of-the-way areas, looking for groups of travelers, and then murdered them using knotted cords. After looting the bodies, they dismembered and mutilated the corpses (supposedly to appease Kali) and buried them to conceal the deed.

    However, Porpen didn’t realize that this bloody activity could not be easily concealed in modern-day India. People eventually took notice of the people who were going missing. Eventually, members of the cult were discovered, a few were caught in the act, and very soon, the Shadowchasers discovered that a Shadowkind was leading the cult. Shichiro investigated the case, as he had handled rakshasa before, and arrested Porpen just last year.

    But then it turned strange. After being found guilty of ordering over seventy murders and personally committing a dozen (and those were only the ones they found evidence of), none of which he showed any remorse for, Porpen was sentenced to death. But after only two months on death row, Porpen apparently cheated the executioner, killing himself by taking cyanide. No one knew how he got it. And then came the clincher – right before the coroner was to perform the autopsy, his body disappeared from the morgue.

    The Shadowchasers suspected it was an elaborate escape plan, and that Porpen was actually alive, so a global manhunt started, but he was never found.

    “I should have known you were out there somewhere,” said Shichiro. “I thought you said at your trial that you weren’t afraid to die.”

    “I wasn’t,” said Porpen with a scowl. “I planned to go to the death chamber and curse you and that half-breed out when I was asked if I had anything to say before I got the lethal injection.”

    He pointed to Jalal.

    “But then I got to death row,” he continued, “where there were two other inmates. Want to know how long they had been there?”

    “A long time?” asked Shichiro.

    “More than ten years!” shouted Porpen. “More than ten years in a cramped, five-by-ten cell, due to mandatory appeals and red tape brought up by idiotic lawyers!

    “There was once a time when a condemned prisoner was put out his misery quickly and that was the end of it. The Nazi war criminals that were tried at Nuremberg who were given the death penalty were hanged less than a year after being convicted!”

    “And it was a far more merciful fate than the thousands of innocents who were tortured to death in Nazi death camps,” added Jalal. “The fact that you even got a trial proves that more mercy was shown to you than you ever gave your victims, Porpen.”

    “Regardless,” said Porpen. “I was not going to spend years in that cramped cell while a stupid lawyer made my decisions for me.

    “So I decided to use the money that I intended to pay that lawyer with for more practical purposes. I listened to the guards talk amongst themselves, and eventually found out that one of them had parents who were in the midst of a financial crisis. Then I spoke to him, and bribed him into supplying me with cyanide, and a special chemical that only rakshasa knew how to make.

    “He thought I would kill myself with them, and he saw nothing wrong with helping a serial killer end his own life, and making a great deal of money from it. It would help his parents pay the bills, after all. Little did he know, the second chemical was my ticket to freedom.

    “You see, by ingesting it before I took the cyanide, the poison affected me in a different way, placing me in a comatose state that couldn’t be distinguished from actual death by a casual viewer. As I had hoped, I was taken to the morgue, where the security was much more lax than death row. I made my escape, and fled to this pocket dimension.”

    “And you’ve been holed up here all this time?” asked Shichiro. “What were you planning to eventually do?”

    “To be honest, I had no idea at first,” replied Porpen. “But then an entity contacted me. It said I merely had to do its bidding, and if its plans worked, I could return to an Earth where there would be no Shadowchasers. I wouldn’t have to worry about having a status as a fugitive any longer.

    “And besides… I want revenge on the one who arrested me.”

    He placed a Duel Disk on his right arm. He was left handed, as all rakshasa were. Actually, rakshasa had a disturbing physical characteristic: their palms were where the backs of the hands would be on humans. That meant that their right hand was where their left hand would normally be, and vice-versa. This odd feature didn’t affect their manual dexterity, but it was quite disturbing for most folks to watch when they did anything that involved using their hands.

    Anyway, the Disk was custom-made for southpaws, and was likely quite expensive.

    Shichiro sighed.

    “Fine…” he said. “I guess it’s the only way out of here anyway.”

    He hit the command on his D-Wheel, and the Duel Disk disengaged, clamping to his gauntlet.

    “Careful, Shichiro,” said Jalal. “This is one guy I really don’t trust.”

    “Don’t concern yourself, boss,” said Shichiro. “I beat him once… I can do it again…”

    He turned to Porpen.

    “So… Still using the same deck?”

    “Heh, heh…” chuckled Porpen. “No… I have something much more… disturbing. The judge may have been a little hasty when she rejected my insanity plea…”

    “Duel!” they both shouted.

    (Shichiro: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Porpen: 8,000)

    “My draw…” said Porpen.

    Shichiro winced a little, as he watched Porpen make a draw. As previously said, a rakshasa using his hands was a disturbing sight.

    “I summon the Malice Doll of Demise in Attack Mode,” he said.

    With a hideous cackle, an evil-looking wooden puppet appeared, carrying a nasty axe. (1,600 ATK)

    “Then, I play the Continuous Spell Card, Ectoplasmer,” he said, as a Spell Card appeared. “This requires each player to sacrifice a Monster at the end of their turns. The soul of that Monster is then transformed into a destructive energy called ectoplasm, which deals damage to the opponent equal to half of the Monster’s Attack Points.”

    Lovely… thought Jalal, nervously. I’ve seen this combo before…

    “Okay, Shichiro…” said Porpen. “I’m ending my turn now.”

    Malice Doll of Demise slumped over, and a ghostly phantom flew out of it. It flew at Shichiro with a screech, hitting him in the chest with a slam.

    “ERGH!” he grunted.

    (S: 7,200) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 8,000)

    Man, that really hurt… he thought. This isn’t like the last time I dueled him… Something is different…

    He drew a card.

    “I summon Hayabusa Knight!” he shouted.

    In a burst of energy, the armored fencer with a falcon’s head appeared. (1,000 ATK)

    “Attack him directly!” shouted Shichiro. “Peregrine saber slash!”

    Hayabusa Knight flew at the rakshasa and made a swipe at him with its blade. Porpen grunted and took a step backwards.

    “And guess what, Porpen?” asked Shichiro. “Hayabusa Knight gets to attack twice!”

    Porpen grunted again, as the Warrior made another slash at him.

    “I set one card facedown,” said Shichiro. “Then I end my turn, and use the effect of your Ectoplasmer.”

    Hayabusa Knight fell to his knees. Then its spirit rose from its body, and made a savage slash at Porpen a third time. The demon fell over on his behind.

    (S: 7,200) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 5,500)

    “So, what do you think?” asked Shichiro.

    Porpen chuckled, and got up.

    “I think you’re in for a rude awakening…” he said.

    He drew a card.

    A dark burst of energy appeared on his side of the field, and Malice Doll of Demise appeared again. (1,600 ATK)

    Shichiro’s smile vanished.

    This was what I was afraid of, thought Jalal.

    “You really didn’t think I’d play Ectoplasmer without a Monster that I could combo with it, did you?” said Porpen. “I can Special Summon this guy on the turn after it’s sent to the Graveyard by a Continuous Spell Card’s effect. It and Ectoplasmer make the perfect team.

    “And now I summon Brave Scizzar.”

    A weird-looking Machine appeared, with a conical body, one glaring eye, eight spindly legs, and two arms, each ending in a pair of shears. (1,300 ATK)

    “Kinda reminds me…” muttered Shichiro, nervously. “I’m overdue for a haircut…”

    “Brave Scizzar, give him a little off the top!” ordered Porpen.

    The Machine rushed at Shichiro, its shears clipping. Shichiro screamed as they stabbed into him.

    “Now, my Malice Doll of Demise,” continued the demon, “cleaver heaver!”

    The Fiend cackled, and hurled its axe.

    “I activate… Defense Draw!” shouted Shichiro, as his facedown card shot up.

    The axe glanced off an invisible shield.

    Shichiro breathed a sigh of relief, and then drew one card.

    “Ah, well…” said Porpen. “I end my turn… And that means I can once again use the effect of Ectoplasmer…”

    Once again, the ghostly spirit flew out of Malice Doll of Demise, and slammed into Shichiro’s chest.

    “ERGH!” he grunted.

    (S: 5,100) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 5,500)

    Okay, that confirms it… he thought, holding his chest. This is not the typical duel…

    He’s learned how to create a Shadow Duel…

    He slowly drew a card.

    He must have gotten some pointers from that entity he mentioned. Maybe he means Draco…

    Well, this will solve part of the problem.

    “I play Mystical Space Typhoon!” he shouted, throwing a card into his Disk.

    The cyclone tore across the field, and blasted the Ectoplasmer card to pieces.

    “Next, I summon Axe Raider!”

    Axe Raider appeared in front of him, and grunted at the sight of the demon. (1,700 ATK)

    “Destroy Brave Scizzar!” shouted Shichiro. “Axe crash!”

    Axe Raider slashed downward with his axe, cutting the Machine cleanly in half. The pieces dissolved into light.

    “It’s your move…” he said. “Seems the score is tied…”

    (S: 5,100) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 5,100)

    Porpen made a draw. In a burst of energy, Malice Doll of Demise returned, this time crouching in Defense Mode. (1,700 DEF)

    “I set two cards facedown,” said Porpen, “and then summon Bowganian.”

    Two facedown cards flashed into existence, and then a new Machine appeared. It looked like a large eye with spikes on its lid, with two small mechanical arms, one of which held a metal crossbow. (1,300 ATK)

    Odd… thought Jalal. I can’t exactly put my finger on it, but… There’s something very familiar about the cards in Porpen’s deck…

    Have I seen these used in the same deck before?

    “My turn is over,” said Porpen.

    “Draw…” said Shichiro, making a draw.

    He looked at the card.

    “Come on out, Gearfried the Iron Knight!” he shouted.

    In another burst of energy, Gearfried leapt onto the field. (1,800 ATK)

    “Destroy his Bowganian!” he shouted.

    Gearfried flew at the small Machine.

    “I activate… Staunch Defender!” exclaimed Porpen, as his facedown card shot up. “Now, all your attacks must be directed towards my Malice Doll of Demise!”

    Gearfried turned, and brought his blade down on the Doll, blowing it to shards.

    “Ah, well…” said Porpen. “Never liked that guy much anyway…”

    “You don’t like your own cards?” asked Shichiro. “You have serious issues, Porpen.”

    “And I suppose you’re gonna give me the tired old good guys’ speech about cards having to be respected, huh?” asked Porpen. “Save it, Shichiro.

    “I don’t doubt that the card creatures are living things… I’ve seen stranger things in my life. But caring about them is only going to distract me.

    “I learned a long time ago, you have to look out for number one in this crazy world. Looking out for anyone else just gets you in trouble.”

    “Seems pretty selfish, if you ask me,” replied Shichiro.

    “Self-preservation is how I think of it,” replied Porpen. “If it’s selfish to put your own needs before those of others, I’m hardly the only one who can be called selfish.

    “I believe it’s my move…”

    He made a draw.

    “And whenever I start my turn, Bowganian’s effect activates, costing you 600 Life Points.”

    Bowganian aimed its crossbow at Shichiro, and fired. Shichiro’s eyes nearly bugged out as it hit him.

    “Next, I summon Drillago,” continued Porpen.

    He played the card, and another Dark Machine appeared. It looked like a mass of drills and screws on two legs. (1,600 ATK)

    “And since you have nothing on your side of the field except for Monsters with 1,600 Attack Points or more, it gets to attack directly.

    “Attack! Drilling drill!”

    Drillago rushed at Shichiro, its drills spinning wildly. Shichiro screamed in pain as the weapons stabbed into him. He fell over.

    (S: 2,900) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 5,100)

    “I move Bowganian to Defense Mode…” said Porpen, “and end my turn.”

    Bowganian pointed its crossbow up, and shielded itself with its other hand. (1,000 DEF)

    Shichiro got up, and took some deep breaths.

    He slowly drew a card.

    He looked at Jalal. Jalal nodded, and he nodded back.

    “I set one Monster,” he said, as a reversed Monster appeared.

    “Then I attack with Gearfried and Axe Raider!”

    Axe Raider made a chop, blowing Bowganian to pieces. Then Gearfried made a slash with his blade, and Drillago exploded into a blast of flames.

    “That’s all for me…”

    (S: 2,900) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 4,900)

    “Seems you still have some fight in you…” said Porpen, making a draw.

    He looked at the card.

    “Good… Didn’t want this to be too easy, after all…”

    A Spell Card appeared on his side of the field.

    “I play Instant Fusion. I pay 1,000 Life Points, and in return, I get to Special Summon a Level 5 or lower Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck.

    “And I choose to summon… Musician King!”

    In a blast of energy and sound, a new Monster appeared. It was a 70’s style guitarist, wearing battered jeans, no shirt, and a red bandana that held back his bushy, blonde hair. He carried a red electric guitar. (1,750 ATK)

    “Of course, since he was summoned with Instant Fusion,” continued Porpen, “he can’t attack, and will have to leave when I end my turn…

    “Unless I give him a little upgrade. I activate Metalmorph.”

    His other Trap Card lifted up.

    “And I’ll Equip it to Musician King.”

    Musician King’s skin turned grey and metallic.

    “This let’s me sacrifice him…”

    Musician King vanished.

    “…for something better… The powerful Heavy Metal King!”

    In a burst of even more intense energy and even louder noise, a new Monster appeared. It looked like Musician King with a new costume and makeup, the type that had been favored by Gene Simmons and artists of the same genre. His guitar had been replaced by a bass version. (2,050 ATK)

    “Interesting…” said Shichiro.

    “I’ll tell you something else that’s interesting,” said Porpen. “Heavy Metal King retains the effect of Metalmorph. That means, when he attacks, he gains Attack Points equal to half the target’s Attack Score.

    “So attack his Iron Knight! Requiem blast!”

    Heavy Metal King strummed his bass, and a blast of incredibly earsplitting sound shot towards Gearfried. His Attack Score increased to 2,950. The Iron Knight staggered backwards, and then shattered into pixels.

    “Ergh…” groaned Shichiro.

    (S: 1,750) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 3,900)

    “You were right…” he muttered. “These cards you’re using… The unifying theme is madness!”

    “That’s the idea,” said Porpen. “This deck I’m using is derived from the Psycho Style of dueling.”

    That’s where I’ve seen these combos before!” exclaimed Jalal.

    Porpen chuckled.

    “Makes sense, Jalal,” he said. “You’ve been around long enough to have heard about it, and your memory is long. Not many duelists today remember it, because it’s mostly defunct.

    “It used to be a school of dueling that was the arch rival of the Cyber Style of dueling. But eventually, it produced the most arrogant practitioner in its history. He challenged the representative of the Cyber Style to a duel for dominance.”

    “And I suppose that would have been Ryu Marufuji?” asked Shichiro. “Let me guess… Ryu defeated him, and the Psycho Style had to close its doors?”

    Porpen started to chuckle harder.

    “What?” asked Shichiro.

    “Actually, it turned out very differently,” said Jalal. “Ryu tried, but his poor health at the time caused him to collapse in the middle of the duel. He was about to forfeit, when his little brother said that he would take over for him.”

    “And that’s funny because?” asked Shichiro.

    “Because Sho defeated him!” laughed Porpen. “It was a complete humiliation for the Psycho Style! After that, no-one who used this strategy could show his face in public.

    “Well, until Sho became more respected in the Pro League, that is…”

    “I didn’t actually see the duel,” said Jalal, “but supposedly, that’s what happened.”

    “So why are you using these cards?” asked Shichiro. “Do you get your jollies from using the cards of a once-respected style that fell from grace because of one practitioner’s foolish arrogance?”

    “Why, yes,” said Porpen.

    Shichiro looked at Porpen. He was about to say something.

    Then he stopped and shook his head.

    Why bother? he thought.

    He drew a card.

    “I set one card facedown, and move Axe Raider to Defense Mode.”

    A facedown card appeared, and Axe Raider knelt and held his weapon in his lap. (1,150 DEF)

    “It’s your move.”

    Porpen made a draw. He looked at it and the two cards already in his hand.

    Almost… he thought. I almost have what I need to pull off the combo that defines the Psycho Style… I just need one more card…

    “Heavy Metal King…” he ordered, “destroy Axe Raider!”

    Heavy Metal King played his terrible song, and the sonic waves shot towards Axe Raider…

    “I activate… Draining Shield!” shouted Shichiro.

    His Trap Card shot up, and a dome of energy appeared around him and his Monsters, deflecting the blast.

    (S: 3,800) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 3,900)

    “Ah, well…” said Porpen. “I’ll set this then, for later.”

    A facedown card appeared in a flash.

    Jalal raised an eyebrow.

    I don’t like the look in Porpen’s eye, he thought. If that facedown card is what I think it is, Shichiro might be in big trouble…

    Shichiro drew a card.

    “I summon Nitro Synchron!” he shouted.

    He threw the card on his Disk, and the robotic propane tank appeared next to Axe Raider. (300 ATK)

    “Next, I Equip Axe Raider with Synchro Boost,” he said, as he played a Spell Card. “This gives him 500 more Attack Points, and raises his Level by one.

    “And now… Nitro Synchron will give him a Tune-up!”

    Nitro Synchron’s eyes glowed, and the needle on its gauge moved into the red. Then it and Axe Raider flew to the ceiling, where they faded into seven glowing stars.

    “Synchro Summon…” said Shichiro, “Nitro Warrior!”

    The fiendish, flaming Warrior flew from the ceiling with a roar, leaving a trail of flames in its wake. (2,800 ATK)

    “Now, thanks to Nitro Synchron’s effect,” continued Shichiro, “I get to make one draw.”

    He drew a card. He looked at it, and added it to his hand.

    “Nitro Warrior…” he said, “silence Heavy Metal King with dynamite knuckle!”

    Nitro Warrior roared again, and flew at the mad musician, hitting him hard with two flaming fists. Heavy Metal King fell backwards, and shattered into silvery shards.

    (S: 3,800) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 3,150)

    Shichiro glared at Porpen as Nitro Warrior landed back on his side.

    “What next, Porpen?” he asked. “What nightmare are you going to pull out of that deck next?”

    Porpen chuckled.

    “You’ll see soon enough,” he replied. “After all… I’m a rakshasa… I’m the embodiment of nightmares!”

    “No you aren’t,” snapped Jalal. “That’s just a label given to your people by superstitious humans who credit you with more powers than you actually have.”

    “Eh… Look who knows so much…” growled Porpen, drawing a card.

    “I like superstitious folk more than smart ones… People who aren’t smart tend to respect us. Hindu myth tells of a rakshasa named Raktabija who was so powerful, Durga herself couldn’t defeat him. Every time a drop of his blood was spilled, it turned into a clone of himself, and Durga found herself facing an army.”

    “But the same story says that Durga found a solution,” added Jalal. “She created a new aspect of herself… another goddess who was just as savage as Raktabija in order to fight him.

    “Know who that goddess was? Kali, the same goddess you told your Thagna cult you were making your offerings to.

    “Seems a little hypocritical, doesn’t it?”

    Porpen looked a little nervous. Yes, it was hypocritical. The cult he had started had professed to worship a goddess whom his race should have considered an enemy. Of course, he really hadn’t cared about Kali or any other deity. So long as he could make a profit from his band of highwaymen, he was satisfied.

    He quickly played the card he had just drawn.

    “I play Pot of Avarice!” he shouted.

    The card appeared, and he took Musician King, Malice Doll of Demise, Brave Scizzar, Drillago, and Bowganian from his discard slot. He shuffled his deck, and made two draws.

    “Time to show you what the Psycho Style can truly do,” he said. “I summon Jinzo-Returner!”

    He played the card, and a small Monster appeared, no more than four feet tall. The infamous Jinzo was a Machine, and as such, it couldn’t possibly sire children. But if it could, they might have looked like this. It was basically a pint-size version of Jinzo. (600 ATK)

    “Eh?” said Shichiro.

    “Now, I play a Spell Card,” said Porpen, as a card appeared in front of him. “Psycho Wave.

    “To play this, I have to send a specific Monster from my deck to the Graveyard…”

    He held up a card. It was a real Jinzo. Then he discarded it.

    “…and in return, Jinzo-Returner gets to inflict damage equal to its Attack Score.”

    Jinzo-Returner produced a ball of dark energy, and threw it at Shichiro. He grunted a little.

    “You threw away a Jinzo to inflict only 600 points of damage?” asked Shichiro. “Seems like an uneven trade-off.”

    “I’m just getting started,” continued Porpen. “Jinzo-Returner also has the ability to attack directly!”

    Jinzo-Returner fired another blast, and Shichiro groaned again.

    “Now, my Trap Card,” said Porpen, as his facedown card lifted.

    “WHA?!” shouted Shichiro. “That’s a Crush Card Virus!”

    “It sure is!” laughed Porpen.

    Jinzo-Returner vanished into an aura of dark energy. Then Nitro Warrior shattered into shards.

    Shichiro gasped as two cards in his hand, Warrior Dai Grepher and Rose, Warrior of Revenge, also shattered.

    “I’m not done!” laughed Porpen. “Jinzo-Returner has another effect. When it’s sent to the Graveyard, I get to Special Summon a specific Monster from my Graveyard!”

    With a roar, the real Jinzo appeared in front of him. (2,400 ATK)

    “This is bad…” said Shichiro.

    “Hang on, Shichiro!” urged Jalal. “He left out one thing… When Jinzo is summoned this way, it only stays on the field until his End Phase!”

    “Well…” chuckled Porpen. “Seems there are a few things that even the great Jalal Stormbringer doesn’t know…

    “But I digress… Let’s continue…

    “Jinzo, wipe out his last Monster! Cyber energy shock!”

    Jinzo formed an even more intense ball of dark energy, and hurled it at the facedown Monster. Skelengel appeared on the card, and was blown to pieces.

    “Now I get to draw one card,” said Shichiro.

    “Don’t forget…” said Porpen, “any card you draw falls under the spell of my Virus…”

    Shichiro made a draw.

    He turned it around. It was Tuningware.

    “Seems this guy is immune to your Virus, Porpen,” he said.

    “Ah, well, that’s worthless anyway…” said Porpen.

    “And now for my big surprise… True, the effect would destroy Jinzo when I ended my turn.

    “So I’ll sacrifice it…”

    Jinzo vanished into another dark aura.

    “…to Special Summon something better…”

    A larger, dark form loomed over the field…

    “I give you… Jinzo-Lord!”

    The creature that appeared looked like Jinzo at first glance. However, it was not only taller, it had combat armor in place of the familiar robes, it had three optic sensors, and it had six odd straps attached to its back tipped with strange objects that might pass for buckles. (2,600 ATK)

    “What in blazes…” said Shichiro, taking a step backwards.

    He turned towards Jalal.

    “I’m just as surprised as you are,” said Jalal. “I’ve never seen this before!”

    “You would have if you had actually seen the duel where the Psycho Style was humiliated,” chuckled Porpen. “Only the top practitioners of the school were given this card.

    “It enabled them to perform the combo you just saw… The ultimate combo of the Psycho Style!”

    “And how, may I ask, did you get it?” asked Shichiro.

    “From the entity I cut a deal with,” replied Porpen. “There are ways of getting anything…

    “I’d love to strike you down with this now, Shichiro… But since my Battle Phase is past, I have to end my turn…”

    (S: 2,600) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 3,150)

    Shichiro looked at his hand, which now consisted of Tuningware, Big Shield Gardna, and Silent Doom.

    Got to be careful, he thought. Until his Virus is expired, it’s not going to be easy to take that thing down…

    And if it’s anything like the true Jinzo, Traps aren’t gonna work while it’s on the field.

    He looked at Jinzo-Lord.

    Ultimate combo of the Psycho Style? he thought. Humph… In that case, the Psycho Style must have been full of poor sports. I mean really, Crush Card Virus is the cheapest card in existence. I’m glad that the Cyber Style was proven superior…

    Then he paused.

    Aw, who am I kidding? The Cyber Style was full of a lot of poor sports too. Does anyone actually believe that it was luck that let Kaiser pull all three Cyber Dragons and Power Bond in his opening hand in every single duel?

    The only reason no-one ever accused him of deck-stacking is because no-one ever had the nerve to do so…

    He drew a card. He looked at it.

    “Come on, Shichiro,” said Porpen, motioning with his hand. “Don’t keep me waiting…”

    Shichiro frowned, and turned the card around. It was De-Synchro. Porpen chuckled again.

    “Not much help there, huh?” he said.

    “Oh, shut up,” said Shichiro, placing a card on his Disk.

    A reversed Monster appeared.

    I don’t like this, thought Jalal. This sadist is making Shichiro angrier than usual. And losing your temper in a Shadow Duel can easily cause you to lose it…

    Porpen is a supernatural being, so he can handle a Shadow Duel far easier than any human can. For a mortal like Shichiro, the key to surviving is simply to keep calm, concentrate, and keep focused.

    Because losing focus can lead to disaster…


  24. #264
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Continued from last post:

    “My draw…” said Porpen, drawing a card.

    “I give my Monster an Equip Spell,” he said. “It’s called Amplifier Mach-2.”

    An odd device that looked similar to the Equip Spell used by the regular Jinzo appeared on Jinzo-Lord’s cranium, and fastened in place with a set of bolts. Jinzo-Lord became shrouded in an aura of electrical energy.

    “And just how is that different than the original Amplifier?” asked Shichiro.

    “Well, for one thing, it fits not only Jinzo, but Jinzo-Lord as well,” explained Porpen. “The original only fits Jinzo.

    “But like the original, this Equip lets me ignore Jinzo-Lord’s effect, and play all the Trap Cards I want.”

    He fit his last card in his Disk, and a facedown card appeared.

    “So I’ll give you one guess what sort of card THAT is. Heh, heh.

    “Anyway, it has another benefit, which we’ll get to if we have to. In the meantime…

    “Jinzo-Lord… Cyber energy impact!”

    Jinzo Lord shot the most intense blast yet, and Tuningware was blown to atoms.

    “Your move…”

    Shichiro made a draw.

    He turned it around. It was Junk Synchron.

    “I set one Monster,” he said. “Then I play Silent Doom.”

    A reversed Monster appeared. Then the Spell Card appeared, and Warrior Dai Grepher appeared, kneeling in Defense Mode. (1,600 DEF)

    “That’s all for now,” he said.

    Porpen drew one card.

    He looked at it closely. It was the Spell Card, Class System.

    “You look disappointed,” said Shichiro.

    “Ah, who cares?” said Porpen. “I have to pay 500 Life Points to keep Amplifier Mach-2… But it’s a small price to pay.

    “Jinzo-Lord… Destroy his hidden Monster!”

    The android fired its cyber energy impact, and Junk Synchron was blown to bits.

    “So much for him,” said Porpen. “It’s your move.”

    (S: 2,600) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 2,650)

    Shichiro made a draw.

    Aw, crap… he thought, looking at it.

    He cringed as it shattered in his hand.

    “Gilford the Legend, huh?” asked Porpen. “Don’t feel too bad… It’s not like I would have ever given you a chance to actually summon it.”

    Only one Monster left… thought Shichiro. If I can make it through one more round, I won’t have to worry about that Virus any more…

    He set the card on his Disk, and the Monster appeared facedown.

    “I end my turn, Porpen,” he said. “And with that, your Virus is now out of power.”

    “My draw,” said Porpen, drawing a card. “I pay 500 more Life Points to keep my Equip Spell…

    “Destroy his hidden Monster!”

    Jinzo-Lord fired its blast again…

    However, this time, it hit a barrier it couldn’t crack. Big Shield Gardna appeared on the card, and the impact was halted by his shield. (2,600 DEF)

    “Say what?” said Porpen.

    Gardna stood up into Attack Mode. (100 ATK)

    “Didn’t you remember that I had this guy?” asked Shichiro.

    “Oh, real smart,” said Porpen. “I’ll set this card, and end my turn.”

    A second facedown card appeared.

    (S: 2,600) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 2,150)

    Shichiro made a draw.

    “Time to put out your Monster’s lights!” he exclaimed. “I play Heavy Storm!”

    He played the card, and the fierce storm erupted over the field. Porpen cursed as his facedown Mirror Force and Dimension Wall were blown to pieces.

    Then Amplifier Mach-2 shattered into bits…

    However, Jinzo-Lord simply glared at Shichiro, looking just as angry as Porpen was.

    “WHAT?” shouted Shichiro. “HOW? Your Monster should have been destroyed!”

    “Says who?” asked Porpen, angrily. “That was a risk you had to take when you used the original Amplifier, yes… But when the upgraded version was developed, they corrected that little problem. Long story short, destroying Amplifier Mach-2 doesn’t destroy Jinzo-Lord.”

    Shichiro sighed.

    At least I got rid of two powerful Trap Cards, he thought.

    Big Shield Gardna crouched back behind his shield, moving back to Defense Mode. (2,600 DEF)

    “It’s your move…”

    “Draw!” shouted Porpen, drawing a card.

    He smiled an evil smile.

    “Just what I needed,” he said, playing the card. “The Spell Card, Enemy Controller!”

    The video game control pad appeared in the air, and Gardna stood up again. (100 ATK)

    Oh no! thought Jalal. Now Gardna is a sitting duck for Jinzo-Lord!

    “Attack!” shouted Porpen.

    Jinzo-Lord blasted its attack, blowing Gardna to pieces and knocking Shichiro on his back.

    (S: 100) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 2,150)

    Porpen fit his last card into his Disk, and it appeared facedown.

    “That’s all for my turn,” said Porpen. “Uh, no hurry… By all means, take your time…”

    Even if he does manage to summon a Monster stronger than Jinzo-Lord, he thought, Class System will hold off its attack unless it’s a higher Level than Jinzo-Lord.

    And I happen to know that Shichiro’s deck is rather short on Monsters that are above Level 8.

    Shichiro struggled to get up.

    He looked at his deck.

    Last chance… he thought.

    He drew the card.


    “I play The Warrior Returning Alive!” he shouted. “This lets me retrieve a Warrior from my Graveyard.”

    Rose, Warrior of Revenge slipped out of his discard slot.

    “Next, I’ll summon her!”

    Rose appeared next to Grepher, striking a pose. (1,600 ATK)

    “Now, I’ll Tune my two Monsters together…”

    Rose’s eyes burned with fire. Then she and Grepher flew towards the ceiling, fading into eight glowing stars.

    Jalal took a pocket watch out of his armor and looked at it. Then he simply vanished from sight. Shichiro didn’t notice it, but Porpen sure did.

    “Synchro Summon…” continued Shichiro, “Jalal the Dragonborn!”

    In a flash of light, Jalal’s avatar appeared in front of Shichiro. Porpen looked confused. It seemed as if Jalal had simply moved from the spot where he had been a moment ago and reappeared on the dueling field, with a change of armor. (2,600 ATK)

    “What?” said Porpen. “How… He was… How did he…”

    “Don’t try to confuse me, you lunatic,” said Shichiro. “I’m ending this duel.”

    “Yeah, how?” asked Porpen, getting his confidence back. “His Attack Score is exactly the same as Jinzo-Lord’s. You attack, and the battle will be a draw. If you were smart, you would have summoned Colossal Fighter.”

    He glanced casually at his facedown Class System. It would stop either Monster for one turn, truthfully, but Colossal Fighter would have been a bigger problem on the next turn.

    “Yeah, but I had a better idea that would make beating you more satisfying,” said Shichiro. “Jalal can beat that thing if I use his special ability. I have to cut my Life Points in half to do so. Then, I’ll remove one Trap Card in either Graveyard from play… Now, let’s see…

    “I think I know the perfect one…”

    Porpen looked surprised as a card fell out of his discard slot.

    “My Crush Card Virus??” he exclaimed.

    A rune materialized on Jalal’s sword.

    “Your Jinzo-Lord may negate Trap Cards,” said Shichiro, “but now, I can activate the effect of that Trap Card as Jalal’s Monster effect, which Jinzo-Lord can’t negate!”

    The Rune Counter shattered, and Jinzo-Lord exploded into pixels.

    “WHAT?” screamed Porpen. “This… This isn’t supposed to happen!”

    “You don’t like it much, do you?” asked Shichiro. “Most folks who use that Trap Card don’t like it when someone gives them a taste of their own medicine, Porpen.”

    “But… But…” gasped Porpen. “You need a sacrifice to use Crush Card Virus… You…”

    “…didn’t need one,” replied Shichiro. “Jalal duplicates the effect of the card, not the cost.

    “You’re finished. And you have more crimes to answer to now. That is, unless the judge considers trying you for them to be a pointless endeavor.

    “Attack him directly!”

    The evil rakshasa screamed as Jalal’s broadsword slammed into him, knocking him backwards.

    (S: 50) - - - - - - - - - - (P: 0)

    Shichiro sighed.

    As he held up the gemstone and Porpen vanished, Jalal reappeared behind him.

    “Uh, Jalal…” said Shichiro. “Was I seeing things a minute ago, or did you…?”

    “Shichiro…” said Jalal. “There are some secrets about myself that I prefer to keep hidden…”

    Shichiro knew when to leave well enough alone. He simply nodded.

    A portal appeared in the center of the cavern.

    “Let’s go…” he said.

    They mounted the bike, and drove through the portal.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    They emerged to find Gears and Jinx waiting in the parking garage. An elevator was by the wall behind them.

    “Where did you guys…” said Shichiro, getting off his bike.

    “Don’t ask,” replied Jinx.

    “Someone put us through the royal ringer,” said Gears. “And it’s time to take that person down.”

    They all looked at the elevator.

    “Then let’s go talk to Mr. Big,” said Shichiro.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    The ride up the elevator was quick. Nothing interrupted the ascent.

    They got off, just as Ember had, and looked down the long hall.

    “Be ready for anything,” said Shichiro.

    They all slowly walked down the hall towards the office.

    “Oh, just come in,” said Draco’s voice as they approached. “No real need for any more nonsense at this point…”

    They walked into the office and saw Draco sitting behind his desk, his hands folded in front of him.

    “Where’s Ember, Draco?” asked Jalal, in an annoyed tone.

    Draco sighed, and stood up.

    “No need to worry yourselves, people,” he said. “Ember is perfectly fine… See for yourselves…”

    He lifted something off the desk…

    It was an old oil lamp, like the kind that genies came out of in legends where they were featured.

    Draco gave it a stroke, and it glimmered.

    In the next instant, Ember was standing next to him. Everyone was pretty shocked – she wasn’t dressed in the most dignified manner. She was wearing a very revealing harem girl’s outfit.

    “Ember!” shouted Jinx. “Are you all right?”

    “I’m fine…” said Ember, sadly. “Guys… I’m sorry…”

    “Draco, I swear…” said Jalal, “if you’ve harmed a hair on her head…”

    “I haven’t touched her!” protested Draco.

    “Then why is she dressed like that and bound to some lamp?” shouted Shichiro.

    Draco sighed.

    “Look,” he said, “I know you probably won’t believe this, but this was the most humane option. I didn’t want to tie her up or use other physical restraints… I certainly didn’t want to force her to wear any pain-inducing devices. But I had to do something to keep her from trying to escape or attack me. So I used this variant of a genie’s lamp that works on humans.

    “Ever see Aladdin? The genie in that story didn’t seem all that upset about having to serve a human. Well, he was the odd man out. When genies are stuffed into lamps and made to serve the humans who own them, it’s a curse that makes them into slaves, and almost all of them hate it.

    “Turnabout is fair play, don’t you know? I got this lamp from an efreeti who wanted revenge. He made a version of the curse that affects humans. However, when he was about to actually use it on a human, he chickened out, thinking about what you guys would do to him if he got caught. So he sold it to me.

    “It keeps the prisoner from disobeying the owner or making any hostile moves. And trust me about this, the part about her… change in wardrobe… The efreeti didn’t tell me about that part.”

    “You know, Draco,” said Jinx, “if it were me, I probably would have preferred to have been tied up.”

    “Why, Draco?” asked Shichiro. “Why are you doing this? Since when are terrorists compassionate at all, if you truly are being compassionate? For all we know, you may be lying, and you know of some black market in some other dimension where a human slave girl would fetch a high price. Especially one that’s incapable of disobeying.”

    Ember looked a little frightened by this statement.

    “Sit down, Ember…” said Draco. “It isn’t true… It isn’t true… But you can’t blame him for being suspicious…”

    Ember slowly sat on the desk chair.

    “Very well…” said Draco, stepping forward. “I’ll tell you the whole story…

    “But I guess I’d better show you all my true form first…”

    Draco concentrated, and the magic concealing his true form was cast aside…

    The change had caused him to become much thinner, almost to the point of becoming gaunt. His skin was pulled tightly over his bones, giving his face an almost skull-like appearance. His teeth were very sharp, like those of a wolf or dog; clearly his species was carnivorous. His skin had also become pale yellow and mottled. His hair was now grey, and much longer, tied in a long ponytail. His beard and moustache were gone. And his hands had become sharp, bony claws.

    “Uh, Jalal?” said Gears. “What…”

    “I don’t know, Gears!” said Jalal. “I’ve encountered hundreds of species of Shadowkind during my long life… But I’ve never encountered this one…”

    “I am the only member of my species on Earth,” replied Draco. “My people are safe from the hand that snatches Shadows from their homeworld.

    “As for what we are…

    “We are one of two who were once one… One who was once a slave race subjugated by the evil illithids… One who split into two due to infighting among two factions…

    “My people are the ones who remained loyal to the great heroine who first led us against the illithids…”

    “Good lord…” gasped Jalal. “So the githyanki are real!”

    “Yes,” said Draco, nodding. “We are very real. Who else do you know of who could beat an illithid at his own game?

    “The githzerai, our rivals, are real as well, but none of them have ever done what I did.”

    “And what did you do?” asked Jinx.

    Draco paused for a minute.

    “I was once something that both Gith races call a Rrakkma Warrior,” he started. “These respected and decorated knights are trained to hunt down and kill the hated illithids. Rrakkma form bands of at least five members, and travel to other dimensions or worlds, and do not allow themselves to go back home until they have killed at least as many illithids as the original number of members of their band. Of course, most Rrakkma bands don’t think so small. The better ones, like mine, managed to rain death upon whole illithid communities.

    “I suppose you’ve read about our queen, Vlaakith CLVII, who has reigned longer than any of her predecessors. For over forty-thousand years, in fact. It was never any secret that she was a wizard, but no-one knew the secret to her longevity. My people are long-lived, but not immortal.

    “I trusted Vlaakith at first. She’s a strict ruler, yes, but no more so than most of her predecessors. She knighted me, and gave me numerous medals for my achievements…

    “Now, every fifty years, Vlaakith holds something called the Grand Competition. It’s supposed to be an invitational tournament where only the greatest warriors of the githyanki can compete. It’s a violent, bloody test that lasts for a year, where each competitor is pushed to his limits. Most don’t survive.

    “Those who do survive are ushered into Vlaakith’s most private sanctum, where they are said to receive their… reward. The fact that these winners are never seen again isn’t brought up much… Most folks assume that they are transformed to a higher state.

    “A few centuries ago, I was invited to compete in it…

    “But I dug deep, and learned the truth. Vlaakith is actually a lich, an undead wizard, and the Competition is her way of disposing of powerful githyanki who might one day threaten her rule. Since the winners are the greatest threat, the only “reward” that she gives to them is to consume their souls, ensuring that they are permanently destroyed.

    “I decided it wasn’t going to be me… I fled.

    “Vlaakith knew she was in big trouble. So long as I lived, there was a chance that her secret would be exposed. So she sent her private bodyguard after me, a band of fanatically loyal assassins known as the Knives of Gith. Githyanki parents reference these beings when they want to scare their children. No-one knows if they are truly githyanki, or if they are former githyanki who were transformed by some horrid ritual. But some say that when the Knives are chasing you, you don’t see them coming until their claws are tearing at your flesh.

    “I certainly never saw them… But as I fled, they goaded me with telepathic threats, telling me that my doom was drawing ever closer…

    “Now, traveling to other dimensions via the Astral is easy. The place is full of portals that have both insides and borders, and each dimension has its own color combination of the two. A handy travel tip for anyone, which all githyanki knew was, do NOT take a portal whose combination has not been documented. You won’t know where you’ll end up, and you might not be able to survive on the other side.

    “As I fled the Knives, knowing that I was likely only prolonging the inevitable, I saw a portal whose color combination did not match any I knew of. I figured, what did I have to lose at this point? I leapt through it…

    “My arrival was not very soft. But when I got my bearings, I found that I was alive, and the telepathic threats from the Knives were no longer echoing in my head. It appeared I had lost them. And while I had taken quite a tumble from going through the portal, as a member of your race would say several centuries later, any landing you can walk away from is a good one.

    “I found myself here… In a new world. Specifically, I was in the Middle East, in present day Sudan. The portal was one-way, so there was no going back, even if I had wanted to. So… I decided to make the best of it. I quickly learned that here, most humans couldn’t see races with enchantments in their blood for what they were. Folks like me were called Shadowkind. Even better, the githyanki were almost unknown even to those who could see them. It seemed that here, I could truly start with a clean slate. That was about six-hundred of your years ago, not many in the lifespan of my people.

    “I used my own powers and abilities to gain as much influence as I could, and I became part of the nobility. As time passed, I used tricks to change my appearance, to make it look like I was aging. And when I had reached the point where a human would die from old age, I stashed most of my wealth in a secret place, faked my death, and used a githyanki technique called the Great Sleep, a form of hibernation where I slept for decades. When I awoke, I started the cycle again, and did it several times over the centuries.

    “My most recent Great Sleep lasted longer than I thought it would. I awoke to a world where I found that the nobility of Sudan had changed dramatically with the modernization of the world. Industrialization and international commerce was making it a whole different game. I was resourceful, however. I took my wealth, and invested it wisely in the businesses of this new world, creating a new empire… One of business, finance, and politics.

    “Along the way, in each incarnation, I’ve hunted down and killed every filthy illithid who I learned came to this world… Old habits are hard to break, I guess. Most recently, I helped build my business empire by ruining illithids who owned businesses and taking their companies. DaPen had no idea that half of the people who were working for him were working for me too. I played him like a piano, and got the Regalia of the Day without drawing attention to myself. Like I said, who but a githyanki could beat an illithid at his own game?

    “I never intended to go back to the way things once were… But now I must. And in order to rule the world, I have to change it.”

    “We know about your mad plan, Draco,” said Shichiro. “You may rule the world after the Deluge, but how much of the world will be left?”

    “My hands are tied, Mr. Osaka,” said Draco. “It’s too late to pull out now.

    “How does that song that DaPen liked so much go?

    ‘For some reason I can’t explain, I know St. Peter won’t call my name…’

    “It’s the grim truth now, Shichiro, and I’m going to have to live with it.”

    “I demand that you release Ember!” shouted Jalal.

    He paused.

    “Look Draco…” continued Jalal. “If you call this off, it will be beneficent to you like you wouldn’t believe. You didn’t lose your memories when you came to this world like most Shadows do. Your knowledge of the world of Shadow could benefit every Shadowkind race on Earth.”

    “I can’t Jalal,” replied Draco. “And I can’t let Ember go just yet. She’s my one bargaining chip at this point.

    “I needed just one thing more to start the Deluge. The sacrifice of a soul of a heroic spirit. I was just going to leave it completely to fate, and use whichever one of you came here first…”

    “Ember came here first…” said Jinx.

    “I know,” said Draco. “I didn’t want to use her, but I decided to stick with my decision. However, it seems she is incompatible with what I needed.”

    “Why?” asked Jinx, getting angry. “Is her spirit not heroic enough?”

    “No!” protested Draco. “It’s more heroic than most humans I’ve ever seen!”

    “Wait, I understand…” said Jalal. “Ember’s soul is too permeated with the element of Fire. The Deluge is an epic level spell of Water.

    “Fire and Water are opposing forces. Trying to use her as a sacrifice to cast such a powerful Water spell would be combining oil and vinegar. It would be a disaster waiting to happen.”

    “Yes…” said Draco. “Using her would have been far too dangerous.”

    “Draco!” said Shichiro, stepping forward.

    He looked the githyanki straight in the eye.

    “If you need a sacrifice, I’ll make a wager with you that might let you get one…

    “You versus me… If you win, then I’ll be your sacrifice…

    “But if I win, then you let Ember go.


    Draco looked at him.

    “Very well…” said the githyanki. “I agree to those terms…”

    As he said this, an aura of darkness started to exude from him.

    “May the best man win… Or should I say… May the best being win…”

    Shichiro had stepped forward, and was willing to risk everything just to save me. All I could do for him at this point was pray. I wanted to warn him about Draco’s deck, but Draco forbade it, and as you know, I couldn’t disobey him. Even if I could have somehow gotten a warning to Shichiro, it wouldn’t have helped. Draco was not going to use the same deck in this duel that he used against me.

    In fact, unbeknownst to anyone, Draco had a D-Wheel, and was going to make this a Turbo Duel like none other. Even worse, he wasn’t going to let me out of his sight. I would be riding shotgun in this conflict, and I would soon find that doing so would be an experience I wouldn’t want to repeat.

    Like I said, all I could do was pray…

    HEAVY METAL KING (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 7
    ATK: 2,050
    DEF: 1,800

    Card Description: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your deck by Tributing a “Musician King” that is Equipped with “Metalmorph”. When this card attacks, increase the ATK of this card by half of the ATK of the attack target during damage calculation only.

    Note: “Heavy Metal King” was first used by Step Johnny in the original anime episode “Steppin’ Out”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode. (Whether it was an actual card or simply how “Musician King” reacted to “Metalmorph” is uncertain. Here, I presented it as an actual card.)

    PSYCHO WAVE (Spell Card)

    Normal Spell

    Jinzo in the background, with Jinzo-Returner in front of it, confronting a duelist.

    Card Description: Select one face-up “Jinzo-Returner” that you control. Send one “Jinzo” from your deck to the Graveyard. Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the selected “Jinzo-Returner”.

    Note: “Psycho Wave” was first used by Izimu in a fourth-season episode of “Yu-Gi-Oh GX”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    AMPLIFIER MACH-2 (Spell Card)

    Equip Spell

    Jinzo-Lord wearing an upgraded version of the Amplifier and radiating a storm of electrical energy.

    Card Description: Equip only to “Jinzo” or “Jinzo-Lord”. The controller of the Equipped Monster can disregard the effect of the Equipped Monster, and activate Trap Cards. Trap Cards controlled by the Equipped Monster’s controller are not negated by the Equipped Monster’s effect. This card’s activation and effect cannot be negated. The controller of this card pays 500 Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases that this card is Equipped to a Monster. If he/she does not, destroy this card.

    Coming up next:

    Shichiro takes on Draco in a Shadow Duel on one of the most dangerous roads in the universe: the Eternal Highway! On this Great Path that links all of realities, the trip can lead to the gates of Heaven of the depths of Hell, if one knows which exit to take. But no road map exists, and you can’t call Triple-A if you break down! It hardly matters, however, because Shichiro will be dueling with his very soul, and possibly Ember’s as well, at stake, and Draco has a new deck with even deadlier power.

    “Cold Wave” is coming soon.

    Shadowchaser Files

    Eliaster, Apprentice of Hornung

    Some personalities from beyond Shadow are so powerful, they can leave their mark upon this world without even coming here. Nowhere is this more present than with the half-elven wild mage called Eliaster.

    For some reason, half-elves are more common than all other Shadow-Touched. No-one is certain why elves are more inclined to enter relationships with humans than other Shadows, but that is the case. Originally from Denmark, Eliaster is the son of a female moon elf and a rich member of Denmark’s Parliament, giving him a background of nobility from both sides of his family. (Moon elves are often regarded as noble, regardless of true status.)

    Eliaster never considered taking up the very unstable and often dangerous craft of wild magic until a backpacking trip through Germany caused him to find a book that was too tempting not to read – a spellbook authored by the Great Hornung, a wizard believed to be the greatest wild mage who ever lived. Hornung’s influence is apparent in wild magic, as many potent spells of the school were invented by him.

    But Eliaster found in this book spells that had not been previously documented. He decided to look into wild magic, and with the book’s help, quickly became skilled in it.

    Eliaster’s reply to the danger posed by wild surges is the same as most wild mages: “Accidents will happen.” But Eliaster is able to curb the usual accidents that result from wild magic with the valuable information he got from Hornung’s book. For instance, he was able to learn how to perfect a very difficult prevention spell called Hornung’s Surge Selector, a useful spell that can sometimes let a wild mage control the chaos of a surge. Most wild mages don’t bother with this spell, as casting it often creates a more dangerous surge than it might prevent. Only Hornung’s notes let Eliaster cast it safely.

    Legend states that Hornung eventually met his end after he summoned the Wildfire, the ultimate source of wild magic. However, the story says that his hand fumbled, and he was consumed by the raw Chaos it created. Eliaster has not publicly stated that he wants to attempt the same thing and succeed where his mentor failed, but many fear than he does desire to do so. This is a concern, because other legends say that the Wildfire caused cataclysmic disasters on other worlds, including the Rain of Colorless Fire, an event that destroyed a whole empire.

    Story Ideas: Eliaster is a nice guy as far as wild mages go. Folks who have visited his house in Copenhagen say that he’s a gracious host, at least when he doesn’t glow in the dark and smoke isn’t coming out of his ears (even with Hornung’s Surge Selector, he has been hit by surges several times.) Eliaster is likely to work for the Shadowchasers rather than against them, although many of them are reluctant to accept help from a wizard who uses such dangerous magic.

    It’s possible that heroes in a story might have to deal with any number of accidents that Eliaster’s surges cause. A powerful wild surge could do literally anything. It could make snow fall on Cairo, turn the trees in the Black Forest pink, or even make Niagara Falls flow upward. Such weird acts of Chaos are hard to hide even from Mundane humans, and need to fixed quickly.

    Even worse things can happen when more serious wild spells are cast. The more powerful the spell, the more dangerous the potential wild surge. As Eliaster’s quest towards perfecting the Wildfire continues, surges might open portals to the Abyss or even the Far Realm, a place where Chaos becomes Madness. (Some say this is where the illithids originated.) The Far Realm is something that even wild mages are afraid of, because nothing good has ever come from this place, and no method known to mortals can channel the Far Realm’s power (at least intentionally).

    People like Jalal have some ideas about what Eliaster might do if he ever did create and control the Wildfire. Wild mages tend to think rather highly of themselves, and all of them have at least a small desire to become a deity someday. While there’s no law against divine ascension, Shadows are discouraged from doing so, as it can be very dangerous. Eliaster hasn’t done anything truly illegal yet, but heroes might need to oppose him if he goes too far.

    Deck Suggestions: Eliaster prides himself on being able to control Chaos, and his deck of choice suggests the power that it possesses. His deck is a Sky Scourge Deck, which uses both Light Fairies and Dark Fiends in order to summon three key players, Enrise, Norleras, and to a lesser extent, Invicil.

    All wild mages, Eliaster included, often say off the record that they’d like to own the Sacred Beasts. They most likely are attracted to the power over Chaos that these Monsters have, and it is not known if they are making this comment in jest or not. One only hopes that they are. The Sacred Beasts cannot be controlled by most mortal duelists without serious supernatural aid. Of course, it may be that wild mages indeed know of a wild spell that could tame the three demons; for the moment, whether they can or not remains unknown.

  25. #265
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Another bizarre chapter. At first I thought Porpen's deck was a collaboration of cards used by the various antagonists of the anime's Battle City arc. It wasn't until the Psycho Style was mentioned that I realized what cards would be revealed next. Jinzo makes his somewhat triumphant return, even though it was only for a fleeting moment.

    The duel itself was alright, but I had one problem with it: Jalal the Dragonborn has become the 'Savior Star Dragon' of the Shadowchasers arc. In the case of the latter, it's as if the writers continuously include it as Yusei's finisher when they can't think of anything else. I'm not saying that Jalal has overstayed its welcome, but I think it would've been nice if you could have come up with another for Shichiro to get out of his predicament.

    Ember's imprisonment type is revealed (though not what I was expecting), and Draco finally has a backstory. The duel between him and Shichiro should be interesting to say the least, considering his soul will be on the line, not to mention Ember's. The title for the next chapter makes me suspicious. Are you going to be using another specific group of cards from the Duel Terminal packs, or will be be something we're already accustomed to?

    But with this activity going on, it nakes you wonder - if Draco's merely the sub-villain, who's really pulling the strings? Guess we'll have to wait and see...
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  26. #266
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Quote Originally Posted by mario72486 View Post
    The duel itself was alright, but I had one problem with it: Jalal the Dragonborn has become the 'Savior Star Dragon' of the Shadowchasers arc. In the case of the latter, it's as if the writers continuously include it as Yusei's finisher when they can't think of anything else. I'm not saying that Jalal has overstayed its welcome, but I think it would've been nice if you could have come up with another for Shichiro to get out of his predicament.
    I have to admit, Mario, this was a concern for me as well. The last thing I want to do is turn this card into another Savior Star Dragon, because I think that card is being used too much in the anime. (Yusei clearly needed to use it against the Dark Signers, but did he really need to use it against a soulless android?)

    Of course, I was trying to mess with the readers' heads a little here. You note that the real Jalal was present this time when the card was played, and... Well, it gave you something to think about. I was trying to show that there might be more to Jalal than he has revealed.

    I'll make a promise, however. Jalal the Dragonborn will be used once more in this story. And it will be necessary for the time. Also, I do not have plans yet for any Shadowchaser to use it at all in the sequel I have planned. The sequel will introduce something entirely new, and while this card will still be in their decks, they won't need it.

    Anyway, thanks for bringing that up.

  27. #267
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Author’s Note: The Shadowchaser’s File at the end of the chapter is an expanded idea that originally came from fellow TPM author mario72486. Creative credit goes to him.


    As previously stated, the reason why I wasn’t sacrificed (and likely the sole reason I’m still alive to tell you this) is because I have a soul too permeated with the element of Fire, the mortal enemy of Water. I couldn’t explain why this was, exactly… It certainly had nothing to do with the year of my birth on the Chinese Zodiac. I was born in a Metal Year (and Metal has nothing to do with elementalist magic), and my sign is the Tiger, whose fixed element is Wood (again, an element that has nothing to do with elementalist magic). It also makes no sense in the Western Zodiac, where I’m a Libra. Libra is an Air sign, which would be closer to Wind when dealing with elementalist spells.

    The only explanation is my choice of deck, and it’s hard to explain why I chose Fire, and the Flamvell Monsters in particular, as my theme. But I do remember how my deck got started.

    When I turned twelve, and was trying to put together a deck, my cousin, who was then eighteen, won a tournament with a major cash prize. He took me to a card store, and said he would buy me any card I wanted as a birthday present.

    Well, I considered many of them. A lot of the ones I saw were ones I would have liked to have. There was Angel 07, Tyrant Dragon, Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (I admired Judai Yukai a lot back then); I think that there was even an Ancient Gear Golem for sale.

    But then one caught my eye that seemed to cry out to me… It was Flamvell Urquizas. I knew as soon as I saw this card, I not only wanted it, but it wanted me to have it.

    Once I had it, I set about building a Fire Deck, gathering the other Flamvell cards and various others that fit in. Of course, my cousin told me, as you already heard, that a deck is never truly finished. So I worked on it through the years, up to that time I dueled Debbie.

    Did I have such a rapport with them because of the Fire in my soul, or did I gain a fiery soul because of them? I don’t know. But either way, it’s what saved me and gave Shichiro and the others enough time to get here.

    Unfortunately, now Shichiro had to put his own neck on the line to try to stop this…

    Shichiro opened his eyes to a whole new world.

    He was on his D-Wheel, which he had been certain he had left in the parking garage below, with his helmet in place, and his Duel Disk already set into the console.

    What really surprised him was the surrounding area. He seemed to be on a long highway of some sort, that stretched ahead as far as the eye could see. There were six lanes, two to his left, three to his right (he was on one of the two central ones) and beyond the road, past odd highway barriers, seemed to be desert wasteland. He looked up to the sky, and all he saw was swirling, multicolored clouds.

    “Where am I?” he asked.

    “The Eternal Highway,” replied Draco’s voice.

    Shichiro turned his head, and saw Draco pull up on a D-Wheel of his own. Draco’s ride was clearly far more high-tech than any D-Wheel Shichiro had ever seen. He guessed that a lot of enchantments had gone into making it.

    Draco had switched his formal business suit for a leather riding outfit and a visored helmet.

    However, what infuriated Shichiro the most was the fact that Ember was seated behind him. She had a helmet, but her outfit otherwise hadn’t changed.

    “Draco!” shouted Shichiro. “You leave her out of this!”

    “What was I supposed to do?” asked Draco. “Leave her in the office where your three friends are waiting? Where Jalal is waiting, who likely already knows how the lamp’s curse works? That would be foolish, Mr. Osaka…

    “And the only other option I had would have been to ask my partner to look after her, which would have been even more foolish.”

    “I assume you don’t trust this guy?” asked Shichiro.

    “Not in the least,” replied Draco. “Remember when you suggested I might want to sell Ember at a slave market somewhere? I wouldn’t, but I don’t doubt that my partner might.

    “Trust me, Ember is perfectly safe. She can’t disobey me, remember? I tell her to hold on, she’ll hold on. And this D-Wheel was made to accommodate a passenger.”

    Shichiro sighed.

    “Fine…” he growled. “So just what is this… Eternal Highway?”

    “One of the Great Paths in the universe,” replied Draco.

    “Great Paths?” asked Shichiro.

    “There are many Great Paths,” said Draco. “Like the River Styx, Yggdrasill, and this one. If one travels the right way on the Eternal Highway, and knows what exit to take, it can lead him almost anywhere.

    “This highway is unique in that it seems to change over time, with new exits and side roads being built over the years. No-one has ever seen the mysterious construction crews that work on the Eternal Highway, at least at a full glance. Some travelers say that they can catch a glimpse of these creatures out of the corners of their eyes at times.

    “Anyway… The place is ideal for a Turbo Duel. The only time traffic truly becomes congested is during the Great Modron March.”

    “The what?” said Shichiro.

    “It’s an event that happens every time the cogs of Mechanus make a complete turn,” replied Draco. “Every five-hundred years or so. During that time, an army of modrons, clockwork creatures that inhabit Mechanus, file their way around the whole universe in a set path.

    “No one knows why they do it, but everyone knows that if you see them coming, you’d best get out of their way, because they’ll walk right over anything that is in their way.

    “Anyway, this highway is a main part of their route. But don’t worry, the next March isn’t scheduled to take place for a little over a century.”

    “Uh…” said Ember, nervously. “Does their schedule ever change?”

    “Uh, heh…” laughed Draco, nervously. “Well… It once started one-hundred and eighty-nine years before it was supposed to… But the chances of them going against schedule again are pretty slim.”

    Then there was a beeping noise. Draco sighed, and took a cell phone out of his jacket pocket.

    “All right, all right!” he shouted into it.

    “Let me guess,” said Shichiro, as Draco put it away. “That was your partner telling you to stop wasting time.”

    “As I said before, Shichiro…” said Draco. “May the best duelist win…”

    The D-Wheels stated up, and the Eternal Highway was shrouded by the silvery glow of Speed World. Both D-Wheels took off from their starting point.

    “Hang on, Ember!” shouted Draco. “This might get rough!”

    Shichiro… thought Ember. Please don’t lose…

    (Shichiro: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Draco: 8,000)

    “I’ll start this off,” said Draco, making a draw.

    “I’ll defend with a Monster, and that will be all for now.”

    A reversed Monster briefly appeared, and then faded from sight.

    Shichiro drew a card, and both Speed Counters rose to one.

    Got to be very careful here… he thought. I still don’t trust Draco. If I lose this duel, Ember might be a gonner.

    Not to mention myself…

    He played a card, and the portal opened. Rose, Warrior of Revenge leapt through. (1,600 ATK)

    An excited look crossed Ember’s face…

    Then Rose actually looked at her.

    It’s going to be all right, the Warrior seemed to say.

    “Attack his Monster!” shouted Shichiro.

    Rose flew at the reversed Monster with her dagger. The Monster that appeared on the card looked like a small phoenix, but rather than shrouded in flames, it was covered with frost and ice crystals.

    Rose made a swipe with her blade, and it shattered into shards of ice.

    “You just flipped Blizzed – Guard of the Ice Barrier,” said Draco. “And when it’s destroyed by battle, I get to draw one card.”

    He made a draw.

    Ice Barrier? thought Shichiro. Isn’t that the place that Brionac is from?

    “I set one card,” said Shichiro, as a facedown card appeared behind Rose, “and that will be all.”

    The card faded from view.

    Draco made a draw, and both Speed Counters rose to two.

    “I’ll set a new Monster,” he said, as another reversed Monster appeared. “And I end my turn.”

    So is this guy gonna attack or what? thought Shichiro.

    He drew another card, and his Speed Counters rose to three.

    “Come on out, Queen’s Knight!” he shouted.

    The portal opened again, and Queen’s Knight emerged, brandishing her sword. (1,500 ATK)

    “Attack his Monster!”

    Queen’s Knight made an attempt, but her sword glanced off a large creature that looked like a long, segmented worm with icy skin, covered with ice shards, with a long siphon on its front like a mosquito’s. (1,800 DEF)

    “That’s my Intoxicated Bug of the Ice Barrier,” said Draco. “It will make an adequate shield.”

    “Your Monster wins the award for weirdest name a Monster can have,” replied Shichiro.

    “Well I didn’t name it,” protested Draco. “Anything else?”

    Shichiro looked at his hand of cards.

    This might be trouble, he thought. I never knew that there were other Ice Barrier Monsters besides Brionac…

    But if Draco is using them, logic states that he is indeed going to use that card! And Brionac is one of the most powerful Synchros in the game if it’s used right…

    “I end my turn…” he said.

    (S: 7,700) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 8,000)

    And then he gasped in surprise.

    The whole scenery had changed. Where they had once been driving down a highway through a desert, they were now driving down a highway through a volcanic mountain range. Active volcanoes spewed lava down their slopes, and rivers of magma bordered the road.

    “What’s going on, Draco?” demanded Shichiro.

    “Oh, forgot to tell you,” said Draco. “When you travel on a Great Path with no destination in mind, the locales change rather suddenly. We just left one dimension and entered another.

    “But fear not… So long as we stay on the Highway, we’re in no danger from any hazards of the dimensions we’re traveling through. The Eternal Highway is actually considered one of the safest Great Paths.

    “And it’s my move…”

    He made a draw, and the Speed Counters both rose to four.

    “I summon Practitioner of the Ice Barrier,” he said.

    A chilling portal opened, and a new Monster emerged. It was a stern-faced man dressed in loose robes and a hood (not at all the clothing for someone from a cold climate) holding a rod made of white crystals shaped like snowflakes. (1,300 ATK)

    “Not too strong there,” said Shichiro.

    “Maybe not,” said Draco, “but when I have another Monster with the words ‘Ice Barrier’ in its name, like my Bug, his effect works just like Gravity Bind.

    “The word ‘Barrier’ is there for a reason, Mr. Osaka. I end my turn.”

    So what sort of deck is this? thought Shichiro, as he drew a card. Lockdown? Control?

    The Speed Counters clicked up to five.

    I’d better find out fast…

    “I play Speed Spell – Angel Baton!” he exclaimed, as a Spell Card appeared in front of him.

    “Now I’ll make two draws…”

    He drew two cards.

    “Then I’ll discard this…”

    He made a discard.

    “I’ll summon King’s Knight!”

    In a flash of energy, King’s Knight appeared next to Queen’s Knight. (1,600 ATK)

    “Then I’ll use his effect to summon Jack’s Knight!”

    The third Knight appeared with his two siblings. (1,900 ATK)

    “I still can’t attack, so I’ll set another card, and end my turn.”

    A second facedown card appeared next to the first.

    “Not bad,” said Draco, making a draw.

    Both Speed Counters rose to six.

    “I sacrifice Practitioner…”

    Practitioner shattered into shards of ice.

    “…to summon Royal Knight of the Ice Barrier!”

    With a low roar, a more intimidating Monster appeared in front of Draco. It looked like a knight in full plate armor, his armor made of solid ice, but with gold trim, and a flowing cape. He carried a long lance in his right hand that was also made of ice with gold trim. (2,000 ATK)

    “By Normal Summoning him, I get an Ice Coffin Token,” continued Draco.

    A large casket made of pure ice materialized next to the Royal Knight.

    “Now attack Jack’s Knight! Chilling joust!”

    Royal Knight roared again, and flew at Jack’s Knight, lance first. Jack’s Knight groaned as he was stabbed directly in the middle with the icy lance, and then shattered into pixels.

    “It’s your move, Mr. Osaka,” said Draco.

    (S: 7,600) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 8,000)

    Shichiro made a draw and looked at it. The Speed Counters rose to seven.

    He’s toying with me, thought Shichiro. It’s hard to believe he doesn’t have what he needs to summon Brionac yet…

    “I set one card,” he said, “and then summon Gearfried the Iron Knight.”

    A set card appeared, and then Gearfried appeared in another portal of energy. (1,800 ATK)

    “Rose, attack the Ice Coffin Token!”

    Rose leapt at the large casket and made a slash with her dagger it shattered into ice crystals.

    “Ergh…” muttered Draco.

    “And Rose has a useful effect,” said Shichiro. “When she dishes out damage, you take an additional 300 points of damage.”

    Rose looked Draco in the eye, and her eyes burned with fire. Draco groaned as a burning feeling came over him.

    Rose looked at Ember again as the flames in her eyes went out. She smiled slightly again.

    “I end my turn,” said Shichiro.

    (S: 7,600) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 7,100)

    Draco made a draw, and the Counters rose to eight. They were moving faster now, so it was a good thing that the Eternal Highway was easy to maneuver. It was more or less a long, straight stretch of road.

    Draco looked at his console, and saw the three cards in Shichiro’s Spell/Trap Zone.

    “I don’t think I’m going to attack this turn, Mr. Osaka,” he said. “I’ll simply set a Monster, and a facedown card of my own.”

    The two set cards appeared.

    “And that will be all.”

    Shichiro drew again, and the gauge on both consoles rose to nine.

    Then the terrain changed again.

    The volcanic mountain range vanished, and the Highway was now taking them through an ancient, unspoiled forest. Unspoiled, that is, except for the road they were on. Trees towered overhead, their trunks thicker than any redwood on Earth, their leaves forming canopies overhead that covered the Highway in a cool shade. Birds flew overhead, and Shichiro saw squirrels, rabbits, and deer scurrying along as they drove past.

    He tried his best to ignore them. He concentrated on the duel at hand.

    One of his facedown cards spun around.

    “I activate Birthright!” he shouted. “Now, I can bring back Jack’s Knight.”

    The card glowed, and Jack’s Knight leapt out, brandishing his sword. (1,900 ATK)

    “Now, a Speed Spell,” he said, as a second facedown card spun around. “Speed Spell – Half-Size. This takes your Royal Knight, and cuts him down to size…”

    Royal Knight gasped, and shrank to half his size. (1,000 ATK)

    “…and even better, those Attack Points he just lost are transformed into Life Points, that are added to my score!

    “Now to business… Jack’s Knight, destroy his Bug with knave’s blade!”

    Jack’s Knight slashed at the weird worm with his longsword. It let out a squeal, and then shattered.

    “Now, Gearfried attacks your Royal Knight!”

    The Iron Knight made a mighty slash across Royal Knight’s armor with his bladed arm. Royal Knight of the Ice Barrier groaned, and then shattered into pixels.

    “King’s Knight, crush his last Monster!”

    King’s Knight flew at the reversed Monster. A second Blizzed appeared on the card, and shattered under his blade.

    Draco drew one card.

    (S: 8,600) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 6,300)

    “Time to take you out!” shouted Shichiro. “Ladies…”

    Rose and Queen’s Knight nodded. They flew at Draco’s bike.

    “Not yet, Mr. Osaka,” said Draco, as his facedown card spun around. “I activate Metal Reflect Slime!”

    The infamous Trap Monster appeared, looking no less than an orb of metallic liquid with spiky protrusions. (3,000 DEF)

    Shichiro sighed. He had five Monsters, and none of them could get past that.

    But I can get past it next round, he thought. I have what I need to summon Colossal Fighter, Rose and another Level 4 Monster. If I do it, I’ll have two Warriors in my Graveyard, and one in his. 3,100 Attack Points.

    He was about to make the Synchro Summon…

    WAIT! he thought.

    On his next turn, if he manages to summon Brionac, he’ll have enough cards in his hand to use its effect on all of my cards…

    …assuming he wants to discard six cards, which I doubt he wants to do. That’s the downside of using Brionac. But he’d certainly use that effect on Colossal Fighter.

    Okay… I’ll wait until next turn…

    “It’s your move, Draco,” he said.

    Draco made a draw, and the Speed Counters rose to ten.

    “I summon Medium of the Ice Barrier!” he exclaimed.

    The icy portal opened again, and this time, even Shichiro felt the chill. The creature that emerged was a coldly beautiful woman, with flowing, green hair, and a look on her face that suggested anguish. She was dressed in a long, blue ceremonial dress. (2,200 ATK)

    “Hold on!” shouted Shichiro. “She’s Level 7!”

    “True,” said Draco. “But I’m allowed to Special Summon her if there are at least four more cards on your side of the field than there are on mine.

    “And that number is about to change drastically…”

    A Spell Card appeared on his side of the field.

    “With my Speed Counters above eight, I can play Speed Spell – Reckless Driver. First I choose one of my Monsters, and I choose my Medium.

    “Then I have to sacrifice a Monster who’s a higher Level than she is, so I’ll sacrifice Metal Reflect Slime.”

    The metallic ooze vanished.

    “In return, Medium gets to attack every Monster on your side of the field, so long as she’s the only Monster that attacks this turn.”

    “Good lord…” said Shichiro.

    “Medium…” ordered Draco, “attack with arctic chant!”

    A cold wind started to blow, and Medium of the Ice Barrier started to sing… She started to sing a haunting tune that chilled the two humans present to the bone. The storm intensified, and Shichiro’s five Monsters shielded themselves from the fierce winds.

    Then Queen’s Knight was blown to pieces, then King’s Knight. Jack’s Knight followed, and then Gearfried.

    Finally, Rose shattered into pixels.

    “NO!” screamed Ember.

    “Ember?” said Draco.

    Ember couldn’t answer. Tears were running down her face.

    “Uh…” said Draco, taking a card from his hand.

    “Medium of the Ice Barrier has a useful effect by the way, Mr. Osaka,” he said. “While she’s on the field, you can only use one Spell or Trap per turn.

    “I’ll set this, and it’s your move…”

    A facedown card appeared in front of his bike, and then faded from view.

    (S: 5,900) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 6,300)

    So much for using Colossal Fighter, thought Shichiro.

    He made a draw, and both Speed Counters rose to eleven.

    Have to improvise…

    “Since I can only use one Spell or Trap per round,” he said, “I’ll use this one…”

    His facedown card revealed itself.

    “Soul Resurrection. I’ll bring back a Monster I tossed with Angel Baton.”

    The Millennium Shield appeared in front of him. (3,000 DEF)

    “Next, I set a Monster…”

    A set Monster appeared.

    “…and that will be all.”

    Draco made a draw, and both Counters hit their limit of twelve. They were now rushing down the Highway at incredible speed, the broken lines flashing by in a blur.

    Draco’s Trap Card spun around.

    “I activate a second Metal Reflect Slime,” he said.

    Another of the Trap Monsters appeared. (3,000 DEF)

    “And then I sacrifice it…”

    The Slime froze over, and then shattered into shards.

    “…to summon Great Monk of the Ice Barrier.”

    A new Spellcaster Monster appeared next to the Medium. He wore a very large collie hat that covered most of his head, although his long hair was waist-length and grey. He wore no shirt, a pair of ragged, blue pantaloons, and slippers of the style usually worn by monks. (1,600 ATK)

    “I know what you’re going to say,” said Draco. “His Attack Score is pretty pathetic for a Level 6 Monster. Well, when he’s Normal Summoned, he immediately moves to Defense Mode.”

    Great Monk crouched and shielded himself. (2,200 DEF)

    “Also, he has a very useful effect. While he’s around all of my Ice Barrier Monsters cannot be destroyed by Spell or Trap Cards.

    “And now that we’ve gotten that out of the way… Medium… Attack his hidden Monster!”

    Medium of the Ice Barrier started to sing again. Skelengel appeared on the card, and shattered into bits.

    Shichiro made a draw.

    “I end my turn,” said Draco.

    Shichiro drew a card.

    “Time to take you down a notch, Draco,” he said. “Your Monsters may put up a powerful barrier of ice…

    “But they have one weakness… Ice melts.

    “I summon Nitro Synchron!”

    He played the card, and the small, robotic propane tank appeared in front of his bike. (300 ATK)

    “Now, I’ll use it to give my Shield a Tune-up!”

    The needle on Nitro Synchron’s gauge moved into the red. It dissolved into two glowing stars, and Millennium Shield dissolved into five. The seven stars flew into the forest canopy.

    Trailing a wake of flames, Nitro Warrior descended onto the Highway. (2,800 ATK)

    “Thanks to Nitro Synchron’s effect,” he continued, “I get to draw one card.”

    “Not good…” said Draco.

    “It’s about to get worse,” said Shichiro, as a Spell Card appeared in front of him. “I play Speed Spell – Acceleration Draw. Since my Speed Counters are at twelve, I get to make two more draws.”

    He drew two cards.

    “And since I just played a Spell Card, Nitro Warrior gains 1,000 Attack Points for one attack!

    “Go! Attack Medium of the Ice Barrier!”

    Nitro Warrior’s Attack Score rose to 3,800, and it flew at the Spellcaster. Medium of the Ice Barrier let out a pitiful cry as it hit her, and she shattered into shards of ice. Draco groaned a little as his Speed Counters dropped to eleven.

    “I’m not done,” said Shichiro, as Nitro Warrior’s Attack Score returned to 2,800. “Now I use its other effect, to move Great Monk into Attack Mode, and then attack again!”

    Great Monk stood up into Attack Mode… (1,600 ATK)

    “Attack Great Monk of the Ice Barrier!” shouted Shichiro. “Dynamite fist!”

    The Synchro flew at the second Spellcaster and socked him hard. Draco screamed as his Monster shattered, and his Speed Counters dropped to ten.

    (S: 5,900) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 3,500)

    Draco caught his breath.

    “Ember?” he said. “You still holding on?”

    Ember nodded.

    “Well keep holding on,” he said. “It’s about to get rougher.”

    He turned to Shichiro.

    “It’s my move,” he said.

    He drew a card. His Speed Counters rose to eleven.

    He set a card on his console, and a reversed Monster appeared.

    “End!” he shouted.

    Shichiro quickly made a draw. Draco’s Counters were now back up to their maximum.

    “Nitro Warrior,” he ordered, “crush his Monster!”

    Nitro Warrior flew at the hidden Monster. The figure that appeared on the card was a man in religious-style vestments, with a fur collar and belt. He shielded himself with his arm, and Nitro Warrior’s punch glanced off. (1,000 DEF)

    “That’s Acolyte of the Ice Barrier,” said Draco. “And just like Obnoxious Celtic Guardian, he can’t be destroyed by Monsters with 1,900 Attack Points or more.”

    “Then I’ll set two cards,” said Shichiro, as two reversed cards appeared, “and my turn is over.”

    The cards faded from view.

    “My move,” said Draco, drawing a card.

    “It’s time to summon the most powerful Monster in my deck…” he said ominously.

    Oh no… thought Shichiro. Here it comes…

    “I first summon the Tuner Monster, Feng Shui Master of the Ice Barrier,” said Draco.

    A new Monster appeared next to the Acolyte. It looked like a young girl, wearing a collie hat similar to the Great Monk’s, her hair tied in a long ponytail, wearing a blue ceremonial dress. (800 ATK)

    “Wait a minute!” said Shichiro. “The Levels of those Monsters add up to seven! You can’t use them to summon Brionac!”

    “Brionac?” asked Draco. “You thought I was going to summon that loser?”

    Shichiro looked dumbfounded.

    “You… You weren’t?” he said.

    “Humph…” said Draco. “Brionac, so-called Dragon of the Ice Barrier… He isn’t even a real Dragon, did you know that?”

    Actually, Shichiro did know that. Brionac was actually a Sea Serpent. Most folks who knew that assumed the reason for that was so it couldn’t be used in combination with cards that support Dragons, as Brionac was pretty powerful on its own.

    “The Monster I’m about to summon has the right to be called the Dragon of the Ice Barrier…” said Draco.

    Acolyte and Feng Shui Master glowed with icy, blue energy, and then dissolved into seven glowing stars.

    At that moment, the terrain changed again. The highway was now going through a mountain range again, but this time it was an arctic range, full of snow and glaciers.

    “I summon the mighty lord of the Ice Barrier…” exclaimed Draco, “Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier!”

    The Monster appeared behind his D-Wheel with a loud roar. It was certainly a Dragon; its wings, claws, and overall shape were proof enough for Shichiro. And it seemed to be sculpted out of ice itself, which reflected light from every angle, giving it an appearance that looked beautiful and terrifying at the same time. (2,500 ATK)

    “Okay, nice Monster,” said Shichiro, nervously. “But Nitro Warrior is stronger…”

    “Wait until you see its effect,” said Draco. “Once per round, I can toss up to two cards…”

    He discarded two cards.

    “…and then destroy one card for each card that I tossed.”

    Gungnir breathed a blast of chilling frost, and Shichiro’s Nitro Warrior and facedown Wicked Rebirth both iced over, and shattered into shards.

    “Good lord…” muttered Shichiro.

    “Attack directly!” ordered Draco. “Death blizzard!”

    Gungnir breathed its chilling blast again, and Shichiro screamed as it plowed into the front of his bike. His D-Wheel wobbled, and he struggled to keep control.

    (S: 3,400) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 3,500)

    “I’ll end my turn there,” said Draco.

    Shichiro shivered. But he hung on.

    My fault, MY fault, thought Shichiro. I spent this whole duel dwelling on one stupid assumption that turned out to be false.

    Well, I won’t make that mistake next time…

    He looked at the huge Dragon.

    If there IS a next time!

    He drew a card, and his Speed Counters clicked up to eleven.

    It was Junk Synchron.

    He looked at it, then at the six cards on his gauntlet, and then at the one card he had on the field.

    On Draco’s next turn, he’ll have three cards… More than enough to use Gungnir’s full effect…

    But… Maybe I can fool him… And Yusei’s favorite Monster can help…

    “I summon Junk Synchron!” he shouted.

    In a flash, the cute robotic Tuner appeared. (1,300 ATK)

    “Now, I use its effect to summon Skelengel.”

    The winged cherub appeared, shielding itself with its bow. (400 DEF)

    “Okay, let’s rev ‘em up one more time!”

    Junk Synchron yanked its ripcord, and it and Skelengel flew into the sky over the Eternal Highway. They faded into five glowing stars…

    With a roar, Junk Warrior landed to face the much bigger Synchro. (2,300 ATK)

    “I throw another card facedown,” said Shichiro, as a new reversed card appeared, “and my turn is over.”

    Shichiro… thought Ember, looking scared. I hope you have a plan here…

    Draco made a draw. He surveyed the field.

    Have to be careful, he thought. Shichiro knows that Gungnir can destroy two cards… Not three.

    The card he set two turns ago… He didn’t activate it when I attacked directly last turn, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bluff. It could be something that could increase Junk Warrior’s Attack Score…

    Which means, he can chain-activate it if I use Gungnir’s effect to destroy both the facedown cards. Not a good idea…

    But… The card he just set could well be something that could destroy Gungnir…

    Perfect. I’ll destroy that card and Junk Warrior.

    He discarded two cards in his hand.

    “Gungnir, wipe out his Monster and the facedown card on the left!” he shouted.

    Gungnir blasted his chilling breath again, and both Junk Warrior, and the Trap Card, revealed to be Draining Shield, shattered.

    No… thought Ember.

    “Attack…” started Draco.

    “Hold it!” interrupted Shichiro.

    “Eh?” said Draco, as the facedown card spun around.

    “I activate Synchro Spirits!” shouted Shichiro. “Now by removing Junk Warrior from play, I can Special Summon the Monsters I Tuned to summon it.”

    Junk Synchron appeared first, crouching in Defense Mode. (500 DEF) Then Skelengel appeared as well. (400 DEF)

    He’s up to something, thought Draco.

    Gungnir blasted its death blizzard, and Junk Synchron iced over and shattered.

    Draco looked at the last card in his hand.

    He set it on his console, and it appeared facedown.

    “My move!” shouted Shichiro.

    It all comes down to this… he thought. Just hope I get the guy I need…

    He drew a card.

    He smirked.

    Then he took a card from his hand.

    “I play Speed Spell – Synchro Return!” he shouted. “By using this when my Speed Counters are at least five, I can bring back a Synchro Monster that’s been removed from play.”

    A dark portal opened, and Junk Warrior flew out, with its jetpack blazing. (2,300 ATK)

    “But he’s only here so I can summon someone stronger,” continued Shichiro. “I’m bringing out Turbo Synchron!”

    In a small flash of light, the little Machine Tuner flew up beside Junk Warrior. (100 ATK)

    “This whole thing was a set-up!” exclaimed Draco. “You wanted me to destroy Junk Warrior last round.”

    “That’s right,” said Shichiro. “Junk Warrior was no match for your Dragon…”

    Junk Warrior and Turbo Synchron dissolved into six glowing stars.

    “…but with some help from you, I’m able to summon someone who is.”

    An engine roared up ahead, and headlights flashed. Turbo Warrior sped into view, glaring at the huge Dragon. (2,500 ATK)

    “This guy is bad news for your Dragon, Draco,” said Shichiro, “because when Turbo Warrior battles another Synchro Monster, that Synchro Monster’s Attack Score is cut in half.”

    “That may be true, Mr. Osaka,” said Draco, “but I’m not beaten yet…”

    His Trap Card spun around.

    “I activate Absolute Ice Barrier. What this means is, for this round only, you can’t destroy any of my Ice Barrier Monsters!”

    No… thought Ember. If his Dragon survives this attack, it will be able to destroy Turbo Warrior with its effect next round…

    “Is that so?” asked Shichiro. “Well, then… It’s a good thing I also have this…”

    Another Speed Spell appeared in front of him, and Turbo Warrior started glowing with intense flames.

    “Speed Spell – Final Attack! As the name implies, this lets Turbo Warrior put all it’s got into one mighty blow, with its Attack Score doubled.

    “Your Dragon will survive, yes… But I don’t think you will…”

    Draco stopped short.

    “Ember…” he said.

    He hit a command on his console.

    “This is where you get off.”

    “What are you doing?” asked Ember, now very surprised.

    “No time to explain, Ember,” said Draco. “Just let me tell you while I still can… I’m so very sorry I dragged you into all this…

    “You’re a Shadowchaser now… No matter what happens… Be a good one!”

    And then Ember vanished into grains of light.

    “What?” said Shichiro. “Draco… What did you do?”

    “Do you want to end this or do you want to waste time hearing me explain everything?” shouted Draco. “Just do it!”

    Shichiro stared at him.

    “Turbo Warrior…” he said. “Strike down his Dragon with Accel Slash!”

    Turbo Warrior flew at Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Its Attack Score soared up to 5,000, while Gungnir’s fell to 1,250…

    It made a slash at the huge Dragon with its claw. Gungnir roared, and Draco screamed…

    (S: 3,400) - - - - - - - - - - (D: 0)

    Then something happened that Shichiro didn’t expect. Usually, when a duelist loses a Turbo Duel, his D-Wheel is forced to stop. Draco’s certainly didn’t. It actually sped up.

    Shichiro watched as Draco sped away from him at incredible speed, faster than any D-Wheel was meant to go. He saw the engine smoke and flames shoot out of the rear…

    Then a huge black hole appeared out of nowhere. Draco’s D-Wheel was ripped apart as he was literally sucked into it.

    Shichiro quickly skidded to a halt, doing his best to avoid the same fate…

    And then he blacked out.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    “OOF!” grunted Shichiro.

    He had fallen, and he quickly saw that he was back in Draco’s office.

    “Shichiro!” shouted Jinx. “Ember!”

    “Ember?” cried Shichiro. “Where is she?”

    “You fell on her!” said Ember’s voice.

    “Ah heh…” said Shichiro.

    He got up, and then helped Ember up.


    “Did you win?” asked Jalal.

    “Oh, you bet,” said Shichiro. “Draco is gone. He was sucked into some vortex.”

    “Then we did it,” said Jinx. “It’s all over… We’re done…”

    “Uh, people?” said Gears.

    They all turned to him. He was looking out the window.

    “If we defeated Draco…” he said. “How come it’s suddenly raining cats and dogs?”

    They all ran to the window, and saw that it was only too true. A freak storm had appeared out of nowhere, and a driving rain was falling on the city.

    Then Jalal turned around.

    “People…” he said.

    In the center of the office was the Regalia of Day, glowing with eldritch energy.

  28. #268
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    In the high-security wing of the detention center of Shadowchaser Headquarters, Hebi-Na reclined on the bed in her cell, reading a magazine.

    A television was on in the hall outside, which she shared with five other inmates in the adjoining cells. The inmate with the best behavior record decided what channel it was set to; that wasn’t her at the moment, and she really didn’t care for what was on right now. (If she watched one more British soap opera, she was going to scream.)

    However, she couldn’t help but listen when a news bulletin came on.

    “We have no explanation as yet for the odd meteorological abnormally that has occurred over eastern Asia at this time,” said the newscaster. “Defying all weather patterns, the strange storm seems to have simply appeared over Japan, and is now spreading in all directions… And… What?

    “Uhm, new development… This strange storm has now grown in size, and is covering North and South Korea, the east part of China, and some parts of Russia. More on this story as it unfolds…

    “What was that?”

    Hebi-Na grinned an evil grin.

    “So…” she said. “It has begun…”

    * * * * * * * * * *

    “So the Deluge has somehow started?” asked Gears.

    Jalal was looking at a screen that his armor was apparently generating.

    “It appears so,” he said. “I think I can pinpoint just how in a minute.”

    Shichiro picked up the oil lamp, who’s curse apparently still had a grip on Ember.

    “First thing’s first, Jalal,” he said. “How do I free Ember from this curse? That outfit she’s wearing is not very becoming.”

    “Well,” said Jalal. “The way to free a genie from a lamp’s curse is simply to give him the lamp.”

    “It’s that easy?” asked Jinx.

    “Yeah,” said Jalal. “If a genie is given his own lamp, he becomes his own master, and the curse is forever broken. Most people don’t do this, however, because they aren’t protected from retribution.

    “So if that lamp is anything like a regular genie’s lamp…”

    Shichiro looked at Ember, and quickly handed her the lamp.

    The results were instantaneous. The lamp burst into a cloud of gold dust, the skimpy harem girl outfit was replaced by her normal clothing with a puff of pink smoke. Then her Duel Disk appeared on her arm.

    “Thank God…” muttered Ember.

    She looked at Shichiro.

    “He was swallowed by some vortex?” she asked. “He probably saved me by sending me back here… Do you think losing knocked some sanity back into his head?”

    “We may never know…” replied Gears.

    “I’d say it’s doubtful,” said Jalal, looking at the screen. “Draco was apparently double-crossed by his partner. This entity that was going to actually cast the Deluge needed the sacrifice of a soul with a heroic spirit. But Draco failed to get one.

    “So, rather than abort the plan, his partner took the only one available… Draco’s.”

    “Hold on…” said Jinx. “Draco’s soul contains a heroic spirit? How was he a hero?”

    “It depends on whose point of view you’re looking at, Jinx,” replied Jalal. “The term ‘hero’ is subjective. To a githyanki’s point of view, he was definitely a hero. He was a Rrakkma Warrior, remember? A knight who hunted down and slew illithids, their most hated enemies.

    “And even if Vlaakith told her subjects that he fled because of criminal or treasonous acts, it would have been lies. As far as the githyanki race was concerned, Draco had a heroic spirit.”

    “Is there any way to stop this?” asked Shichiro.

    Jalal looked at the screen again.

    “Only one way…” he said. “I’m going to have to make amends to every elf and dwarf clan in the world for what I’m about to do, but I must destroy the Regalia of Day.”

    He waved his hand, and the screen changed.

    “So what are you waiting for??” shouted Jinx.

    “Give me a minute, Kaede…” replied Jalal. “Artifacts tend to be harder to break than typical objects…”

    “Didn’t you ever read Lord of the Rings?” asked Shichiro

    “Let’s see here…” he said, reading. “According to the lore of the Goldhammer clan, the Swords can be destroyed by hurling them into the nexus of the powers of Earth and Fire where they were forged…”

    “Where is that?” asked Gears.

    “Uhm…” said Jalal. “Mount Etna…”

    “Mount Etna?!” exclaimed Gears.

    “When powerful magical swords are created,” replied Jalal, “a smith tends to use a powerful forge.”

    “Fine!” shouted Jinx. “Use the same magic you used to get to Japan to take them to Sicily, and throw them into Mount Etna!”

    “I’m afraid there’s more, Kaede…” said Jalal, as he continued to read. “Each Sword can only be destroyed during the time of day that it represents…”

    He took out his pocket watch and looked at it. Eleven PM Japan time.

    “It’s three in the afternoon now in Sicily…” he muttered. “This time of year, it will be four hours before the condition is right to destroy the Sword of Twilight. Epic level spells like this get stronger as time passes. By then it may be too late…”

    “Why don’t you destroy the Silver Hemisphere?” asked Ember.

    “Huh?” said Shichiro.

    “Well…” said Ember. “Isn’t the Silver Hemisphere what enables the Swords to create such powerful spells in the first place?”

    Jalal looked at her. Then he looked at the Regalia.

    “You know…” he said. “That’s crazy enough to actually work. Without the Silver Hemisphere, the Swords will lack the power they need for a spell like this. And I’ll wager that it’s far more fragile than the Swords are…”

    He drew his sword.

    “Stand back people…”

    Everyone got back as far as possible as Jalal lifted the sword. He swung it downwards…

    But then, there was a blast of energy, and a backlash knocked him backwards.

    “Jalal!” shouted Shichiro.

    “I’m fine!” said Jalal, getting up. “But it seems that it’s not going to be that easy. Whoever cast the Deluge prepared. The Regalia is protected by some sort of spell.”

    He made the screen appear again.

    “Is there anything we can do??” asked Jinx.

    “One chance, but it’s risky,” said Jalal. “The entity is a water elementalist of great magical power. If this sorcerer was challenged and forced to expend energy, the protective spell would greatly weaken.

    “But providing a challenge that could do that is tricky. Elemental magic is an incredibly powerful school. With elementalists, the only way to truly hurt them is by confronting them with their opposing elements. Among elements, Wind opposes Earth, and Water opposes Fire.”

    Everyone paused.

    They looked at Ember.

    “Oh no!” she shouted. “I wouldn’t stand a chance! I couldn’t even beat Draco!”

    Jalal put his hand on her shoulder.

    “That’s because you went unprepared,” he said. “We’re going to fix that right now…

    “Eiko Michiko… Kneel…”

    Ember just looked at him. Then she knelt.

    “I was going to do this at the formal ceremony,” said Jalal. “But we have to do this now…”

    He placed his sword on Ember’s right shoulder.

    “Eiko Michiko…” he said. “Do you solemnly swear to uphold the tenants held by the Shadowchasers, and to use them to promote peace between Shadowkind and humans?”

    “I… I do,” replied Ember.

    “Do you swear to act as the hand of Justice, while tempering it with mercy?” continued Jalal.

    “I do,” replied Ember.

    “Do you swear to serve the law and not manipulate it so it may serve you?” continued Jalal. “Do you swear to be the voice of reason in a world where some often prefer chaos?”

    “I do,” said Ember.

    “Do you know that ignorance is not bliss, but knowledge is not power?” asked Jalal.

    “I do,” said Ember, more confident than before.

    “Then, arise…” said Jalal.

    With that, he made an upward slash with his blade, leaving a small scar on Ember’s cheek, without drawing blood. It was the same mark that Shichiro, Gears, and Jinx had.


    Ember slowly got up.

    “Gee…” she said. “Am I really…”

    “Yes,” said Jalal. “We’ll celebrate later.”

    He went back to the screen.

    “How are we going to do this, chief?” asked Gears.

    “We have to work fast,” said Jalal. “I can pinpoint whatever watery dimension this entity resides in, and send Michiko to it to confront him.”

    “No problem, right?” asked Gears.

    Jalal paused and looked at the screen.

    “Slight problem…” he said. “This wizard sealed all conduits between his dimension and ours. We can’t make a portal directly to it.”

    “Okay…” said Gears. “I guess that means we’re… doomed!”

    “Not necessarily,” said Jalal. “I can send Michiko to a dimension that borders both ours and the one she has to get to, and she can get to it from there.”

    “Like a bridge?” said Shichiro.

    “Right,” said Jalal. “Give me five minutes, and I’ll find one…”

    “Shichiro…” said Ember. “Your Tuner Monster… Rose, Warrior of Revenge…

    “Remember when you asked me its purpose? I know its purpose now…

    “Every time I see you use that card… I see my own face in hers…

    “That card… She’s… She’s a reflection of myself! I know it makes no sense.”

    Shichiro looked at her.

    Then he took Rose from his deck, and looked at her.

    The strange woman in miko regalia had said it clearly. She was only lending him the card until its true owner appeared.

    “A warrior of fire, just like the Monster on the card. And just like a Tuner, this warrior has great potential…”

    “No, Ember…” he said with a grin. “Actually, it makes perfect sense.”

    He handed her the card.

    “This card was never mine. I was looking for its true owner. And it seems I’ve found her.”

    “What?” said Ember. “But I never owned…”

    “Trust me,” said Shichiro. “When the woman who told me to hold onto this told me to find the true owner, she meant you. I’ve never been more sure.”

    Ember looked at the card.

    Then she slowly shuffled it into her deck.

    “Okay, people,” said Jalal. “I’ve pinpointed a dimension that will do the job, and it’s most likely the safest. From what I can tell, it’s a pocket dimension in the Astral Plane, and its sole occupant is one sentient being.”

    “Jalal, you once confronted Athentia,” replied Shichiro. “Let’s not underestimate how dangerous one sentient being can be.”

    “Point taken,” said Jalal. “But we don’t have many options at this point.”

    He held Ember by the shoulders again.

    “Ember…” he said. “Once you get there, you’ll need to wait for me to create a second portal by remote spell. Be careful. If you get into trouble that you can’t get out of, speak my last name, and the first portal will pull you back to Earth.

    “And one more thing…”

    He handed her a card.

    “It was just completed…”

    Ember looked at it.

    It was her own copy of Jalal the Dragonborn.

    “Now you’re truly a Shadowchaser,” said Jalal. “Good luck, and Godspeed…”

    The portal opened in the middle of the room. No more needed to be said. Ember turned to everyone, and then stepped through the portal, not knowing what she would see on the other side, and not knowing if she would ever come back…

    I was now a Shadowchaser in both name and spirit. Who would expect that on my first official mission as one, the fate of the world would depend on my success?

    I had never been more scared than I was now. If Jalal’s inspiring words had not pushed me forward, I might never have agreed to go. But ask anyone who knows Jalal… He can inspire whole armies when the need is right.

    No more tests, no more trials, no more room for failure. It was all or nothing.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 1
    ATK: 300
    DEF: 500

    Card Description: When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, draw 1 card from your deck.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 2
    ATK: 1,300
    DEF: 0

    Card Description: If you control at least 1 “Ice Barrier” Monster other than this card, Monsters that are Level 4 or higher cannot declare an attack.

    Note: “Blizzed, Guard of the Ice Barrier” and “Practitioner of the Ice Barrier” were first released in Japan for the original “Duel Terminal” system. They will be released for the TCG in November in the “Hidden Arsenal” pack.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 4
    ATK: 1,300
    DEF: 1,800

    Card Description: When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, designate 1 unoccupied space in either Monster Zone. The designated space cannot be used while this card is face-up on the field.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 5
    ATK: 2,000
    DEF: 2,000

    Card Description: When this card is Tribute Summoned, Special Summon 1 “Ice Coffin Token” (Aqua/Water/Level 1/ATK 1,000/DEF 0) in Attack Position. An “Ice Coffin Token” cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon.

    Note: “Intoxicated Bug of the Ice Barrier” and “Royal Knight of the Ice Barrier” were released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 2: Invasion of Worms!!” system. Their release date for the TCG is not yet known.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 6
    ATK: 1,600
    DEF: 2,200

    Card Description: When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip-Summoned, change it to face-up Defense Position. While this card is face-up on the field, “Ice Barrier” Monsters cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spell or Trap Cards.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 7
    ATK: 2,200
    DEF: 1,600

    Card Description: When your opponent controls 4 or more cards than you do, you may Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is face-up on your side of the field, your opponent can only activate 1 Spell or Trap Card per turn.

    Note: “Great Monk of the Ice Barrier” and “Medium of the Ice Barrier” were released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 3: Justice Strikes Back!!” system. Their release date for the TCG is not yet known.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 4
    ATK: 1,500
    DEF: 1,000

    Card Description: This card cannot be destroyed in battle by Monsters with 1,900 ATK or more.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 3
    ATK: 800
    DEF: 1,200

    Card Description: Activate by discarding one card from your hand and declaring one Attribute. Monsters of the declared Attribute cannot select this card as an attack target. This effect may only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.

    Note: “Acolyte of the Ice Barrier” and “Feng Shui Master of the Ice Barrier” were released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 4: Demon Roar God Revival!!” system. Their release date for the TCG is not yet known.


    Card Specs

    Attribute: Water
    Level: 7
    ATK: 2,500
    DEF: 1,700

    Card Description: Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner WATER Monsters

    Activate by discarding up to two cards from your hand and selecting an equal number of cards on your opponent’s side of the field. Destroy the selected cards. This effect may only be used once per round.

    Note: “Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier” was released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 5: Champions of Chaos!!” system. Its release date for the TCG is not yet known.


    Normal Spell

    Dokurorider on a highway, driving at full speed into oncoming traffic.

    Card Description: You can only activate this card when you have 8 or more Speed Counters. Select one Monster you control that is in Attack Position. Tribute one Monster that is a higher Level than the selected Monster. The selected Monster is the only Monster that may attack this round, and attacks all Monsters on your opponent’s side of the field once each. The selected Monster may not attack directly after attacking any Monsters.


    Normal Trap

    Brionac surrounded by a globe of energy, as a group of barbarian warriors try to assault it.

    Card Description: This card cannot be activated during the Battle Phase. When this card is activated, all face-up “Ice Barrier” Monsters on your side of the field are shifted to Attack Position. “Ice Barrier” Monsters that you control cannot be shifted to Defense Position or flipped facedown during the turn this card is activated. “Ice Barrier” Monsters that you control cannot be destroyed as a result of battle until the End Phase of the turn.

    SPEED SPELL – HALF SIZE (Spell Card)

    Normal Spell

    A glowing, pulsating orb of energy.

    Card Description: You can only activate this card when you have 3 or more Speed Counters. Select one face-up opposing Monster. Halve the selected Monster’s ATK, and increase your Life Points by an amount equal to the amount of Attack Points reduced by this effect.

    Note: “Speed Spell – Half Size” was first used by Jack in a second-season episode of “Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s” Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.


    Normal Spell

    B.E.S. Tetran in orbit above the Earth, being attacked by Gradius.

    Card Description: You can only activate this card when you have 8 or more Speed Counters. Select 1 Monster you control that is in Attack Position. Double the ATK of the selected Monster. The selected Monster cannot attack directly. Destroy the selected Monster during the End Phase of the turn.

    Note: “Speed Spell – Final Attack” was first used by Yusei in the “Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s” episode “Fortune Cup Finale (Part 2)”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    Coming up next:

    The endgame is about to begin. Ember starts out to confront the true mastermind, but first she must get through the territory of a grouchy curmudgeon who doesn’t like visitors. Like Shichiro said, just because a dimension only has one sentient being, doesn’t mean that it isn’t a dangerous place.

    “Time Seal” is coming soon.

    Shadowchaser Files

    Daisuke Nakamura, Fractured Mind

    Dealing with demons is always a dangerous exploit. Just ask Daisuke Nakamura, a Shadowkind who regrets doing so with all his soul. All three of them.

    Daisuke is a shadow elf, a branch of the elven race so rare, some believe them to be only a myth. Because his people are loners by nature, and known for being stealthy and very charismatic, he was an easy recruit for Red Shroud, a succubus from the dark depths of the Abyss known for running the biggest network of spies in the world. Red Shroud pays well if you’re willing to gain someone’s trust and then betray it, and money was something that Daisuke needed.

    Red Shroud saw potential in Daisuke, and gave him two important assignments. He was assigned to work as a mercenary for a clan of azers, dwarf-like creatures who love fire, and live in volcanic regions. At the same time, he was assigned to get work as a mercenary for a clan of goliaths, powerful Shadowkind nomads who live in arctic regions. Daisuke gained the trust of both clans, but ultimately reported back to Red Shroud, feeding her any information that he thought would be useful.

    But dealing with demons is dangerous, and eventually, the stress from doing so, combined with the strain from maintaining two false personalities that dealt with two opposing forces, caused Daisuke to snap. The two false personalities he created literally became real.

    Daisuke is now a victim of Dissociative Identity Disorder, meaning that there’s more than one individual personality vying for control of his body. Unlike the most severe cases (like Shirley Ardell Mason), this one is slightly different. He knows that the alternate personalities exist, but he doesn’t have much control over them. In his case, one side will take over, another will “cut in” and run things, and it goes back and forth until he is able to shove both of them back into the deepest parts of his mind. All of this stress and anxiety naturally makes Daisuke depressed, and it shows in pretty much everything he does. If he loses focus even slightly, one of his ‘sides’ can break through and take over. Once it happened, he and both the other personalities abandoned Red Shroud and their job as a spy; the only thing all of them could agree on was that it was her fault.

    The first alternate personality, alias “Frost”, is the one he originally created to work with the goliaths. Frost is along the lines of depressing and fatalistic, much like the attitude of the typical goliath. He is very cold to everyone around him, and he doesn’t care who he has to go through to get ahead in life. Frost is more along the lines of a silent type, but he doesn’t hesitate when he wants his voice heard. He is also slow to anger, so it takes quite a lot to make him mad. When he is, though, it would be best to avoid him. Also much like the goliaths, Frost believes in fate, with a passion. He feels that every part of life is already planned out, and his successes and failures are written by the gods themselves, as a way of rewarding or punishing him.

    The second personality, the one he originally created to work with the azers, is also known as Blaze, and is almost the complete opposite of Frost. Like the azers, Blaze is very emotional in just about everything he does. Whatever he’s feeling, one will know almost instantly. With quite the fiery attitude, Blaze is also a bit of a hothead. If he gets ticked off even slightly, the culprit will almost immediately feel his wrath. Unlike Frost, Blaze doesn’t like the idea of some outside force being in control of his life. He believes that a person can create his/her own destiny, and whatever happens in life results in whatever they do. This belief is shared by the azers, naturally.

    Ask any Shadowchaser, and he’ll tell you that making deals with fiends is a fool’s game that shouldn’t be attempted. Poor Daisuke is living proof of this. All he did was work for Red Shroud, and it shattered his mind into pieces.

    Story Ideas: Daisuke wanders the world, trying to find his place, trying hard to quell the conflict within himself. Whatever part of him is in control at the time usually dictates his actions. Blaze often gets into trouble due to his hot-headedness, while Frost is often deep in melancholy. Blaze has often considered going back to that clan of azers, and Frost has just as often considered going back to the goliaths; both would jump at the chance to be with kindred spirits. But they both know that if the Blaze or Frost were to gain dominance while with the race that the other is more comfortable with, it would lead to disaster. Thus, Daisuke has very few people he can confide in.

    Sometimes both of them try to do good deeds, hoping that penance will lift the curse that they are under, but mostly, they just search for a reason to exist.

    Daisuke can be inserted practically anywhere. He can serve as an ally or simply a contact. One possible piece of aid he can provide is information about Red Shroud (who will be detailed next chapter) but it would be very hard to convince anyone to give information on her. Anyone who works for her knows that there’s very little she can’t find out about, and most folks who have snitched on her don’t last long.

    The possibilities are limitless when working with someone as unpredictable as Daisuke. Clearly, any story where he shows up has to be worked on hard.

    Deck Suggestions: Daisuke has three separate decks. One of them is used by Frost, one by Blaze, and the third is a more recent addition that is used when the two manage to cooperate, something that has only happened recently.

    When Frost has control for extended periods of time, he uses a pure Water Deck, specifically one that makes use of the Ice Barrier tribe. Besides them, he has other ice-related cards that help reflect his cold personality. Cards such as Ice Knight, Sacrifice Icicle, and Cold Wave help to put his opponents on thin ice. While his finishers mostly involve one of his three Ice Barrier Synchro Monsters (Brionac, Dewloren, and Gungnir) he considers Mobius the Frost Monarch to be the most prized card in his deck.

    Because Blaze’s nature, it’s only natural that he’d use a Fire Deck of sorts when he has total control. He tends to go for sheer power when choosing Monsters, using cards like Gorlag, Infernal Incinerator, and even Volcanic Doomfire. Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch is by far his ace monster. While certainly not the strongest Monarch, it’s hardly ever let him down, and he’ll use it whenever he gets the chance.

    Recently, Daisuke has managed to acquire two copies of Frost and Flame Dragon. Shortly after this, the fight for control of his body went over the edge. As a result, his deck type altered dramatically, at least for the time being. Frost and Blaze have been able to compromise for once, and construct a deck based around the Dragons using a combination of cards from both of their decks. The Monsters are meant mostly for milling through the deck while doing damage in the process. When they have enough of both types in the Graveyard, they’ll bring out their big guns, the Frost and Flame Dragons. During duels using this deck, control is based on the cards drawn and whether or not there’s a majority of cards of one type on the field. If it’s mostly Water-types, Frost will have control; if it’s mostly Fire-types, Blaze will have control. Still, there is no guarantee that neither of them will gain control for an extended period again.
    Last edited by Dark Sage; 26th September 2009 at 07:42 AM.

  29. #269
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    hum the dual seemed rather on the short side, and when I saw cold wave I had a feeling that drago's deck was going to be based on the Ice Barrier.

    ~Charles Legend
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    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

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    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

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  30. #270
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Quote Originally Posted by charles legend View Post
    hum the dual seemed rather on the short side, and when I saw cold wave I had a feeling that drago's deck was going to be based on the Ice Barrier.
    You weren't the only one who suspected that the Ice Barrier monsters would be used in this duel. I also agree that the duel seemed a little short. But this chapter was about more than the confrontation with Draco. Now that Ember is a full-fledged Shadowchaser, she has far more on her plate than when we were first introduced to her. I'm sure she'll deliver, and hopefully the final confrontation will be one to remember.

    As for who the mastermind is, I'm only aware of one clue hinting to his/her identity. A crazy idea came to mind as I was going through some of the older chapters, but whether I'm on the right track won't be answered until they're revealed next time. The suspense is killing me already as it is.

    And thank you for having Daisuke's bio included in your Shadowchaser files. I've considered a plot or two for him, but it's going to be a while before I'm able to make use of it. If you're able to fit him in within any future works that involves the Shadowchaser universe, you have my permission to do so.

    In the meantime, I eagerly await the next chapter.
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  31. #271
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    In 1895, H.G. Wells published The Time Machine the first popular science fiction book about time travel. The protagonist of the book was the inventor who built the primitive time traveling device, and his name was never given. However, clues in the book and other works by Wells suggest that he meant the character to be a caricature of himself. This led a few people at the time to believe that Wells actually had built a working time machine, or at least a model of one.

    Now, you may recall that Shichiro had told me that
    Frankenstein had been based upon real events that only Shadows knew about. I at one point wondered if this was not also the case with Wells’ novel. Of course, you know by now that meddling with the flow of time can result in very unpleasant consequences. I recently asked one Incantifer about this, and he told me that Wells was an author, nothing more. (He also thought that he was a pessimist, not exactly a new view about Wells.)

    Then he elaborated. He said that spells like the kind that Edmund used when he met Gears, which can cause two people to move at accelerated speed to seemingly make time stop for the two of them, are indeed possible. Actual time travel, however, is beyond the scope of mortal magic. It simply can’t be done by magic that we can comprehend.

    When I asked if that meant it was impossible, he said not really. He said that it simply couldn’t be done without the permission of certain entities, and they never gave it. More than likely, they were allies of the platonics.

    I understood. You see, when I walked through that first portal, I met one of these beings…

    As Ember stepped through the portal, the first thing she noticed was the incessant ticking.

    She looked around, and the ticking made sense. She was in a great hall full of clocks.

    Everywhere she looked, there were clocks and other timepieces. Simple hourglasses and sundials were spaced in-between wall clocks, desk clocks, cuckoo clocks, grandfather clocks, and metronomes. All of them were analog; there were no digital clocks. And although not all of them were set to the same time, they all ticked in unison.

    It was almost maddening. Ember wondered how whoever lived here who could bear the constant ticking. She hoped that Jalal finished that other portal soon.

    She slowly worked her way through the maze of clocks, very afraid that she might accidentally knock one over and break it, and have to explain it to whoever owned this place if he found her. (She didn’t know how she was going to explain trespassing in the first place.)

    And then, she walked into a large, open area, and stepped back in shock.

    Looming over her was the biggest, scariest clock of all. It was ten feet tall, and about twice that wide, made of black steel. It had two faces, the one at the top with the regular twelve Roman numerals, the one below it with twenty symbols that she couldn’t identify, and no hands. Strangely, there was no ticking coming from this clock.

    “Good lord…” she squeaked. “Jalal… Hurry up…”

    “WHO’S THERE?” boomed an angry voice.

    Ember almost jumped.

    Then she noticed, to her horror, that the voice came from the horrible clock.

    She watched, as two angry-looking eyes appeared in front of the upper face of the clock. Then the rest of the being’s face appeared. It looked like a glowing old man’s face, with a grey moustache and beard, his eyes glowing with energy.

    “A mortal intrudes in my domicile?” growled the being, in a voice that sounded pretty annoyed. “Who dares invade the sanctuary of the one who controls all of Time?”

    “Uh…” said Ember, not knowing what to say. “So… You’re Father Time?”

    “Eh?” said the being. “That upstart? Ha! He’s merely a pretender.

    “I am something greater than Father Time… I am… Grandfather Time!

    Lovely… thought Ember. Shichiro was right… One sentient being can be very powerful…

    And it looks like this guy is not only powerful, he’s downright grouchy.

    “Well, you see… Ojiisan,” she said.

    She paused, not knowing how he’d react to the term. He didn’t seem to object, so she continued.

    “I was kind of just passing through… You really have a nice place here… Lots of clocks…”

    “Well only a fool would come here alone,” said Grandfather Time. “And these clocks are more than just timepieces, by the way. We are in a place where the life spans of all mortal beings are measured. Hour by hour, minute by minute, these clocks tick out their lives, until they finally run down. When a clock runs down, the mortal it represents perishes.”

    “So…” replied Ember, “do you know the future?”

    “No…” said Grandfather Time. “But yours is going to be pretty bleak if you don’t leave immediately.

    “Once I find out who you are, it wouldn’t take long to find your clock… Then I could set it ahead, crippling you with age…”

    Ember gulped.

    “Or I could set it backwards,” continued Grandfather Time, “reducing you to your infancy!”

    Ember started to sweat.

    I just have to say Jalal’s last name, and I can high-tail it out of here, she thought.

    Oh, but if I do that, I won’t be able to confront whoever is causing the Deluge… There’ll be no stopping it…

    She thought for a minute.

    If there’s a clock here for every mortal being in creation, there must be billions. This sanctuary must be impossibly large, and send everyone who enters it to his audience chamber. Even a being with his power would take a long time to find my clock…

    She looked at her Duel Disk.

    “Hmm…” said Grandfather Time, noticing it.

    “Uh, you know what this is?” asked Ember.

    “Yes,” replied Grandfather Time. “A foolish night hag challenged me with such a device a couple of years ago because she was looking for a copy of the Book of Keeping. She should be glad she never found it. Some secrets are better off kept secret.”

    “Well…”said Ember. “Can you still fight the way you fought her?”

    Grandfather Time laughed out loud.

    “Are you challenging me, mortal?” he laughed. “Do you actually think you’re any better than a night hag in terms of cunning and intelligence?”

    Ember just looked at him.

    “You’re serious, aren’t you?” asked Grandfather Time. “Very well… I never refuse a challenge…

    “Besides… I have nothing but time on my hands…”

    His eyes glowed more intensely, and five large cards appeared, their backs to Ember.

    “Duel!” they both shouted.

    (Ember: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Grandfather Time: 8,000)

    “I’ve always been taught to respect my elders,” said Ember, “so you can make the first move.”

    Grandfather Time’s eyes glowed again, and a sixth card appeared.

    “I’ll set a Monster,” he said.

    One of his cards vanished, and then reappeared in front of him horizontally, facedown.

    “…and that will be all for now…”

    Ember made a draw. She looked at her hand.

    “I’ll also set a Monster,” she said, “and a facedown card.”

    Two reversed cards appeared in front of her, one in her Monster Zone, and one in her Spell Zone.

    She looked at her other four cards.

    I can protect Little Chimera for at least one round with Sakuretsu Armor, she thought. And if I get one more Fire Monster on the field…

    She looked at Ultimate Baseball Kid.

    …this guy will have enough pep to hit a grand slam.

    “I end my turn,” she said.

    Grandfather Time’s eyes glowed again, and a sixth card appeared in front of him.

    “I’ll set a second Monster,” he said, as a new reversed Monster appeared. “And that will be all.”

    Ember looked at him strangely as she made a draw.

    She looked at the card. It was Draining Shield.

    Perfect, she thought.

    “I set another facedown,” she said, as it materialized in front of her.

    “Then I summon Molten Zombie!”

    In an aura of flame, the undead Pyro appeared with a low moan. (1,600 ATK)

    “Then I Flip-Summon Little Chimera!”

    Her facedown card flipped up, and the small, winged feline appeared. (600 ATK)

    “Nice kitty,” she said. “And he increases the Attack Score of all Fire Monsters by 500.”

    Molten Zombie rose to an Attack Score of 2,100, while Little Chimera itself rose to 1,100.

    “Little Chimera, attack the facedown Monster on the left!” she shouted.

    Little Chimera blasted a stream of flame at the reversed card.

    A strange looking cat covered with odd sigils with a big grin leapt up, and shattered into shards.

    Neko Mane King? thought Ember. Why the heck would he need that?

    She looked at Grandfather Time’s huge face.

    Man, this guy has a poker face!

    “Molten Zombie, attack!”

    The Pyro breathed a cloud of fire. Giant Soldier of Stone appeared on the card, and exploded into pebbles.

    I don’t get it… thought Ember.

    “Uh… it’s your move…”

    Grandfather Time’s eyes glowed, and he made another draw.

    Another card in front of him vanished, and another defensive Monster appeared.

    “Turn end,” he said.

    I wonder if this guy is EVER gonna attack! thought Ember.

    She made a draw.

    “I summon Ultimate Baseball Kid!” she shouted.

    There was a burst of fire, and the flaming slugger appeared triumphantly, swinging his bat. (500 ATK)

    “This little guy gains 1,000 more Attack Points for every other Fire Monster on the field,” said Ember, “and Little Chimera gives him 500 more!”

    (3,000 ATK)

    “Impressive,” said Grandfather Time.

    “Molten Zombie,” shouted Ember, “attack his Monster!”

    Molten Zombie breathed his burning cloud, and the facedown Monster was incinerated in a big explosion.

    “Now…” started Ember. “Huh?”

    She was interrupted as a swarm of weird little imps suddenly flew towards her side of the field and mobbed her three Monsters, covering them in a dark cloud.

    “What’s happening?” she shouted.

    “You destroyed The Unhappy Maiden,” said Grandfather Time. “And when that happens, her little friends step in and force you to end your Battle Phase. That means Ultimate Baseball Kid won’t be getting up to bat this inning.”

    What is this? thought Ember. A Stall Deck of some sort?

    “I… end my turn…” she said.

    Grandfather Time drew a card.

    “I play this Spell Card,” he said, as one of his cards spun around. “Soul Taker. Now, you gain 1,000 Life Points, but I can destroy one of your Monsters.”

    A beam of pure energy shot from the card, striking Ultimate Baseball Kid. He let out a cry of shock, and then shattered.

    Ember stepped back in complete surprise.

    “I set a new Monster…” said Grandfather Time.

    A new reversed Monster appeared.

    “Then two facedown cards…”

    Two reversed cards appeared.

    “…and then the Continuous Spell Card, Messenger of Peace.”

    The Spell Card appeared, and then glowed with energy.

    “I merely have to sacrifice 100 Life Points per turn, and this Spell prevents all Monsters with 1,500 Attack Points of more from attacking.

    “And my turn is now complete.”

    (E 9,000) - - - - - - - - - - (GT: 8,000)

    Ember quickly drew a card. Now she was pretty annoyed.

    “I don’t know what your game is,” she said, “but I do know that Little Chimera isn’t affected by Messenger of Peace!

    “Little Chimera, attack!”

    Little Chimera breathed flame at the facedown Monster…

    “Then I’ll just have to get rid of it,” said Grandfather Time, as one of his facedown cards shot up. “I activate Dimensional Prison!”

    Little Chimera vanished in a flash of light. Molten Zombie fell down to its original Attack Score of 1,600.

    Ember sighed. She took another card from her hand.

    “I’ll set a Monster,” she said, as a reversed Monster appeared, “and my turn is over.”

    Grandfather Time drew a card.

    “I pay 100 Life Points for Messenger of Peace,” he said. “Then my other Trap Card activates.”

    The Trap Card lifted. Ember had never seen it before, and she didn’t like it. It had a frightening picture of an executioner about to chop off a prisoner’s hand.

    “It’s called Left Arm Offering,” continued Grandfather Time. “To pay the cost of this card, I must discard every card in my hand.”

    Ember raised an eyebrow as the two cards in front of her opponent vanished.

    “In return,” said Grandfather Time, “I am allowed to take any Spell Card I desire from my deck.”

    A card appeared in front of him.

    “Offhand…” said Ember. “Uh, no pun intended… Offhand, you must have wanted that Spell Card pretty badly.”

    Grandfather Time chuckled.

    “Indeed…” he said.

    The Spell Card spun around.

    “I cast Final Countdown!”

    Ember gasped and took a step back.

    “This was your plan all along!” she exclaimed.

    “Naturally,” said Grandfather Time. “I have to sacrifice 2,000 Life Points, and after twenty turns pass, your time is up!

    “And this will help you keep track…”

    Then the second face on his clock, the one under his face, glowed, and the sigils turned into fiery numbers, the twenty where the twelve would be on a normal clock, the nineteen to the right of it, and all the numbers in between forming an analog countdown. A flaming hand appeared, pointing straight up.

    “I’m not done,” he continued. “I Flip-Summon my facedown Monster.”

    The facedown card flipped, and Morphing Jar appeared. (700 ATK)

    Figures… thought Ember.

    She discarded the two cards she had left, and made five draws. Five more cards appeared in front of Grandfather Time.

    “I now sacrifice Morphing Jar to set a new Monster,” he said.

    Morphing Jar vanished, and a reversed Monster appeared.

    “My turn is over.”

    The hand on the lower clock moved to the 19.

    (E 9,000) - - - - - - - - - - (GT: 5,900)

    No wonder he hasn’t attacked yet, thought Ember. He probably isn’t going to bother attacking at all!

    She looked at her facedown Sakuretsu Armor and Draining Shield, both of which were worthless.

    Then she looked at her hand.

    I can still fight back… she thought.

    She drew a card.

    “I play Mystical Space Typhoon!” she shouted.

    She threw the card into her Disk, and the cyclone blew across the field, blowing Messenger of Peace to bits.

    “Now that that’s out of my system,” she said, “I sacrifice Molten Zombie…”

    Molten Zombie vanished in a burst of flames.

    “…for Flamvell Devil!”

    With a roar, the fiery demon appeared in an aura of smoke. (2,100 ATK)

    “Next, I activate the Field Spell, Molten Destruction!”

    She fit the card into the slot, and the chamber was quickly transformed into the volcanic wasteland. Grandfather Time growled as Flamvell Devil’s Attack Score increased to 2,600.

    “Next,” continued Ember, “I flip Flamvell Archer into Attack Mode.”

    The bowman with a flaming beard and a fiery set of arrows sprang onto the field. (1,000 ATK) –> (1,500 ATK)

    “Then I sacrifice him, to boost Flamvell Devil even further!”

    Flamvell Archer vanished, and Flamvell Devil burned even fiercer. (3,400 ATK)

    “Now attack!”

    Flamvell Devil blasted a bolt of violet flames at the facedown Monster. Neo Aqua Madoor appeared on the card, and exploded into a cloud of steam.

    She glared at Grandfather Time.

    He chuckled a little.

    “Seems you’re cleverer than I gave you credit for…” he said.

    “I end my turn,” said Ember.

    The clock’s hand moved to the 18.

    Another card appeared in front of Grandfather Time.

    Then a Spell Card in front of him turned around, revealing Pot of Avarice.

    “I’ll just send these five Monsters back to my deck…” he said.

    The images of Neko Mane King, Mystical Elf, The Unhappy Maiden, Giant Soldier of Stone, and Mystical Elf appeared above him, and then vanished.

    “…then reshuffle, and then make two draws.”

    Two more cards appeared.

    Then a new Spell Card revealed itself.

    “Spell Reproduction?” asked Ember. “Wait… That lets you toss two Spell Cards to use one in your Graveyard…”

    “That’s right…” said Grandfather Time.

    Two cards in front of him turned around and vanished (Ember could see that they were Book of Moon and Monster Reincarnation) and then Soul Taker appeared in front of him again. The beam of energy shot at Flamvell Devil, vaporizing him.

    I’m starting to hate this guy… thought Ember, as she glowed with energy.

    Two other cards in his hand vanished, and a facedown card and a facedown Monster appeared.

    “It’s your move…” he said.

    The flaming clock moved to the 17.

    (E 10,000) - - - - - - - - - - (GT: 5,900)

    “Draw…” said Ember, making a draw.

    She looked at the four cards in her hand. She held her chin for a minute.

    “Considering your options?” asked Grandfather Time. “Well, here’s something else for you to consider…”

    His facedown card lifted up.

    “I activate Pyro Clock of Destiny. This moves the turn count forward by one.”

    “But that means…” said Ember.

    “That’s right…” said Grandfather Time. “For you, the hand of doom just moved one round closer…”

    The fiery clock ticked to the 16.

    “Yeah, buddy?” asked Ember. “Well, here’s a move that can stop a clock…”

    She played a Spell Card.

    “I play Instant Fusion! I have to pay 1,000 Life Points, but thanks to you playing Soul Taker twice, I have them to spare. Now I get to Special Summon Flame Swordsman!”

    Flame Swordsman appeared in a blast of flame. (1,800 ATK)

    “Next, Guard of Flamvell!”

    The fiery Dragon Tuner appeared. (100 ATK)

    “Now, I Tune them together!”

    Flame Swordsman and Guard of Flamvell split into six glowing stars, and soared into the smoky sky that the Field Spell had created.

    With a roar, Flamvell Urquizas landed in front of Ember, his fists blazing. (2,100 ATK) –> (2,600 ATK)

    Grandfather Time’s eyes opened wide.

    “So I was wrong!” he exclaimed. “You didn’t come here alone!”

    “Huh?” said Ember.

    Urquizas turned to her, and made a slight nod.

    “Uh…” said Ember, looking at the last two cards in her hand. “I’m… not done…

    “I Equip him with Salamandra!”

    She played the card, and Urquizas burned even fiercer. (3,300 ATK)

    “Then I play Monster Reborn,” she said, playing her last card.

    The holy ankh appeared, and Flamvell Archer leapt onto the field. (1,000 ATK) –> (1,500 ATK)

    “Then I’ll sacrifice him again, to boost Urquizas even more.”

    Archer vanished, and Urquizas burned like a bonfire. (4,100 ATK)

    “Now, attack his facedown Monster! Fist of flame!”

    Urquizas rushed at the reversed card. Marshmallon appeared on the card, grinning at Ember and Urquizas with its upside-down smile. The Pyro punched it, but his fist bounced off. (500 DEF)

    “Marshmallon can’t be destroyed by battle,” said Grandfather Time. “And you lose 1,000 Life Points for trying.”

    “Oh yeah?” said Ember. “Well, thanks to Urquizas’s trampling effect, yours aren’t going to look so good either.”

    Then Urquizas threw a giant ball of fire right in Grandfather Time’s face. He roared in pain and rage.

    (E 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (GT: 2,300)

    “Looks like I finally did some damage to you,” sighed Ember. “I end my turn…”

    Urquizas’s Attack Score fell back down to 3,300, and the fiery clock moved its hand to the 15.

    “My draw…” said Grandfather Time.

    A second card appeared next to his other one.

    “I play The Shallow Grave,” he said, as a Spell Card appeared. “Now we must each Special Summon a Monster from our Graveyards in facedown Defense Mode.”

    Ember looked at her Disk. Then she took a card from her discard slot, and set it on her Disk. Two reversed Monsters appeared, one on each side of the field.

    Grandfather Time’s final card vanished, and a facedown card appeared in his Spell Zone.

    “I end my turn,” he said, as the clock ticked down to 14.

    “My move,” said Ember making one draw.

    It was Fire Back, which was no good now.

    That facedown card is a concern, she thought, but if I took a risk, I could win this duel by attacking Marshmallon!

    It’s worth the risk…

    “Urquizas, attack Marshmallon!”

    Flamvell Urquizas flew at the small cream puff…

    “Trap activate!” shouted Grandfather Time.

    His facedown card shot up, revealing Mirror Force. Urquizas grunted, and burst into shards.

    Ember sighed, and looked at her defensive Monster.

    At least I still have that, she thought.

    “I end my turn,” she said.

    The clocked ticked down to 13.

    “Thirteen rounds,” she said, as Grandfather Time drew another card. “I still have plenty of time!”

    “Not as much as you’d think, thanks to the Spell Card I just drew,” said Grandfather Time.

    It spun around.

    “I play Turn Jump. This is a far stronger version of Pyro Clock of Destiny, moving us forward in time three full turns for each player. That means my clock fast forwards by six.”

    The clock below him moved quickly, going from the 13 all the way to the 7.

    “No fair!” screamed Ember.

    If this were a tournament, she would have asked a judge to look up the legality of that card. Her cousin likely would too.

    Then the Monster that Grandfather Time had summoned with The Shallow Grave flipped up. It was Morphing Jar. (700 ATK)

    Ember discarded Fire Back, and drew five more cards. Five more cards appeared in front of Grandfather Time.

    “Now let’s use these…” said the entity. “I play the Field Spell, Array of Revealing Light…”

    The volcanic wasteland that Ember’s Field Spell had created vanished, and a glowing pentagram inlaid with multicolored symbols appeared on the floor around them.

    “Not only have I taken you out of your domain,” he continued, “I’ve shifted the field to my advantage. Now I name one Type of Monster, and that Type cannot attack on the turn they are summoned. I name Pyros.

    “And just to be extra safe…”

    A Continuous Spell Card appeared.

    “I’m also playing Vengeful Bog Spirit, which has the same effect on all Monsters.

    “It is your move…”

    The clock ticked down to 6. Ember made a draw.

    My time is running out… she thought.

    She waved her hand, and her facedown Monster flipped up. Flamvell Gurnika appeared. (1,700 ATK)

    “In case you didn’t notice, he’s a Dragon,” she said. “So your Field Spell doesn’t work on him.”

    “Well then,” said Grandfather Time, “I’m certainly glad that Vengeful Bog Spirit still does.”

    He’s right, thought Ember, taking two cards from her hand. Damn…

    She set two cards, and a reversed Monster and a facedown card appeared in front of her.

    “It’s your move…” she said.

    The clock moved its hand to the 5.

    “My draw…” said Grandfather Time, as a new card appeared.

    “I move Morphing Jar to Defense Mode,” he said.

    The one-eyed creature slunk into its jar. (600 DEF)

    “Then, I set a Monster, and a facedown card, and play Rain of Mercy.”

    A reversed Monster and reversed card appeared, and then a Spell Card. A soothing downpour fell upon the field, and Ember felt invigorated as her Life Points went up.

    However, it also increased her opponents’ Life Points, and she had only three more of her turns to reduce them to zero, or all the Life Points in the world wouldn’t help her.

    “It’s your move…” said Grandfather Time.

    The clock moved to 4.

    (E 9,000) - - - - - - - - - - (GT: 3,300)

    Ember drew a card.

    Could this work? she thought.

    “Pondering?” asked Grandfather Time. “Well, let’s cut it even closer…”

    His facedown card lifted, which was a second Pyro Clock of Destiny.

    Ember’s heart had nearly stopped. If it had been another Turn Jump, she would have lost.

    She watched the hand move to the 3, and then looked at her hand again.

    This had better work… she thought. Thanks to that Trap, I just lost one of my three turns.

    It should work…

    She paused.

    Here goes everything…

    “All right, fellah…” she said. “I’m going to clean your clock!”

    “Eh?” said Grandfather Time.

    But… thought Ember. If his facedown Monster is another Unhappy Maiden, I’m going to be eating those words.

    The facedown card she had set last turn lifted up.

    “I activate DNA Transplant!” she exclaimed. “Now, I can turn all Monsters on the field into Fire Monsters!”

    “And just how will that help you?” asked Grandfather Time.

    “I’ll show you,” said Ember. “I flip my facedown Monster into Attack Mode… Hiita the Fire Charmer!”

    Her facedown Monster flipped up, and Hiita appeared, with her fox by her side, holding her staff. (500 ATK)

    “Now she can take control of one of your Fire Monsters. Hiita… Take his Marshmallon!”

    Hiita aimed her staff and chanted a hasty incantation. Marshmallon’s eyes glazed over, and it was pulled over to Ember’s side of the field.

    “Now, I sacrifice your Marshmallon and my Charmer…” said Ember.

    The two Monsters vanished.

    “To summon Infernal Flame Emperor!”

    With a roar, the huge, fiendish Pyro appeared. (2,700 ATK)

    “Have you forgotten about the two Spell Cards that delay your Monsters from attacking?” asked Grandfather Time.

    “No,” asked Ember. “That’s why I’m getting rid of them by using Emperor’s effect.”

    Flamvell Archer and Guard of Flamvell fell out of her discard slot.

    “For each Fire Monster I remove from play, I can destroy one Spell or Trap Card. So there goes your stall wall.”

    Vengeful Bog Spirit burst into an explosion of ashes, and the glowing pentagram vanished.

    “I’m far from finished…” growled Grandfather Time. “Do the math… You have two attackers, and I have two defenders.”

    “But I’m not done,” said Ember, discarding a card. “First, I send Flamvell Baby to the Graveyard. Now, I can boost the Attack Score of a Fire Monster by 400. I’m giving it to Gurnika.”

    Gurnika burned with fire. (2,100 ATK)

    “Next,” she said, holding up her last two cards. “I play Double Attack! Now, by discarding my Level 6 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch, my Level 4 Gurnika can attack twice!”

    She played the card, and discarded Thestalos.

    Now’s the time, she thought.

    “Gurnika…”she ordered. “Attack the hidden Monster!”

    Gurnika spit a bolt of flame at the facedown Monster…

    She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was only Giant Soldier of Stone. It was blasted to pieces.

    “And now you lose 600 Life Points,” she said.

    Grandfather Time groaned.

    Gurnika fired again, and Morphing Jar was incinerated. Grandfather Time groaned again.

    “Infernal Flame Emperor!” she shouted. “Attack directly with infernal firestorm!”

    The whole room glowed with a hellish hue, and the huge Pyro blasted a great wave of flame at the huge clock. Grandfather Time’s scream echoed through the whole sanctuary, and the clocks in the great chamber wobbled.

    (E 9,000) - - - - - - - - - - (GT: 0)

    Well… I won… thought Ember. But will it even matter? What do I do now?

    “Pain…” moaned Grandfather Time. “I haven’t felt pain like this in centuries!”

    Then Ember was startled by Jalal’s voice.

    “Ember!” he shouted. “Sorry it took so long…”

    A glowing portal appeared next to her.

    “Take it, quickly!”

    Ember turned to the portal.

    “Excuse me, young lady…” said Grandfather Time.

    Ember paused.

    “I don’t believe I got your name…”

    Ember gulped.

    “Let me put it this way…” she said. “A guy like you likes to read history, I assume?”

    “Why, yes,” replied Grandfather Time.

    “Well, in a hundred years, I might be mentioned in a book of history,” said Ember. “Either as a reluctant hero who saved a world… Or as a martyr who tried to, but failed.

    “Right now, I’m counting more on the second possibility.


    She dove through the portal, not daring to look back.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    On the other side of the portal, Ember took some deep, gasping breaths.

    She hoped for the love of all that was holy she would never have to go there again.

    She looked around. She was in a silvery void, full of stars. A pathway of light was in front of her, leading through the void, towards what appeared to be a large door in the distance.

    “Ember?” said Jalal’s voice. “Can you hear me?”

    “Yeah, chief, I hear you,” she said. “Where am I, outer space?”

    “Not outer space,” said Jalal. “The Astral Plane, sort of the space between spaces. Do you see a door?”

    “Yeah, I think so,” said Ember.

    “Good,” said Jalal. “That door should lead to your ultimate destination. Be careful, because I doubt it isn’t guarded.”

    “How’s it look on your end?” asked Ember.

    “Not good,” replied Jalal. “According to the news reports, the storm has now spread to Africa. Ironically, several countries that are now suffering from famine and poverty are in celebration, thinking the rains to be a godsend. They have no idea that if the storms continue, the end result will drown them.”

    “I understand…” said Ember.

    “But we learned something peculiar from reading Draco’s notes,” continued Jalal. “Apparently, this isn’t the first time that the Deluge has been cast. According to his notes, it has been cast five times before.”

    “Five times??” asked Ember. “But the world wasn’t flooded five times in the past!”

    “I know,” replied Jalal. “That’s what makes it peculiar. No records that any Shadowkind clans have tell of any heroes in the ancient past that stopped it from happening. The only thing that comes close is the Great Flood itself, if you choose to believe that story, and that was supposedly an act of God, not any spell cast by mortals.

    “Be on your guard. We don’t know what this means, but it clearly means something…”

    Ember looked at the door.

    “Wish me luck…” she said. “I have a feeling I’m gonna need it.”

    I haven’t had any unexplained growth spurts since my visit to Grandfather Time’s sanctuary, or any reverse growth spurts, so I can only assume he never learned who I was. At any rate, after I later told Jalal about my little side trip there, he was able to pinpoint the dimension, and marked it as interdicted, forbidding any further exploration of it. This was done not only because of the danger posed by its grouchy owner, but of the incredible danger that might occur if someone actually managed to subdue Grandfather Time and steal one of those clocks. If an unscrupulous wizard or demon found the clock that measured and controlled the lifespan of an important mortal, he could use it as the ultimate blackmailing tool.

    Anyway, the entrance to my goal was in sight, but actually getting there would be a problem. One more obstacle would be put before me before I could face the one who was ultimately behind this, and this challenge would be far more painful than the Final Countdown Deck I had just faced…


    Normal Trap

    An executioner about to chop off a victim’s left arm.

    Card Description: Discard every card in your hand to activate this card. Select one Spell Card from your deck, and add it to your hand.

    Note: “Left Arm Offering” was first used by Marik in the original anime episode “The Final Face-Off (Part 1)”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    TURN JUMP (Spell Card)

    Quickplay Spell

    A pocket watch half-buried in the desert sand, with a pyramid in the background.

    Card Description: Move the turn count forward by 6 turns (3 turns for each player). All cards are treated as having had their effect(s) active for 3 full turns for both players. The turn in which this card is activated continues as normal.

    Note: “Turn Jump” was first used by Little Yugi in the original anime episode “The Dark One Cometh (Part 1)”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.

    Coming up next:

    Jalal was correct to assume that the door was guarded. Next chapter, Ember comes face-to-face with the guard, and it’s someone she’s met before. That’s all I’m going to tell you at this point. The name of the chapter is “Spirit Barrier”. Be there.

    Shadowchaser Files

    Red Shroud, Queen of the Cross-Trade

    Like the FBI, the Shadowchasers have a Ten Most Wanted List, although theirs is older. The list has changed many times in its history, as members are apprehended or die. But one name that has remained constant for the past century is the demon known as Red Shroud, leader of the biggest web of spies in the world.

    No-one knows how this succubus first came to Earth or when. Succubus are unique among demons in that they can come to the mortal world without being summoned, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t called here by a foolish conjurer who let the magic keeping her restrained slip. Apparently, Red Shroud had been one of several wives of some demonic general in the Abyss, which meant her life had been one of practical slavery. It is with little wonder then, that however she came to this world, she decided not to leave.

    Being a demon and a temptress by trade, Red Shroud was well-aware that mortals in high positions of power often have secrets that they’d rather keep secret. So she decided that the best way she could rise to the top among Shadowkind was to learn these secrets, and profit from them. After a few years, she had gathered a web of spies, and gradually inserted them into every place of power she could. Over the past century, she has grown incredibly wealthy gathering information and selling it to whoever wants it and is willing to pay. This has made her a rather large fortune, but has also made her quite a lot of enemies. Originally, folks like the ophidia and the dark elves admired Red Shroud, but even they started to hate her after they realized she had their secrets up for sale. However, she tries her best to remain untouchable.

    Those who have seen Red Shroud report that her sinister beauty is hard to forget. She is known to be exceedingly vain, and is always accompanied by a group of servants whose job is to fix her hair, apply her makeup, and handle similar duties. One of them does nothing but carry around a large, full-length mirror for her to admire herself in. What few people know is, these beauticians are also bodyguards, and if their employer is ever threatened, they quickly switch the beauty equipment for concealable weapons.

    Red Shroud knows every trick in the book to protect herself from people who might want to retaliate against her. When she’s in a public place, she always sits with her back to the wall. She never stays in the same hotel longer than one night. (If she has a private home, its location is a mystery.) Her network of spies can tell her long in advance if someone is looking for her, so if the Shadowchasers find out she’s in town, she’s usually left by the time they get there.

    Not that Red Shroud is at all helpless herself. According to one defector from her organization (who is now one of Submitted) Red Shroud only duels folks who make her angry, and usually, the only things that will make her angry is betraying her, or insulting her beauty. Supposedly, such a victim is dragged into her presence and left alone with her, where Red Shroud wagers her own life against his in a Shadow Duel. There was no reason to doubt this claim, and if every duel that Red Shroud fights is mortal combat, she clearly must never have lost.

    Jalal does what he can to curb Red Shroud’s activities, but it’s hard. She is the main reason that security was tightened at Shadowchaser Headquarters ten years ago. Any visitors who desire to enter, whether it’s someone applying for a license or the most important of ambassadors, must be searched, not only with a metal detector but with several magical scans. Cameras and other recording devices are not allowed, and the search is done again when a visitor leaves. Everyone admits it’s a hassle, but too many Shadowkind clans have already been victimized by Red Shroud. No-one wants her to learn the secrets kept in Jalal’s stronghold.

    Story Ideas: In the world of Shadow, if someone wants to know something that others don’t want known, they go to Red Shroud. Word in the underworld is that there’s nothing she can’t find out. Red Shroud’s price often varies. If it’s money, it can range from a few hundred to several millions of dollars. Sometimes Red Shroud asks for something other than money, such as services, goods, frivolities, or anything that will make her extravagant lifestyle easier. Some people have been shocked when she says that she will exchange the information in exchange for a kiss. (Accepting this offer is a mistake. Anyone who willingly accepts a succubus’s kiss becomes her slave.)

    Red Shroud could make the perfect archvillain for a storyline. Eventually, she’s going to uncover information that could threaten the world. She might find a copy of the Book of Keeping, the rare tome that details the information on the summoning of yugoloths. (A group that will not like being blackmailed.) She might even uncover a copy of the Book of Vile Darkness, one of the most powerful collections of black magic in existence.

    Red Shroud’s ultimate goal (a goal shared by many demons) is to find the fabled Book of Lies, a tome that magically records every untruth spoken by mortals. She could blackmail almost anyone with the information contained therein, if the book actually exists. Keeping her from this goal might be the central point of a story.

    Deck Suggestions: No-one knows for sure what kind of deck Red Shroud uses, as there has not been a single survivor of a duel against her, and no witnesses. One can only imagine what powerful and sinister creatures of darkness that she can summon from her deck. This option is left completely open-ended, and left for anyone with a creative bent to fill in.

  32. #272
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Author’s note: The Shadowchaser File at the end of this fanfic was originally designed by fellow fanfic author Mystic Clown. Credit goes to him.


    I never told Jalal this, but I think that his father had the wrong idea. If Jamor really wanted to live forever, what he should have done was become a super-villain.

    Anyone who reads comic books probably knows what I’m talking about. Villains can be defeated, sure, but never for good. At the end of some epic story, some great battle with the heroes occurs, and the villain goes out with a bang, usually explosively. The heroes barely survive, and when they search through the rubble, they find no trace of their foe. No body, no proof of death. This, of course, proves that he didn’t die, and he’ll return to plague the heroes again. It’s happened so many times in that medium, it’s become a cliché.

    Jalal has tried his best to make sure that Shadowkind criminals don’t come back. Convicted Shadowkind are given the same conditions for early release as human criminals are in a democratic system, and the Shadowchasers do have parole officers of a sort. And for some reason, the rate of recidivism is low, at least among most races. Criminals are often looked down upon by their clans, and they don’t want to become repeat offenders. Even races such as orcs and dark elves are often ashamed for the sole fact that they were caught.

    But one criminal who we thought was gone was about to come back with a vengeance. He had already fought three of us, including yours truly…

    I truly hoped that now would be the final time.

    Ember felt very nervous as she walked on the winding pathway through the silvery void. The door ahead was a bit further away than she had at first assumed.

    Of course, moving any distance through the Astral Plane wasn’t easy. This was the Realm of Thought, and how fast you could get somewhere depended on how well you could envision your destination in your mind. Simply moving physically was like moving through the void between planets. The only difference was, here, you could breathe.

    Still, Ember was a quick learner, and was able to focus on the door eventually, and was thus able to move towards it.

    But when she was about twenty feet away from it, she stopped short.

    Okay… she thought. I don’t like this… This is WAY too easy… Something should have tried to attack me by now…

    Then two auras of intense light appeared in front of her.

    “Oh, I hate it when I’m right!” she exclaimed.

    Two ugly Monsters appeared in front of her, and scowled. One was a scaly, ovoid creature with legs and four arms, and a vertical, lipless, toothy mouth. (1,400 ATK) The other was a pale white thing with wings on its back, also with a vertical jaw. (1,200 ATK)

    Ember had clearly seen these guys before…

    Worms? she thought. Can it be?

    She activated her Disk, and drew the top card.

    Hope this works…

    She played the card, and Great Angus appeared. (1,800 ATK)

    The Beast roared at the two Reptiles. Then it blasted a cone of flames from its mouth, and Worm Barses and Worm Cartaros were incinerated.

    Then a beam of energy shot from above, and incinerated Great Angus.

    “Edmund!” shouted Ember. “I know it’s you! Show yourself!”

    With barely a word, the evil wizard appeared, blocking her advance. But there was a major difference. He no longer had a mask. Ember looked, and saw that in its place was the face of a handsome, young man.

    Then Ember noticed something else. He was partially translucent. She could see slightly through him.

    “What happened to you?” she asked. “Draco let me watch your duel with Gears… You went up in smoke… Gears stomped on the last worm…”

    “Yes…” said Edmund, crossing his arms. “My biggest mistake was telling Gears how a worm that walks can survive the destruction of his body. Curse my foolish ego…

    “But fortunately for me, I had one contingency plan remaining… All necromancers can do this, but only as an absolute last resort.”

    An amulet set with a black gemstone appeared around his neck.

    “What’s that?” asked Ember.

    “The focus for a spell that all necromancers learn called Magic Jar,” replied Edmund. “Most of the worms that made up my body were burned up in that fire, and Gears crushed the one that my spirit tried to escape in. My life as a worm that walks is now over.

    “But I had cast Magic Jar ahead of time, and had prepared this amulet as the focus. At the very last second, my spirit was transferred into it. It became just what its name implies, a ‘Magic Jar’ that holds my spirit.

    “A great deal of my powers are temporarily suppressed. I am able to create a projection of sorts resembling my original body to communicate…”

    “You don’t have your powers?” asked Ember, with a grin. “Well… If you’re just a phantom, how are you going to stop me from just walking past you?”

    Edmund smiled wickedly.

    “The Magic Jar gives me one power I didn’t have before, Ember…” he said, evilly. “Since I have no body right now, I can use it to take someone else’s…

    “I think yours will do nicely…”

    Ember gasped and stepped backwards.

    “Wha…” she said. “God, that’s ghastly!”

    Edmund walked towards her.

    “I’m a necromancer, Ember,” he said. “I work with corpses and bones and dead flesh. I’m well used to ‘ghastly’ things.

    “Once I have a new body, I’ll be able to start over again. And now that Draco is gone, the master has promised me rulership of what remains of Earth after the Deluge finishes its job.”

    Ember didn’t know what to do. She had nowhere to run. And there was no-one who could help her…

    Or was there?

    As Edmund’s ghostly hand reached for her, a burning fist appeared out of nowhere and punched the specter. Edmund let out a cry, and toppled backwards.

    Ember looked in surprise to see Flamvell Urquizas standing next to her.

    Edmund quickly got up.

    “You have a spirit guide?” he exclaimed. “I had no idea…”

    That makes two of us, thought Ember. This must be what Grandfather Time meant when he said I wasn’t alone.

    She looked at Urquizas, and he looked back at her. It all made sense now… No wonder he had always been her favorite card…

    “Well, this certainly complicates matters…” muttered Edmund. “Good thing I saved this…”

    He lifted his arm, and his Duel Disk appeared on it.

    “You want to get by me to see the true mastermind,” he said, “and I want a body. We can’t both get what we want.”

    “So we duel then?” asked Ember. “Fine… I’ve beaten your slimy Worms before…”

    “It was a normal duel before, Ember…” he said, with an evil smile.

    Ember realized what he meant. She remembered his threat as he fled last time… How he would not spare her the pain of a Shadow Duel the next time they met…

    She gulped.

    What she doesn’t know is, thought Edmund, I’ve added something to my deck that neither I nor my mentor ever dared use before. Legend says it scared even the Worm King.

    But there’s really no point in worrying about safety at this point, now is there?

    Both Disks activated.

    “Duel!” they both shouted.

    (Ember: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Edmund: 8,000)

    “You think you’ve seen all that the Worm Empire has to offer?” asked Edmund, making his first draw.

    He set a card on his Disk, and a reversed Monster appeared.

    “You can’t begin to imagine the horrors I have yet to unleash!

    “Make your move…”

    Ember drew a card.

    Better be careful, he thought. Can’t forget, these things are big on Flip-Effects…

    “I summon Tenkabito Shien!” she shouted.

    With a loud whiny, the samurai on his coal-black horse appeared in an aura of flame. (1,500 ATK)

    “Crush his Monster!”

    Shien galloped towards the reversed card. He slashed with his nodachi, cutting Worm Apocalypse in twain.

    “What a shame,” said Ember. “No Spell or Trap Cards on the field… Nothing to use its effect on.”

    “Are you quite done?” asked Edmund.

    “Yeah,” replied Ember.

    Edmund made a draw.

    “I activate the Spell Card, Snake Rain,” he said, as a Spell appeared in front of him. “First, I toss one card from my hand…”

    He discarded Worm Barses from his hand.

    “…and in return, I get to discard four Reptiles from my deck.”

    He quickly discarded Worm Ugly, Worm Links, Worm Erokin, and Worm Noble.

    “Why would you throw away five Monsters?” said Ember, opening her eyes wide.

    “All things have a purpose,” said Edmund, “and their purpose was to be buried. Now then, I set a new Monster, and end my turn.”

    A new reversed Monster appeared.

    Something weird is going on here, thought Ember, drawing another card.

    “I summon Molten Zombie!” she shouted.

    With a low moan, the decayed, flaming Pyro appeared. (1,600 ATK)

    “Shien, destroy his Monster!”

    Shien made a slash with his blade, and Worm Jeetrikups burst into black slime.

    “I’m sure you remember its effect,” said Edmund. “When flipped and destroyed, it returns to the field in Defense Mode.”

    Worm Jeetrikups reappeared, shielding itself with its tentacles. (0 DEF)

    Ember frowned.

    “Molten Zombie…” she said.

    The Pyro breathed a cloud of flammable gas, and the Worm was burned to a cinder.

    “It’s your move, you creep,” she said. “I haven’t seen much new yet…”

    Edmund drew a card.

    Then he played one, and a Monster appeared. It looked like an octopus with barbs on the ends of its tentacles, and a lamprey-like mouth underneath. (1,700 ATK)

    “Okay, that’s a new one!” replied Ember.

    “Now I’ll use the effect of Worm Tentacles,” said Edmund.

    He held up Worm Apocalypse, and it vanished.

    “By removing one Worm in my Graveyard from play, it can attack twice in one turn.

    “Get her Monsters…”

    Worm Tentacles reached with two of its tendrils, and grabbed Molten Zombie and Shien, lifting them off the ground. It squeezed, hard, until they both shattered.

    “Ugh…” said Ember.

    (E: 7,700) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 8,000)

    “It’s your move…” he said.

    Ember growled as she drew.

    “Come back out, Great Angus!” she shouted.

    With a bellow and a snort, the tusked, humanoid angus bull appeared again. (1,800 ATK)

    “Attack!” she shouted.

    Great Angus breathed fire, and Worm Tentacles groaned before bursting into shards.

    “Onmoraki, anyone?” asked Ember.

    “You make jokes when your world is facing oblivion…” growled Edmund. “Have you no respect for the stakes of this battle?”

    Ember sighed.

    “Edmund…” she said. “If I dwell on it too much, I may very well crack. So pardon me if I try to keep my sanity in my own way.

    “It’s your move…”

    (E: 7,700) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 7,900)

    Edmund made a draw.

    “I set a new Monster, and a facedown card,” he said, as a reversed Monster and a card in his Spell Zone appeared.

    “That will do it for now…”

    Ember made a draw.

    She considered the cards in her hand before choosing one.

    She played it, and Flamvell Gurnika appeared. (1,700 ATK)

    “Attack…” she started.

    “Hold up…” said Edmund.

    His facedown card lifted up.

    “A Feint Plan?” sighed Ember. “Fine… I end my turn…”

    Edmund chuckled a little as he made a draw.

    “I’d like your Gurnika to meet someone special,” he said, as his facedown Monster flipped up. “Meet Worm Milidith.”

    The creature that appeared was hideous. It looked like a big spider with long, thin, stalk-like legs, wasp-like wings on its back, and a tiny mouth that drooled a foul liquid. (400 ATK)

    “Eww…” said Ember.

    “Don’t get Milidith wrong,” said Edmund. “It’s really friendly. It just loves to give big hugs.”

    As he said that, Milidith leapt at Flamvell Gurnika, grabbed onto his back, and wrapped its legs around his torso.

    “What’s going on?!” shouted Ember.

    “Milidith is a Monster that can Equip to an opposing Monster like an Equip Spell Card,” replied Edmund. “But it gives no benefit. Now, during each Standby Phase, the controller of the Monster whom it is Equipped to will lose 400 Life Points.

    “In the meantime, I’ll set a new Monster, and a facedown card.”

    Another hidden Monster and a new reversed card appeared.

    “Your move.”

    Ember drew a card.

    She suddenly felt sick, as if she had just received a shot of poison. It was clearly Milidith’s effect.

    She looked at the card she had drawn. She quickly played it.

    “I play Molten Destruction!” she shouted.

    The silvery void turned fiery red, and burning balls of flame appeared in mid-air. Great Angus rose to an Attack Score of 2,300, while Gurnika rose to 2,200.

    “Now I summon Blazing Inpachi!” she shouted.

    In another burst of flame, the fiery wicker man appeared. (1,850 ATK) –> (2,350 ATK)

    “My Monster may have a Worm stuck to him, but he can still roast your other Worm!” she shouted. “Gurnika, attack!”

    Flamvell Gurnika blasted a stream of fire…

    The Monster that appeared on the card looked odd. It seemed to be a pyramid-shaped thing made of gelatinous material with eyes and a toothy mouth floating within it. The blast of flame just glanced off of it. (2,300 DEF)

    “Twenty-three hundred Defense Points?” shouted Ember.

    “Actually, Worm Solid has 1,600 Defense Points, at least to start,” said Edmund. “But it gains 100 more for each Worm in my Graveyard, and I have seven there right now.”

    “My Inpachi can take down your Solid!” shouted Ember.

    “No it can’t, because Solid has another effect,” replied Edmund. “When it battles, and you take damage, I get to destroy one Spell or Trap Card.”

    The Field Spell faded away, and all three Monsters lost 500 Attack Points.

    Ember sighed.

    I’m getting nowhere fast… she thought. Something’s wrong here…

    Is he stalling for some reason until he can summon something powerful?

    “I end my turn…” she muttered.

    (E: 7,200) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 7,900)

    “I draw one card…” said Edmund, making a draw.

    He grinned. Ember felt sick again as Milidith’s venom poisoned her.

    Then Edmund’s facedown card lifted up.

    “I activate Limit Reverse,” he said. “Now I can bring a Monster back from my Graveyard with up to 1,000 total points. So I choose Worm Ugly.”

    “ALL your Worms are ugly,” said Ember.

    Then a small Monster appeared in front of him. It looked like a sphere floating in the air, covered with gooey mucous and slime, with one small eye, and the same vertical jaw that all Worms had. (100 ATK)

    “Ugh!” shouted Ember. “I stand corrected! That’s even uglier than all the others!”

    “A Monster doesn’t have to be handsome to be powerful,” replied Edmund.

    “Powerful?” asked Ember. “It has 100 lousy Attack Points.”

    “So I’ll sacrifice it,” said Edmund. “I summon Worm Prince.”

    Worm Ugly dissolved into grains of light. With a roar, the tall, humanoid Worm with an orange exoskeleton and bony spurs on its back appeared next to Worm Solid. (2,200 ATK)

    “And this activates Worm Ugly’s effect,” continued Edmund. “When it is sacrificed to summon another Worm, it is Special Summoned… To your side of the field.”

    Ember stepped back in surprise as Worm Ugly appeared in front of her. (100 ATK)

    “WHA?” she shouted. “I don’t want it!”

    “Oh, I’m so sorry…” said Edmund. “Then I’ll get rid of it… Worm Prince, attack Worm Ugly!”

    Worm Prince rushed at the smaller Worm, and slashed with its claw. The blow hit Ember like a hammer, and knocked her on her back.

    “While you’re getting up,” said Edmund, “I’ll use Worm Prince’s effect, which lets me take any Worm I desire from my deck when it destroys a Monster.

    “And I’ll end my turn…”

    (E: 4,700) - - - - - - - - - - (E: 7,900)

    Ember slowly got up. She took some deep breaths.

    She drew a card.

    She groaned from Milidith’s poison again.

    “All right, Edmund,” she said, “I’m taking out Milidith and Solid in one move!

    “I sacrifice Gurnika, and that takes Milidith with him!”

    Gurnika vanished, and as a result, so did Worm Milidith.

    “And as a result, I summon Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch!”

    With a roar, Thestalos appeared, towering over the field. (2,400 ATK)

    The two cards in Edmund’s hand appeared in front of him, backs to Ember. Thestalos threw a ball of flame at one of them. Worm Illadan’s card appeared, and burst into flames.

    “Now you lose 500 Life Points!” said Ember.

    “That may be true…” said Edmund. “But with two more Worms in my Graveyard, Worm Solid becomes even more solid. Too much for Thestalos.”

    (2,500 DEF)

    Ember closed her eyes, now very frustrated.

    “Your Prince won’t be so lucky!” she shouted. “Thestalos, attack Worm Prince!”

    The Firestorm Monarch lunged forward, and socked Worm Prince with a fiery punch, blowing it to shards.

    “Ergh…” said Edmund. “You just increased Solid’s Defense even further…”

    (2,600 DEF)

    “It’s your move…” said Ember.

    (Em: 4,500) - - - - - - - - - - (Ed: 7,200)

    Edmund growled, and made a draw.

    He quickly set it in his Disk, and a facedown card appeared.

    He glared at Ember.

    “I take it it’s my move…” said Ember.

    She made a draw.

    “I’ll set two facedown cards…” she said, as a reversed card appeared.

    “Then I’ll set a Monster, and my turn is done.”

    A reversed Monster appeared to the left of her three other Monsters.

    Edmund drew a card.

    Inside his dark soul, he smiled inwardly. He had drawn the key to his current strategy. Still, using it would take some additional help.

    His facedown card lifted up.

    “I activate Graceful Revival,” he said. “Now, I can Special Summon a Monster from my Graveyard, up to Level 2.

    “I think I’ll bring back my Worm Ugly.”

    The hideous little creature appeared again. Ember grimaced. (100 ATK)

    “Now I’ll sacrifice it,” he continued, “for Worm Queen!”

    With a loud cry, the huge female monarch of the Worm Empire leapt onto the field, towering over even Thestalos. (2,700 ATK)

    Worm Ugly appeared on Ember’s side of the field again. (100 ATK)

    “Worm Queen,” ordered Edmund, “crush Worm Ugly!”

    Worm Queen lunged at the much smaller Worm…

    “Activate… Draining Shield!” shouted Ember.

    Her Trap Card shot up, and Worm Queen’s claw slammed into an invisible barrier.

    “Very well…” said Edmund. “But I’m not done… I activate Worm Queen’s effect. By sacrificing a Worm, I can Special Summon one from my deck of an equal or lower Level.

    “So I’ll sacrifice Worm Queen herself…”

    Worm Queen shattered.

    “…to Special Summon Worm King!”

    In an explosion of energy, the bigger, more muscular Worm Monarch appeared. It let out a roar of pure bloodlust. (2,700 ATK)

    “And now I activate Worm King’s effect!” he laughed. “By sacrificing a Worm…”

    Worm Solid vanished.

    “I can destroy one of your cards!”

    Twin beams of light shot from Worm King’s eyes, and Thestalos was incinerated.

    “It’s your move…” said Edmund.

    (Em: 7,200) - - - - - - - - - - (Ed: 7,200)

    Ember’s hand quivered as she made her draw.

    She looked at the three cards in her hand, Ultimate Baseball Kid, Blue Flame Swordsman, and Royal Firestorm Guards.

    Should I go with these guys? she thought.

    She looked at Worm King.

    He’s planning something even bigger… she thought. I’m going to need something else…

    Here goes nothing…

    Her facedown card flipped up.

    “I Flip-Summon Morphing Jar!” she shouted.

    Morphing Jar appeared with a cackle.

    She discarded her three cards, and Edmund discarded his one card. Both of them made five draws.


  33. #273
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Continued from last post:

    “There!” said Ember. “I sacrifice two Monsters…”

    Morphing Jar and Worm Ugly vanished into plumes of fire.

    “…to summon Infernal Flame Emperor!”

    With a savage howl, the lord of Pyros appeared on her side of the field. (2,700 ATK)

    The two royal Monsters glared at each other with looks of hate…

    “Time to take your King down,” said Ember. “I play the Equip Spell, Salamandra.”

    She played the card, and Infernal Flame Emperor burned even fiercer. (3,400 ATK)

    “Attack his King!” she shouted. “Infernal firestorm!”

    The silvery void turned hellish red again, and a wave of flame blasted towards Edmund’s side of the field. Worm King roared in rage, and shattered into golden shards of light. Edmund briefly shielded himself.

    “And now that you’re defenseless,” said Ember. “Great Angus, Blazing Inpachi, both of you, direct attack!”

    Edmund howled as Blazing Inpachi socked him hard, and Great Angus blew super-hot flames on him. Ironically, had this been a normal duel, it wouldn’t have hurt him at all, as he was just a spirit. But a Shadow Duel caused pain that reached far deeper than the body…

    (Em: 7,200) - - - - - - - - - - (Ed: 2,850)

    Edmund glared at Ember.

    “The time has arrived…” he said.

    “It’s my draw…”

    He drew a card.

    “I first summon Worm Gurus.”

    He played the card, and the Worm on all fours, covered with a dripping, slimy exoskeleton appeared. (1,500 ATK)

    “Now, I play The Shallow Grave,” he said, as a Spell Card appeared in front of him. “We must each Special Summon a Monster from our Graveyards in facedown Defense Mode.”

    Two reversed Monsters appeared, one on each side of the field.

    “Now,” he said, playing a new Spell Card. “I play Book of Taiyou!

    “Behold… You’re about to see what few ever see… One of the mightiest Worms in existence…

    “I flip Worm Victory into Attack Mode!”

    Ember braced herself, as an explosion rocked the field. When she looked, a titanic form was looming over her. It was a Worm that stood nearly thirty feet high, with a burnt red exoskeleton and insectoid features. It made the “V for Victory” sign with all six of its hands. (0 ATK)

    “Well…” gulped Ember. “That’s certainly big… But…”

    “I know, I know…” said Edmund. “Zero Attack Points. But it has some impressive effects. First, when it’s flipped, it destroys all face-up Monsters on the field except for Worms.”

    Worm Victory’s eyes glowed with fiery light, and Great Angus, Blazing Inpachi, and Infernal Flame Emperor exploded into bonfires of burning flame.

    “And to make up for its nonexistent base Attack Score,” continued Edmund, “it gains 500 Attack Points for each Worm in my Graveyard. I have thirteen of them there right now.”

    (6,500 ATK)

    “And don’t forget…” added Edmund, “Worm Gurus gains 300 Attack Points every time a Monster is flipped face up.”

    Gurus glowed with energy. (1,800 ATK)

    “Gurus…” he ordered. “Destroy her final Monster!”

    Worm Gurus vomited a blast of slime from its jowls. Ultimate Baseball Kid appeared on the card, and was dissolved into sludge.

    Worm Gurus’ Attack Score increased further, to 2,100.

    “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Ember,” said Edmund with a sneer. “Ever since you humiliated me in that first duel…

    “Worm Victory, slay her with Cosmic Catastrophe!”

    Ember took a step back in fear as Worm Victory raised its upper-right hand…

    It was hard to call what happened next an attack. It was more like a meteor falling, and unfortunately, Ember was at the point of impact. There was no terra firma, so the ground didn’t shake, but there was a great explosion, and a flaming conflagration.

    “Well…” said Edmund. “That should do it…”

    He watched as the smoke began to clear.

    “Now all I should need to do is…”

    Then he stepped back in shock.

    To his unbelieving eyes, Ember was still alive. She was down on one knee, struggling to get up.

    (Em: 700) - - - - - - - - - - (Ed: 2,850)

    “Impossible…” gasped Edmund. “How the Hell could anyone have survived a hit that powerful in a Shadow Duel?!”

    “Dunno…” said Ember. “Maybe you just stink at creating Shadow Duels.”

    Edmund growled… Ember pulled herself up.

    “And I believe,” she said, “it’s my move…”

    She drew a card. Sweat poured down her face.

    That’s it, Ember… she thought. Try to sound more confident than you really are… Don’t let him know that you’re in more pain than you sound.

    Her facedown card lifted up.

    “I activate Pot of Avarice!” she exclaimed.

    She took Tenkabito Shien, Thestalos, Great Angus, Gurnika, and Blazing Inpachi from her discard slot, and shuffled them into her deck. She made two draws.

    Hey… she thought, looking at one of them. I haven’t gotten a chance to use this guy yet…

    She chose a card.

    “I play Monster Reborn,” she said. “I’ll bring Blue Flame Swordsman back from the Graveyard.”

    Blue Flame Swordsman appeared, kneeling and holding his sword down. (1,600 DEF)

    “Then, I’ll summon Flamvell Firedog!”

    There was a loud howl, and a large hound that seemed to be made entirely out of molten rock appeared next to the Swordsman. (1,900 ATK)

    “Do you think that puppy scares me?” asked Edmund. “It can’t hurt Worm Victory.”

    “That isn’t my target,” replied Ember. “I’ll have Blue Flame Swordsman give up 300 of his Attack Points…”

    Blue Flame Swordsman’s Attack Score was reduced to 1,500.

    “…and give them to Firedog.”

    Firedog’s Attack Score rose to 2,200.

    “Now, Firedog attacks Worm Gurus!”

    Firedog howled again, and breathed fire from its jaws. Worm Gurus groaned, and then exploded.

    “Fool…” said Edmund. “Don’t you realize you just made Worm Victory stronger?”

    Worm Victory growled a little. (7,000 ATK)

    “Well, Firedog has an effect of his own,” said Ember, taking her deck. “When he wins a fight, I get to Special Summon from my deck any Fire Monster with 200 Defense Points or less, except another Firedog.

    “In other words, I can Special Summon almost any low-Level Flamvell Monster. So I’ll bring out Flamvell Archer.”

    The Pyro bowman appeared, kneeling and holding his bow on his lap. (200 DEF)

    Ember took another card, and set it in her Disk. A facedown card appeared.

    “Your move…”

    (Em: 700) - - - - - - - - - - (Ed: 2,750)

    Edmund looked closely at that facedown card. Then he drew a card.

    It was Trap Stun.

    Curses! he thought. Why couldn’t I have drawn this one round sooner?

    He looked at Ember.

    Underestimating her is what made me lose last time. Ember knows that putting a Monster in Attack Mode with Worm Victory on the field would be suicide… Unless that facedown card is something powerful…

    Well, I’m not going to fall for it… Not when I’m so close…

    “No attack this round, Ember…” he said. “I’ll simply set a Monster and two facedown cards of my own.”

    A reversed Monster appeared, and then two cards appeared in his Spell Zone.

    “And I end my turn…”

    “Draw…” said Ember, drawing a card.

    Then her facedown card lifted.

    “I activate Enemy Controller! Your Worm Victory is moving to Defense Mode!”

    Worm Victory struggled, but eventually, it knelt, and shielded itself with its six arms. (2,500 DEF)

    “Nice try,” snarled Edmund. “But it has 2,500 Defense Points. Do you have a Monster that can beat that?”

    “I can sure try,” said Ember. “I summon Magna Drago!”

    In a small burst of flame, the Dragon Tuner appeared. (1,400 ATK)

    “Now, I Tune together him and Blue Flame Swordsman…”

    Magna Drago a Blue Flame Swordsman dissolved into six glowing stars. They flew into the silver void.

    Flamvell Urquizas flew down, like a flaming comet. (2,100 ATK)

    “Not strong enough…” said Edmund.

    “We’ll see about that,” said Ember, as a Spell Card appeared in front of her. “I play Fire Back! Now I’ll discard this…”

    She discarded a UFO Turtle.

    “And Ultimate Baseball Kid comes back!”

    In a burst of fire, Ultimate Baseball Kid leapt onto the field. (500/1,000) –> (3,500/1,000)

    Grr… Him again… thought Edmund. Well… No matter…

    “Now…” said Ember, “I sacrifice Flamvell Archer to increase the Attack Score of Urquizas by 800 points.”

    Flamvell Archer vanished. Ultimate Baseball Kid fell down to an Attack Score of 2,500, and Urquizas rose to 2,900.

    Huh? thought Edmund. Why would she purposely weaken her Kid?

    “Flamvell Urquizas,” ordered Ember, “kill Worm Victory!”

    Urquizas flew at the titanic Worm…

    “Not so fast!” shouted Edmund, as one of his facedown cards lifted up. “I activate Enemy Controller!”

    Urquizas fell backwards, and crouched in Defense Mode. (400 DEF)

    “See, Ember?” he said. “I had one too!”

    “Well, I’m not done,” replied Ember. “Firedog… Attack the facedown Monster!”

    Firedog belched a burst of flame, and Worm Hope appeared on the card before exploding into chunks of gelatin.

    “Now I get to draw one card,” said Edmund, making a draw.

    He grinned slightly when he saw that it was Monster Reborn.

    “Then I have to discard one card.”

    He discarded his other card, Book of Eclipse.

    “And I use Firedog’s effect,” said Ember. “I summon Flamvell Gurnika from my deck.”

    Flamvell Gurnika appeared once again. (1,700 ATK) Ultimate Baseball Kid’s Attack Score rose to 3,500 again.

    Edmund stepped back in shock. He realized now why Ember was willing to lower his Attack Score.

    “And my Battle Phase isn’t over,” said Ember. “Ultimate Baseball Kid, attack Worm Victory with home run slammer!”

    Ultimate Baseball Kid conjured up a flaming baseball the size of himself, and whacked it with his bat, sending it into the direct center of the colossal Worm. Worm Victory let out an unholy scream as it erupted in flames. Explosions rocked over its exoskeleton, until finally, the entire thing burst in an explosion of fire and light.

    “Flamvell Gurnika, direct attack!” shouted Ember.

    The Dragon breathed its flame at the wicked wizard, and he groaned in pain.

    (Em: 700) - - - - - - - - - - (Ed: 1,050)

    “I’m not finished yet, Ember!” he cursed.

    He looked at the Monster Reborn in his hand.

    I can’t possibly lose, he thought. She’s down to two cards, and if she sets any as Traps, my Trap Stun will render them useless on my turn. Then I can use this to bring back Worm Victory!

    “Oh Edmund?” said Ember. “Still my turn, I believe… Don’t you remember how I won last time?”

    Edmund looked at her.

    Then he looked at Ultimate Baseball Kid.

    “It can’t be!” he screamed.

    “Oh, but it is,” said Ember.

    Flamvell Gurnika, Flamvell Firedog, and Flamvell Urquizas all transformed into balls of flame. Ultimate Baseball Kid made three swings with his bat, sending three screaming liners towards the evil magician.

    Edmund was propelled backwards, crashing into the door he was guarding, defeated once again.

    (Em: 700) - - - - - - - - - - (Ed: 0)

    “Well, I guess it’s true what they say,” said Ember. “Sometimes, history does repeat itself.”

    She glared at him.

    “Let me by, you lunatic,” she demanded.

    Edmund stared at her with a look of hate, and his eyes turned blood red.

    “Let you by?” he asked. “Oh, I’m sorry… You must have mistaken me for someone who keeps his word…”

    Then he leapt up, his face turned to a bare skull, and his hands turned into bony claws. He flew at Ember with a demonic howl…

    Then Flamvell Urquizas appeared to block his path again.

    “That’s enough!” said the Duel Spirit, speaking for the first time.

    He grabbed the amulet, the “Magic Jar”, and ripped it off of Edmund’s neck.

    “What are your doing?” screamed Edmund. “Don’t… You can’t…”

    Urquizas ignored him, and crushed the jewel in his fist, reducing it to black powder.

    Edmund let out a scream of agony. Then he fell to the ground, and his phantom form seemingly dissolved into sand, that blew away in a wind that Ember didn’t feel.

    His Duel Disk remained. Ember started to walk towards it, but it vanished.

    She sighed. Edmund seemed to be gone, and she figured he was likely gone for good this time. But the Worms had escaped. Would they trouble her or her friends again?

    She looked at the door. The point would be moot if she didn’t defeat whoever was truly behind this.

    She looked at Flamvell Urquizas.

    “So…” she said. “How long have you been with me?”

    “A long time,” he replied. “Folks like me aren’t Shadowkind, but we seem to be attracted to folks like you who have the gift. Being Aware and being the type who attracts Duel Spirits is sort of related.”

    “Okay…” she said, lifting her Disk. “We have work to do…”

    Urquizas vanished, and her Disk glowed briefly.

    “Jalal?” said Ember. “Can you still hear me?”

    She waited for a second, but there was no reply.

    “Of course you can’t…” she muttered. “That would be too easy…”

    She looked towards the door, and it slowly opened.

    The smell of salt water and sea spray reached her nose as a glowing portal appeared.

    This is it… she thought. It all comes down to this…

    Heaven help me…

    I had survived every obstacle that this mysterious mastermind had put in my path. Now it was time to face him, or her, or it, or whatever it was. I had no idea what to expect at this point. Would this mastermind agree to duel me at all? And if so, would I be facing a Water Deck? I had no idea, and I knew I had to expect the unexpected. It seemed that the only thing you could rely on with these creatures is that they couldn’t be relied on. (And sometimes you couldn’t even rely on that.)

    It was time to see just how far I could go…

    WORM MILIDITH (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 4
    ATK: 400
    DEF: 1,600

    Card Description: FLIP: You can treat this card as an Equip Spell and Equip it to a Monster your opponent controls. During each Standby Phase, the controller of the Equipped Monster takes 400 points of damage.

    Note: “Worm Milidith” was released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 3: Justice Strikes Back!!” system. Their release date for the TCG is not yet known.

    WORM SOLID (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 4
    ATK: 1,000
    DEF: 1,600

    Card Description: This card gains DEF equal to the number of “Worm” Monsters in your Graveyard x100. If your opponent takes battle damage from a battle involving this card, destroy one Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls at the end of the Damage Step.

    WORM TENTACLES (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 4
    ATK: 1,700
    DEF: 700

    Card Description: Remove from play one “Worm” Reptile-Type Monster in your Graveyard. This card can attack twice during the same Battle Phase. This effect can only be used once per turn.

    WORM UGLY (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 1
    ATK: 100
    DEF: 100

    Card Description: When you Tribute Summon a “Worm” Reptile-Type Monster using this card as a Tribute, you may Special Summon this card from your Graveyard to your opponent’s side of the field.

    WORM VICTORY (Monster Card)

    Card Specs

    Attribute: Light
    Level: 7
    ATK: 0
    DEF: 2,500

    Card Description: FLIP: Destroy all Monsters on the field except for “Worm” Reptile-Type Monsters. This card gains 500 ATK for each “Worm” Reptile-Type Monster in your Graveyard.

    Note: “Worm Solid”, “Worm Tentacles”, “Worm Ugly”, and “Worm Victory” were released in Japan for the “Duel Terminal 5: Champions of Chaos!!” system. Their release date for the TCG is not yet known.

    Coming up next:

    Ember finally learns the identity of the true mastermind! Or does she? The explanation she gets is a little incomplete, and the villain’s motives are confusing, but the stakes of the confrontation are made quite clear. A duel starts, and this one is going to be too intense for me to fit into one chapter!

    “The Beginning of the End” is coming soon.

    And now, the last Shadowchaser File for this fanfic:

    Dist, the Construct King

    Most Aware discovered are quickly recruited into the Shadowchaser’s ranks, so it’s rare to find one outside them. But it’s even rarer to find a Shadowchaser gone rogue.

    Dist was a promising Shadowchaser who showed more interest in magic than skills with the sword. He would always be seen with a spellcaster, ever improving on his chosen craft. As he continued his studies, his attention turned to one particular aspect of the magical world: constructs. Mindless automatons animated by magic. He was pleasantly pleased to find they weren’t just made of metal or stone either. Glass, crystal, even ropes were fair game. Soon he dedicated his time not just to magic, but to the building of constructs.

    And he was very good at it too. He was a skilled craftsman, and with the help of a small team (team of which depended on which medium he was using), he was able to create beings of great beauty and power. He even figured his golems would be superior in battle than some Shadowchasers. However, when he put this theory to the test, that’s when the problems arose. He tracked down a large gang of criminals made up of orcs and a few bugbears, and bringing a few of his iron golems with him, beat them up and captured them. But that’s where the problem was. He simply beat them up and captured them, disregarding the Fair Fight Clause of the Treaty entirely. Before the case was even brought to trial, the charges had to be dismissed on the grounds of unlawful arrest.

    Jalal naturally reprimanded Dist on the violation of protocol, and he quickly objected to it. He stated that the Fair Fight Clause too easy to take advantage of, giving criminals an unfair chance when a swift capture would end the problem. Jalal would hear none of it. If the Shadowchasers themselves didn’t obey a vital part of the Treaty, what was to stop dangerous races of Shadow like the ophidia from breaking the more vital laws stated in it? What was to stop them from deciding they could prey on humans like wolves among sheep?

    To enforce the Treaty, the Shadowchasers simply had to follow it. He ordered Dist to regulate his golems to the security force of Shadowchaser Headquarters and the organization’s other strongholds, and nothing more.

    While most golem makers would love this, Dist took it as an insult. Who would be mad enough to attack the headquarters? (If he had actually asked Jalal this, which he didn’t, the answer he would have gotten would have been, “more than you think.”) In his eyes, his masterpieces would simply be standing around, going to waste.

    And so, the construct king simply up and left, taking his equipment and golems with him. When Jalal realized he was gone, he sent several Shadowchasers out to find him, fearing that Dist was planning use his expertise for criminal purposes. To this day, while the search isn’t top priority, it’s still out there. Meanwhile, Dist simply set up a workshop on Montague Island near Alaska. He’s been there ever since, though he does travel to places from time to time.

    Dist has dabbled into every type of golem imaginable, from iron, to alchemical, to even flesh and dragonflesh golems (though he quickly gave up on those due to the difficulty of obtaining raw materials). Jalal’s fears for him using his skills for evil are essentially unfounded. Dist doesn’t desire power or conquest, he simply wants to be appreciated for his skills. However, this sucker for praise also allows him to be manipulated at times.

    Story Ideas: Dist, in essence, is an eccentric, but overall good natured creator of golems, if he likes you that it. If you earn his ire, you will definitely know about it. The easiest way to get into his good books it to appreciate his work. Dist would make a great ally if one is in need of some power, particularly the brute force his golems provide.

    However, his love for praise could also make him an enemy. Villains could easily take advantage of his desire to be appreciated to recruit him, usually through lies and flattery. In the millennia-long history of the Shadowchasers, only ten (called the Lost Ones by some) became truly evil and enemies of the organization. All of them went to terrible ends, and Jalal mourns each one of them. If another was lost to the darkness, it would be another tragedy, but it would be dealt with accordingly. Although it is possible to convince him to switch sides, one would have a difficult time getting to him with the golems he has around him.

    If there is anyone that Dist truly hates, it is Jamon the Splitter, the world-renowned golem hunter. Several of his golems have been reduced to piles of junk by this specialist, and Dist simply cannot understand how anyone could possibly defeat a golem with his bare hands. Dist has tried building several golems with Jamor in mind, designed to combat someone who tried to attack hand-to-hand (such as golems with greater-than-average reach, or ones covered with spikes and barbs) but when Jamor actually encounters one of them, he always defeats even these strategies. This only serves to frustrate Dist further.

    Dist would mostly be a comical character. His fanatic devotion to his craft, as well as his childish tantrums when angered or flustered, or a good source of comic relief. Always good for a laugh.

    Deck Types: For the most part, Dist would use either Ancient Gears or Gadgets (or combine the two, using the Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Machines), mainly because these are possibly the closest he could get to the constructs he loves in Duel Monsters. Essentially, any deck type that caters to his love of constructs his acceptable.

    Hey everybody!

    Do you like these Shadowchaser Files? Do you have an idea for one in the back of your head?

    A sequel to this fanfic is in the works, and I’d love to hear them! If you have an idea for a Shadowchaser File, a snippet about an ally, enemy, or person of interest to the Shadowchasers, or some celebrity or power player among Shadowkind, write it up and let me know! I’ll look them over and you might just see them when my new fic is presented.

    There’s no rush, and this is not a contest. Take your time. PM me with any ideas you have.

  34. #274
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    Louis DaPen, an illithid who never had a real name, as his race didn’t use them, was dead. He had gone to the special place in Hell reserved for those who try to dominate others to fulfill their selfish goals.

    Edmund Mason, the evil necromancer and ur-priest who blamed the gods themselves for the death of his beloved, was gone. Having cheated death several times, it had finally claimed him. I cannot imagine what fate in the afterlife awaited the soul of a dark wizard who stole power from the gods, but I doubted it was be pleasant.

    I assumed that Anthony Draco, a once-noble githyanki knight whose true name I never learned, was dead too. At this point, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him, and hoped that he had found at least some measure of peace.

    And now, I was facing the one who was ultimately behind all three of them.

    All I felt at this point was confusion. The explanation I got was incomplete, and didn’t make much sense. But the terms of the wager I made is quite clear.

    Losing is not an option. I’ll go down in Shadowchaser records as the one who saved the world from the Deluge, or my opponent will remind me for the rest of my life how I failed to do so…

    Ember looked around.

    She seemed to be in a city, full of buildings of alien, exotic architecture. But the buildings had clearly seen better days. Not a soul was around. The whole place seemed quiet, as still as the dead.

    “I wasn’t exactly expecting a parade…” she muttered. “But…”

    She slowly walked down the street, and saw that it terminated at a dock of some sort. It seemed that an ocean surrounded this whole berg. The sea looked stagnant and cold. She looked up, and saw that the sky was dark and full of smog.

    She turned a corner, and saw a large ziggurat-shaped temple in the middle of the city. An inner voice told her to go there. She took a deep breath, and walked towards it.

    No guards or locked gates halted her entrance. She walked into the temple, directly into a large antechamber. The place was lavishly decorated, and painted with murals that, while well-done, were frightening. They depicted demonic sharks, octopi, and sea serpents crushing smaller creatures.

    She looked towards an altar where a female figure was kneeling, her back to her.

    Ember stopped short. Was this who she was looking for? Could she sneak up and catch her by surprise?

    “So, you’re here,” said a voice from the figure.

    Guess not, thought Ember.

    The figure stood up, and turned around. Well, not exactly. She more levitated into a standing position, where she hovered slightly off the floor, and then turned around.

    Ember couldn’t help but look with wonder. This was a woman who would stand out in the largest crowd.

    She seemed the same age as Ember, dressed in a bustier and skirt made of black leather, and knee-high boots. Her long hair was tied in a ponytail that reached down to her waist. She wore dark eye shadow and black lipstick, and her skin was pale, giving her a sinister appearance. She looked seductive in the same way that a thunderstorm is beautiful.

    She held a long staff in her right hand made of blue metal, tipped with a large blue gemstone on the end.

    “Who…” said Ember.

    “I am the Archmage of the Currents,” replied the strange woman, “Queen of the Driving Gale, Mistress of the Bottomless Deep, water elementalist extraordinaire.

    “But, just between us girls, you can call me Sonja.”

    Looks like I’ve found our mastermind… thought Ember.

    “Now where’s Jalal?” asked the strange woman. “I was hoping he’d come, not some flunky.”

    “He couldn’t make it,” said Ember. “So you’re behind the Deluge?”

    “Of course,” said Sonja.

    She paused and looked at Ember. She floated slightly towards her.

    “What, you want to know why?” she asked. “The Deluge will grant me great power, and allow me to strike at Jalal once and for all. I was hoping he’d come here so I could dispatch him personally.”

    “How did you talk Draco into this?” asked Ember.

    “I can be very persuasive,” replied Sonja. “At first, he wanted no part of it, but I happen to know that his queen back in the Astral still has every bounty hunter looking for him, promising incredible power and wealth to whoever brings him to her in shackles. I simply had to threaten to tell her where he was, and he was more willing to cooperate.

    “I gave him a choice… Either reign in Hell, or be a prisoner of a darker Hell.”

    “So you blackmailed him?” gasped Ember.

    She was now feeling sorrier for Draco than she ever had before. She might even at this point have been able to forgive him for locking her up in that lamp and making her wear that demeaning harem girl outfit.

    “Why? Why have you done all this?”

    “You haven’t figured it out yet?” asked Sonja. “Eh, no matter… I’m sure you will eventually…”

    Her eyes narrowed.

    “In the meantime, if I have to dispose of you before I enact my ultimate revenge upon that halfbreed, I’ll just have to do it.”

    “Why?” cried Ember. “What has Jalal ever done to you?”

    Sonja’s face turned incredibly angry for a second.

    Then she sighed. She floated close to Ember.

    “Oh, nothing…” she said, softly, “nothing much…”

    Then her face turned angry again.

    “Except take what rightfully belonged to me!” she shouted. “He took my birthright! My heritage! What was most precious to my family… He and his blasted father stole it away!”

    She gave Ember a shove. She staggered backwards, but didn’t fall over.

    Ember activated her Duel Disk.

    “Oh, please…” said Sonja.

    She pointed her staff and her eyes glowed. Ember was swept off her feet, and then slammed against the wall. She tried to struggle, but she was pinned there.

    Sonja floated up and looked her in the face again. Then she gently stroked her chin. Ember’s blood ran cold.

    “Why bother dueling you, little girl?” she asked. “I could just force water into your lungs and drown you… Or suck all the moisture out of you and turn you to dust…”

    Ember shivered in fright.

    “Shivering?” asked Sonja. “I’ll make you shiver… I could freeze you solid into a block of ice, and then send you to the frozen realm of Cania to shiver until the end of time…

    “Yes, I think I’ll do that…”

    Her eyes glowed again. She started to prepare a spell.

    Sorry, Jalal… thought Ember, as tears flowed down her cheeks. I tried as hard as I could!

    Then suddenly, Sonja stopped.

    Ember saw that Sonja was looking at the altar. She nodded.

    She gestured, and floated away, and Ember fell to the floor.

    “What made you change your mind?” asked Ember.

    “Maybe I will duel you,” said Sonja. “I thought of a way to punish you that’s far crueler.

    “Tell me, Ember… Did Jalal ever tell you about the wager his father made with Athentia?”

    Ember nodded.

    “I propose a similar wager,” said Sonja, “using Duel Monsters as the medium.”

    “I don’t want immortality,” replied Ember.

    “No problem,” said Sonja. “I don’t have the power to grant it. But if you beat me… as if, I’d be willing to stop the Deluge.

    “But if I win… Your end of the bargain would be the same as the one Jamor made.”

    “I’d have to be your servant forever?” asked Ember.

    “Take it or leave it,” replied Sonja.

    Ember sighed. She didn’t know why this sorceress had agreed to make a wager when she could have just banished her forever. But the fact is, she had agreed to make one, and that at least gave Ember a chance. She knew that Sonja likely wouldn’t be a pushover, and she also knew that this would be a Shadow Duel, likely a far more painful one than any that Edmund could create.

    But at least she had a chance.

    “I guess I have to take it,” she said.

    Sonja grinned. She held up the staff, and it turned into blue energy. Then it changed shape, forming into a Duel Disk around her left arm that seemed to be made entirely out of glass.

    “Then let the battle begin!” she exclaimed.

    (Ember: 8,000) - - - - - - - - - - (Sonja: 8,000)

    “Duel!” they both shouted.

    “You’re going to regret ever coming here…” said Sonja, as she made her fist draw.

    “I activate a Field Spell,” she said, placing a card in her Field Slot. “It’s called Magical Citadel of Endymion!”

    “Never heard of it,” said Ember.

    “I guarantee,” said Sonja, “you’ll never forget it either.”

    The temple interior faded away, and the buildings of a grand city shot up around the two duelists. The buildings were of enchanting, exotic architecture, not unlike the ones of the city outside, but these were brand new. Most intimidating of all, a great tower rose behind Sonja, with three rings of magical energy around its apex.

    “I don’t even know what this card does,” said Ember, “and I already don’t like it.”

    “Well, one thing it does is store Spell Counters,” said Sonja, playing a card. “It gains one for each Spell Card that either of us plays. So first, I’ll play Gather Your Mind.”

    In a soft light, the peaceful female yogini appeared behind her.

    “Now my Citadel gets one Counter, and I get a second Gather Your Mind from my deck.”

    A card appeared in her hand.

    “Now, another Spell Card,” she said. “It’s called Spell Power Grasp.”

    She played the card, and the tower glowed with energy.

    “Spell Power Grasp lets me place a Spell Counter on any card that can hold one,” she said. “So not only does my Citadel gain a second Counter from a second Spell Card being played, it gains a third from the Spell’s actual effect.

    “The card also lets me take a second Spell Power Grasp from my deck…”

    Another card appeared in her hand.

    “…but like Gather Your Mind, I can only use one per turn.

    “Next, I set a Monster and one facedown card…”

    A set Monster appeared, and one card appeared in her Spell Zone.

    “…and with that, my turn is complete…”

    Ember looked hard at the facedown card. Then she made a draw.

    “I summon Tenkabito Shien!” she shouted.

    There was a galloping of hooves, and Shien rode onto the streets of the Magical Citadel. He glared at Sonja with his fiery eyes. (1,500 ATK)

    “That Trap Card doesn’t scare Shien,” said Sonja, “because Traps don’t work on him!

    “Shien attack her Monster!”

    Shien galloped towards her Monster, swinging his nodachi…

    But then his horse was spooked, as a huge bookshelf appeared to block his advance. (2,000 DEF)

    “Immune to Traps he may be…” said Sonja, with a grin, “but Royal Magical Library is too tough for him to tear down.”

    So much for getting a good start, thought Ember.

    “I have to end my turn,” she said.

    (E: 7,500) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 8,000)

    Sonja made a draw.

    “My Trap Card activates…” she said, as her facedown card lifted up. “Tower of Babel!”

    In the next instant, a tall, thin, and very unstable-looking stone tower shot over the skyline of the Magical Citadel.

    “You know the story of the Tower of Babel?” continued Sonja. “According to the Bible written in your world, the united humanity wanted to build a great city, with a tower to glorify their majesty, whose peak would reach into Heaven. And for their arrogance, the Lord cursed them to all speak different languages, so that they couldn’t communicate with each other, and the city and tower couldn’t be built.”

    “Yes, that’s the general story,” said Ember.

    “Of course, the truth is,” continued Sonja, “the real Tower of Babel was likely a temple in Babylon, with a sacrificial altar dedicated to Moloch at the top.

    “But I digress…

    “Every time a Spell Card is played, it will gain one Spell Counter. When it gains four, it will fall, and it will fall right on top of whichever one of us played the Spell that gave it the fourth! Whoever that is will lose 3,000 Life Points.

    “Unnerving, isn’t it?”

    She took two cards from her hand.

    “I play my second Gather Your Mind, and my Second Spell Power Grasp, which I’ll use to place a Counter on my Citadel again.”

    Two lamps on the Royal Magical Library lit, and the Tower of Babel started to wobble.

    “Now I get my third copies of both Spell Cards,” she said, as two cards appeared in her hand, “Royal Magical Library and Tower of Babel gain two Spell Counters each, and my Citadel gains three. It now has six.

    “Next, I’ll summon Maiden of Macabre!”

    The Monster that appeared made Ember flinch a little. It was a sinister-looking woman in a geisha outfit and makeup, holding a nasty scythe. (1,700 ATK)

    “Execute Tenkabito Shien!” shouted Sonja.

    Maiden of Macabre smiled a wicked smile. Then she leapt at Shien, and made a brutal slash, cutting him in half. The remains shattered.

    “Ugh…” said Ember, holding her chest.

    “And when she kills a victim, she gains a Spell Counter,” continued Sonja. “She gains 200 Attack Points for each one.”

    Maiden of Macabre glowed with energy. (1,900 ATK)

    Okay… thought Ember. It’s clear she’s big on Spell Counters… Makes sense… She is a sorceress…

    (E: 7,300) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 8,000)

    “My move!” she shouted.

    She drew a card. She was surprised to see what it was.

    How lucky can you get? she thought.

    “I play Heavy Storm!” she shouted, playing it.

    A ferocious wind erupted over the Magical Citadel. Maiden of Macabre held her dress in place as the Tower of Babel was blown to pieces…

    But as the winds subsided, something was wrong. The Citadel was still standing.

    “How…” gasped Ember.

    “The foolish man built his house upon the sand,” the Sonja, “but the one who built this city was wise, and built it upon sturdy foundation.

    “This Field Spell does more than collect Spell Counters. For instance, if you try to destroy it with a card effect, it can survive by getting rid of one of its Spell Counters.

    “But… Since Heavy Storm is a Spell Card, it immediately gained that Spell Counter back! Not to mention the fact that you gave one to Royal Magical Library.”

    “No way…” said Ember.

    “But there’s more…” continued Sonja. “If another card with Spell Counters on it is destroyed, its Spell Counters go to the Citadel. You destroyed Tower of Babel when it had two Counters.

    “That gives Magical Citadel a total of eight Spell Counters as of right now.”

    Ember sneered, and set a card on her Disk. A reversed Monster appeared.

    “It’s your move…” she said.

    Sonja made a draw.

    “I use the effect of Royal Magical Library,” she said. “By removing its three Counters, I get to draw one card.”

    The three lamps went out, and she made a draw.

    “Next, I play the Spell Card, Akashic Record.”

    A new Spell Card appeared.

    “This gives my Citadel another Counter, but more importantly, it lets me draw two more cards. However, if either has been used previously, both are removed from play.”

    She made two draws.

    She smirked, and turned them around. They were Magical Marionette and Apprentice Magician.

    “Next, I sacrifice Royal Magical Library…”

    The large bookshelf vanished.

    “…to summon Dark Red Enchanter!”

    In a burst of red smoke, a new Spellcaster appeared. He wore a flowing red robe with golden shoulder pads, a golden helmet, and carried a golden staff topped with a red orb. (1,700 ATK)

    “Not very strong for a Level 6,” said Ember.

    “But when I summon him,” replied Sonja, “he gains two Spell Counters, and he gains 300 Attack Points for each one.”

    (2,300 ATK)

    “Now I use another effect of my Citadel. Once per round, if I ever have to activate an effect where I am required to remove Spell Counters from a card, I can remove them from the Citadel instead.

    “So rather than remove Dark Red Enchanter’s Spell Counters to use his effect, I’ll remove two Counters from my Citadel, and…”

    Dark Red Enchanter fired a beam of red energy from his staff. It struck the Blazing Inpachi in Ember’s hand, and it vanished.

    “HEY!” she shouted.

    “Maiden of Macabre,” ordered Sonja, “attack her Monster!”

    The evil geisha lunged at the Monster…

    Then Guard of Flamvell appeared on the card, shielding itself. (2,000 DEF)

    “Looks like I’m safe for now…” said Ember.

    Sonja growled. She pointed, and Dark Red Enchanter fired a blast of dark magic, blowing Guard of Flamvell to shards.

    “I set a card,” she said, as a facedown card appeared, “and that will be all…”

    (E: 7,300) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 7,900)

    Ember drew a card.

    “I remove Blazing Inpachi from play…” she said.

    The card slipped out of her discard slot, and she pocketed it.

    “…to Special Summon Inferno.”

    The blazing pyre with glowing eyes appeared in front of her. (1,100 ATK)

    “And now I sacrifice it…”

    Inferno vanished.

    “…for Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch!”

    With a loud roar, the flaming Monarch appeared, towering over Ember’s side of the field. (2,400 ATK)

    “Now let’s see how you like it!” shouted Ember.

    The four cards in Sonja’s hand appeared in front of her. Thestalos threw a ball of flame, and hit one of them, burning it to ashes.

    “Not my Magical Marionette!” she gasped.

    “Now you lose 500 Life Points!” said Ember.

    Sonja groaned a little as a red aura surrounded her.

    “Next,” continued Ember, “I send Flamvell Baby to the Graveyard…”

    She discarded a card.

    “And that gives Thestalos a little boost.”

    Thestalos burned with even more intense flames. (2,800 ATK)

    “Now, Thestalos… Attack Dark Red Enchanter!”

    Thestalos lunged forward, and slugged the crimson Spellcaster with a burning fist. He was propelled backwards before shattering.

    “Seems you aren’t half bad,” said Sonja. “But anyway… His death wasn’t all for naught… Don’t forget, every time you destroy a card that has Spell Counters, my Citadel picks them up. That brings its total up to nine.”

    And just what happens when she gets a certain amount? thought Ember.

    She inserted a card into her Disk, and a facedown card appeared.

    “That’s all for now…” she said.

    (E: 7,300) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 6,900)

    Sonja quickly made a draw.

    “I’m taking out that big eyesore of yours right now,” she said. “I play the Spell Card, Lightning Vortex!”

    She played the card, and discarded her third Gather Your Mind. Thunder started to rumble…

    “Not so fast!” shouted Ember.

    Her facedown card shot up.

    “A Counter Trap?” gasped Sonja.

    “Flamvell Counter,” said Ember. “It quells your storm, and all I need to do it remove from play a Fire Monster with 200 Defense Points from my Graveyard.”

    Flamvell Baby fell out of her discard slot, and she pocketed it.

    “Fine…” said Sonja. “But since the rules of the game say that a card still counts as activated even if it’s countered, so my Citadel gains another Counter.

    “I activate my Trap Card, Hidden Book of Spell.”

    Her facedown card lifted up, and glowed with energy.

    “Now I get to take two Spell Cards from my Graveyard, and shuffle them back into my deck…”

    She took the first two Spell Power Grasps, and added them to her deck. The Disk automatically shuffled.

    “Next, I play my third Spell Power Grasp to give my Citadel two more Counters. And since I just sent the first two Grasps back to my deck, I get one of them again.”

    The Spell Card glowed, and a card appeared in her hand again.

    “I’ll set a Monster, and then move Maiden of Macabre to Defense Mode.”

    A set Monster appeared, and Maiden of Macabre sat and held her scythe in her lap. (0 DEF)

    “It’s your move…”


  35. #275
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Continued from last post:

    Ember made a draw.

    “I summon Molten Zombie!” she shouted.

    In a burst of flame, Molten Zombie appeared. (1,600 ATK)

    “Destroy Maiden of Macabre!” she shouted.

    Molten Zombie breathed a cloud of flame, and the wicked geisha screamed as she was burned up.

    The tower behind Sonja glowed as it absorbed her Spell Counter.

    “Now, Thestalos attacks your other Monster…”

    Thestalos shot a wave of fire at the reversed card. Apprentice Magician appeared on the card, and burst into pixels.

    “I activate her effect…” muttered Sonja. “I get to set a new Spellcaster from my deck, that’s Level 2 or lower…”

    A new reversed Monster appeared.

    “Your move then…” said Ember.

    She couldn’t do anything else, as she had no cards in her hand anyway. She was very glad that she had countered that Lightning Vortex…

    Sonja drew a card.

    I’ll save this for later… she thought.

    She played the Spell Power Grasp she had gotten last turn, and the Citadel glowed with energy again. Ember was getting worried. Did this thing even have a limit? By her count, it now had fifteen.

    The final Spell Power Grasp appeared in her hand.

    “I think I end my turn there,” said Sonja.

    “I draw one card…” said Ember.

    She quickly played it. Flame Ruler appeared. (1,500 ATK)

    “Flame Ruler, attack her Monster!” she shouted.

    Flame Ruler shot a blast of fire from his hands, and a second Apprentice Magician appeared on the card. She was burned up.

    Sonja lifted her hand, and another reversed Monster appeared.

    Molten Zombie breathed its fiery gas, and the third Apprentice Magician was incinerated.

    Sonja sighed.

    “Unfortunately…” she said, “I do not have any more Monsters that qualify…”

    “In that case…” said Ember. “Thestalos… Attack Sonja directly!”

    The Firestorm Monarch charged at Sonja, and hit the evil sorceress in the stomach with his burning fist. Sonja let out a scream and was propelled against the entrance of the tower behind her.

    (E: 7,300) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 4,100)

    “How do you like that?” asked Ember.

    Sonja levitated to her feet, and her eyes started glowing again. She stared at Ember, and Ember’s blood ran cold again.

    “Uh…” said Ember, nervously. “I guess you… didn’t like it all too much… How silly of me…”

    “It’s my move…” hissed Sonja, drawing a card.

    “I play Nightmare’s Steelcage!” she shouted, throwing the card into her Disk.

    Flames erupted around Ember and her Monsters, and a large, dome-like cage studded with spikes appeared around them.

    “Now you can’t attack me for two full turns,” said Sonja. “And it’s your move…”

    “I draw one card…” said Ember, making a draw.

    She looked at the card.

    Oh, Flamvell Paun? she thought. Not exactly the King of Pyros…

    “Pass…” she said.

    Sonja made a draw.

    “I play Pot of Avarice,” she said, playing the card.

    The Spell Card appeared, and the Citadel glowed as it absorbed more power. She took all three Apprentice Magicians, Royal Magical Library, and Dark Red Enchanter from her Graveyard and reshuffled. Then she made two draws.

    “I think I’ll end my turn there…” she said.

    “I draw…” said Ember, drawing a card.

    She looked at it.

    “And I’ll pass again.”

    The Steelcage rusted over, and then dissolved into mist.

    “Then it’s time to stop fooling around,” said Sonja, making a draw.

    “First, I set one card,” she said, as a reversed card appeared.

    “Then, I play Instant Fusion!”

    A new Spell Card appeared in front of her.

    “And I chain-activate Emergency Provisions, sacrificing my Instant Fusion and facedown Spell Power Grasp to gain 2,000 Life Points.”

    Another Spell Card appeared, and the first two vanished. She glowed with golden energy.

    “And due to Instant Fusion,” she continued, “I can pay 1,000 Life Points to Special Summon Musician King.”

    The same odd Fusion Monster that Porpen used appeared in front of her. (1,750 ATK)

    “This guy may not be the most dignified Spellcaster,” said Sonja, “but he fits my needs. I now summon Night’s End Sorcerer…”

    A flock of bats flew out of the sky above the citadel, and a mysterious-looking Spellcaster appeared. He looked like a young boy clad in a leather jerkin, with a tattered cape, holding a scythe. (1,300 ATK)

    “What is it with you and scythes?” asked Ember.

    “Maybe it has something to do with his effect,” replied Sonja. “When he’s Special Summoned, I get to remove two cards in your Graveyard from play.”

    “You Normal Summoned him!” replied Ember.

    “No matter…” said Sonja. “The reason I summoned him is because he’s also a Tuner…”

    Night’s End Sorcerer’s eyes glowed with red light. Then he and Musician King faded into seven glowing stars, that flew up to the peak of the tower.

    “I Tune both my Monsters together…” said Sonja, “to Synchro Summon… Arcanite Magician!”

    In a flash of energy, a new, more intimidating Spellcaster appeared. He resembled Yugi Mouto’s Dark Magician at first glance; even the hat was similar. But his robes were pure white, and the shoulders were flared. If Ember had to guess, she would say that this was a Light-Attribute Spellcaster rather than a Dark one. (400 ATK)

    “A Level 7 Monster with only 400 Attack Points?” asked Ember.

    “Yes, but when he’s Synchro Summoned, he gains two Spell Counters,” replied Sonja. “And he gains 1,000 Attack Points for each.”

    (2,400 ATK)

    “And that’s not all. If I remove a Spell Counter from any card I control, he can destroy one of your cards. So I think I’ll use that effect, and remove one from my Citadel…

    “Heck… I’ll use that effect three times.”

    Lightning flashed, and Thestalos, Flame Ruler, and Molten Zombie were blown to shards.

    “You may have burned me,” said Sonja, with a sneer, “but I’m paying you back with interest!

    “Arcanite Magician, attack directly with arcane flames!”

    Arcanite Magician flew at Ember, and she screamed as a surge of white-hot energy ripped through her. She fell to her knees.

    (E: 4,900) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 5,100)

    “I set one card facedown,” said Sonja.

    A reversed card appeared.

    “…and it’s your move, little girl. Don’t forget, I can use that effect as often as I like, so long as I have at least one Spell Counter available. In case you haven’t been keeping track, my Citadel has sixteen Counters remaining.”

    “Then I’d best…” muttered Ember.

    She slowly got up.

    “…then I’d best get rid of him quickly…”

    She drew a card.

    “Heh, heh, heh…” she chuckled.

    “The pain must be making you delusional,” said Sonja. “What’s so funny?”

    “I’ll show you,” said Ember. “I play Fire Back!”

    She played the card, and discarded Flamvell Paun. Flame Ruler appeared once again. (1,500 ATK)

    “Next, I sacrifice him…”

    Flame Ruler vanished into a ball of flame.

    “…for Infernal Flame Emperor!”

    With a roar, the lord of Pyros appeared. (2,700 ATK)

    “Well, fine…” said Sonja. “Attack my Magician if you have the courage.”

    “Don’t BS me,” said Ember. “I see that facedown card perfectly clearly…”

    Flamvell Paun slipped out of her discard slot, and she pocketed it.

    “A facedown card that my Monster can incinerate.”

    Sonja gasped as her Mirror Force caught fire, and went up in smoke.

    “Destroy Arcanite Magician!” shouted Ember.

    Infernal Flame Emperor conjured up a huge ball of flame, and hurled it at the sorcerer. There was an explosion that rocked the whole Citadel, and he was annihilated.

    “Curse you!” shouted Sonja. “Why must you be so stubborn?”

    “Let’s see, you’re trying to destroy the world…” said Ember. “If trying to stop you is being stubborn, just call me a mule.”

    “I will!” said Sonja. “In the meantime, my Citadel gained one Counter from your Spell Card, and two from Arcanite Magician being destroyed.

    “And it’s my move…”

    (E: 4,900) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 4,800)

    She drew a card.

    Then she threw back her head and laughed.

    I think she got a good draw… thought Ember.

    “Tell me, Ember…” said Sonja. “The name of this Field Spell is Magical Citadel of Endymion…

    “Ever wonder where that name came from?”

    “What difference does it make?” asked Ember.

    “Give you a hint…” said Sonja. “It got its name the same way the Eiffel Tower got its name.”

    Ember looked at her for a minute.

    Wait… she thought. The Eiffel Tower was named after Gustave Eiffel, the engineer who designed it…

    “You mean it was named after someone?” she asked.

    Sonja grinned, and showed her the card she just drew. It was a Level 7 Monster called Endymion the Master Magician.

    “Hold on!” shouted Ember. “That guy’s too powerful! You’d need a special card or something to summon him without a sacrifice!”

    “Oh, but I do,” said Sonja. “Endymion has a special connection to his Citadel. When the Field Spell is in play, his own effect lets me Special Summon him by removing six Spell Counters from it.”

    A bonfire of dark energy appeared in front of Sonja.

    “The King of Games in your world was so fond of his Dark Magician…” she said. “Well my magician is darker yet!

    “Behold… Endymion the Master Magician!”

    A Spellcaster even more intimidating than Arcanite Magician appeared to face Infernal Flame Emperor. He wore a long, black robe with arcane symbols covering the embroidery, flared shoulders, and a metal ring covered with arcane sigils on his back. He wore a black mask-helmet combination with flared sides that looked like wings, and held a long, metal staff with a crescent moon on the end with a purple orb in the center. (2,700 ATK)

    “Okay…” said Ember. “Not bad… But his Attack Score is the same as my Monster’s…”

    “Endymion isn’t the Master Magician for nothing,” said Sonja. “Because I summoned him that way, I get to recover one Spell Card from my Graveyard…”

    One Spell Power Grasp slipped out of her discard slot.

    “And he has another effect… By discarding a Spell Card, he can destroy any card on the field!”

    She quickly discarded the card she had just recovered. Endymion lifted his staff, lightning flashed, and Infernal Flame Emperor screamed. In the next second, he was obliterated.

    “No…” said Ember.

    “Now, Endymion…” said Sonja, “attack that fool directly with eldritch blast!”

    Endymion called lightning to his staff again. Ember likely would have run, but she was paralyzed with fear…

    She screamed as the black magic ripped through her, far more intensely than Arcanite Magician’s had.

    She fell on her back.

    (E: 2,200) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 4,800)

    “By the way, Ember…” she heard Sonja’s voice saying, “even if you manage to defeat Endymion, I can Special Summon him from my Graveyard the same way I Special Summoned him from my hand.

    “My Citadel has thirteen Counters left… That means I have enough to do it twice.”

    Thirteen… thought Ember. An unlucky number…

    For me… What do I do? How can I destroy this Field Spell when it has the ability to protect itself? Does it have any weakness?

    Then her eyes opened wide.

    Maybe it did have weakness…

    Her memory turned to two years ago…

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Ember was dueling against her cousin, Akira. Ember seemed to have the advantage for now. She had Thestalos on the field, while he had Aurkus and Ehren in Defense Mode.

    Akira drew a card.

    “I play the Field Spell, Realm of Light!” he exclaimed.

    Ember gasped, as a glorious, ancient cathedral flanked by colossal stone pillars rose behind Akira. The whole structure radiated light that was almost blinding.

    “Not again!” shouted Ember.

    “Don’t be afraid of it,” said Akira. “Who knows? Maybe this time you’ll be able to beat it.”

    Five minutes later, it turned out that was not the case. Ember had lost, and she was sitting on the nearby park bench sulking.

    “It’s too hard!” she moped. “That Field Spell of yours is practically indestructible!”

    “Tell you what, Michiko,” said Akira. “I’ll let you in on a secret. It isn’t as indestructible as you may think.

    “Giant Trunade is a big problem… So is Caius…

    “But its biggest weakness is other Field Spells.”

    “But it can protect itself from being destroyed…” replied Ember.

    “By card effects,” corrected Akira. “Now, if my opponent plays his own Field Spell, that’s not an effect, now is it? That’s the Realm of Light’s biggest weakness.

    “Don’t go spreading that around, now…”

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Ember got up.

    So then… she thought. If that’s Realm of Light’s weakness, I’m willing to bet it’s Magical Citadel’s weakness too.

    If I were to play Molten Destruction, I could tear this blasted Field Spell down…

    She got up.

    But I have no cards in my hand, and if I don’t draw something to defend myself with, it’s not going to matter…

    She drew a card.

    She quickly set it on her Disk, and a reversed Monster appeared.

    “Your move…” she said.

    “You do realize…” said Sonja, “I only have to draw a Spell Card, and both you and your pathetic world are doomed.”

    Ember stared at her defiantly as she made her draw.

    Sonja looked at the Trap Card.

    “All right, you’re safe,” she said.

    For now, she thought.

    She set it in her Disk, and it appeared facedown.

    “Attack!” she shouted.

    Endymion cast his eldritch blast, and Blue Flame Swordsman appeared on the card. He was blown to shards.

    Ember raised her hand, and the regular Flame Swordsman appeared. (1,600 DEF) Sonja growled.

    “Make your move…” she said.

    Ember drew a card.

    She set it on her Disk, and a reversed Monster appeared next to Flame Swordsman.

    “Move,” she said.

    Sonja drew a card.

    Once again, it was a Trap Card. Pitch-Black Power Stone, not something she could use right now.

    “Disappointed?” asked Ember.

    “Oh, what’s it to you?” snarled Sonja.

    Endymion cast his spell again, and Flame Swordsman was blown to shards.

    “I end my turn…” she growled.

    “Draw!” shouted Ember, drawing a card.

    She drew the card, and it shone in the light of the Magical Citadel…

    “I play Molten Destruction!” she shouted.

    The name of the card fit what happened next perfectly. It was destruction. Geysers of lava erupted all over the streets of the Citadel, and flows of magma covered it. Sonja watched in horror as the tower behind her collapsed into a pile of burning rubble, and a volcanic lake covered the field.

    “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” she said, in a voice full of bile. “Endymion will make you die slowly…”

    “We’ll soon see,” said Ember, as her facedown Monster flipped up. “I flip Morphing Jar!”

    Morphing Jar appeared with a loud cackle. (700 DEF) Sonja discarded the one card in her hand, and then they both made five draws.

    Ember looked them over…

    “I play Monster Reborn!” she shouted.

    The holy ankh appeared in mid-air in front of her.

    “I’ll raise a Monster from your Graveyard!”

    Night’s End Sorcerer appeared in front of her. (1,300 ATK)

    “I seem to remember you saying that when this guy is Special Summoned, I can remove two cards from play,” said Ember. “So I’m getting rid of your Magical Marionette and Magical Citadel so I don’t have to worry about them again.”

    Sonja gasped as the two cards fell out of her discard slot.

    “Then I summon Little Chimera!” shouted Ember.

    The small, winged cat appeared next to the other two Monsters. (600 ATK) –> (1,600 ATK)

    “Now, I Tune all three Monsters together!”

    Night’s End Sorcerer, Morphing Jar, and Little Chimera all faded into light, and then into six glowing stars. They flew into the smoky sky…

    A flaming meteor fell to the ground, and Flamvell Urquizas appeared with a roar. (2,100 ATK) –> (2,600 ATK)

    “You may have destroyed my Citadel,” cursed Sonja, “but the Master Magician won’t be vanquished so easily!”

    “Oh really?” asked Ember, playing a card. “I play Salamandra!”

    Flamvell Urquizas burned with even more intense energy. (3,300 ATK)

    “Time for Endymion to perform his greatest trick,” said Ember. “The one where he makes himself disappear!

    “Urquizas… Attack Endymion with fist of flame!”

    Flamvell Urquizas flew at the Master Magician, and punched him hard with both fists. Endymion groaned, and then exploded in a blast of magical energy. Sonja was thrown backwards from the impact.

    (E: 2,200) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 4,200)

    Urquizas landed back on her side of the field, and his Attack Score rose to 3,600.

    Sonja raised her hand.

    “I still have this…” she growled.

    Her Trap Card shot up.

    “Wrath of Endymion…” she said. “This Trap Card activates when both Endymion and his Citadel are destroyed in the same turn.

    “Now I get to take any Trap I want from my deck…”

    She stood up, and a card appeared in her hand.

    “Fine…” said Ember, looking at her strangely. “Uh… Your makeup is running…”

    Sonja gasped. Her staff appeared in her hand again, and she looked at her reflection in the jewel.

    Ember saw that her features were changing. Her face now looked like a female lion or other great cat. Her hands were like paws with opposable thumbs, and a long, feline tail jutted out from her behind.

    Sonja growled, and it sounded like the growl of a large cat this time.

    “I thought I was using the long-lasting disguise potion,” she muttered. “You know, there was once a time when the spellbook said it lasted for an hour, and what do you know? It lasted for an hour!”

    “Who are you?” asked Ember. “What are you?”

    “I am a very dangerous person…” said Sonja. “You may think you have gained the advantage now, but be warned…

    “I am not yet beaten… and this duel is not over yet…”

    Her true form was now revealed, and it only made me more confused. Who was this evil sorceress who seemed to combine the features of human and great cat? What secrets was she hiding?

    The duel would indeed continue, but not before I learned the whole story… I had come this far… I had wagered my freedom… I was deserving of answers…

    AKASHIC RECORD (Spell Card)

    Normal Spell

    A dinosaur skull with a few bones scattered.

    Card Description: Draw two cards from your deck. If a card with the same name as either card has been used previously in the duel, remove both of the drawn cards from play.

    Note: “Akashic Record” was first used by Johan (possessed by Yubel) in the “Yu-Gi-Oh GX” episode “The Ultimate Face-Off (Part 2)”. Creative credit goes to the writers of that episode.


    Normal Trap

    The tower of Magical Citadel of Endymion being destroyed as it is struck by lightning, with Endymion’s face in the sky.

    Card Description: You may activate this card when a “Magical Citadel of Endymion” and an “Endymion, the Master Magician” are both destroyed in the same turn. Select one Trap Card from your deck and add it to your hand.

    Coming up next:

    What is the method to Sonja’s madness? What is her true motivation? And will Ember survive to tell anyone? All that and more will be revealed next chapter, in the conclusion of “Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s: Shadowchasers”. Be here.

  36. #276
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    Ah... Not Really Sure...

    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Oh wow, this is an interesting twist... she's dueling a disguised Shadow.

    Very epic duel, Brian. And the one with Edmund, also epic.

    I know the outcome of the duel, but I'm curious as to whether this is another rakshasha or osmething more insidious. We're all waiting for the end.
    ~ Lord Almaz, #2 Honor Student of Evil Academy ~
    (Don't read TOO much into that, folks)

  37. #277
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers

    Ugh, the suspense is killing me. Sure, we got the main baddie's name, but that doesn't mean squat without knowing if she's someone new or someone we have already met. Based on what happened at the very end of this chapter, where Sonja's form is revealed, I'm starting to wonder if my suspicions are correct. I won't say what they are here, but if I'm right, I might just freak out.

    On one note, why would a cat-creature be creating a deluge? Don't cats generally hate water?

    Part 1 of this duel seems run-of-the-mill, although I am surprised that Spellcasters were used, especially those that focus on Spell Counters. Any chance of us seeing other cards from this specific structure deck like Summoner Monk? Nice use of Arcanite Magician, the bane of the Synchro Cat deck. Thankfully that deck has been cut down to size, but it's still a lethal threat if the combos are pulled off.

    I can't wait to see what you're able to pull off, and how things will wrap up, in the finale.
    Computer problems? Contact Serv U 724 and Tune it up, Back it up, Keep it up.

  38. #278
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    We had seemed to reach a crucial point in the duel. Sonja may have had more Life Points than me right now, but I had wiped out two of her best Monsters, and torn down her Field Spell, a vital part of her strategy. Even better, I now had one of my own best on the field.

    But the attack I made had caused the spell she had been using to disguise herself to end prematurely. Her true form was now revealed to me, one that seemed to combine the features of a human woman with those of a female lion, or some other great cat. I have to admit, this was sort of a surprise. I had entertained the possibility that she was a Shadowkind, but this? She was supposed to be a master water elementalist, and I thought cats hated water.

    Clearly, she had other secrets, and I was starting to have a feeling about what her true motivations were… This duel would continue, but not before I had all the answers…

    Ember surveyed the field.

    She had Flamvell Urquizas, Molten Destruction, and Salamandra Equipped to Urquizas. Her opponent had a clear side.

    But even more importantly, Sonja’s true face was no longer hidden. Ember was not about to continue until she knew what the whole deal was.

    “What are you?” she asked. “A rakshasa? A lycanthrope?”

    Sonja glared at her.

    “Your species may call me a Shadow,” she replied, “but I am no common demon or shapeshifter…”

    “Then what?” asked Ember. “A wookie?”

    “I’m no pop-culture creature either,” replied Sonja, with a snarl.

    “This is weird…” said Ember. “I’m starting to wonder if there isn’t a deeper reason why you wanted to recreate the wager that Jamor made with Athentia.”

    “Of course there is…” snarled Sonja. “I’m her daughter.”

    Ember almost fell over in shock.

    Daughter?” she exclaimed.

    Then something occurred to her.

    “Wait… You mean Athentia had a mate? A male sphinx?”

    Sonja sighed.

    “Of course she did…” she replied. “It’s usually like that, isn’t it? The male sires the child, and the female carries it.

    “His name was Kelemvor. He was almost never seen by mortals, because while Athentia represented knowledge and wisdom, he represented strength and power. He only appeared when his mate was threatened by an enemy whom she could not affect with her Conundrum Curse. The only folks who saw him were the ones he had to protect her from, so they never survived to tell anyone that Athentia had a mate.

    “And they had a more important purpose. Although Athentia would impart her wisdom on anyone who came to her who was willing to accept her Curse as a payment, she and Kelemvor were to guard a special portal, the only means of access to a realm of great importance to their master.”

    “Their master?” said Ember. “Who…”

    Sonja grinned, showing elongated canine teeth.

    “My parents served a great power…” she said. “The entity who taught the first ur-priest how to steal power from the gods… The being that spawned the Worm Empire and pointed it towards its goals…”

    “The Light of Ruin!” gasped Ember.

    “That’s right…” replied Sonja. “Then one day, Jamor came, and proposed the contest, asking for immortality should he win. My mother was going to refuse, but the Light was tempted and enticed by the thought of gaining a powerful dragon as a slave. Due to an agreement she had made centuries earlier, the Light rightfully owned anything that she acquired. It ordered my mother to accept the challenge, thinking she could never lose.”

    Ember’s eyes opened wide.

    “Wait…” she said. “This agreement… Did you…”

    “Uh huh…” said Sonja.

    “So if I lose this duel…” said Ember.

    Sonja nodded.

    “The Light doesn’t make requests often,” she said. “It usually lets me do as I please. So when it makes a request, I deliver.”

    “What does it want with me??” gasped Ember.

    “Don’t know, don’t care,” replied Sonja. “It isn’t my place to ask questions. It could make you into a zoo exhibit for all I know.

    “But as I was saying, it thought my mother couldn’t lose, but lose she did. What was she supposed to do, break her word? Break her word with so many celestial beings watching, including Rao himself? You break your word in front of the Lord of Reason, you can expect an army of platonics to be after you the next day. Kelemvor would likely have taken down a few of them, but he would have been overwhelmed, and his mate would have been next. So she gave Jamor the gift of immortality…”

    She growled a little.

    “But immortality was a gift she was only able to give once!” she shouted. “There would be none to give her daughter, who was only a cub at the time!”

    Ember looked at her.

    “Hold it…” said Ember. “Did your mom ever tell Jamor that?”

    “Huh?” said Sonja, somewhat surprised.

    “Did your mom tell Jamor that she could only give immortality once?” asked Ember. “Did she tell him she was saving it for her daughter?”

    There was a long pause. Sonja didn’t answer.

    Ember crossed her arms.

    “Of course she didn’t,” continued Ember. “Athentia the Great Sphinx was supposed to be an almighty, omnipotent being, who once counted the Titans among her peers. She would never tell anyone that her powers had limits!

    “If she had, Jamor might never have proposed the wager… He might have looked elsewhere. Ever consider that?”

    Sonja still didn’t answer.

    “So…” continued Ember. “When Jamor was poisoned, your mom told Jalal what to do to transfer the gift… Why be merciful?”

    “She wasn’t going to at first…” growled Sonja, now sounding as much depressed as she was angry. “She was at first going to crush Jalal, and make Jamor suffer twofold, both from the poison and from knowing his son had perished trying to help him.

    “But just as she about to pounce and devour Jalal, she came to her senses. What if Jamor somehow recovered? What if he developed immunity to dragonsbane? It was possible to do so with other poisons, such as snake venom… If Jamor was restored to full strength, then a powerful dragon whom she could not outsmart with riddles would be alive, immortal, and would be burning with anger, hungering for revenge for the death of his son. She didn’t want such an enemy.

    “So she told Jalal how to do it, hoping that Jalal would live in mourning forever. Or even better, would succumb to the dreaded immortality insanity.

    “But even this backfired. Soon after, Jalal founded the Shadowchasers, a group that would work to establish peace between humans and Shadow, a goal that was the antithesis of the Light’s goal. The Light does its best to sow discord among sentient races, for it feeds on hatred and despair caused by unrest and conflict. It feeds on destruction… It feeds on death…

    “Any organization that promotes peace is an enemy of the Light.”

    “It must not think highly of the United Way…” muttered Ember.

    “Silence!” shouted Sonja. “From its faraway realm, the Light saw the Shadowchasers grow stronger with each passing year, spreading around the globe, becoming more and more a thorn in its side, and it was powerless to stop them.

    “The Light blamed my mother for losing the contest in the first place, and for not killing Jalal when she had the chance, and my father was guilty by association. One day, they looked into the sky of their home dimension, and saw the mystical glyphs they had hoped they would never see… The warning signs that said their master was coming for them. They weren’t naïve. They knew that they would face the harshest of punishments when brought to the Light’s home realm.

    “I was allowed to stay behind, spared of punishment but deprived of my parents. The last thing they told me before they were taken away was to take back what was mine, one way or another.

    “I resolved to do so…

    “When the time in my life came when I became able to evolve into the titanic, bestial form that my mother had assumed, I forfeited that chance, keeping my humanoid form and giving up the raw power that would come with it for the ability to study sorcery.

    “I discovered a great secret… One of the greatest sources of power in the universe is actually Water. The Power Primordial!”

    “What?” gasped Ember. “The power source unleashed at the beginning of Creation?”

    “The one and the same,” replied Sonja. “It makes sense… All life begins in water, and water has the power to create whole worlds… It can create life… And take it away.

    “I started to study the magic of Water, determined to learn how to tap the Power Primordial, the force that would give me unlimited power. Eventually, I learned how to channel my power though certain focuses not unlike the Regalia of Day to cast spells more powerful than I would normally be capable of, and I devoted all my time to learning the forbidden writings that would enable me to cast the Deluge. Eventually, I learned it, and I used it to flood one world, and use its dying energy to rejuvenate myself.”

    “And you’ve done this a total of five times?!” gasped Ember.

    “It was the only way I could increase my power and attain a facsimile of immortality,” replied Sonja. “Sure, I would become a parasite, but it was necessary to prepare for my ascension.

    “If it makes any difference, all five of the worlds I flooded were home worlds of scoundrels and riff-raff who I knew no-one would miss. Take the world we’re on now. The dominant humanoid race that lived here were called the Gutharn. Probably the most violent, warmongering people in existence.

    “They were anything but subtle. A Gutharn who saw an enemy charged. One who didn’t see an enemy went looking for one. They made orcs look like boy scouts.

    “And they were proud of their toughness. Their language’s word for someone who couldn’t fight was the same as their word for dung. Someone once said that a Gutharn would care more for his armor and weapons than he would for his mate.

    “But that’s not saying much, really. Their race was not only patriarchal, it was chauvinistic and misogynistic. To them, a woman’s worth depended solely on the strength of her male children, nothing more.”

    Ember didn’t know what to say. She knew that genocide was never justified, but still…

    “They were smart enough to be afraid of magic, though…” continued Sonja.

    She chuckled.

    “This was their strategy for dealing with a wizard,” she chuckled. “Get this… On a battlefield, at the first sight of anyone casting a spell, the commander leading the troops would point to that person and shout the word for ‘wizard’ in their language, and every archer in the company would fire at him at once.”

    “I assume that wouldn’t work?” asked Ember.

    “Of course it wouldn’t,” replied Sonja. “Smart wizards never go into a large-scale battle without multiple layers of spells that can protect them against things far more powerful than arrows. And smart wizards know that the first order of business in a large-scale battle is to wipe out the archers. That’s what the first spell would do. Those fools were ignorant. Most other worlds were grateful that the Gutharn spent most of their time fighting each other.

    “They never expected to be devastated by a flood… Something that no number of swords could fight against.

    “But I don’t have to waste my time with the scum of the universe any longer. I’m closer to the Power Primordial than I have ever been. With the power that Earth holds, I can finally claim it. And in doing so, I’ll strike against Jalal, and his own world, the place he holds dear.

    “Jalal took from me my birthright… He took all I had… I’m taking all that he has.”

    Ember stared at her.

    “Lady…” she said. “You’re nuts! If you had any sense, you would have blamed the Light of Ruin for forcing your mom to accept that contest. But I’m guessing that would be biting the hand that feeds you.

    “And it wasn’t the only one to blame. Your mom’s enormous ego was at fault too. She couldn’t admit to a weakness, and made Jamor think that immortality was something she could give out freely.

    “Well, I have news for you… I’m not going to let you make Earth number six!”

    “We’ll see about that…” said Sonja. “This duel is not finished…

    “And I believe it’s my move!”

    (Ember: 2,200) - - - - - - - - - - (Sonja: 4,200)

    Sonja drew a card.

    “I play Trap Booster,” she said, as a Spell Card appeared in front of her. “So I toss one card…”

    She discarded her Chaos Command Magician.

    “…and I get to activate a Trap Card directly from my hand.”

    A Trap Card? thought Ember. The one she got from that Wrath of Endymion card?

    “I play Pyramid of Light!” exclaimed Sonja, as the card appeared.

    Thunder flashed over the field, and a glowing, golden pyramid rose behind Sonja. The light coming from it was almost blinding. Ember almost had to cover her eyes.

    Sonja raised her staff to the heavens…

    “Mother… father…” she chanted. “I call upon your power to strike down this foe… Send me your aspects so our vengeance may be complete!”

    Outside the ziggurat, a super-intense beam of light fell from the heavens, striking the apex of the temple…

    “What’s going on?” shouted Ember.

    “You deal with me, you deal with my whole family,” said Sonja. “So I pay 1,000 Life Points… Actually, I’m paying 500 twice…

    “And behold!”

    Ember stepped back as two titanic creatures materialized in front of Sonja. Each one was easily twenty feet high, and radiated an aura of incredible evil.

    The first one resembled the traditional sphinx, described in Grecian myth. She had the body of a bestial cat, covered with grey fur, with small wings, which would likely be too small to actually provide flight. Her head was that of a beautiful, comely female, with violet hair worn long. She sat on her hindquarters. (3,000 DEF)

    The other one seemed to be an inverse of the classic design. He had the body of a human (more or less) clothed in an armored tunic, with savage-looking claws and the head of a demonic lion with a full mane. (3,000 ATK)

    “Your parents?” gasped Ember.

    “Not truly,” replied Sonja. “These are merely aspects. As such, they are known by different names.

    “Meet Sphinx Teleia and Andro Sphinx!”

    The two sphinxes looked at Ember and grinned evilly…

    “I seem to remember you saying that my mother had too much pride to admit a weakness,” said Sonja. “Well I’ll admit one… These Beasts can’t attack this turn.

    “So I’ll throw a card facedown, and end my turn.”

    A reversed card appeared.

    (E: 2,200) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 3,200)

    Ember slowly drew a card.

    She looked at the three cards in her hand.

    No Monsters to summon, she thought. Only three Trap Cards…

    She looked at the two sphinxes.

    Flamvell Urquizas has 3,600 Attack Points! thought Ember. He can easily beat his Attack Score or her Defense Score…

    She was about to order Urquizas to attack…

    Then she noticed the facedown card.

    She glared at Sonja.

    “You almost fooled me…” she said, narrowing her eyes.

    She took one of the cards from her hand.

    “Well, let’s see if this discourages you just as much…”

    A facedown card appeared behind Urquizas.

    “I end my turn.”

    “My move!” shouted Sonja, drawing a card.

    “Since you didn’t fall for this,” she said, as her facedown card lifted up, “I’ll trigger it now… Dust Tornado!”

    A tornado ripped across the field, and the Salamandra card was blown to bits. Urquizas fell to an Attack Score of 2,900.

    Sonja chuckled.

    “And to answer your question,” she continued, “I will not be intimidated by any Trap Card. I move Teleia to Attack Mode…”

    Sphinx Teleia sprang up, ready to pounce. (2,500 ATK)

    “Andro Sphinx… Crush Flamvell Urquizas! Vengeful roar!”

    Andro Sphinx loomed over Urquizas, and let out a bellow that shook the whole chamber.

    “Not gonna happen!” shouted Ember, as her facedown card shot up. “Activate… Draining Shield!”

    A dome of energy surrounded Urquizas, and he braced himself from the powerful sonic attack.

    “So you survive one more round,” said Sonja. “Well, your Monster won’t be so lucky…”

    She quickly played a card.

    “I play the Spell Card, Shrink! Now Urquizas loses half of his base Attack Score…”

    Urquizas fell down to an Attack Score of 1,850.

    “…which means Teleia can finish what her partner started…”

    Teleia’s beautiful face suddenly turned just as savage and hideous as the rest of her body. She slammed her right claw down, pinning Urquizas under it. She lifted her other claw…

    Ember forced herself to look away as the savage creature made the killing strike.

    (E: 4,550) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 3,200)

    “Well…” said Sonja. “That’s enough for one turn…”

    Ember closed her eyes.

    She made a draw.

    She looked at the Monster on the card.

    Hope this works, she thought.

    “I summon Royal Firestorm Guards!” she shouted.

    In a fiery aura, a new Monster appeared. It was a bizarre creature, somewhat reptilian, with a humanoid torso atop a serpentine lower body. Its face had four eyes and a scalp covered with horn-like protrusions, and its long arms had four wing-like appendages on their undersides. (1,700 ATK) –> (2,200 ATK)

    “Guards?” said Sonja. “As in plural? I only see one creature. Why is it called Guards?”

    “You know…” said Ember. “I often wonder that myself…

    “But anyway… By Normal Summoning it, I get to take four Pyro-Type Monsters from my Graveyard…”

    She took Urquizas, Flame Ruler, Inferno, and Molten Zombie from her discard slot.

    “Then I add them to my deck, reshuffle, and make two draws.”

    She shuffled, and then drew twice.

    “Think I’ll use both of them! I first play Double Summon!”

    She quickly played the Spell Card.

    “Now I get a second Normal Summon. And I’ll use it to summon Rose, Warrior of Revenge!”

    In a burst of flame, the leather-clad female Warrior holding a dagger appeared next to the Pyro. (1,600 ATK) –> (2,100 ATK)

    “Now… I Tune both of my Monsters together!”

    Rose’s eyes burned with flame. Then she and Royal Firestorm Guards flew into the sky, and faded into eight glowing stars…

    “Synchro Summon… Jalal the Dragonborn!”

    In a flash of light, Jalal’s avatar alighted on Ember’s side of the field. The two sphinxes growled in anger… (2,600 ATK)

    “So…” said Sonja. “I summon the aspects of my benefactors, and you summon the aspect of yours to face them… How ironic…

    “How utterly useless. Andro Sphinx is stronger.”

    “But I’m going to use Jalal’s effect,” said Ember. “I pay half my Life Points… And I get to remove one Spell or Trap Card in either Graveyard from play.

    “And I think I know just the one…”

    She glowed with a red aura, and a card fell out of Sonja’s discard slot. She was surprised to see that it was her Lightning Vortex.

    Jalal’s sword glowed, and a golden rune appeared on it.

    “Now, I remove the Rune Counter from Jalal’s sword, to duplicate the effect of that Spell!

    “I’m sending your sphinxes back where they came from…”

    Jalal raised his sword to the sky, and lightning flashed. Sphinx Teleia and Andro Sphinx let out unearthly screams as lightning struck them and they were reduced to ashes.

    Then Ember noticed something was wrong.

    The whole room had become shrouded with an eerie fog… And Sonja was smiling.

    “Fool…” she said. “You did just what I wanted you to do…

    “My parents were not only mates, little girl… Like Kronos and Rhea, like Zeus and Hera, they were also siblings…

    “But they only had one parent… Their parent was one of a group of abominations that existed on Earth even before the Titans, a primordial being of unspeakable power…

    “And I can Special Summon it to the field by paying 500 Life Points when both its children are destroyed in the same instant. Come forth…

    “Theinen the Great Sphinx!”

    Ember stepped back in fear as a Monster even bigger than the previous two Sphinxes towered over the field. It was just as big as Worm Victory. The best way to describe it was to say it combined features from both Sphinx Teleia and Andro Sphinx. From the waist down, it had Sphinx Teleia’s body, but was far more muscular and had bigger wings. From the waist up, it had a humanoid torso, but was bare-chested and looked even more demonic than Andro Sphinx. The most frightening part was its head, which had two faces. It had a male face on the front, and a female face on the back, both of which didn’t suggest anything but rage and bloodlust. (3,500 ATK)

    Ember gulped hard. She looked at the two remaining cards in her hand.

    This is going to take perfect timing… she thought.

    She fit both of them into her Disk, and both appeared facedown.

    “It’s…” she stammered. “It’s your move…”

    (E: 2,275) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 2,700)

    Sonja chuckled as she drew a card.

    “Perfect,” she said, looking at it. “If one of those facedown cards is a Trap that can destroy Theinen, then by all means, feel free to use it!

    “Theinen, murder that mongrel! Primordial roar!”

    Theinen’s eyes glowed with a savage energy. It opened its jaws to let loose a howl that would likely be twice as devastating as the one uttered by Andro Sphinx…

    “Go, Trap Card!” shouted Ember, as one of her facedown cards shot up. “DNA Transplant! Now, I can change Jalal’s Attribute to Fire!

    “That means he gains the benefit from the Field Spell…”

    Jalal’s Attack Score rose to 3,100.

    “Fool…” chuckled Sonja. “Your Trap Card affects Theinen as well! So he also gains the benefit!”

    Theinen’s eyes glowed even fiercer… (4,000 ATK)

    Then it let out its roar, and this time, cracks appeared in the roof of the temple around them. Ember was barely able to trigger her other Trap.

    “Go, Martyr’s Flame!” she shouted, as it shot up. “Since Jalal is a Fire Monster now, this forces Theinen’s attack to hit me instead, and cuts the damage in half!”

    Then Ember screamed as the most intense wave of force she ever felt slammed into her, sweeping her up like a leaf, and throwing her backwards and against the wall.

    She slowly looked up. She coughed, and blood dribbled out of her mouth.

    (E: 275) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 2,700)

    “You must be insane…” said Sonja. “No sane being would have willingly taken Theinen’s roar that was meant for someone else…”

    Ember got up, and held her chest.

    “I… I lost 2,000 Life Points…” she moaned. “But I saved Jalal… And he’s the only one who stands a chance of defeating that thing…”

    “I’d like to see him try it…” said Sonja.

    She fit the card in her Disk, and it appeared facedown.

    “Make your move…”

    Ember paused.

    She dared me to use a card that would destroy Theinen, she thought. That means that the one card she had in her hand last turn, the one she just set, was My Body as a Shield. It can negate any card effect that destroys a Monster.

    She looked at her deck.

    Here goes…

    She made a draw.

    “I summon Familiar-Possessed Hiita!” she exclaimed, playing it.

    In a burst of fire, the older version of Hiita, holding her ruby-tipped staff, with her fox by her side, appeared. (1,850 ATK) –> (2,350 ATK)

    “Big deal,” said Sonja.

    “It is a big deal,” said Ember, “because I’m using Jalal’s effect a second time.

    “I’ll cut my Life Points in half again…”

    (E: 138) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 2,700)

    Another Spell Card slipped out of Sonja’s discard slot.

    Sonja gasped. It was her copy of Shrink.

    Jalal’s sword glowed, and the Rune Counter appeared on it.

    Then he lifted his sword, and it glowed with eldritch energy. Theinen the Great Sphinx roared in rage. (2,250 ATK)

    “This can’t be!” she shouted.

    “Oh, but it is,” said Ember. “Hiita, topple that titan with fire magic!”

    Hiita leapt into the air towards the colossal Beast. It bellowed, but she made a mighty blast of arcane energy with her staff.

    The Great Sphinx fell to the ground with a great crash, and then exploded in a fiery conflagration that shook the whole temple even further.

    “Jalal…” ordered Ember, “attack directly and finish this duel!”

    The Dragonborn charged at Sonja, and smote the evil sorceress with his blade. She screamed, and was propelled against the altar.

    She slumped over.

    (E: 138) - - - - - - - - - - (S: 0)

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Back in our world, in Draco’s office, Shichiro, Jinx, and Gears were looking out the window, watching in dismay as the rain came down harder.

    “People!” shouted Jalal.

    They all turned, and saw that the aura surrounding the Regalia of Day was fading.

    “Ember did it!” said Jalal. “The protective spell is disrupted somehow!”

    “Then what are you waiting for?” asked Shichiro.

    Jalal drew his sword.

    “Brace yourselves people…” he said. “When powerful magic items go, they tend to go big…”

    He swung his sword down, smashing through the Silver Hemisphere…

    The four Shadowchasers hung on as a wave of energy ripped through the whole floor of the building and the two floors directly above and below, shattering every window…

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Sonja got up. She didn’t levitate this time. She stood up.

    “What’s happening?” she gasped.

    She concentrated.

    “No… NO!” she shouted. “The Regalia of Day is losing power! The Deluge being dispelled!”

    She started to concentrate again.

    “NO!” she screamed. “I can’t renew it! I’ve lost the focus!”

    Ember looked at her.

    So she never intended to stop it, she thought, regardless of who won the duel. Why doesn’t that surprise me?

    “YOU!” shouted Sonja, pointing to Ember. “I don’t know how this happened, but I’m sure it’s your fault!”

    She pointed her staff at Ember. Ember slowly backed up.

    Then Sonja froze in fear. Thunder rolled.

    She turned to the altar, where a glowing aura of light was starting to appear…

    “Tell me, Sonja,” asked Ember, “did the Light of Ruin have anything to gain from you destroying the Earth?”

    Sonja didn’t answer. She was paralyzed with fright.

    “I think it did,” continued Ember. “And now that plan is ruined…

    “Well, Sonja… Seems you have some explaining to do…”

    Ember would have loved to see what punishment the Light had in store for Sonja, but seeing as the Light of Ruin was an evil cosmic entity dedicated to, well, evil, she figured she was better off not staying around to find out. She turned and ran the way she had come, not daring to look back.

    As she did, lightning started to flash over the abandoned city, and the whole place started to shake.

    “Stormbringer!” she shouted. “Stormbringer!

    “Aw, crap, it’s not working!”

    “Ember!” called a voice.

    Ember stopped short. She knew that voice…

    “Mr. Draco?” she exclaimed.

    “Yes, it’s me, Ember!” said the voice. “Or what’s left of me. Follow my voice…”

    “You think I’m going to trust you?” asked Ember.

    “What choice do you have?” asked Draco. “This island city is going to sink in a few minutes. You do not want to be on it!

    “I was a knight at heart, Ember… I may have lost my right to call myself one, but I still remember that I once followed a code of chivalry not unlike the one that human knights followed.

    “Now please… Follow my voice.”

    Ember knew he was right. She didn’t have a choice. She ran in the direction of the voice, just as the buildings around her started to crumble.

    “That’s right,” said Draco. “This way…”

    Ember turned a corner, down a road, and saw a glowing portal.

    There was no time to ask questions. She dove through it.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Ember let out a cry as she fell, stumbling into the office.

    “Grab her!” shouted Jalal.

    Jinx and Shichiro helped her up.

    “Ember?” asked Gears. “It’s a miracle… The connection we had to you was broken! We thought we had lost you…”

    Ember gasped for breath.

    “Well…” said Jalal. “In the Astral Plane, sometimes the power of the mind can point a dimensional traveler in the right direction. Ember’s desperate desire to get home was likely what enabled her to do so.”

    Jinx laughed.

    “Maybe some of my luck just rubbed off on her,” she added.

    “People,” said Shichiro. “Have you been in this business so long that you simply don’t believe in miracles?”

    Ember took a deep breath.

    “Actually, you’re all wrong…” she said. “I had help…”

    She paused.

    “Draco guided me back… A small piece of his spirit remained, and he used it to help me.

    “After all that happened, after becoming a ruthless business tycoon, after being forced into this insane plan, he remembered who he used to be… A heroic knight who fought the enemies of his people.”

    Jalal sighed and put his hand on her shoulder.

    “May he rest in peace…” he whispered.

    “Look…” said Gears, looking out the window. “The sun is rising…”

    They all looked.

    “Y’know…” he said. “You can see the sun rise so many times… But there are times when you see it when it just means more…”

    “Jalal…” said Ember. “I have a question…”

    Jalal looked at her.

    “That woman…” said Ember. “She said that the Power Primordial was a force of Water… If she’s right that means that the power of my soul opposes one of the greatest forces in the universe.

    “Is she right?”

    “It’s hard to say,” said Jalal. “The Power Primordial is an ancient, mysterious power that very few can understand…

    “I suppose some Water might be in it… Life begins in the sea, and water is needed for life to exist…

    “But Ember… Most theorists believe that the universe was born in something called the Big Bang… An explosion with greater force than billions of supernovas, which was believed to be hotter than anything that has ever since been created.

    “Certainly then, if something with such astronomically high temperature created the universe, then the Power Primordial must have some Fire in it too, wouldn’t you say?”

    Shichiro grinned.

    “This is why he’s the boss,” he said.

    “Never thought of that,” said Ember.

    Jinx put her arm around Ember. They looked at the rising sun.

    “Such a strange world…” said Jinx.

    Jalal extended his hand to Ember.

    “Welcome to the Shadowchasers, Michiko…” he said.

    * * * * * * * * * *


    Well, that’s my story, and I’m sticking with it. Whether you believe it or not, well, that’s up to you.

    The Deluge only lasted a few hours, and in the end, it helped the Earth more than it hurt it. Like Jalal said, those few hours brought life-giving rain to many nations suffering from drought and famine. I guess there’s a bright side to everything.

    Jalal’s concern that sundering the Regalia of Day would upset the international elven and dwarven community was premature. Several powerful clans from both races were shocked to learn that an artifact they had cooperated to create could be used for such an evil purpose, and many important members of their clans came to the conclusion that had the two races never broken their alliance, the Regalia would never have separated and this all would never have happened. Representatives from several elf and dwarf clans are now meeting in hopes of burying the past and ending their rivalry once and for all, and the Shadowchasers are acting as mediators. With any luck, something good might come from this.

    As for the three Swords, they were distributed among three clans of dwarves, who know how to use them best; exactly which clans and where they live is a secret known only to the high levels of the Shadowchasers.

    With DaPen, Edmund, and Draco dead, and Sonja’s fate unknown, only one criminal known to have knowingly cooperated in the plan will face justice: Hebi-Na. Her first court date will be scheduled as soon as her sanity is evaluated. Although lawyers often jump at the chance to defend high-profile criminals, this is not the case with ophidia. Lawyers know that defending them is a big headache that they don’t want. In fact, at the end of Saramanda’s trial, her lawyer said that it had taken incredible willpower to do his job, and would give up practicing law before he ever defended another “accursed snake”. Who could blame him? Saramanda showed him no gratitude, and insulted him the whole time. For this reason, appointing a lawyer will be difficult, and will likely be a Shadowkind species known for having no emotions.

    The ceremony where I was formally inducted into the organization was a gala event that I won’t forget for a long time. I was thrilled when Jalal actually let my parents and cousin attend. Sure, they were told it was for an academic honor society that I had been accepted to, but the fact that they were proud of me was satisfying enough for me, even if they weren’t proud for the real reason.

    It seems that, like Draco, I’ve gotten my own Knight’s Title…

    The story has already started to spread. I have a feeling it has been exaggerated after being retold a few times. I’ve gotten more than one letter from Shadowkind, from simple praise, to offers from Shadowkind artists who want to do my portrait, to letters asking if I have any intentions of replacing Jalal if he ever retires. One gnome joker already commented that he wonders who’ll be playing me in the movie.

    After what I did, Jalal would have gladly given me any assignment I wanted at any location, globally. But I just couldn’t leave the three folks who had helped me throughout my apprenticeship.

    And even though I am no longer an apprentice, they have continued to teach me over the past month. I was given a real sword, forged by blacksmiths of the Ironhand Clan, and Jinx has been teaching me how to use it.

    Gears has been teaching me how to drive a D-Wheel, and has promised to build one for me as soon as I get my license. I’ve been studying to take the test, and have already been working on a deck for Turbo Duels.

    Like I said at the beginning, there’s so much to see in this world, and so much that most people miss. So much that folks take for granted. It’s such a shame that the biggest wonders the world has to offer have to remain hidden from most… But then again, if everyone knew about Shadowkind, it likely wouldn’t be very pleasant.

    Oh, and in case you’re wondering if Shichiro and I are going out… Well, not yet, I’m afraid. He hasn’t exactly shown any real interest that I can see…

    But I do know one bit of good news about Shichiro… He managed to make peace with his old apprentice…

    Shichiro drove his D-Wheel into a large parking lot, as the sun was beginning to set. As he did so, another D-Wheeler on a fire engine-red D-Wheel was waiting for him.

    The two duelists dismounted, removed their helmets, and looked at each other. The other D-Wheeler was a young man with black hair wearing a blue jacket with a high collar over a black shirt and jeans. A criminal mark was on the left side of his face.

    On his right arm was a strange symbol. It looked vaguely like the outline of a dragon’s head.

    “Hey, Yusei,” said Shichiro. “How long has it been?”

    “Rather long…” said Yusei. “Since everything went… wrong…”

    “I dunno, Yusei…” said Shichiro. “I always thought you were special… I wanted to get you out of Satellite, turn your skills into something we could use…”

    “I wanted to leave on my own terms,” replied Yusei. “And I simply couldn’t see what you could see, no matter how hard I tried…”

    “I know, and now look…” said Shichiro.

    He pointed to the mark on Yusei’s arm.

    “Turns out you were special… Just not the way I figured… Seems you became somewhat of a hero on your own.”

    “The world will always have problems, Shichiro,” said Yusei. “And they will always need folks to handle them…

    “But not all of them will need Shadowchasers.”

    Shichiro sighed.

    “Ain’t it the truth…” he said.

    He smirked.

    “What do you say? One more time for old time’s sake?”

    Yusei looked at him.

    “How can I say no to someone who so many of my best Monsters seem to like?” he said.

    The two Duel Disks activated…


    I hope you enjoyed “Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s: Shadowchasers”.

    There will be a sequel, as this fic has been more of a success than I planned. But for now, I’m going to work on “Storming Heaven’s Gates” for a while. I cannot say when my new Shadowchasers fic will come out, but it won’t be until at least the New Year. Until then, now’s your chance to read this one all over again.

    Until then, anyone who desires can send me a Shadowchaser File. I’d love to see them.

    Until next time…

  39. #279
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    Default Re: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Shadowchasers


    Great end to the fanfic, Brian. I didn't expect a Pyramid of Light deck, but then again, it makes sense since the ultimate villian was actually the daughter of two sphinxes who were serving that blasted Light of Ruin. Curse it!

    Anyways, I liked the last scene, the meeting between Shichiro and Yusei. I keep missing the 5Ds episodes but I'm lazy.

    I'm okay with you waiting until 2010 to do the sequel, Brian. You've put off Storming Heaven's Gate for too long and we want to see more updates. And maybe by that time, I can come up with a good Shadowchaser File for you.
    ~ Lord Almaz, #2 Honor Student of Evil Academy ~
    (Don't read TOO much into that, folks)

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