Well, this place has seen better days.....
Mostly poking my head in on a whim. Place seems kinda barren, and I see that the main website hasn't had an update in well over five years. Seems surreal to think that 22 years ago, this was once one of the bigger fansites :-/
In any case, see a few familiar names floating around still. I've also noted that you guys got a Discord server. Kinda getting the sense that a fair amount of discussion probably happens over there. Already joined it under my Enigma moniker as I've greatly transitioned away from using my real name online if I can avoid it. Blame the world we live in now with all the insanity, hostile discourse, and shit such as swatting that happens now. God forbid I piss off the wrong idiot online, the last thing I need to do is freak out, panic, then try to shoot at the cops before my mind can fully process what's going on.
Despite that, I'll at least get my display name changed on the Discord server so you guys know it's me, although I'll most likely just be lurking for a day or two as I kinda expect it to be a long weekend for myself.

TLDR: I'm back bitches! Sup?