Start posting regularly in a fic on this site… I was posting regularly on before a whole load of drama in my life killed inspiration and such. Of course this requires to me to actually find a story I really enjoy writing. Under the Dusk is fun but I’ve lost my way a bit with it and eh… Heh. I cannot stay motivated with things on here, it seems.

I wanted to start writing my StarCraft story again, and I have (previously scared away from it due to a very bothersome reviewer, gotten over it now). Now more of my goal is to really get somewhere with it, and maybe move it onto TPM.

Past that, I really want to work on my NaNo and form it into something a lot better (maybe my own first novel?! Totes stealin’ yer goal Gavin :p). Seeing as right now it is complete and utter shit… heh… there is also a distinct need to make it severely less Final Fantasy and make it more my own, which is how it started out but didn't end.