Aaah this is so delayed! But you know, I figured I abandon you guys a lot since I have this weird idea that no-one would be interested in the fics I write (and also a lot of them are very x-rated ahahah), but who knows?

Anyway! On topic. Finishing nano made me feel like I could maybe someday possibly be a vaguely professional writer of some sort, but my efforts so far have been stalled by terror, for the most part. I finished nano with the goal that I would attempt to build myself some sort of portfolio of work examples, put myself out there for freelance copy-writing, but it's not happened yet. I'm working towards it, or trying to anyway.

I fulfilled one goal two days ago by finishing a (slightly) contemporary review article of the replay of inFamous 2 that I just completed. Mostly, it was just getting back into journalistic styles, and figuring out how I'd like to present my persona. Also getting back into the habit of whittling, heh. I cut 400 words from that beast by the time I was done!

In other goals, I finally got my nano finished last week! I'm letting it stew before I hit the editing (not looking forward to that, to say the least!) and then it'll be all go, I think. Editing and rewriting takes a whole lot less time, I've always found, but I plan on getting a beta reader once I've done one pass on the thing.

Uhh I'm sure there's something else? Oh yeah, I wanted to try and finish off a whole load of fics that've been stagnating in my folders for years (might not work, since I'm not big on Supernatural fandom once more ¬_¬) and do a few collaborations with some of my friends (two planned; one Final Fantasy drinking game thing and the other a Dragon Age 2 thing). I'd also really like to write more poetry, but I seem to be lacking in inspiration without the focus of my workshops. Le sigh.

Maybe I'll post my article up here for some critique!