Indigo League
-The Tower of Terror (I actually hated all 3 episodes in the Saffron City trilogy but this one annoyed me the most)
-The Kangaskhan Kid (the kid and his father were terribly annoying)
-Pikachu's Goodbye (yeah, it was kinda sad but I don't like Pikachu so there it is on the list)
-The Problem With Paras (terrible filler)
-Go West Young Meowth (I liked Meowth's past history but that was it)
-The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis (all I wanted to see back then were the league episodes but I hated this one from the get-go since Jigglypuff was in it)

Orange Islands
-Meowth Rules (no point to this one)
-Shell Shock (always hated watching it over and over)

Johto Journeys
-Illusion Confusion (don't like Hoothoot)
-Snubbul Snobbery (don't like Snubbull either. Just like Jigglypuff)
-Forest Grumps (don't like Ursaring)
-A Better Pill to Swallow (it just didn't amuse me)
-UnBEARable (look above)

As you can see, there are a lot I don't ^_^ Luckily, most of them are from the Indigo saga so I see those episodes barely anymore