Name: Mitch
Type: Poison

Having finished with Fucshia, I pedaled my way up Cycling Road, battling everyone on Routes 18 and 17. Then I flew to Celadon for a quick heal, stomped the other Snorlax and then battled everyone on Route 16. With that done, I hopped across Route 7 and finally got around to giving the Tea I'd picked up two badges ago to the guard. He didn't seem to mind the wait.
I picked up TM 29, confirmed that no one can learn it, sold it, and entered Silph Co.'s corporate HQ. First thing I did in there was race up to the fifth floor and pick up the Card Key, dodging all of the Rockets and treacherous employees. Then I went back down to the third floor, battled a Rocket and an employee who were in the way, rode the warp panel to the ninth floor, and battled one more Rocket, clearing the way to the healing spot.
Not that I know this place by heart by now, or anything...^_^
With that accomplished, I went back down to the second floor and then proceeded to battle every single Rocket and treacherous employee, going floor by floor. I always shake my head at the people who advocate getting the card key and then going straight to the Rival Battle and then Giovanni; honestly, how do you expect to earn any good EXP and cash that way? Trainer battles are where it's at!
After beating everybody on floors 2 through 11, I went back to the third floor, rode the warp to the seventh and took on Andy (every time I try to think about what your rival is doing in this place, I get a headache...) I ignored the guy who gives you Lapras because I don't have a slot free to accept the pokémon. I defeated Giovanni handily, recieved the Master Ball, and then went to the Saffron Pokémart to sell all of the expensive goodies I had found in the Silph building. I was surprised at how much good stuff was in there. I ended up earning enough cash to be able to buy Cerberus a TM! Yay! I decided to buy Ice Beam before Thunderbolt because I don't have an Ice-type move yet.
I stopped by the Fighting Dojo for some quick battles, but didn't battle the leader because that would just lead to me being offered another pokémon. Then I took on Saffron Gym. Chimera's Shadow Ball and Cerberus' Bite cleared the way. Most of the Gym Trainers had pokémon at roughly the same level, or even below, the Gym Trainers in Fucshia...right up until the level-38 Haunter. That one caught me by surprise, but Shadow Ball mowed it down as easily as everyone else. Then I faced Sabrina, and she proved not all that tougher. Her Alakazam turned out to be faster than Chimera and got a hit in with Psychic that left Chimera badly hurting, but Chimera's answering Shadow Ball KOed it.

Chimera L52
Sludge, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Smokescreen
(My anti-Ghost, anti-Steel and anti-Psychic. Smokescreen is filler.)

Hydra L52
Strength, Dig, Acid, Glare
(Dig soon to be replaced with Earthquake.)

Cerberus L52
Bite, Ice Beam, Shock Wave, Double Kick
(Nidorina's going to be my Special Sweeper. Boltbeam, Crunch and a fillerific D-Team.)

HMer 1 L3
Tackle, Fly, —, —
(It weighs 4 pounds and carries me through the sky. 'Tis better not to ask.)

HMer 2 L10
Dig, Growl, Flash, Cut
(All that, and Pickup duty as well!)

HMer 3 L7
Strength, Tail Whip, Bubble, Surf
(HMs 3, 4, 6 and 7 will be this guy's responsibility.)

Next: Surf's Up!