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Thread: Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

  1. #281
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    OoC: Whee! I'm finally all caught up and ready for anything that Hydra can dish out! :3


    I lay on the bed in the room prepared for me, staring up at the ceiling. Practically everyone else was out shopping, looking around, or just goofing off... "<What's the point?>" I wondered, rolling over so my face was buried in the pillow. "<We're gonna be outta here pretty soon anyway... I hope...>" On a whim, I rolled off of the bed and strolled out onto the small balcony outside the window, looking out over the city. I spotted several of my comrades going about their business, along, of course, with a multitude of Saurians. I sighed, walking back over to the bed and sitting on the edge. I tried to amuse myself by creating various ice formations in the air before me, but I quickly got bored as well as tired. I finally gave up, and decided to take a nap. Hopefully it'd be dinnertime by the time I woke up...

    OoC: Blah... Couldn't think of anything else to post right now... Basically, Mr. Antisocial's asleep in his room
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  2. #282
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    *bland* YAY! Ready guys? You better be! >=D

    3rd Person

    A single Saurian made his way through the city. Wrapped around in cloths, he carried something heavy in his arms. Keeping up his sprinting speed, the reptilian Demi-Human quickly went through the city, and past the civilians, who had no idea what was about to happen to them.

    The structures faded behind him as the Jungle began to surround him. He knew where he was headed, one spot outside the limits of the Saurain City. (Ya know... we really need to think of a name for the city....)

    Finally, he slowed and tilted his rectangular head up and looked.

    Standing, surrounded by countless years of plant growth, recovered by the jungle, was a statue. It was of a quadrapedic creature, large claws on it's front arms, but the back half was hidden by plant growth. Two heads, split seperatly at the base of the neck, were raised high above the ground, their flat heads just under the canopy of trees at the top. A large fin decorated both sides of each head, but the fins were different. The fins on the left head were jagged, spiked, almost like lightning. The other head's fins were wavy, flowing, kind of like fire.

    Plastered, in the middle of the statue's chest, was an equilateral Triangle carved into four seperate Triangles. All three on the outside points were gray but the very middle one was missing, taken out.

    The Sauran dropped the cloaks around his body to the ground, and insid of his arms was a large purple triangle with a slight golden lining around the edges. He walked up with the triangle, closer to the statue.

    Now the triangle in his arms started to glow as he stood very close to the statue. Crouching, the Saurain sprang his legs, jumping the 20-plus feet to the tri-shaped hole and quickly thrust the purple on in. He missed and ended up crashing into the underbrush from the recoil.

    Hissing a curse, he went to try again, and after several tries, he got the piece to stick fast and fit into it's rightful place in the statue. This time, he landed on his clawed feet and looked to make sure that the piece was fitted exactly. Now, the other three Triangles started glowing, the bottom one was a bright blue, the left was yellow, and the right a burning red.

    He stood and took out a small mirror he had been given and walked towards a break in the jungle where the sun came through. Catching the sun in the mirror, he re-directed it....


    Back in King Talon's room, Silias was watching out the window when he spotted something being reflected out of the jungle, past the outskirts of the city.

    "Well," he said, his lips snearing even more. "It looks like my lackie has re-activated the Delta-Force. Now I must release the soul and the Hydra will be my weapon to cleanse this planet!"

    "Silias! Don't!!" Talon shouted, hopeing he could talk some sense, but it wasn't going to work.

    With one twist of his clawed wrist, Silias poped the wooden cork of the pot. A steamy substance started rising from the pot and flowed out the window, taking a long time to completly empty, even from such a small pot.

    "It is," Talon said. "Too late." The Saurian King hung his head.

    "Now," Silias said, his lips curling back. "It begins!" The pot clattered to the floor and Silias smashed it with his foot, shattering the ancient pot.


    The Saurian Silias had hired to replace the balance force for the Hydra's Delta-Force Life Force, paced as he waited. It was his job to recite an incantation to place the Hydra under Silias's control. Un-noticed to him, a mist started to come in between the trees.

    It seeped into the two open mouths of the statue slowly and completely, replacing the empty shell of the Hydra with it's sould once again. A slight tremor caught the area as color started returning to the Hydra's skin. The Saurain realized he had only a few seconds to recite the incantation before the Hydra would fully be awakened.

    "................................" <---------(reciting...)

    The heads started moving, withering around after eon's of being frozen in place. One head, the left, heard the small creature speaking, a primal idea comming to the small brain.

    The Saurain froze in place as he saw the Lightning head come closer and it's toothy mouth open.

    The reptilian Demi-Human's screech of terror was cut short as the mouth closed around it and crunched the Saruain into a bloody pulp of bone and blood. It gulped, licking it's lips.

    The Fire head snapped at the Lightning's neck, annoyed at it's greedyness.

    Now, the Hydra started to move, tearing itself from the Jungle that had tried to reclaim it. Silias's plan, had gone aray, and the Hydra was not under anyone's control, but it's own....


    The Saurain City had not heard a single thing during the whole time. It continued with life as usual for that city.

    But everything stopped as the sound of a loud dull moaning roar blasted through the air. Everything stopped, Saurian's in the street, the buildings, and even teh Pendant Bearers among the populace looked up in confusion.


    It was small at first...


    Barely noticalbe....



    But it got bigger,



    And closer.


    There, the Hydra, the ancinet creature of destruction stomped through the jungle trees, crushing them beneith it's large clawed hands and feet. It's three-finned tail whipped and knocked over even more trees, sending them flying and crashing into buildings.

    A clawed hand slammed down on a small Saruain house, reducing it and several others into rubble.

    The Left head looked around for a target to release it's wrath. It's eye was jagged and bent and jetted around in the monster's eye socket. The fins on its head started to spark, energy gathering in its mouth. Openning it's toothy maw it released a lightning bolt that vaporized the ground, buildings, and Saurain's into nothing.

    The Right head looked as well, a firey glow behind it's more-reptilian eyes. It's waving fins started to glow, and the glow behind it's eyes started getting brighter. Fire licked the side of it's lips as it released a burning hot blast of fire.

    The fire melted tthe buildings and even melted Saruain's skin right off their bodies, reducing their skeletons to ashes.

    The two heads roared, a drooning roar that reached all the way to the main temple of the city.

    The Hydra had returned what it had failed to do eons ago. Destroy the Saurian society....


    Now, for the Hydra Info:

    Name: Hydra
    Height: 40 meters
    Length: 80 meters.
    Weight: 20,000 meteric Tons
    Powers/Weapons: The Left head is able to spit Lighting, and the Right fires Fire. The Tail has control over water and may flood the city at some point in the battle.. not too soon however. Razor Sharp teeth and claws as well as its powers makes for an unbeatable creature. It only has one weakness.....

    Well... you wanted Hydra... you got Hydra.


    ~Mew Master
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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

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  3. #283
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    OOC: This may be my last post for a week cause I'm going up to Montreal on Thursday and I won't be back until Tuesday. If any interesting posts come up tomorrow though, I might post a bit more

    I was sound asleep when one of the Saurians knocked quietly and came in.
    "Misssss?", he asked.
    "mmmm, yeah?", I queried sleepily, thrashing around a bit.
    "Breakfassst is ready", he said and slipped out the door.
    I rubbed my eyes a bit before pushing myself out of bed and stretching. The past couple of days had been nice. Good food, great seemed things couldn't get any better.

    After a filling breakfast, I decided to go and wash, something that I had pained to do for a while while in the city. Walking out to the nearest waterfall, I stripped down (bar the amulet) and climbed into the icy waters. It just felt nice and cool to me as I moved over to the waterfall and placed my head under it. It felt good to be cleansed as I washed off the dirt and grime after days of traveling. Moving out to the center, I waved my hands in the air and watched a thread of water pushing upwards and flying in loops. This kept me entertained for a bit until I figured that other people wanted to wash themselves as well. Getting out, I directed the drops of water on my body to the ground, leaving me warm and dry. Putting my clothes back on (which were cleaned after we came to the city), I started to walk towards the markert when I heard a sound.


    Startled beyond belief, I ran faster towards the market, where the sound came from. Pushing past the trees and bushes, I soon came to the edge, to see a monstreous monster () spewing out fire from its right head and lightning bolts from its left. My eyes opened wide as I headed into the markets, a bit away from the monster. Running through the many tents, I was finally able to spot Vared in front of one store.
    "Vared", I panted after running for a bit. "Do you know what that thing is?"
    She looked at me and nodded somberly.
    "It's the Hydra."

    My ASB Team:
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  4. #284
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    3rd Person

    The monster's vibrations moved all the way to the main temple, shaking the very foundation. Soldiers began getting prepared for battle, waring armor over their usual armor.

    Chamel, Sora, and Elena had looked out a balcony at the Hydra stomping a wave of destruction over the city.

    Faile and Seylin had seen from their own windows and already left the temple, to go help and fight.

    "That is one plum ugly pair," Chamel commented.

    "We've gotta get down there," Sora said and they started running, leaving Elena.

    They were stopped, however, when someone grabbed them by the back of their shirts and they fell back.

    "Where do you think you're going?" Elena asked.

    "Off to go fight the big bad lizard thingy," Chamel replied.

    "Something strange is going on, and it isn't that creature." Elena said letting them go. "Talon isn't here, and I haven't seen him or Silias during breakfast."

    "So? Are we really going to let the Hydra destroy the city?" Sora asked.

    "Didn't you say that the Hydra was sealed away?"

    Sora nodded.

    "THen someone let him out," Elena sniffed around for a few seconds. "And I've been smelling some mildew, more than usual. Haven't you too Chamel?"

    Chamel sniffed for a bit. "Yeah, I can smell it. What of it thought, I only thought this place was growing more milldew after we got here."

    Elena looked around. "That wouldn't explain a few things though, like where are Talon and Silias?"

    There came a roar from the Hydra.

    "Something is deffinatly wrong here," Elena commented.

    She, Chamel, and Sora started running through the halls, trying to find where the King of the Saurians was.

    Wamiyazen Denisu "Saké" / Setsuna

    The Saurains had been in panic mode ever since this giant two-headed Lizard appeared out of no where. In order to avoid most of the confusion I jumped on top of one building. This would make the going easier.

    I started jumping from roof-top to roof-top. As I went, I spotted Kage a few houses over.

    "Kage!" That got his attention cause he spotted me too.

    We jumped off the roofs and continued running towards the creature.

    "What's going on?" I shouted as we got closer, some Saurain's still running away.

    "Hell if I know," Kage replied.

    The Hydra's foot slammed down infront of them, reducing several more homes into dust. Some rubble from an adjacent building started falling towards a Suarian family that was running away.

    "Photon Blast!"

    "Shadow Needles!"

    Saké and Kage's dual attacks hit the rubble, destroying some of it, but missing a large chunk that they couldn't get.

    "No!" Kage shouted.

    THe piece fell farther, threatening to smash the family, when it stoped, inches from the top of their heads. It was moved over to the side and then dropped with a thunk.

    Saké and Kage turned around, and Horus was standing on top of a building, a purple aura surrounding him.

    "Common!" Saké shouted to the family as he and Kage got closer. "Keep moving!"

    They started to help the Saurain Family run as the Hydra continued to destroy anything in it's path.


    Well.................if all goes well today I may actually get moved in today/tonight if all goes well...


    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

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  5. #285
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    *walks in from the shadows, a mask over his face and a cloak around him.....hiding quietly behind everyone*


    *Watches as ppl fall over from heart attacks*

    Neeto.... didn't think that would work.

    *takes off mask*

    *waves enthusiastically*

    Hiya everyone!

    *evil glares come his way*

    Eh heh heh?

    Anyway, I'm not dead, not by a long-shot. Ol' college-boy here just got finished with his second day of classes and finally managed to get on the net with my computer account. MY computer is still having problems with the Ethernet connection we have to use here, so that's on standby for the moment.

    Well it raind so hard I had to change clothes twice, mainly because of the Theater department orientation we had. It was fun and I got free food too. Auditions start tomorrow and so my time may be stretched kinda far.

    Enough about that. be asured that I AM NOT DEAD! So whoever's been thinking that... *glares at Kat, Noah, Rose, and Mark* I'll deal with later.....


    Okay why are there no new posts?! I thought you guys would have advanced the story a little bit. But school's starting up for most of us so it's no wonder ppl are quiet. Well, I better get back to the dorm with my slightly crazy roomie. It's okay, he's about as crazy as I am, so he's okay, creepier though.... meh... but that's just me.

    Also, I've been working on Sojiru in my spare time, and when he's finished, don't get all mad at me becase the pose is completely different than normal.... it's not entriely my fault, all the good poses have been taken. But I'll still make him look as good as I can.

    Later! ^_^

    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
    Bring your Battles to Life

    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
    SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096

  6. #286
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    *comes back to life after heart attack* XD Hee... Seriously, though... I've noticed that most of you peoples seem to know each others' names, so... Mine's Erin. (I like purple...)
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  7. #287
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)


    I was wandering around the marketplace when I heard something.


    I looked around to see what was making the tremendous sound, then found myself looking up. Waaaaay up. Perched on top of two long necks were a pair of heads. As I watched one sweped lightning bolts on the city, as the other spat fire.

    "What is that?!" I called to the nearest Saurian.

    "Run! It'sss the Hydra!" Was the reply, before the speaker followed his own advice and fled.

    Well, that deffinately meant they didn't want it around. And it didn't look like all that many Saurians were going to fight it, at least the ones I could see. Maybe I could do something to help. I was about to run over and get a better look at the situation when i herd someone call my name. I turned and found Amal running up to me.

    "Vared", she panted, "Do you know what that thing is?"

    I nodded. "It's the Hydra."

    "The Hydra?" she asked.

    "I'm not completely sure what it does, but I've seen it use Fire and Lightning attacks." Then I remembered something. As powerful as those attacks might be, I'd be immune to them if i could be my spear back. "I've gotta get back to the castle, and get my spear." I said, and started running. Amal followed, probably also wanting to get her weapon, tho neither of us bothered to waste any more of our breath by talking.

    When I reached it, I found teh whole place in an uproar. it seemed the Hydra had been imprisoned or something, and everyone was trying to figure out who set the Hydra loose. I walked around, trying to find someone who could tell me where our weapons were, but anyone I talked to either ignored me or didn't know where they were. I finally found a guard who was more helpfull. Somewhat.

    "Why do you need your weaponss? We're having a bit of a crississ, you know, and I have no time to be showing you around. Bessidesss, they were taken away for a reasson." The guard told me.

    "Because if I have my spear, I'll be immune to the Hydra's fire, which could give me an advantage." I replied. Just then, Elena Chamel, and Sora ran into the hall form a side door a little ways away. I called out to then, and they seemed surprised to see me and Amal here.

    "We're trying to get our weapons so we can fight the Hydra." I said, not bothering to go into detail because I wanted to be out of here as quick as possible. "Could you help us convince this guy to give them to us?"
    Mew Master's Officially Approved #1 Fan

    Read his fics, or I'll bash you with the Mallet of Ficcy Goodness.

    Follower of ~DR the Art God, possessor of The Mechanical Pencil of Reality and The Book of Recorded Reality.

  8. #288
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    Hi...I'm gonna post REAL Soon, but I was planning to hve a few chars that Zera knew from the past come help. They're innates, so I'm wondering if I can get a OK on this.
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  9. #289
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    WHEE!!! I now have net!


    Well I finally have net again. and It's fast crap!

    Okay, Narubo: Me (Mew Master), Noah (Darkmaster), Kat (Smeargal), and Rose (Mew Trainer Rose) have kinda known eachother. So hiya Erin! ^_^

    Well I have some things I need to do before auditions tonight. So I'll check up later!


    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
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  10. #290
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    Originally posted by Shadow Djinn
    Hi...I'm gonna post REAL Soon, but I was planning to hve a few chars that Zera knew from the past come help. They're innates, so I'm wondering if I can get a OK on this.
    *coughskippedcough* Anyway, Too go more into depth. When Zera was a bit younger, he met a group of teenagers called the Crossbone Vanguards. They were all innates, and he joined them. But his father soon found out, and realized that they were fighting Garm, though Zera knew nothng about that. Soon, the Vanguards left town, and Zera trained to one day be able to join them once again. So, My idea was for them to appear suddenly, and aid in defeating the Hydra. When the Hydra is finished off, I'll have them dissapear, and have them appear a bit more once in a while. That ok?

    By the way, name's Hunter.
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  11. #291
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    *coughskippedcough* Anyway, Too go more into depth. When Zera was a bit younger, he met a group of teenagers called the Crossbone Vanguards. They were all innates, and he joined them. But his father soon found out, and realized that they were fighting Garm, though Zera knew nothng about that. Soon, the Vanguards left town, and Zera trained to one day be able to join them once again. So, My idea was for them to appear suddenly, and aid in defeating the Hydra. When the Hydra is finished off, I'll have them dissapear, and have them appear a bit more once in a while. That ok?

    By the way, name's Hunter.

    Skipped? Hell no, I just didn't know what you were talking about.



    We don't have any aid while fighting the Hydra, it's all on our own.

    Sides, how would they appear when the Saruians are alwasy guarding the boarders and capture anyone who gets too close to them. So that idea is out (for now, we may have them pop in later)

    One thing though. and I have stressed this several times. This is the first time Garm has ever stirred up trouble, so there is no way that these "kids" could know about Garm. Maybe they were just street figheters who are vigilanties... up to yo Hunter... How can that be your real name?! *blinks*


    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
    Bring your Battles to Life

    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
    SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096

  12. #292
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    Okay, if you think that just because I'm at college, that means I'm goofing off, you are dead wrong.

    I have been hard at work on Char designs, and to prove it, I have The Ice Dragon God finished, scanned, and uploaded to my site. So be happy.

    Sojiru, The Ice Dragon God

    Like it Erin?

    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
    Bring your Battles to Life

    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
    SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096

  13. #293
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    Okay, It's time for some plot movement.


    NOTE: We have our weapons with us. (not to destroy your post Rose,sorry)

    Wamiyazen Denisu "Saké"/Setsuna

    The creature raised its foot and was going to slam it down. Jumping back in opposite directions, me and Kage avoided becoming two bloody stains on the ground. The area around where the Hydra was marching through had been evacuated, mostly because we (Me, Kage, Horus, Seylin, Faile, Zera and now Amal and Vared) had been keeping it occupied. However, with two heads that spit fire and Lightning, this wasn't easy.

    Zera and Vared split to the right, just as the Hydra let loose with a flame attack from it's right head. THe fire instantly melted anything it touched.

    As Vared and Zera went for it, Amal and Faile launched two attacks, Water Blade and Thunder Arrow to distract the head. THen the Left head turned and sparks began to fly from the fins and the head, the Hydra charging up it's onther attack.

    Horus mentally threw a chunk of a house into the Hydra's left head, knocing it back, and saving the rest of us from being vaporized.

    But while we were fighting, I was wondering what was going on at the castle, where were Elena, Sora, and Chamel, and where had Setsuna disappeared to?!

    Then to my surprise, Setsuna dashed up, her hat flying off her head and went for a slash at the right neck, leaving a long gash with her naginata. The Right head stopped it's attack and reared back, roaring in pain. Then it turned and stared at Setsuna, flames licking the corners of it's mouth.

    Light gathered in my fist and then I released the attack. "PHoton Blast!"

    The attack beamed towards the Hydra, and hit the right head, knocking it back a bit and it's flame missed hitting Setsuan.

    But before we could launch another counter attack, the Left head tried to blast us all with Lightning.

    Making our way back by jumping and landing on buildings, we tried to make a plan.

    "This is pointless," Seylin commented.

    "He's right... everytime we attack one head, the other breaks us up." Faile replied.

    "And we are not strong enough to take on both heads at once..." Horus added.

    "Vared, Launch a Flame Jet at the Left head." Zera said very suddenly.

    "Wha? Okay.."

    Vared's Spear started to be consumed by flames and then the flames blasted towards the Hydra. "Flame Jet!"

    Zera started to glow with a silvery aura and then he dashed off in his Renozuken attack.

    We watched as Vared's attack got closer to the Hydra, and Zera was moving very fast along the ground. Running up to some debrigh that looked like a ramp, he hit it, jumped off the top edge and flew through the air, his Blade raised above his head.

    Everyone thought he as going to get hit by Vared's Flame attack, but everyone was shocked at what happened.

    The flames contorted themselves around Zera's weapon, consuming it and turning it into a literal sword of flames.


    ((NOTE: Fire Sword is a Dual Team Attack only between Vared and Zera. The others Have Dual attacks as well, but those mey come along later, such as a Delta Attack between Vared, Seylin, and Faile. but more on that much later. Fire Sword is a combo attack of Flame Jet and Renozuken.))

    Zera Slashed down, hitting the Left head, and leaving a burning mark. As he hit the Ground, the Left head was in agony of the attack.

    ONe of the feet was raised up and slammed down, close to Zera as he started to G.O.D. (Get outta Dodge).


    Okay.. the rest is up to you guys... really it is... but I don't think Vared and Zera can do antoehr Fire Sword attack for a while at least....


    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
    Bring your Battles to Life

    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
    SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096

  14. #294
    Donator Advanced Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's) extra attack.

    I'd post now, but I just moved into my dorm, and things are still busy. And I wanted to tell you that i don't have a computer of my own yet, so i may not be able to post as often. Then again, i still might; there's 24-hour computer labs here. i'll do a plot-adding post when i have more time!
    Mew Master's Officially Approved #1 Fan

    Read his fics, or I'll bash you with the Mallet of Ficcy Goodness.

    Follower of ~DR the Art God, possessor of The Mechanical Pencil of Reality and The Book of Recorded Reality.

  15. #295
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    I watched on as the others attacked the 2 heads. It appeared that the left released lightning and the other, fire. I firmly settled on the right since I could handle it better. Twirling my blade, I released another Water Blade, the water hitting the side of the right head. Turning towards me, the Hydra growled and shot out scorching fire, melting the market stalls in front of them. Leaping out of the way in time, I felt myself being scorched and choked in pain. Desperately looking around, I found a tall building a few yards away and sprinted towards it.
    "Faile, keep it busy", I shouted out to her.
    She nodded and shot electricity at the fire Hydra while I scampered up the rough building. Coming to the top, I went over to the edge and held my glaive out. Concentrating deeply, I closed my eyes and tried to find sources of water surrounding the city. Finding a couple of waterfalls, wells and undeground springs, I brought them all towards me. Feeling the power rising every second, I opened my eyes to find my pendant shining brightly and a huge tsunami standing right in front of me spinning quite fiercely.
    "Watch out everyone!", I shouted to the others.
    "Tidal Tsunami!", I shouted and directed the tsunami towards the right head.
    Flying towards the right head while gathering up pieces of stalls and houses along the way, the water tornado slammed into the Hydra, sending wood and water into his head and mouth. I breathed in deeply to catch my breath as the Hydra roared in severe pain.
    OOC: ugh, it was horrible since I had no idea what to post but I hadn't posted in a while so I needed something. Tidal Tsunami is actually the same as Tidal Wave. I thought it sounded ridiculous having Amal say Tidal Wave while having a tsunami in front of her so I combined tidal and tsunami together to get the new word ^^

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  16. #296
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    Sorry to leave you hanging, but the Hydra my seem to be easily damaged, but just think of him as an RPG Char with Monstrous HP!!

    That and ungodly attacks... O.o

    3rd Person

    Elena, followed by Sora and Chamel, made their way through the castle, Saruians dressed for battle rushed past them as civilians made their way into the castle, the only safe place in the city.

    Chaos was the name of the day, but the Saruians were handling themselves well. But the King has not appeared.

    "Talk about a rodeo!" Chamel commented as he ran, the Masumoon resting on his shoulder, trying not to hit anyone with the 8 foot-long weapon. "This place is more chaotic than a free all-you-can-eat buffett!" He side-stepped to avoid getting run over by a line of soldiers.

    Sora agreed. "Where is Talon? We need his help if we'll have any hope of beating that thing."

    Elena was running faster than Chamel and Sora, but keeping a pace so not to lose them in the crowds. The same question was running through her mind, but also was the strange mildew smell that had caught her attention earlier...

    Stopping at a junction, Elena sniffed, as Chamel and Sora cuaght up, slightly out of breath.

    "Now where Cat-girl?" Chamel asked.

    "Use your nose Lizard-boy," Elena replied.

    Chamel sniffed, and then contorted his face. "Whew! What is that funky smell?! Smells like my gym socks!"

    "It's milldew... and pretty strong too."

    "This place is old, and muggy.." Sora replied. Noticing that they were the only ones left in the hall way.

    "No," Elena replied. "This sent is different... it's older... and something about it sends my hairs on end.." It was true, elena's back hair was standing on end, making her look bigger.

    "She's right," Chamel added. "I may be cold-blooded, but this sends a chill down my spine."

    Elena sniffed a bit and started walking down one way down the fork, her nose high, eyes closed, and sniffing. Her eyes split open. "This way!"

    The castle was hit with a rough shaking, like an earthquake was hitting the city at it's heart. The three warriors where having their world rocked inside the castle, as the snarls and growls of frustrated and confused Saruians could be heard behind them.

    "This isn't supposed to be how you rock the house!" Chamel shouted as they hit the deck as teh castle threatened to cave in on itself.

    Luckily, the old structure held and the rumbling stopped.

    "What the hell was that?!*" Sora shouted.

    ((Note... that is the Hydra slamming its feet and slightly disorienting the Pendant Bearers from annoying it... if anyone wants to do that... go ahead..))

    "I think tall, dark, and guresome is getting annoyed..." Chamel commented standing up on his two-toed feet.

    "We have to hurry, perhaps the King the Hydra and everything else is intertwined here!" Elena said.

    "Find the king, we find some answers!" Sora added.

    The three started running down the corridor and up some stairs,came upon two guards, stationed by a set of large doors. They all recognized them as Talon's personal Chambers.

    "Okay, something's wrong.." Sora said.

    "That's an understatement..." Chamel replied.

    "Why are they there, when they should be with the rest of the Soldiers?" Sora asked.

    Elena didn't reply to Sora's question. "Chamel... even if you cloak with your clothes on, can you still blend with the ceiling?"

    "Yeah, Why? Gotta plan?"



    "Let's go."
    ~Mew Master

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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

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  17. #297
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    OoC: NO!!! This shall not die... again...!! I got a new spell for Seylin, too; it's called Encase, and it surrounds his naginata with ice. The ice, if it comes in contact with a foe, may freeze the part it hits if its weaker, plus it hurts a lot (XD). The ice can't melt or shatter unless Seylin commands it to.


    I was one of the first out to fight the beast, which I learned was called the Hydra. I glared up at its two ugly heads, brandishing my naginata.

    "Ok, we can do this the easy way, or I can turn you into an ice sculpture," I muttered. Its right head heard me, and it turned its great ugly mug towards me. I leapt into the air, narrowly avoiding the jet of flame it sent at me.

    I kicked off of a tree, and, as if I had known what to do all along, I yelled, "Encase!" And my naginata became covered with ice. Without thinking, I stabbed at the beast's eye. It merely blinked, and my blow was deflected. I landed, cursing all giant two-headed lizards under my breath. "<So, that didn't work,>" I thought, frowning. "<What now?>"
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  18. #298
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    " How is this Hydra gonna be...defeated." I muttered slowly. A stream of fire melted a tree as Seylin appeared in the air, stabbing at the eye. The hydra merely blinked, sending out another jet of fire. I flew up into the air to avoid it, sending out multiple white orbs at the electric head. They circled around the head before crashing in, showering it with metal. The fire head turned, firing a ball of fire, melting the metal. Some, though still lasted, dropping on the body, leaving a burn mark. Something clicked in my head.
    " That's it..." I smirked.
    " Vared! Use a fireball on my sword.!" Vared looked at me, confused.
    " it." A ball of flames was my answer, as the flames engulfed the sword. The flames cleared away, leaving a red hot sword. Not excatly a fire sword attack, but good enough. Extending my wings, I took to the air, gliding forward.
    " Ren..zo..kuken!" A silver glow surrounded my burning sword, and I slashed at the yellow head madly, making small burn marks.
    Before I could continue, the red head fired a stream of flames at my wings, bringing me to the ground..

    Meh, Best I could think of.
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  19. #299
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    *Sniff* It brings a tear to my eye to know that there are still loyal RPers apart of this.

    I'm sorry, although I may have more free time, extra-cirricular activities, clubs, school, and job search have taken up most of my time. Plus, I'll be heading back to Republic Friday and may be back late Sat, early Sunday. WHichever, I haven't decided.

    The reason for this visit is because Sarah's Birthday is the 18th, but I can't go next week because I have a feild trip that saturday, so I'm showing up a week early.

    In the meantime.. I'm deciding who to leave in charge of the RPG while I'm MIA. Current choices are Kat, Rose, and Noah... but I don't know yet... hey it's only for two days... nothing bad can happen in two days, right. (forboding music is played) Oh, right... famous last words.....

    Well, I have to go get some laundry started and then I may be back and add a post. hopefully before 5:00, cause I have club meetings at that time that I have to be at.

    So.... I'll add an RPG post later... it will start to tie somethings together, and we can keep up the assault on the Hydra... which it turns out that we really aren't damaging that much... O.o

    Well... more later...


    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
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  20. #300
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Okay, time for some of the final parts LET'S ROCK!!

    3rd Person

    Talon sat there, surrounded by guards that used serve him. Silias looked out the window, soaking in the destruction the Hydra was creating. The only thing displeasing the Saurian was the fict that the Pendant Bearers were outside, delaying the Hydra's movements through the city, and giving the civilian's still on the ground to make an escape while soldiers started swarming form the castle, ready to throw their lives away for the king and city.

    "Stupid humans." Silias snarled. "They are willing to throw thier lives away for people they have never known exsisted."

    Talon growled at Silias's comment. "How dare you! YOu know that those humans hold the fate of Jakarta in their bare hands! If they die, then the great Demon will rise again and cover the world in darkness!"

    Silias, annoyed with Talon's outburst, ran over to his prisoner and backslapped the Saurian King across the face. "Just myths and legends! The Dragon Gods never exsisted. Your whole family was just a lot of disillusionals!"

    Talon was mad now, for years his fanily had lead the Saurians to prosperity, now his own adviser was mocking his family. Rage burned in the King's brain.

    From the twin doors there came a knock that grabbed everyone's attention.

    "Check it out.." Silias snarled and a Guard walked over to the door and openned it a bit so he could peek out. Nothing was there. Not the guards that were standing and protecting the doors, not a soul in the halls, nothing.

    He threw the one door open and ran outside.

    "There's no one out...!" Something in black clothes flew into the room and seemed to fly up the walls and onto some of the rafters in the ceiling. A long sword seemed to float not too far from the black clothes.

    "What the devil?!"

    Then Elena and Sora jumped through the door, each attacking one guard, and all hell broke loose.

    Sora and Elena faught for their lives as Chamel, in hide-mode, continued to cover them by slashing the Masumoon around, blocking several attacks from the guards. Silias, seeing his own life in jepordy, turned and started to run. Talon, anger fueling his body, lept up from the guards surrounding him and after Silias.

    The Saurian King landed a hit on Silias. A long scar that covered the saurian's face and over his eye. Silias growled and spread his claws, lowering his body closer to the ground. Talon snarled and bared his fangs.

    The two reptile-Demi-Humans grappled along the ground, growls and snarls combined with the sounds of clanging metal as everyone was in an all-out melee.

    Silias was thrown against the wall, shattering several priceless pots that were in the King's room. Talon jumped and pounced on Silias again, but was thrown off as the Saurian planted his feet on the King's chest and threw him in a round-house throw. Talon flipped and landed on his feet, the claws digging into the stone floor.

    "Silias," he snarled. "YOu have done more than just endangered our people, you have insulted my family. and for that I will not let you live!"


    The fight between the Saurian's has only begun! Who will win? King Talon, who's family has aided the Saurains in prospering? Or Silias who plans to invade and restore the Saurian empire to its former glory? Also, what of the Hydra, and a possible way to defeat the towering monster?

    And can Elena, Sora, and Chamel defend themselves against Silias's guards? ASll up to you, the RPers.


    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
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  21. #301
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Chains of Dragons (No LSU's)

    Man, quiet... you guys are probably busy, but so am I. My art class is kind of annoying, but I hope things pick up as the Semester Goes.

    Okay, first off I think I have Chamel finished. Keep in mind this is my first attempt at a Chameleon Demi-Human so don't start stoning me to death Mark.

    First the sketches...

    Chamel, Sketches

    Now, the full body....

    Chamel, Full body

    I know it looks kinda odd, but keep in mind parts of his body are already in Camoflauge mode. His legs, left hand and tail already are.

    What do you guys think? Mark? Are you even alive?


    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
    Bring your Battles to Life

    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
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  22. #302
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    Everyone is still here, but they probably either forgot to post or are having writer's block, like me. I honestly had to throw things together in my last post and I'm still stuck right now, even with your nudging

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  23. #303
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    Default Set to go!

    My that was a spicy meata' ball! Hey people, the chama-chama-chameleon is back, and ready to kick some hydra tail! Lets get this party bumpin'!
    "Let the king and his advisor battle it out, if the advisor wins, we kill him!" snarled the invisible Chamel.

    "Sounds like a plan to me!" shouted Elena, as she ran her pole into a saurian guard not to far from her. (can't rember if she has a polar weapon...)

    As Chamel ran his masumoon threw a nearby guard, he stole a glance out the window...

    "Err... YIKES!!!" Chamel shouted as the foot of the beast landed just outside the window. The ground shook with ferocity as the foot impacted the ground.

    "What the hell is that?! Ah, what do I care, I say we kill it!" shouted Chamel, completely forgetting about the king and advisor.

    The king and advisor were both rounding each other, looking and waiting for the other to let his guard down so that the other could pounce.

    "Did you think you could get away with humiliating my family and my people?!" roared Talon.

    "It wasss too easssy." roared the Silias as he pounced the king and pinned him to the stone floor. The guards had been vanquished from the room, any that were smart had ran. Screams could be herd (JOY, THE ICE CREAM MAN IS HERE!) on the other side of the wall. The group of three came out of the castle, to run into...

    The HYDRA (free, with purchase)

    "Wha..." began Chamel, but was cut short by a tower of flame that errupted from one of the heads.

    "Man this guy has heart-burn, any one bring the retardent?" cracked Chamel as he put his cloak back on and became visible to the naked (no sick minded thoughts now kidies) eye.

    "Who cares? But before we waste our energy, we need to formulate a plan of attack!" shouted sake. The group gathered inside the castle to formulate their plan of attack.

    "People, now if we don't work as a team, this over grown luggage case.." began Horus

    "Hey now, easy with the over grown luggage case." interupted Chamel.

    "Ok, but if we are to take this thing down. It will require some good effort, and down-to-the-second timing with our attacks. What would be really good is if we could get this thing on the ground, and keep it that way. Chamel, don't you know any techniques that can put it on its back, side, or face?" asked Horus.

    "... Why yes I do Horus. When this hydra goes down, I'll be bringin' the whole house with me!" said Chamel. "You guys just make sure that it stays down, cause a technique that your askin' for will definatly drain me." said Chamel, slightly hinting bad things.

    "That shouldn't be a problem, just wish that we had some back-up from the saurian guards..." said Sake.

    "Who cares, lets get this started!" said Chamel, with enormous enthusiasim in his voice...


    Ok, to explain my LENGTHY absence from PM: I had my IP address blocked (4th time), I had been working on drawings, getting my Air Force gig squared away, job at Food Farm, and the biggest part of my time has been spent on the Dream campaign for Dungeons and Dragons. I tell ya', creating an ENTIRE planet is tough ****! It took me an entire night just working on ONE continents (there are seven total) cities! The last continent has been drawn, and is slowly, but surly being colored to add to the play value for those who play in the RPG here at PM, and the D&D campaign here in Missoula. The other part of my D&D time is spent playing with a friend named Elliot, who is my mentor in becoming a DM (Dungeon Master), which is basically above the gods in the world of D&D. Ooo, and another portion of my time is spent at a place called, which is a good place for debating. Well, now that my situation has been explained, and a hearty post in my stomache, I'm outa' here people!

    Pimpin&#039; Redmage, at your service.

  24. #304
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Uh, Mark, Elena has a pair of daggers..... *blinks*

    Okay time for a weapons check!

    Wamiyazen Denisu "Sake": Dragon Katana
    Ikagaide Kage: Dragon Claws (three claws on each hand in RPG, a single blade in the story)
    Kai-Prea Elena: Emerald Dragon Daggers
    Hatsuki Seylin: Dragon Naginata (about six feet from base to tip of blade)
    Horus: Twin Dragon Blade (two seperate blades for one hilt)
    Leonhart Zera: Dragon Blade (a sword blade about two feet wide and five feet long)
    Vared: Dragon Spear (a spear about a yard long with a foot long blade)
    Hibari Sora: Dragon Scythe
    Arran Amalthea: Dragon Glaive (from staff to blade is about 5 feet long)
    Chamel: Dragon Masumoon (from handle to tip of the blade is about 8 feet, right Mark?)
    Thundersong Faile: a pair of Dragon Daggers and 50 bone-tipped Dragon Arrows.
    Setsuna: A Naginata with an 8 foot staff and 2 foot blade. Specs on it are unknown (cept to me of course).
    Cassandra: Claws.
    Karsh: Anglo-saxen sword.
    Sherina: A wooden bo staff
    Silias/Talon/most saurians: Claws on feet and hands, as well as teeth.
    Saurian guards and soldiers: A variaty of nasty looking weapons from swords to spears.

    Meh.. better get going. Later!

    ~Mew Master
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
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    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

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  25. #305
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    Fwee....I'm alive! =) Anyway....after weeks, I finally got Zera's last move.

    Metal Veil: As Zera concetrates, metal shards form around him, spinning around in a tight circle, increasing in speed. However, the attack's effectiveness depends on the calmness, and the anger of Zera. The more anger he has, the more powerful the shards become, and when he is calm, the shards are more accurate. As he launches them, they relentlessly shower the enemy with the sharp metal shards, controllable by Zera's mind.



    The jet of flames shot at my wings, singing them a bit. However, the force threw me back, the wind keeping me aloft. Looking up, I made a feeble attempt to launch a Metal Blast, while still concentrating on the landing. 2 small beams of silver energy shot out of my hands, barely phasing the hydra. Before I could do more, I crashed into the window of a building, rolling in, just as I had fired off a Metal Blast. The orbs shot out of my palms, jetting through the air, smashing through the wall, heading towards the hydra. Getting up, I looked around. This was the palace...wasn't it? Testing my wings, I made an attempt to fly, but I crashed into the carpet.
    " GUess it'll have to be running...." I muttered, picking up my sword. Dashing forward, I leapt through the window, out back into the massacre. I saw a few back in the castle, talking about something, diverting my attention. A pillar of flames rose in front of me, embers flaring out.
    " I never thought I would have to do this.." I reached inside a leather pouch, revealing a small cold silver stone. Grasping it, I closed my eyes, feeling a slight sensation overcome me, The symbols on the stone glowed, shining a brilliant white. A tornado of metal shards formed around me, as I floated up into the air. More power. I had so much energy.....Opening my eyes, I raised my sword, which was surrounded by a silver aura, as more shards formed.
    " METAL VEIL!" I yelled, extending my wings, and shooting forward, the barrier of metal surrounding me. Charging into the electric head, I fired off the shards as I raised my sword, which slowly grew longer, extending into the sky. BRinging it down with a jerk, I brought it crashing down into the yellow head, swinging mu blade madly. Aiming for the heads, I slashed at the neck, as the shards slashed into the Hydra's scales.
    " DIE!" I roared, rocketing downward....

    Okay, basically, there's this stone that Zera carries, called the Stone of Sages. It energizes him, giving him great powers, to manipulate steel...etc. However, it drives him into a berserk killing frenzy. So he's basically gone psycho. So yeah...hope this is okay...*shrugs* He's practically commiting suicide....I'll pull him out later though, can't let him die. Time for Chamel to work his miracle....

    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  26. #306
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Why wait?... sides... I kinda know how I want the Hydra to be defeated.. We need to keep the Dual Techs going... Also:

    Zera can't learn two new techniques in such a short ammount of time. Besides you said that Metal Veil was his last move, therfore it's his most powerful, right? Besides, Zera learned the Dual Tech with Vared, the Fire Sword. Sides.. I have no clue what Mark is pulling right now....


    Wamiyazen Denisu "Saké"/Setsuna

    They Hydra reared its twin heads back and blasted a three wave move. Fire, Lightning, and Water swarmed over the city, blasting buildings to peices.

    The Pendant Bearers managed to barely get out of the way of the Hydra's attacks, nearly getting killed.

    Saké, Faile, and Seylin landed on a rooftop that was still barely standing.

    "Oh great.." Saké commented.

    "The more we attack it, the harder it hits." Seylin stated.

    Faile didn't reply, but she uttered a hmm as the Hydra roared again and energy crackled along it's left head. Seconds later another Lightning bolt blasted through the area.

    "Wait..." Faile said. "It's fins glow right before it blasts its. Part of the design on it's chest also glows."

    There came a series of snarls and growls as Talon and Silias faught it out on part of the balcony of the temple. Talon was holding his own from my vantage... but we had to move because the Hydra was using it's Fire now.

    The fire arched its way along the ground, vaporizing water and melting still standing buildings. Then it hit the temple, and the Balcony that Talona and Silias were fighting on started to collapse as a whole. It slid along the side of the temple before breaking apart and sending the two Saurains onto seperate rooftops. Rocks slammed into the area around them as the stunned Saurains started to get their bearings back.

    Talon stumbled a bit as Silias struggled to get to his feet.

    "Hey! The King's in trouble!" Horus shouted.

    "We know!" Elena, Sora, and Chamel showed up right on some other roof tops.

    "What happened?!" Kage shouted.

    "Long story! Better for another day." Sora replied.

    "Best to let them duke it out!" Chamel added. "But how do we take care of tall, twin, and guruesome?!"

    "How should we know?" Seylin replied.

    "If anoyone has a plan, now's the time to use it!" Setsuna shouted.


    Well, that's it for tonight.... Later.
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
    Bring your Battles to Life

    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
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  27. #307
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    Now time for me to add in the feature we've all been waiting for; one more of the Hydra's unique abilities. ^_^ Anyone who's heard of the mythical beast before whould know what's coming.


    "I've got an idea!" I called, as we had to avoid yet another wave of water. "Why don't we try cutting off its heads? They're the parts attacking us, and if you cut off the heads, the rest of the creature will die."

    "Easier said than done. How do you get close enough to take a swipe at it's neck?" replied Chamel.

    By then I'd noticed that Zera had gone nuts. With a loudy cry of "DIE!" He slashed at the Hydra's lightning head a few times. With one last swipe, the Hydra's neck reared back out of his reach....and the massive head fell to the ground.

    Everyone just gaped for a minute. "Well, that worked!" said Chamel.

    "Hold on, something's going on with the neck," Faile observed.

    As we watched, the wound started to heal over, then the neck split in two down the length of it. The two halves formes into seperate heads, and a bulge grew out of the top of each of them. Before we knew it, those bulges had turned into two new heads, and we were faced with a very annoyed Hydra with oe extra head.

    "Ok, that didn't work quite as planned," I said.

    (OOC: head-regrowingness! what are we gonna do? Hey Denny, I couldn't remember if two or three grew back for every head chopped of, so correct me if I'm wrong.)
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  28. #308
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    Damn! comp deleted my post....

    Okay, sorry Rose, but this Hydra doesn't have the head-regeneration ability... that and we are talking about a huge creature here. THe necks are as thick as redwoods.

    I kinda didn't want to tell everyone the weakspot yet... but it seems ppl are getting frustrated with me... I don't know why though.. *wonders why*

    The True weakspot is the jewel triad on the Hydra's chest. An up[side down triangle split into four smaller ones. Red, Yellow, Purple, and Blue. The purple is in the center and is the true weakspot. Once the jewel is shattered it allows for a clear shot into the Hydra's body. A projectile (energy or otherwise) should kill it. But try and get it away from the temple as possible... because when this thing blows.. it's gonna make Hiroshima seem like a firecracker.

    But we don't learn the true weakness until Talon is finished dealing with Silias. And we have to have Silias live, cause I have plans for the Saurian... also, could Elena take him out. We need a reason for him to have a grudge against her. It'll make things more interesting.

    Once Silias is dealt with, then we need to formulate a plan based on that.

    (oh, and it's three heads for ev ery one cut opff Rose... ^_^U )


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    drat. well, that just turns my post to garbage now, don't it? *Fireballs the whole thing and lets the Hydra attack the ashes*
    OK, I'm out of ideas again. -_- I thought you told me at some point that I'd do the head-regrowing thing, but i guess I was mistaken.
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    No, I told you I wasn't going to do the head-regenoration thing... it was a few weeks ago... before we left...
    ~Mew Master

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  31. #311
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    Oh yeah. Eh Who said MEtal Veil was his strongest move? Nononono.... Draconian Call is the strongest....I'll bring out the MEtal Veil and Draconian Call later, I guess.
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
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    Everything will start, Believer!

  32. #312
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    Oops, Dijin, I apologize. I wasn't sure if that was going to be your strongest attack or if Dragon Call was. That and the 17th was not the very best of days. Noah and Kat know about it better than some of you do. So if you really want to know, just ask... I'm laughing at it now... okay, just half of it....


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  33. #313
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    [COLOr=orange[Okay, I think it's about time Talon and Silias started to finish their little scurmish..[/COLOR]

    3rd Person

    Talon stammered to his feet, shacking off the fall he and Silias had taken when the balcony fell. Large chunks of the structure had fallen aroudn them, collapsing parts of the buildigns around them. The buildings were already weakened because the Hydra had flooded part of the city, making it about an 8 foot flood.

    The Saurian King rose to his feet, bruises, scrapse, and slashes over his once magnificant orange and black stripped body. He snarled, a split in his lips leaking a small amount of blood.

    Silias wasn't in much better shape than Talon. The Advisor had a long slash along the left side of his face where Talon had first attacked the Saurian. Another wound was open on Silias's left shoulder where some of the falling debreigh had hit him.

    The two knew the fight was far from over, and their Saurian pride would not allow them to back down, no matter how badly injured they were, until one, or both, were dead

    Silas started jumping from roof to roof, closing in the distance on the Saurian King. Talon stood his ground, waiting for Silias to get closer.

    The advisor jumped in, his vicious foot claws extended to strike Talon down. Rolling under the attack, Talon spun and met Silias's attack with a counter of his own foot claws.

    The Two Saurains grappled, causing even more wounds on their bodies. Talon and Silias were not willing to give up, each fighting not for their lives, but for their pride and honor. Even in sparing matches, there were still rules to uphold. Certian techniques and laws of fighting that every saurian must uphold. Except that Silias was dishonest.

    Quickly, Silias used a Strengthen attack and increased his raw strength. With one swipe, the blow knocked Talon back.

    The Saurian King was now on his back, a trio of slash marks on his chest, and the wind knocked out of him. Silias started to stalk towards him.

    "You... you are... dishonorable.." Talon muttered, short of breath.

    "YOu fool," Silias replied, his claws clicking on the roof. "In the game of life, all that matters isn't how you win. Winnign is all that matters, and if it takes a few cheep shots to win, than so be it."

    Silias planted a foot on Talon's neck, keeping the King pinned.

    "For too long I've had to kiss up to your repulsive assss. You are weak willed Talon, and the weak are always the first to die."

    The Hydra roared with the continous assult by some of the Pendant Bearers.

    "I may not be able to control the Hydra any longer, but it doesn'
    t matter anymore. I alone shall rebuild the Saurain Empire to it's former gloary, something you never considered. Your softness for Humans and Demi-Humans will cost you your life..." The scicle claw on Silias's foot started to sink lower, the point close to Talon's jugular vein.

    "Any last words, your highness?" Silias sneared.

    "You.. dishonorable demon!" Talon snarled. "Even if I die, there will be those to avenge my death.."

    "Famous last words, but I'll still be alive..."

    Then there came a roar of a jungle cat and Silias looked up, just to be kicked square in the face and knocked back. He skidded along the ground then raised his head.

    There standing as Talon struggled to his feet, was Elena Kai-Prae, daggers in hand and a snarl in her lips.

    "You... you Demi-scum." Silias snarled as he got to his feet. "How dare you interfere!"

    "Shut the hell up you Demonic bastard." Elena replied, a glare of death in her eyes. "How dare you sacrafice innocent lives of your own people for your own selfish desires."

    "Do you wish to die, Pendant Bearer?" Silias crouched low to the ground, and spread his clawed hands.

    "You do not have to do this.." Talon said, surprised with Elena's willing ness to jump into the fray.

    Elena didn't look back. "I heard every word this demon said. How anyone can act like that tho his own people is dispicable, and completely opposite of everything I've ever been taught." She raised her daggers. "I will do this. If not for your people, then for myself."

    Silias snarled and Elena roared.


    Note: Silias isn't really a demon, Elena is just comparing him to one. Common, I don't want it to censor too much of this now....

    Hopefully MarillTogepie will reply. But taht's if we're lucky....


    ~Mew Master
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  34. #314
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    Due to the ammount of bull**** that has been going on concerning this post that was previously here, I have decided to move it to AFTER TML's latest post. Again, the post that once was here has been moved forward and edited to FIT the storyline.

    Chameleon out

    Pimpin&#039; Redmage, at your service.

  35. #315
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    A total of 7 spells?! Odd... since your Special Techniques stopped at five.... Let' me see...


    Bah, if I have some time today and tomorrow, I'll do some searching and find out what some of you have for your five Techniques and such. Also try and throw some variaty into your Magic Spells, (NOT the same as special Techniques BTW)


    Also... a PS: How about instead of destroying two of the Jewels.. (stay with me here) it only cracks the Purple Jewel and knocks the Hydra back to the outskirts of the City? How's that sound?? Sides... we need more Dual Techs to be introduced.... *blinks*

    ~Mew Master
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  36. #316
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    Okay... tid-bit of info here...

    Taimat is finished!! *trumpits sound*

    Taimat, the Earth Dragon God

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  37. #317
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    HEY, now we're talkin'! The pic of Tiamat looks good, definatly better dragons than that of which I can do at the current moment. (I still got ya' beat with drawing humans though) Yeah, for those out there who "used" to talk to me, sorry bout' all the amount of time that I have NOT spent on the net. Most of the time nowa' days is spent on the net at bout' 12-1 AM in the mornin'. So, if you have been tryin' to chat with me, sorry bout all this. Just that creating a livin', breathing world in a week is tough stuff! The construction of Dream (the actual planet people) is coming along nicely, though it has taken about four days to create ALL of that in which I have done so far. (total time spent working on Dream) At the moment I am coming up with character templates that I can use both on and off the computer. So far that little character of mine is named Tanklar Koreben (Tanklar Core-ben), comes from the Haraspian army, first order. Uses psionic abilities, and wears some nasty lookin' black onyx shades. Oh well, nough' bout' Tanklar.

    People that are NOT dead, please report to central dogma and post your butt up here!

    Pimpin&#039; Redmage, at your service.

  38. #318
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    The Hydra roared again, that it's two heads looked daggers at the humans and demi-humans around them. For a moment I found it a bit off that it wasn't attaking, untill I noticed something.

    "Hey, look at the water! It's all receding back towards the Hydra!" I said. And indeed it was. There had been several feet of water along the ground between the buildings; now it all was rushing back toward teh beast that put it there in the first place. It reminded me of a wave that had just hit teh beach, and was now receding back toward teh ocean. Except on a much more massive scale.

    "Oh, no," said Amal quietly.

    I looked over to her, since she wasn't too far away from me, and asked, "What it is?"

    "On the coast, the water receding that much would mean almost one thing..." a watery rumbling was heard not too far off, and I could guess what it was even before she said the word. ..."Tsunami."

    The wall of water was rushing toward us from behind the Hydra. It was surprisingly fast for something that large. That was not going to be easy to live through.
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  39. #319
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    Wamiyazen Denisu "Saké"/ Setsuna

    Everyone watched as the wave started to get bigger, then started to overgrow the entirecity. The wave itself was much taller than the main Temple and it continued to grow.

    "Oh crap." Kage commented as the Tsunami wave started to grow even larger.

    "No duh Sherlock!" Chamel replied to him. "That wave could wipe out the entire Jungle!! Not to mention us!!"

    "What are we gonna do?!" I asked, short on ideas.

    It was then I sensed the shiver of someone using an Ice move. For some reason I glanced towards Seylin, who had an icy blue aura around him. What's he..... He Cant!! my mind shouted. THere's no way he can freeze that entire Tsunami wave!

    The wave got closer and bigger with every passing second.

    There was a nother use of Magic, and surprisingly I looked at Zera. I recognized the form of attack, it was a Metal Element, Magnify.

    "No way!" I wasn't the only one who could tell what Zera was trying to do. It was next to impossimble, but they were willing to go all out for it. Dad had always taught me that the strength of the Magic used is based on the strength of the user's heart.

    "Don't Give up!" Sora shouted.

    Seylin openned his eyes and tried to stare down the wave as it bared down on us.

    "Arctic Wind!!"

    A slight breeze turned into a burning cold gust and then into hurricane force winds. The source of these winds seemed to come from nowhere and yet everywhere. Our skin started to get colder, but we weren't the focus of Seylin's attack.

    Slowly and slightly the wave started to freeze over. Smooth waves turned into jagged ice and freezed even more water. Water continued to freeze, Seylin put all of his energy into the attack.

    Then, finally, the entire wave was solidified into pure ice.

    All of us stood there, dumbfounded at the sight of a 400 foot tall frozen tidal wave.

    "Whoa," Chamel said. "Heavy..."

    "But what about the Hydra?" Faile asked.

    We all looked at Horus and he closed his eyes. It was a few seconds and a smile appeared on the purple Demi-Human's face.

    "The Hydra's stuck! In his own frozen wave!" Then he started to chuckle.

    "What? He's not a Hydra-sicle by now?" Chamel added, laughing.

    Faile came up to Chamel and whacked him over the head. "Idiot. It's still alive..."

    "And we don't know how to beat it." Setsuna said, her usual quiet self.

    "What about the King?" Kage added.

    "I think Elena is taking care of our little trator problem." Sora commented.

    We all looked in that direction to see Elena taking on Silias as Talon stood behind her, bloody bruises covering his body.

    "Ooookay...." I stated. "What's been going on?"

    ~Mew Master

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  40. #320
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    I watched nervously as the Hydra continued to be frozen in its own tsunami. I didn't bother to stare at Elena, Talon and Silias since the Hydra was a bigger problem. And sure enough, after a few minutes, I could see red poking from within and after a few seconds, a long line of fire came flying through the icy encasement, melting it easily. After that, the wave came down easily and the water fell down to engulf the ground, swallowing up some of the smaller houses and buildings.
    "Umm, you guys?" I said nervously, pointing towards the Hydra, who was shaking off the cold from the ice.
    They all turned away from the cat fight (no pun intended) to see the Hydra roaring in anger.
    "Crap, what are we going to do now?" someone whined.
    I was about to slap someone in annoyance but then I spotted something that only a few others could see, since it was incredibly small and could barely been seen. 3 crystals: blue, red and yellow, surrounding a crystal in the middle, which was purple. It seemed the blue one was already destroyed, only a piece of it could be seen but it was gone nonetheless. The others were still intact.
    "That's it," I muttered to myself. "I have a plan, you guys," I told the others aloud and pointed towards the Hydra.
    "Don't you mean...?" Seylin asked but I cut in too quickly.
    "I don't know if any of you guys see it, but that Hydra has 4 crystals on its body and one of them is already destroyed. If we destroy all those crystals, it could weaken or destroy the Hydra permanently. It appears that the crystal in the middle is its weakest point, the purple one. The blue on is destroyed and the red and yellow are also intact. If we want to beat this thing, we need to combine our moves to destroy each crystal. Our attacks alone can't touch him at all."
    I turned towards Faile and beckoned her to stand next to me.
    "We're going to do this first. I'm going to bring up a tsunami but position is horizontally. Then you bring in a thunderstorm and direct it into the tsunami. I'll aim the attack towards the red crystal and maybe we can shatter it."
    "You think it'll actually work?" she questioned skeptically.
    "We'll just have to try and see. If it doesn't work, at least we'll have tried to destroyed it."
    She nodded and moved away from me to do her work. I looked towards the others and nodded.
    "You guys will have to distract him so we can pull this off."
    They nodded and started to move away from us and attack he Hydra with weak attacks just to draw his gaze away from Faile and I. Sighing, I brought my glaive up as I knew this would be the hardest attack I have done yet. Twirling my blade around rapidly, I closed my eyes as I started to bring all the water from the ground together into another tsunami. After a minute, I opened my eyes to see another tsunami standing right in front of me. I looked over at Faile and motioned for her to begin, and watched as she started to expertly twirled her blades. Watching her amulet pulsate a bright yellow, thunder started to crash in the distance and clouds started to cover the clear blue sky. Quickly covered by a gray sky, a bolt of thunder came crashing down from the sky, slamming into the 2 daggers. Pointing them at the tsunami, the bolt was redirected at the tsunami and was collected by the water tornado.
    "KEEP IT UP!" I shouted at Faile over the din of the ever-crashing thunder and tsunami.
    Gritting my teeth, I started to force the tsunami to go horizontally. Picturing it in my mind, I turned the glaive onto it's side, making it control the tsunami. Hard to turn, I felt sweat pouring down my face as it seemed like I was bending wrought iron, nearly impossible.
    "I can do this," I grimly thought to myself as the tsunami struggled to get free.
    Glancing over at my mates, I saw them stare at the tsunami and then at me, watching me struggle with the rambunctious tornado.
    "STOP WATCHING ME!" I screamed at them. "DISTRACT THE HYDRA!"
    They all made faces as I screamed at them but they turned around to keep the monster busy, knowing I was right. Screaming on the inside from frustration and anger, I felt my amulet burn brighter than before, its deep sapphire hue showing through my dark blue shirt. Turning the glaive with more energy now, I felt it turn with the weapon, all the while sparking with electric energy. After fully turning it on its back, I pointed my glaive forward, screaming its attack name.
    Spiraling towards the Hydra, who saw it little too late, roared as the attack went straight into his chest, pushing against the crystals. Moving next to Faile, I pushed my glaive forward as she did the same with her daggers, putting more energy into the attack. The others stood back in awe as we continued our attack for another 30 seconds. Afterwards, I felt my arm drop down in exhaustion and dropped my glaive, same with Faile's arms and her daggers. Straining to keep conscious and look at the crystals at the same time, I saw the red crystal completely destroyed while the yellow was slightly cracked and the purple was fully intact.
    "Glad it worked," I muttered and fell, blacking out in midfall.
    I hope it was ok if I explained the crystal plan. I knew it didn't make much sense if the purple crystal was immediately destroyed so I just said the blue one was gone. And Thunder Tsunami is a duel technique of Thunda Storm and Water Tsunami (which was formerly Tidal Wave). Anyway, I hope everyone is happy with how this came out

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