Well they originally were Unlimited, or in Trishy's case, eventually limited. I guess Konami found certain cards to be a little too strong, so they nerfed how many you can have in decks.

Glow Up Bulb was a probably a contender for limiting because it could allow an easy summon for Formula Synchron, or easily pull out Ally of Justice Catastor. As it's effect is limited once per duel, I guess if Konami wanted to hurt it in someway, limiting or semi-limiting would not make much of an impact, mainly as far as I know most people ran only 1 in the deck. In this case, Forbidding was their way of solving the problem.

Spore... well somewhat the same case as Glow Up Bulb, it's effect is once per duel, plus it was very versatile for Synchros.

Trishula... eh.... he just banishes a card in field, random in hand, and 1 in grave. Since he was actualy pretty prevalent, I guess Konami just wanted him out of the way so decks like Infernitys could use something else.

Also, screw Dino Rabbit and Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaighty loops, I got Y2K.