Yes, that's right. After careful consultation between me and some of the other moderators, we have decided to start a major project... to restore the main site of TPM!

Some of you may remember the old main page. For those of you who don't, it was filled with useful information from episode guides to Pokedex stats and everything in between. (Want a visual? Visit an archived version. Just beware of popups.)

We plan to bring it back and then add some additional flavor, including updates and spotlights for all the various subforums. From EV calculators to anime analysis, and from RPG reviews to ASB trainer spotlights, this site will have it all!

But we need your help to make it happen. We've made a tentative list of areas in which we'll need help with content and how much has been done so far with each item. It's provided at the bottom of this post. (Some things will be added to the list after the site is restored; we want to get the standard content done first and then build on that.)

And we're open to whatever suggestions you may have for the site. Have an idea for a new section? Let us know! Do you think we should shift our focus from what's been planned? This is your site, so give us all your input! Think you have something to contribute? Please, post here and tell us what you can do!

Also, we're currently working on the overall layout of the site. The current version of the web shell has a sidebar with links for navigation; other ideas have included a header bar, two sidebars (or a sidebar with links across from an empty sidebar), an image with embedded links (like a Pokeball split into wedges), or using each letter of the Pokemasters logo as a link. What do you think? Let us know by voting in the poll above and posting your thoughts here!

That's all for now. If you'd like to help us out, please let us know so we can send you the material that's been done so far. Many, many thanks to everyone who participates!

General Pokemon/Pokemon Anime
Pokemon Background (partially complete)
Character Guide (partially complete)
Episode Summaries & Ratings (episode list completed, summaries/ratings tentative and yet to begin)
Movie Summaries & Ratings (movie list completed, summaries/ratings tentative and yet to begin)

Video Games
Diamond & Pearl (content has not been determined)
Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald (content has not yet been determined)
FireRed and LeafGreen (content has not been determined)
Gold, Silver, and Crystal (content has not yet been determined)
Red, Blue, and Yellow (content has not yet been determined)
Other Pokemon Games (content has not yet been determined)

Trading Card Game
Rules (yet to begin)
Set Lists (yet to begin)
Deck Lists/Deck Ratings/Card Ratings (tentative, may not begin until site is established)

Pokemasters Logo (yet to begin, Bulbasaur4 will help)
Site Design (partially complete, mr_pikachu working, may need additional help)
Possible Additional Content (do you have any suggestions?)
General Editing/Critiquing (will begin once sections near completion)