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Thread: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

  1. #41
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew View Post
    Lune - If someone's going to commit suicide over a Pokemon board....

    Well.... Lols.

    It's not our problem to worry about the mental health of each and every person on a Pokemon board. You should also be skeptical on April Fools of anything.
    I've been trying not to insult you, Andrew, but that is a rather shallow statement. Have you ever tried stepping into someone else's shoes? If your actions caused someone to commit suicide, are you saying that you were not responsible? Is it so difficult to just avoid doing hurtful things?

    Also - have you really been reading what I've been saying? I've mentioned several times that some people will not realize that it's April Fool's day. It happens.

    Not everyone is like you. Not everyone thinks like you. And it appalls me that you care so little about other people's happiness that you think that everything that amuses you, should amuse them too.
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  2. #42
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    You don't get it do you Andrew. The thing wasn't funny. It ultimately broke the rules of April Fools since they have to happen only on APRIL FOOLS and only in the morning of April Fools. So don't go using the excuses you and other mods have been using in this thread. Had you actually made it during those April Fools moment perhaps people would have got it.

    The thing is I think many people did think it was an April Fools Joke. I honestly thought it was. But as I explained above when I get three mods infracting me, still not giving out that it was April Fools. Even though I said in a few posts this surely is an April Fools Joke. No one would even answer. April Fools is meant to be where you look at something and you get it. It certainly didn't work this time.

  3. #43
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    I'm not amused people have taken this like DRAMAFEST '09 to be honest. I'm rolling my eyes.

    But I agree with the mass apologies, but I refuse to go and throw myself at people for forgiveness.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanksverymuch View Post
    You don't get it do you Andrew. The thing wasn't funny. It ultimately broke the rules of April Fools since they have to happen only on APRIL FOOLS and only in the morning of April Fools. So don't go using the excuses you and other mods have been using in this thread. Had you actually made it during those April Fools moment perhaps people would have got it.

    The thing is I think many people did think it was an April Fools Joke. I honestly thought it was. But as I explained above when I get three mods infracting me, still not giving out that it was April Fools. Even though I said in a few posts this surely is an April Fools Joke. No one would even answer. April Fools is meant to be where you look at something and you get it. It certainly didn't work this time.
    April 1st is relative, I believe the idea was to begin it at Midnight GMT, thus April 1st.

  5. #45
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    The funny thing is, I'm not even telling the moderators to apologize. I'm not trying to create drama. I'm trying to suggest things to avoid future drama, and I've been trying to do so constructively. I even gave reasons and explanations as to why this joke might have gone over so poorly in the first place. I was not offended by the joke, but it is not difficult to view the perspective of others and understand why they might have been offended.

    And Roy Karrde is correct, when I saw Gabi's Announcement it was not yet the 1st for me so I was confused for a bit, but I realized that the time zone was more advanced for some people.
    Last edited by Lune the Guardian; 1st April 2009 at 07:56 PM.
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  6. #46
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Yeah well any chance of me being unbanned? The ban is till the 9th April so it isn't long but still.

  7. #47
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    Lune - I've just realized you're Charnumber.

    Still, I don't think we'll do another April Fools like this.

    However, your posts beg to differ, you seem to be wanting to get a massive sobstory "I'm SO SORRY FOR MY SINS" from us.

  8. #48
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    I'd support unbanning. I think those who infracted you were just afraid of our cover being blown. I know I was, I just didn't go that far.
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  9. #49
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Believe what you'd like, Andrew. I've only been posting suggestions and attempting to be helpful to avoid problems with future jokes. Nowhere in any of my posts have I asked the moderators to apologize. In fact, I mentioned to more courteous moderators like Roy Karrde that I understand that nobody had bad intentions when formulating this prank. I've also congratulated the moderators many times for thinking up such an elaborate prank and putting so much effort into it. If you'd bother to read my posts with more than a simple cursory glance, the only person I've really held a moral stance against is you, and only because you act as if everyone should behave in the way that you expect them to behave. Maybe it's not my place to have such a "holier-than-thou" attitude as you imply, but it really irks me to see someone who thinks so little of human feelings. It's your every right to be amused at your prank. It's not your right to force everyone else to be amused along with you. All I did was point out reasons why not everyone was amused. In order to explain to you, who have been unreceptive of the constructive criticism, why the changes I suggested might be useful in the future.
    Last edited by Lune the Guardian; 1st April 2009 at 08:04 PM.
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  10. #50
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Oh Princess, you've always had it in for me

    You were Lady G's number one lacky.

    Bye now.

  11. #51
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    If it makes you happy to think that, think as you please.

    Anyway, back on topic - A summary since my previous posts may have been filled with extraneous material. Good preparations. Really. It's impressive how much thought and time was put into setting up this joke. Just be sure that if people are being personally pranked, they have a warning, or they are the type that won't be bothered by that kind of thing. This kind of joke really had potential, and it's a pity that this year's failure might scare you guys off from pulling this kind of thing in the future. But if you ever do formulate such a prank again, please remember that different people react differently to situations.
    Last edited by Lune the Guardian; 1st April 2009 at 08:17 PM.
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  12. #52
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    The only way people could've really caught on is if they perhaps looked at the date.

    Posting a day before going "OMG April Fools is tomm, but don't fall for anything!" is extremely daft.

    That would have been the only fair way to warn everyone. Which would've ruined the entire thing.

  13. #53

    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    See the thing im seeing Andrew is that your 'joke' was intended to upset and piss people off and then expect them to go 'Oh you....look at the date' and forget the whole thing. Did you never once factor in the fact that some people dont pay attention to April fools?

    Hell i know personally im barely even awake before midday lol.

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  14. #54
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    Oh yeah, we've definitely learned our lesson, and I won't allow this to discourage us from doing something better next year.

    Also, I hope people keep in mind that in retrospect, those of us who planned this prank now see it as a bad idea just as much as those who criticized us for it see it as a bad idea. You guys have to keep in mind though, if you were in the private forum planning this with us, you'd probably think nothing of it as well until the reaction came. Hindsight is 20/20 after all. Not that I'm justifying what we did, but you need to understand that we're not all evil pricks either.
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  15. #55
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    I guess that's the problem I've been trying to bring up. I've been fooled in the past, so now I make sure that I remember when April Fool's day is. But since I've been fooled before, it's not unreasonable to think that there will be people like me who will get fooled as well. (I've even forgotten my birthday before because I don't pay a lot of attention to dates. The only reason I remembered was all my friends/family called my phone wishing me Happy Birthday.) My point is that there will always be some people who didn't notice the date. And if the first thing the person does is log on in the morning to check the forums, and he/she isn't quite alert yet, but notices some nasty things being said about him/her, the whole fact that the day is April Fool's might just fly right past and that person could overrreact. (Which is possibly what happened here.)

    I'm not sure of a good way to warn people if you guys want to keep the secret within the mod forum. I guess the safest thing to do is to pick on personal friends or something? I know it's a message board but surely some people are close enough to regular members to know how they would react, even if they're just internet friends.

    [EDIT]: Jeff - I totally understand. It's unreasonable to expect you guys to see this coming. Especially because it was meant to be done in good fun, and you wanted it to be a great joke, and you put so much effort into planning it. I actually feel sorry that it went over so horribly. And I really hope that things can be worked out now so that future jokes will work better. (Which is part of the reason I'm being so terribly annoying and stalking this thread; I want to see this kind of joke succeed in the future.) I have a very deep respect for how elaborately this was planned. It's incredible how many weeks in advance the posts were carefully made and spaced apart to make it more believable.

    Oh wait, one more suggestion that I forgot to stress - This year's joke lost a *little* bit of believability because it was comprised of very unbalanced sides: 1) Gabi 2) everyone else. Maybe put in a few supporters for the scapegoat to make it more realistic. Or make the scapegoat say something truly inflammatory that nobody in their right mind would support. I'm sure this isn't the format you'll use next year, but just saying, the "sides" probably need to be spread out a bit, if you have sides. Otherwise people could immediately spot your red herring.
    Last edited by Lune the Guardian; 1st April 2009 at 08:30 PM.
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  16. #56
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    I usually always get April Fooled. Digimasters - I was so retarded I couldn't work that out at first. The Spp-TPM merger thing I even fell for like an idiot. I don't remember others but undoubtedly I was fooled by them. This is why I'm pissed off cause I did think this was April Fools but then stuff happened thus it seemed to me it wasn't an April Fools and ultimately I was fooled.

  17. #57
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    The exact same thing happened to me. I freaked out about the Digimasters thing, then someone said "look at the date", and I was clueless for a bit until someone else said it was April Fool's day. I even went trying to find people with hacking skills who could "unhack" the forums. And I also fell for the merger... so badly... I think that joke scared me the most out of the times that I was fooled.
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  18. #58
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    Yup, I remember that one. For a little while I seriously thought that TPM had switched over to a Digimon format! I nearly freaked out until I saw stuff like "Hey you Patamon", then I was just confused (the thought of hacking never crossed my mind because I wasn't that Internet-literate back then). Yeah, good times.
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix View Post
    Firepokemon's banning was legitimate, it wasn't part of the prank. He was making posts with nothing but insults all over the forum, and our warnings only encouraged him to post more.
    Oh, kinda like what you all were doing then? >.>
    Joke was in poor taste, its obvious that reguardless of what day it was, saying hurtful things about another person even in the context of a "joke" isnt funny to said people. And the whole drama route of the April fools thing was kinda lame too. It seemed built on the assumption that "anything a mod says or does is of interest" when really whats the big deal?

    Anyway Im drunk so Im not going to be long winded but seriously, banning/scolding people for spam on april fools is very hypocritical considering the stunt you guys pulled. And such disrespect and thoughtlessness in the construction of the "joke" has pretty much discredited any kind of authorative prescence you could possibly have. A lot of you guys have lost my respect, not like youll care or anything XD

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  20. #60
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Hey guys, what was the April Fools joke that caused so many of you to shitbricks?

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post

    Hey guys, what was the April Fools joke that caused so many of you to shitbricks?
    The "joke" was basically to make it seem like an Admin Dispute where one Admin (Lady V) would post fake topics where it would show the Mods talking down about some of the members. These topics said some hurtful things to some unstable individuals and caused the drama. However when they realized how everyone was reacting to this distasteful "joke" they were asked to apologize to the offended ppl.

    I have all them saved as Word Documents.
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  22. #62
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    The "joke" was basically to make it seem like an Admin Dispute where one Admin (Lady V) would post fake topics where it would show the Mods talking down about some of the members. These topics said some hurtful things to some unstable individuals and caused the drama. However when they realized how everyone was reacting to this distasteful "joke" they were asked to apologize to the offended ppl.

    I have all them saved as Word Documents.
    That isn't exactly the whole truth, as many of the threads weren't about the members, infact one was a "Self Hate Mod Attack". Here is a list of the joke topics.

    "It's all wrong" by Lady Vulpix, a Fake Dispute Topic that started everything

    "Blade's idea" By myself, a Fake topic about the drama Blade's idea had created among some people when he posted his Mod Application. As well as poking fun at the old drama about the belief that I stole ASBRPG from Tony

    "Which TPM Member is pissing you off and WHY?!" by Andrew. Pretty much a global hit talking about everyone. Mosts of the posts were jokes like being mad that Yi isnt here all the time.

    "Which Gimmick Did You Most Enjoy Doing?" by Andrew, talking about the various "gimmicks" TPM has had in the past like Bajari and playing it off like the mods were in on it.

    "New mods" by Andrew talking about who we should mod next

    "The Shipping Revival Thread." by Gavin Luper talking about bringing back the Shipping Fourms of old

    "True love" by Myself, talking about the stupid sig I now have to wear because of a bet.

    "Which TPM Member would you totally snog?" by Andrew, a joke topic created for the previous April Fools day, pretty self explanitory

    "Attacking Spp" by Andrew, making it out as if TPM was behind spamming raids on Serebii

    "The Sexually Inappropriate Thread" by Weasel, same thing as the Snog thread

    "Mods Who Suck" By Mr Pikachu, basically the "What TPM Member is pissing you off" thread but attacking the mods.

    "A realistic daring proposal by April 2009 [Immediate Attention]" By Dark San, talking about creating a Hentai Translating club.

    So out of all of those we have.

    2 Sex Threads
    1 Attack Mods thread
    1 Attack Members Thread
    2 Attack Current Events ( Blade's Sign Up and My new sig)
    5 About TPM/SPP Stuff

    Everyone is kind of focusing on the Blade and Hate topic. And forgetting that we did have 9 others, many of which had nothing to do with members.
    Last edited by Roy Karrde; 1st April 2009 at 11:06 PM.

  23. #63
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Weird, I only saw five of those threads (the "it's all wrong", the "which members annoy you", "mods that suck", Andrew's gimmick thread, and the "blade's idea" threads). Were the rest in Misc too? I think I'm blind =/ Although the mods that suck one was obviously a joke because mr_pikachu started it.

    I totally missed the spp spam joke, the sig bet, and the sex threads. XD I read about Dark San's hentai thing in the "it's all wrong" thread but I never saw the thread.
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  24. #64
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    The threads were posted in waves.

    Also, those which hadn't had any replies for a week or so appeared much further down the page, so that might be why you didn't notice them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lune the Guardian View Post
    Weird, I only saw five of those threads (the "it's all wrong", the "which members annoy you", "mods that suck", Andrew's gimmick thread, and the "blade's idea" threads). Were the rest in Misc too? I think I'm blind =/ Although the mods that suck one was obviously a joke because mr_pikachu started it.

    I totally missed the spp spam joke, the sig bet, and the sex threads. XD I read about Dark San's hentai thing in the "it's all wrong" thread but I never saw the thread.
    Yeah they were all in Misc, we really needed to have some one bump them when they appeared on the page. There was some greatness in the sex threads.

  26. #66
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    Oh, yes, that would be why. I didn't think to check the following pages. Gabi said something about revealing the second wave but I never saw it because those threads showed up on later pages. I'd totally forgotten about the mechanics of moving threads, I assumed that they would all pop up on the first page.

    Now I'm sad that I missed those :<

    [EDIT]: Maybe other people made the same mistake I did, not seeing the other topics? Maybe that's why people were focusing on the hate threads and didn't get the joke. Maybe cause the "funny" stuff was bumped too far behind so nobody made the connection?
    Last edited by Lune the Guardian; 1st April 2009 at 11:14 PM.
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  27. #67
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    I'm sad they were missed too. Hours of energy were happily wasted on making those threads, and nobody read them?! They were the best ones/showed how not-very-busy we all are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  28. #68
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    I totally would have wanted to read those. I'm sure they would have invoked the spirit of April Fool's and given a bigger laugh and put the other threads into perspective. I'm half thinking that the fact that those threads were missed is part of the reason why the joke went over so badly. Those threads would have provided clues that everything was a joke right? I mean, all of the moved threads were marked conspiciously with a *.

    Ugh, what a waste, I feel so bad for you guys :<
    ~ Lune ~

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lune the Guardian View Post
    I totally would have wanted to read those. I'm sure they would have invoked the spirit of April Fool's and given a bigger laugh and put the other threads into perspective. I'm half thinking that the fact that those threads were missed is part of the reason why the joke went over so badly. Those threads would have provided clues that everything was a joke right? I mean, all of the moved threads were marked conspiciously with a *.

    Ugh, what a waste, I feel so bad for you guys :<
    Well you know its okay what is past is past, don't worry about it mkay?

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lune the Guardian View Post
    I totally would have wanted to read those. I'm sure they would have invoked the spirit of April Fool's and given a bigger laugh and put the other threads into perspective. I'm half thinking that the fact that those threads were missed is part of the reason why the joke went over so badly. Those threads would have provided clues that everything was a joke right? I mean, all of the moved threads were marked conspiciously with a *.

    Ugh, what a waste, I feel so bad for you guys :<
    Not really. I read most of those and found nothing funny.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mew Master View Post
    Not really. I read most of those and found nothing funny.
    I would really like to know what your style of humor is. And none of that, "certainly not yours" or "not like the crap you guys just pulled"

    Not saying I personally find everything going on in the private forum amusing but the sex threads were pretty funny

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  32. #72
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    They were mostly light-hearted and downright teenage lines of discussions, it was very fun to make. And yeah, I think they would have definitely put the other threads into perspective a little bit more.

    I found them funny.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  33. #73
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    Maybe your funny bone just got dislocated somewhere and we tickled you the wrong way. =(

    Hah well, my genius topic went unnoticed. You said most of it, I bet you didn't catch mine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-San View Post
    Maybe your funny bone just got dislocated somewhere and we tickled you the wrong way. =(

    Hah well, my genius topic went unnoticed. You said most of it, I bet you didn't catch mine.
    I got a tl;dr vibe from it

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  35. #75
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Muhaahahahaaha I knew it all along, I was just playing with you, hahahhaha

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    ...And who you confused:

    Actually ture, and I'm glad to notice I can become even more confused than I am normally. And my mind was so occupied that it was hard to focus on other things yesterday, I had to clean up places and I went shopping as well. And I also went to sauna and played some Red Alert III on my Playstation 3. Curse I haven't got an internet connection of my own, if I had, I could have read this here topic before going to sleep, Roy posted this on 10:38 PM Finland Daylight Saving time.

    Now I think I should have been mentioned more often! Nobody notices me!

    And I feel kinda bad for firepokemon getting banned.

    *Takes The L posture*

    If Thanksverymuch is firepokemon he does assume us to know he is and I don't assume he doesn't think I don't assume that I assume I think none of us is The L or Kira but we don't know about the Death Note and Thanksverymuch is firepokemon and it's obvious and I assume you notice that the rest of this post makes no. sense. at. all.

  36. #76
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post

    *Takes The L posture*

    If Thanksverymuch is firepokemon he does assume us to know he is and I don't assume he doesn't think I don't assume that I assume I think none of us is The L or Kira but we don't know about the Death Note and Thanksverymuch is firepokemon and it's obvious and I assume you notice that the rest of this post makes no. sense. at. all.
    This post wins!

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  37. #77
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    So they were posted in Team Meeting then moved to Misc or something?

    Mew Master, hook me up!

  38. #78
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    When a forum allows gmail accounts and the use of ip proxies etc it isn't very hard to evade a ban. Thankfully, we're small so me evading or someone else won't do that much harm. Also its hilarious how I get banned for spam and yet those posts all contained spam.

    But that is besides the point. The mods still have a bad attitude. The idea you lot still give out infractions to any regular member here seems completely stupid. And the funniest thing is those threads you made in Teammeeting and then shifted into Misc are the type of posts some of us here at TPM have been asking for years. Yet when we do anything like them. They're either deleted, we get infracted or some other crap happens.

  39. #79
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Not that I am on one side or the other on the whole thing as I was a bit busy trying to put out other fires while you were going on your er.... "Posting Spree" but I really cannot see the comparison between what we did and some of the stuff you posted after I just did a read through of it. From what I hear you are banned until the 9th of April, and technically you are breaking the rules by having a second account. Why not just use this account until the 9th and then switch back over. It's really just what 8 days?

  40. #80
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    Default Re: April Fools! Although you already guessed!

    Well of course I could wait till the 9th of April. My point is the sheer hypocrisy that exists here.

    I replied seven times to other threads. What is most hilarious is I got infracted by Dark-San for this? - It that post I directly said I'm sure this is all an Aprils Fools Joke yet still no one addressed the damn subject.

    I made one new thread that was spam. I don't deny that. Infact 1
    I then replied to the Cellphone topic and two other posts.

    But the Infraction from Dark-San? Hilarious.

    I also made replies to Lady Vulix's thread which in itself was spam and got infracted for that and my posts deleted? Such hypocrisy there.

    I then made a second thread which said I was pissed, stated my reasons. But instead of keeping it there and actually saying this was an Aprils Fools Joke. It was deleted then I was banned? What a bloody contradiction. I even specifically said at the top of that thread I half-feel this is all an April Fools Joke. But no you didn't even address that but deleted it and then banned me.

    That is what I call hypocrisy. That is what I call stupid. And the fact you all sit there and defend your sorry asses is what I find most pathetic.

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