Yeah go get fucked. I asked several times was this an April Fools Joke because I was convinced it was. But no you then banned me. For what spamming? When it was April Fools? Yeah nice one. Useless fucking cunts. Perhaps you should have thought, tell me in the PM when Lady Vulpix, Dark-San or Gavin Luper all infracted me for spam. Because I did think it was an April Fools. But when you lot kept infracting and then ultimately banned you. I really couldn't figure out was this an April Fools or what. I still don't see how my spamming is anything worse than your April Fools Joke. The fact one of you couldn't get a fucking clue and warn me. Hell I actually thought I was playing into it by posting the spam in the first place. If anytime one could post spam you think it was April Fools.

And I still think its unfair I got banned.