Alright! We have the Pokemon. We have the battle arena!!! We have..multicolored techno beats! Let's get this battle started people!!! *Cheers and applauds for Phoenixsong, Crazy Elf, and Mew Master.*

Arlight you three. Here's how this is going down. Based on your Pokemon's type/history, you'll be revolving around three different arenas. Don't woory, the arenas have no hazards.

Since you really didn't get to ballte much PS, you're up first, then Mew, then Elf. Next round, it'll be Mew, Elf, Song, and you can see the pattern from there.

Ok *turns back to audience.* Let's see where we start first!!!!

*The arena closes, sorta like a planetarium of immense size. Soon, the lights come on, and we find ourselves in none other than the Distortion world!*

..Nice, Phoenix! Giratina! *Hops on wall as Giratina flies in, hovering next to Song.*

*A inky black darkness melts down from the ceiling near Elf, coagulating into the Shadow of Despair- Darkrai* there's Elfs...and

*A telekinetic spoon comes and hovers right over Mew Master. Its controller though, imply hops down from the adjacent wall in this topsy turvy place.* Why didn't I guess Mewtwo for you, Mew 9_9.

*Crowd cheers again, just for seeing these Pokemon* Alright, let's have a good battle. You know what's banned, you know whats up. Start us off!!!