What Would You Use These Things For?

Version 1

Mod Approved by The_Missing_Link

This game is a little more difficult to understand than other games around here, as it really puts your creativeness to the test. You are given a number of things, and you try to think of a way how they can all be used at once (which can be related, like a plant, a garden to put it in, and some water (to make a nice looking garden), or some unrelated things, like some waxed paper, a pencil, a paper tube, and a rubber band a little smaller than the paper tube (to make a kazoo of sorts). When a poster comes up with at least three objects (which should all be appropriate for this game, yes, even little gadgets can be used), they must think of a good solution but not hint at it (that way, the next poster can try and figure out on their own how the objects can go together), so that the next person should be able to think of what can be done with them. This cycle keeps repeating, as illustrated below:

Player A: What would you use a strong and thick curved stick, a drill, and a long piece of string for?

Player B: I'd use them to make a makeshift bow.
What would you use a bottle of water, some alka-seltzer tablets, and a balloon for?

Player C: I'd put the tablets into the water, then I'd quickly put the balloon on so that the balloon would start to inflate due to the gas forming from the chemical reaction in the bottle.

Of course, like with other games, you have to wait until at least two people have posted before you can post again, and you can post up to 5 times in the game per day.

Alright, let's begin. Get your thinking caps ready!

What would you use a few pounds of chocolate, some molds of various shapes, and some edible decorations (e.g. sprinkles) for?