Hi guys! I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place or not?

However! I stumbled across this awesome thing a few weeks back and I thought some people might be interested in it: the Make A Wish GTS.

The basic gist of this thing is: it works as an online storage space, and also as a resource for free giveaways of legit pokemon (usually shiny) and event pokemon you might have missed. The site cycles through the pokemon daily, but they have an RSS feed and you can move anything you want into your storage for later.

The idea is that you sign up for an account, then all you have to do is change your ISP on your WiFi/connection settings and instead of connecting to Nintendo's GTS it'll connect to Make A Wish instead. When you go inside the place, you will automatically receive a giveaway/event pokemon.

Once you've registered your game code, you can also upload your own pokemon to the online storage space on the side, which you can then use to alter their stats - exp, IVs, EVs, Contest Values, items held, nicknames, and movesets. Once you've saved your changes, you can add the pokemon back to your send queue and it will be sent back to you once you reconnect to the GTS again. I've not done this step myself yet, so I can't walk you through it like I will for the rest, but there's a lot of Help FAQs on the site which should be helpful if you get stuck.

Anyway, here's how to get set up!

- At the top of the page or on the FAQ page, it will tell you the ISP you need to change to in your wireless settings. You can always change this back, so don't worry about it ruining everything.
- Once you've made the change, connect to the GTS - it will send you the first giveaway/event pokemon on the list, and then the rest of them, in order, for the gen you're using (either gen 4 or gen 5).
- Once it's gone through the current giveaways, if you're on gen 5 you'll receive a Staryu with a number for a name - this is your game ID, and you need to enter that on the site so they know which game is linked to the GTS. I've not done it for gen 4 so I can't tell you the difference, but there is an FAQ for that so it should be ok.
- If there's an event/giveaway pokemon on the lists that you want but you don't have chance to get them on that day, press the "add to storage" button, and it will bring up the editable stats section. You can give them any item you like to hold and it'll get taken through into the new game (I will admit, I might have given one of mine a Master Ball ¬_¬).
- The pokemon cycle on a daily basis, where the oldest two giveaways are replaced with two new ones, and the limited legendaries (or event pokemon) are changed too. Like I mentioned up there, the RSS feed is a really good way of keeping up with it easily (there's a feed reader extension for Chrome now which is really good).

And I think that's it! The legendaries and event pokemon are usually limited to one per game because they're special, but you can get as many of the shinies and unlimited ones as you want. Event pokemon include stuff like the weird movesetted Pikachus that were on the Pokewalker etc. so I got a Flying Pikachu the other day, and there's a Singing one and whatnot.

It's pretty cool! And also, if you use my link at the top to sign up, I'll get Wishes to make, to ask for other pokemon to be on the giveaways. Bonus!