Another year, and decade for that matter, is almost done, and 2009 has been a big year for us. It's hard to believe that in January, we were a fading relic of a bygone era, just trying to stay alive. We're now back, with a website with news, a little bit of content, and even some useful tools, like the type chart and nature chart. Our forums were given a boost when Lady Vulpix was made an admin and a forum glitch was fixed giving Little Pikachu access to her admin powers once again. Since then, we've gotten a new forum, Mt. Moon, a place of randomness open to anyone who has been given access to it. We also got forum-specific color schemes, the return of AC/CC, and several new and returning members.

There's more to come in 2010, with the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the forums, and the launch of the pokedex (hopefully I'll be able to get it finished some time next year). All in all, after several years of decline, 2009 was definitely a good year for us, and here's hoping that continues in 2010!

Happy new year TPM!