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Thread: Your Country's anthem

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  1. #1
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    34.625 S, 58.50595 W (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    Default Re: Your Country's anthem

    This could be posted at the International Club.

    As a matter of fact, there are 2 versions of my country's anthem. The short version (from 1900) is sung most often (and I usually sing along) and played on the radio at Midnight. The original long version (from 1813) is seen about once in a lifetime at school. Some people don't even know it. There are some variations to the music too, but this is the traditional (short) version:

    ...And here is the original version. I'll see if I get the time to translate it at some point.

    Oid ¡mortales! el grito sagrado:
    ¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad!
    Oid el ruido de rotas cadenas:
    Ved en trono a la noble Igualdad.

    Se levanta la faz de la tierra
    Una nueva y gloriosa Nación:
    Coronada su sien de laureles
    Y a sus plantas rendido un León

    Sean eternos los laureles
    Que supimos conseguir.
    Coronados de gloria vivamos
    O juremos con gloria morir.

    De los nuevos campeones los rostros
    Marte mismo parece animar;
    la grandeza se anida en sus pechos,
    A su marcha todo hace temblar.
    Se conmueven del Inca las tumbas
    Y en sus huesos revive el ardor,
    Lo que ve renovando a sus hijos
    De la Patria el antiguo esplendor.

    Sean eternos los laureles
    Que supimos conseguir.
    Coronados de gloria vivamos
    O juremos con gloria morir.

    Pero sierras y muros se sienten
    Retumbar con horrible fragor:
    Todo el País se conturba por gritos
    De venganza, de guerra y furor.
    En los fieros tiranos la envidia
    Escupió su pestífera hiel,
    Su estandarte sangriento levantan
    Provocando a la lid más cruel.

    Sean eternos los laureles
    Que supimos conseguir.
    Coronados de gloria vivamos
    O juremos con gloria morir.

    ¡No lo véis sobre México y Quito
    Arrojarse con saña tenaz,
    Y cuál lloran bañados en sangre
    Potosí, Cochabamba y la Paz!
    ¡No lo véis sobre el triste Caracas
    Luto y llantos y muerte esparcir!
    ¡No lo véis devorando cual fieras
    Todo pueblo que logran rendir!

    Sean eternos los laureles
    Que supimos conseguir.
    Coronados de gloria vivamos
    O juremos con gloria morir.

    A vosotros se atreve ¡Argentinos!
    El orgullo del vil invasor,
    Vuestros campos ya pisa contando
    Tantas glorias hollar vencedor.

    Mas los bravos que unidos juraron
    Su feliz libertad sostener,
    A esos tigres sedientos de sangre
    Fuertes pechos sabrán oponer.

    Sean eternos los laureles
    Que supimos conseguir.
    Coronados de gloria vivamos
    O juremos con gloria morir.

    El valiente argentino a las armas
    Corre ardiendo con brío y valor,
    El clarín de la guerra cual trueno
    En los campos del Sud resonó,
    Buenos Aires se pone a la frente
    De los pueblos de la ínclita Unión,
    Y con brazos robustos desgarran
    Al ibérico altivo León.

    Sean eternos los laureles
    Que supimos conseguir.
    Coronados de gloria vivamos
    O juremos con gloria morir.

    San José, San Lorenzo, Suipacha,
    Ambas Piedras, Salta y Tucumán,
    La Colonia y las mismas murallas
    Del tirano en la Banda Oriental;
    Son letreros eternos que dicen:
    Aquí el brazo argentino triunfó
    Aquí el fiero opresor de la Patria
    Su cerviz orgullosa dobló.

    Sean eternos los laureles
    Que supimos conseguir.
    Coronados de gloria vivamos
    O juremos con gloria morir.

    La victoria al guerrero argentino
    Con sus alas brillantes cubrió
    Y azorado a su vista el tirano,
    Con infamia a la fuga se dió;
    Sus banderas, sus armas se rinden
    Por trofeos a la Libertad,
    Y sobre alas de gloria alza el pueblo
    Trono digno a su gran majestad.

    Sean eternos los laureles
    Que supimos conseguir.
    Coronados de gloria vivamos
    O juremos con gloria morir.

    Desde un polo hasta el otro resuena
    De la fama el sonoro clarín,
    Y de América el nombre enseñando,
    Les repite: ¡Mortales! Oid:

    ¡Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
    Las provincias unidas del Sud!
    Y los libres del mundo responden:
    ¡Al Gran Pueblo Argentino Salud!

    Also, I have ancestors - 4 generations before me - from Russia, Romania and Ukraine, but I don't know their anthems. They came here in the early 20th century and I never got to meet any of them.

    Edit: I will translate the shortened version, which is the one currently in use. The parts that were removed were mostly against Spain, which made sense in the 19th century but not anymore. The order of verses and phrases must be altered in some parts to make sense in English.

    Hear, mortals, the sacred call: freedom, freedom, freedom!
    Hear the call of broken chains,
    see noble equality on the throne.
    The United Provinces of the South have already opened
    their most honorable throne.
    And the free of the world respond: health/cheers to the great Argentinean people!

    Eternal be the laurels we have managed to achieve.
    Crowned with glory let us live, or let us swear to die with glory.
    Last edited by Lady Vulpix; 6th July 2011 at 08:46 AM.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Your Country's anthem

    Call me unpatriotic, but I don't like "The Star Spangled Banner". Or at least the fact that it's the National Anthem.

    Before you yell at me, just look at the lyrics to the song.

    It's a war ballad; the lyrics are all about war and battle. In this day and age, when it's painfully obvious that there is no glory in war, it's not fitting for such a song to be America's anthem.

    It seems Finland has the right idea. Just looking at Mikachu's post, no mention of violence in those lyrics.

    I'm not the only one who feels like this, by the way. Many people would love to change it (they've suggested "America the Beautiful" as an alternative) but most folks are too hung-up on tradition to even consider it.

    Don't get me wrong. I still stand up at ball games and take off my hat whenever it's played. But I feel that someone should take a look at this song and consider what I'm saying.

  3. #3
    Cheesecake! Moderator
    Telume's Avatar
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    Default Re: Your Country's anthem

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Sage View Post
    Call me unpatriotic, but I don't like "The Star Spangled Banner". Or at least the fact that it's the National Anthem.

    Before you yell at me, just look at the lyrics to the song.

    It's a war ballad; the lyrics are all about war and battle. In this day and age, when it's painfully obvious that there is no glory in war, it's not fitting for such a song to be America's anthem.

    It seems Finland has the right idea. Just looking at Mikachu's post, no mention of violence in those lyrics.

    I'm not the only one who feels like this, by the way. Many people would love to change it (they've suggested "America the Beautiful" as an alternative) but most folks are too hung-up on tradition to even consider it.

    Don't get me wrong. I still stand up at ball games and take off my hat whenever it's played. But I feel that someone should take a look at this song and consider what I'm saying.
    A lot of Japanese actually feel like this about Kimigayo and there's very little mention about war, it's just the fact that it sounds Imperialist.

    I don't know, it sounds like a nice anthem to me.
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