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  1. #1
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Poetry Corner

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    This feels like some kind of ineffable universal need or conundrum. But what is it, out of interest, Louis?
    Ah, long time! XD Sorry for taking so long. Anyway, "Ai" is actually the phonetic pronunciation of the Japanese symbol "愛", which means "love". ^_^

    Well, it's been quite some time since I wrote something (I'm probably rusty, hahaha). I did, however, write a Spanish poem to someone I like. I'll be sure to translate it.

    Solo para ti - Soneto (Only for you - sonnet)

    El corazón me susurra al oído
    Las alegrías que en ti ha encontrado
    Y te agradece que lo hayas vestido
    con el amor que por siempre ha anhelado

    (The heart whispers all the happiness found with you into my ear
    and it is thankful that you have dressed it with the love he always craved for)

    Mis pensamientos atraen tu ternura
    mientras ofrecen su gran bienvenida
    para brindarte carińo y dulzura,
    al recordarte que eres mi vida.

    (My thoughts attract your tenderness as they offer their warmest welcome
    to give you love and sweetness while they remind you that you are my life.)

    Ya que controlas su ardor y su anhelo,
    mi cuerpo vibra en intensa pasión
    mientras desea tu encanto y calor.

    (Since you control its hotness and its desire, my body trembles in intense passion as it longs for your charm and your warmth.)

    Hasta mis sueńos son tuyos, mi cielo
    Gracias por ser mi mayor bendición
    Toda mi vida es tuya mi amor.

    (Even my dreams are yours my dear. Thanks for being my greatest blessing. All my life is yours my love).

    Yeah... corny... I know, hehehe.

    EDIT: and the other side of the coin, an unedited, unstructured, unhappy piece.


    No more time...
    time has stopped...
    same old room...
    same un-bloom...

    Stuck in the virtual world...
    afraid of the outside world...
    staying in the comfort zone...
    and giving up hopes.

    Though a miracle would happen...
    nothing happened at all...
    still stuck as a no one
    Still hopeless and broke.

    Time is frozen in this room
    as time moves faster in the outside world
    He has been left behind
    He has just stayed behind.

    Parents lost hope in their son
    Brother calls him a parasite
    Friends can't change his world
    And he's left like a worthless stone

    He tried stretching his hand for help
    But he didn't stretch it enough
    Since before the hand reached halfway
    He'd already given up.

    And now as he lays in his frozen world
    where only this screen and his hands move
    He write these words with no exact purpose
    Except to prevent a depressing flood.

    And after this, he knows nothing will change
    Because no one hears his mute cries for help
    And thus he returns to his frozen world
    Where he expects nothing but darkness alone

    No more time...
    Time has stopped...
    same old room...
    same hope doomed.
    Last edited by Shadow Wolf; 21st June 2012 at 10:03 PM.

    Optimist award 2012.

    “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” (Linda Grayson)

    Thank you everyone... for being so kind and for bringing out the best in me! You are definitely awesome! ^_^

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Poetry Corner

    Moth and Flame

    You and I, bright like fireflies,
    Gliding towards a warming light
    It's suicide,
    yet feels so right.
    Anything can, when by your side.

    You and I, relaxed enough to cry,
    Swimming in diamonds late at night.
    No lead, no guide,
    But heart and plight.
    Immersed ourselves, so late at night.

    I Wonder why we're both outside,
    When, once, inside once looked inviting.
    Kingdom empty, darkened lamp,
    Tears extinguish flame to damp.

    Even in our wildest moments,
    You made waves like crescent moons.
    Even in our still and slumber,
    Ripples formed like hearts on water.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  3. #3
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Poetry Corner

    Should she have spoken to me less nicely
    Should she have spoken to me more freely
    Should I have asked if she had someone
    Should I have asked her to be mine earlier

    Nobody had answered to my glance
    Like she did with those eyes
    Nobody had presented me homework to solve
    Like she entrusted me

    I sat behind her and followed the class
    I could watch her hair for eternity
    Did I get that integral solved
    Yes, I solved it for her

    Ten years have passed
    Since those days full of excitement
    I don't blame her for anything
    She gave me all I needed
    With those questions and answers
    Even after it turned out she had someone

    Time is nigh
    Time is nigh
    To save the past

    For I never doubted that
    The idea of her virginity
    Never died inside me

    Returning of the miracles
    Red-haired beauty reborn
    Restored my ability to cry again

    The note that I threw on her table
    Returned once but not twice

    Just once more I got to sit near her
    Just once more she asked me to help
    The idea of her virginity
    Never died inside me

  4. #4
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Poetry Corner

    These lyrics are actually a statement towards what Päivi Räsänen said about alternative medicine.

    Questioned Millennia

    Who is to judge what you can't see
    Still you can't question what you learned at school
    Exposed to our religions we march where we're told to
    Proudly because we think we're free

    What you believe is another person's fantasy
    What you trust in is another person's deceit
    Slaves of one's science
    That's what one's thoughts are

    There's one disease that you cannot heal
    In human brain lies knowledge that may turn false one day
    Centuries we believed in science
    Millennia we believed in gods

    Tradition tells spirits can heal you
    Evidence tells you can't prove if they exist
    Present religion questioned the past one
    Present science questioned religion

    Ancient philosophies bow before renewed masters
    Masters of atoms masters of galaxies
    Where is Heaven where is Hell
    Where are the gods if you can prove black holes
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 11th August 2013 at 03:05 AM. Reason: typos

  5. #5
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Poetry Corner

    Strays in the Thaw

    Perhaps I know why you stare
    at their bodies, slight and almost lovely
    after sunless months
    in winter’s jar. I touch a soiled glove
    to your hand, drape my gaze
    like a pocketless shroud
    over their crumpled repose.
    I picture them at mewling defeat,
    huddled for warmth that could not come

    in time. With collar turned to snap of
    March, I suggest we get back
    to the yard work—our epidemic in
    chickweed, branches, dead leaves
    that hide dead bodies.
    I repeat what I said on a horrible day
    in a horrible room:
    that passing isn’t more
    than a rocking Sunday hammock. (All cock and bull.)

    At night, as sleep takes me, so you take
    the cavernous station wagon
    down to the lake and the waterfront cottage
    where once you dwelled as a girl. By darkness
    you slink to the foaming shore and hunt
    for the hidden slabs of shale
    on which you scratched your life’s first secrets:
    your hatred for recitals, the pink-eared boy
    whose eyes you longed to kiss

    and the names you planned to give your babies.
    You frantically turn rock, split thicket,
    but every piece of shale is mute
    by damning touch of water.
    You feel each misplaced name
    wrested always out of you, the precise ache,
    those slanted slackened mouths
    as voiceless as the swells of fur
    we threw to our heap of compost.

    Then you tell me this months later
    as you spit up red swallows of ice wine. I don’t ask
    but still wonder about your trip home
    after the search, about the way you toiled
    back into our bed that cool spring night.
    Did you curl up against my sleeping body?
    Or did you roll away, fighting
    the instinct that whispers us still
    when the time at last has come to huddle?

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