Hey, all. Just want to mention an addition to the rules, as agreed upon by us mods.

From now on, posting an "announcement" right before posting a new chapter is considered spamming. As an example...

I Are A Bad Writer @ 7:30 A.M. today

Hey, dudez! I wrote a new chapter! Reply or I will eat your eyeballs!!!11
I Are A Bad Writer @ 7:32 A.M. today

"Ultimate Tunder Zap Canon Bomm Picachu!!!" whispered Ash.

Picachu did it, and Magikrp died.

"Yay! I win!" said Ash.

Reply now!! Praise me praise me prase me!!!

So, yeah, don't make needless posts to announce new chapters. Double posts are fine, as long as there's some legitimate reason for them. For instance, if no one replies to a chapter before you finish the next one, you can feel free to make a new post for the new chapter. Also, if you tend to take a long time to write chapters (several months or so) and you need to make a post just to update your readers and let them know that you haven't quit, that's fine.

This new rule is effective immediately. Also, we'll be going around and merging announcement posts into the chapters they announced, although we won't be penalizing anyone for doing that in the past.

...Whew! Sorry for the long explanation. To make a long story short, don't spam in the future and you'll be fine. ^_^;;