I haven’t actually done it yet, the intention is there… but right now I’m rather unmotivated. I need to work the kinks out and make the characters so much better than they are, in fact the only part of the entire NaNo I like is the ending, and to be honest it’s quite the depressing end (not necessarily a bad ending, but a sad one).

I’m working on a semi-private writing challenge (sharing it with my sis, becki and asi) and trying to get re-established with my starcraft fic…

Amusing tidbit: that reviewer who scared me away? He was the first one to reply back to the new chapter I posted… ‘cept he was much more polite, I think he figured out my little rant about being respectful was about him…

Writing regularly is a pain I fine, the challenge I’m doing is every week… I haven’t done my blurb yet… I’ll eventually start it… but right now I’m totally distracted by other things (like Mass Effect 3… >.> My writing is gonna die because that game comes out tomorrow~).