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Thread: A Request for a Completed Fic

  1. #1
    Thread Killer Elite Trainer
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    Default A Request for a Completed Fic

    Hey there peeps of Fanfiction!

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this topic/question, but if the mods feel the need to move, please go right ahead!

    I was just wondering if anyone had a full copy of the "War of the Forums" webcomic/fic that mr_pikachu had done a couple of years back? I found the original topic, but some of the comics have broken image links or Forbidden links popping up on my browsers (I've tried viewing them on Safari and Firefox).

    If anyone could help me find a full copy of that, I'd really really be grateful to you!

    Thanks again!

  2. #2
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: A Request for a Completed Fic

    I doubt anybody has saved each and every image except mr_pikachu himself. Messaging him personally would probably get you the fastest answer.

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: A Request for a Completed Fic

    Does he still log on after his marriage? I figured his honey would get more priority than posting in EVERY. SINGLE. TOPIC.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: A Request for a Completed Fic

    ^This thread's in the right place, but I can't help, either - as Blade said, probably only Brian will have every page saved. You could PM him if you like but he has a hell of a lot going on at the moment (just got married, work, a giant thesis), so you might not get a response as TPM has understandably taken a back seat for him.

    Becky (his wife) is more active on TPM so if you are really desperate to get your hands on the fic, you could always try asking her nicely to get the message through to Brian.

    WOTF was never completed, though, so you won't find a conclusion if that's what you're after?
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
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    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: A Request for a Completed Fic

    Oh well that's too bad to hear about WotF never finishing, but understandable.

    I just feel bad because I started reading it way back when and it was pretty hilarious and interesting at the same time, but then I fell off the face of Planet TPM and just started making my way back around here, so I wanted to get a chance to actually finish reading whatever Brian finished.

    Ho hum, guess some things were not meant to be

  6. #6
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: A Request for a Completed Fic

    I have some parts of it. Somewhere. I don't think mr_pikachu completed it, but I printed a load of pages of it and also saved it on memory sticks and old computers. Wait and I'll get it to you. I recall some pages were lost but I should be able to find at least some.

    The problem is, how can I send the pages to you? All I have in my mind is snail mail, you'd have to send me your adress via PM. Yes I know, sounds familiar, I have tried this before. I would not care about the cost, not even the one regarding mailing it, as I really can't sell mr_pikachu's work.

    Or you can PM Becky.

  7. #7
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: A Request for a Completed Fic


    I found the pages from 000 to 033 minus 009. I also noticed I have completely lost one memory stick. Must turn my room upside down for that. Even more can be found from CDs and four computers I have yet to check. And then there is the printed version which is either

    1) In a folder somewhere in my room
    2) In a storage room in the mental hospital I was three/four times at
    3) In trash
    4) Chipped
    5) Burned

    I know, I shouldn't have thrown it away but I had to cram everything I had in my old apartment into one room when I got back from my lastest hospital period March 2010. Embarrassing. And I was the one who won the 'H'ardcore TPMer Award in Unown Awards 2011.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: A Request for a Completed Fic

    If you have a soft-copy of it Mikachu, that's more than enough for me, I was just planning on reading it on my laptop instead of having a hard copy of it. And I'm currently staying in India, where I would assume shipping something out to here would be stupidly expensive, even if its just a couple stacks of paper.

  9. #9
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: A Request for a Completed Fic

    Soft copy? What is a soft copy, I'm unfamiliar with the word. I guess it means a version that is not on paper but on computer. But it looks like the hard copy is easier to find in this situation! Anyways, I think we can do this further via AIM or something where we can exchange more info. But I won't turn my room upside down until I have slept over the night. Right now, I have to keep quiet as there are actually people sleeping in this house!

  10. #10
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: A Request for a Completed Fic

    Sorry, I couldn't find any more pages...

    *uses TPM search function*



    At least I can see all the pages. Mission Accomplished, no?

    EDIT: Hmph, not all of them. I'm afraid I can't do more. But you can still ask Becky.

    EDIT2: See the alternate download pages. I could view all of them.

    Sorry for spamming so much in your topic, but I think it's done now.
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 16th June 2012 at 06:29 AM.

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