Eden and Alex

The tension between everyone was threatening to turn into an actual solid mass. Eden wore a frown that was for them all, in particular – Kite who had decided that this moment was the perfect time to make everything horribly awkward. They still had to face the fal’Cie, and this sort of thing hindered everyone from working together. The huntress’s frown turned quickly into a nasty scowl.

She had just slain what was left of her best friend, to save her headstrong brother who happened to have a brewing romance with both the songstress he had just met and some ditch-crawling friend of his.

Ultima damn us all.
She thought bitterly, realizing this was as much her fault as everyone else’s. This group wasn’t teamwork material at all – if they didn’t get out of here, they were all dead.

Even with their new found powers.

Enough.” Eden snarled, as the group had begun bickering again, though it was more between Markus and Nova than anyone else. “We need to get out of here, I don’t want to hear another word out of you two unless it’s helpful.”

Nova opened his mouth to protest, to which he received a silencing glare.

A strange noise came from the fal’Cie causing everyone to turn and face it. It’s head began to turn again, switching to an expression of joy. Alex backed up, stepping behind Nova in fear. This fal’Cie wasn’t like the others back home – it was different. Why had it turned them into l’Cie?

And that vision… it couldn't be what she was thinking – no fal’Cie would ask that of a human being.

The fal’Cie extended its hands outwards, orbs of light floating over its palms, pulsating with similar energy to that which had grabbed them before. In a flash those spheres were whirling around the party before homing in on Alex, whizzing around her before one of them found what it was searching for:
The crystal.

It floated outwards, carried by the orbs until it was just before them.

Eden watched the strange display; the energy seemed to be amplified by the crystal – and the orbs just kept multiplying. Splitting and shrinking until it was like one million mini-suns whirling around the treasure Jin had originally found before a shockwave of orange exploded outwards.

And gravity changed – once again the huntress found herself being pulled towards a teleportation field.

But there was no chance to tell everyone to run, no, instead everyone was instantaneously caught in its area of effect and pulled inwards.

And within a moment, Eden was hurled into the bustling street. Unable to do anything else, she curled into a ball, wincing as a car nearly ran her over – instead it swerved to the right and smashed into a building. Eden blinked, uncurling slowly and realizing that these were humans that were beginning to gather – not monsters.

Soon after the others followed, each one being spit out onto the road. Nova was thrown right into the crowd, Alex landed next to her, Jin and Kite slammed into each other and Markus nearly landed on top of Eden.

“Where the hell are we?” Markus groaned.

Eden stood up with a groan; she really wanted to sleep – in a comfortable bed. “Alexandria..”

Alex was up next, helped to her feet by Markus. “That fal-“

Eden grabbed her arm. “Don’t mention that here, not now.” The huntress spotted her brother making his way back over. “We need to get to the house.”

“House?” Kite questioned with a notable tone of frustration. “You live in Alexandria?”

Nova nodded. “It’s not a big deal,”

“No, not a big deal…” Kite growled, “You just live in the capital of Eden – which under normal circumstances wouldn't let people like me in.”

Alex gave everyone a nervous smile. “Let’s just get to their house, we all need a rest.”