
In the course of his life there were a few things Markus never expected to happen. Becoming a doomed l'cie was certainly on that list but it would never have been number. No, that honour went to the situation he found himself in that morning; stark naked and cuddling an equally exposed Eden.

His first reaction was panic. Somehow this had been his fault and when she woke up she was going to make him well aware of that fact; with the sharp end of her sword, if he was lucky. But as the fog of sleep began to fade, the events that had unfolded between the two of them became clearer. She had been the one to instigate it, not him. For all his faults and weaknesses he had kept himself from making the first move. Eden had been the one to suggest it – well, more like order it.

He should have been happy. How many nights had been spent dreaming of this? Wasn't this what he had always wanted, to have Eden, to experience the depths of her that few, if any, had ever seen? But it hadn't been as he'd expected. There was no confession, no hint of an admission of feelings and even at the height of their passions she had still managed to remain somewhat distant, as if the walls she put around herself had not allowed him past, only drawn closer to her, shrinking her bubble of protection. The girl he'd met with briefly in the garden, the one who blamed herself for her friend's falling, was not the same woman he'd slept with last night.

So what was that? A reward for all the years of putting up with the distant Eden? Thanks for not taking advantage of her vulnerability? Or was I just an escape? The thought left him feeling unclean. He had given her a part of his soul last night, whether she was aware of it or not, and in return she had left him more of a mess than he had been before. He was no closer to sussing out her feelings for him – or learning if she even had any for him. Somehow, getting what he wanted had just made things worse.

Eden shifted beside him, snuggling deeper into the warmth of his chest. His body tingled, sensitive to the feel of her skin against his. He couldn't help but smile a little. Confused though he was, it was not enough to stop him from loving her. They would have to talk at some point, put everything out in the open, but it wouldn't happen today. No, there were far more pressing matters to attend to first. Like meeting with Kara. He shuddered at the thought of seeing that woman again. He had met her twice before, only briefly but still long enough to leave a last impression. He'd been excited by the prospect of meeting Eden's well-respected sister. The few times she had mentioned her, Eden had always spoken fondly of Kara. Markus couldn't see any reason why he wouldn't like the other woman of Myst, even the traits that Eden had warned him of, Kara's stern nature, were traits that he, as a soldier could admire.

But it was Kara who had taken fault with him. She had made it clear upon their first meeting that she disapproved of the way he looked at her sister. That everything about him was unsuitable and that even as a human being he was unworthy. All this she told him without ever opening her mouth. He prayed silently to whichever of the gods would listen that she wouldn't suss out what had transpired between him and Eden that night. Her wrath would not be like Nova's. Hers would come silently, in the night, by untraceable hands. There would be no words, no opportunity for forgiveness, just the remnants of his body in a ditch somewhere. That was the fate he imagined Kara would have install for him if she ever found out that he had defiled her sister.

He rubbed his face with the hand that Eden hadn't trapped. I need to get something to drink. He looked down at the sleeping woman. He feared waking her but at the same time he didn't want to be there when she awoke. He preferred not to die just yet. Gently as he could, he freed himself from her bed. She frowned in her sleep and made a grumble of disapproval before cocooning herself in the blankets. He had to stop himself from lingering to watch her. Who knew if he would ever get the chance to do so again.

He dressed only as much as he dared, pulling on his pants and deciding to brave the corridor without anything else. Somehow the thought of trying to leave when she awoke was worse than the thought of being beside her. For the sake of safety, he opted not to be there at all. He gathered the last of his clothes into his arms and slipped out of the room. In the hallway, he paused briefly to look back at her, still sound asleep, then closed the door completely.

“You son of a bitch!”

The hit came from the side, catching him off guard. He managed to brace himself somewhat as he landed, the bruise from Kite's hammer screaming in protest as he landed in a crouch. He took a moment to compose himself. “Nova-”

“I told you not to go in there. I told you to leave her alone. And not only did you ignore me, you fucking slept with her you damn son of a bitch.” He went to hit Markus again but he was ready this time and caught the younger boy's arm.

Markus stood. “Nova just listen -”

“You couldn't keep it in your pants could you?” He shouted, trying to twist out of Markus' grip. “She lost her best friend and you thought that was the time to go and put the moves on my sister?” He kicked out at Markus and Markus let go of his arm to widen the gap between them. “You make me sick! I can't believe I was going to apologise to you and forgive you for all that shit you pulled with the fal'cie!”

Nova's anger had drawn the curiosity of most of their party. A sleepy Alex appeared in her doorway. “What's going on,” she asked, yawning.

“He slept with my sister,” Nova growled.

Alex looked between them. “Was that not okay? But you slept with me last night so why couldn't he-”

“You slept with Alex?” Now it was Kite's turn to get angry.

“No – yes. I spent the night with her but it was innocent. I didn't have sex with her.”

“Whatever you say, Nova.”

Markus saw Kite leave but he didn't see where he went.

“So when you say he slept with your sister...” It was then that Alex apparently realised just how little Markus was wearing. A little colour flushed to her cheeks and she looked away.

“Yes, I mean he fucked her,” replied an exasperated Nova. “And now, thanks to him, I have to go and patch things up with Kite again.” He looked Markus in the eyes and frowned. “I wish that fal'cie had turned you instead.” He turned and went after Kite.

Alex, embarrassed by her part in the argument, returned to her room and closed the door, leaving only Markus and a lingering Jin behind.

Markus sighed and leaned back against the wall beside Eden's doorway, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, that went well.”