Eden gently plucked the gift from its box, holding it in the air between the two, letting the lights of the festival catch it and make it glimmer in all shades. She couldn’t help but think it was awful fancy for gift in tradition’s name, but she wasn’t complaining. It was gorgeous, and she didn’t want to spoil the moment by saying something that might come across as ungrateful.

“Can you help me…?” She unclipped the clasp on the chain and held it up. “Put it on?” Eden clarified, seeing Markus’s somewhat confused expression.

Markus nodded, stepping around and behind her. She held her hair out of the way as he took the necklace and did it up again, then stepped back in front of her. She looked down at it, admiring its shine for a moment before her attention went back to Markus.

Eden turned her attention back to the bar, where her brother should’ve been sitting.

He wasn’t.

“Lindzei damn him... I’ll be back later, enjoy the parade.” She offered Markus no explanation, but he could’ve guessed as to what she was looking for again.

The Huntress frowned; she wasn’t at all surprised by Nova’s disappearance. Instead she walked over with a scowl, and leaned against the bar next to her old friend. Bellaevis glanced at her, offering her nothing but a knowing smile.

“Ello.” She grinned, and it didn’t falter when the Huntress just glared. “Oh, come on, he’s just havin’ some fun.”

“I should arrest you.” Eden ordered herself a drink.

“Me?” Her friend feigned hurt. “For what? I kept an eye on him… and you’re drinking on the job.”

The huntress snorted. “Around you, I have to.”

“Aye, that’s the spirit!” Bellaevis chuckled, ignoring the sullen look she got from Eden. “You’re too hard up in my opinion.”

“Yes, you’ve told me before.” Eden stared into her drink in thought, her frown softening. “Am I to hard on him?”

Bellaevis blinked at her. “Nova? Bah, he’s fine.”

“He’s breaking the law.” She countered before downing the rest of her drink. “He’s always breaking the law.”

“So?” The bard didn’t seem so concerned. “What’s wrong with that?”

“I’m terrified he’ll end up like you.”

“Oi!” Bellaevis’s frown turned into a scowl as she prepared a whole string of comebacks. But the smirk on Eden’s face made the bard think twice. “Oh, aren’t you clever, you see if you’re so sharp when I sing about ya. Won’t be so smirk-happy then.”
“That would require me having tales worth telling.” Eden shrugged as she spoke, pushing herself off the bar.

“Oh that’s right, you’re a bore.” Bellaevis chimed happily. “You’re safe until you turn interestin’.”

“Lindzei help me on that day,” Eden offered have a smile at the thought. “Want to have another drink after the fireworks?”

“Sure! You buyin’?”

Eden rolled her eyes and walked away. “Maybe – if you behave.”

The fireworks marked a celebration of all things holy. They were the chosen method to create brilliant light, just as Lindzei did thousands of years ago. They were enchanted explosives that would form into great battles of old and some that would spread out and dance around the onlookers, while others simply lit up the starry night sky.

It was a great spectacle, designed to be large enough for Ultima to watch from her sky-fortress. Eden wasn’t sure if anyone actually did watch from Alexandria, most if they wanted to see it, would travel to Everest before taking a train to Ramblum. Others would simply watch from the comfort of their own homes, their televisions displaying the brilliant show.

The beach had grown dark; with other the performers and their act lighting up the sands now. In about a minute the fireworks would begin, but Eden didn’t really care at the moment.

She had found her brother, and promptly stepped up beside him. He didn’t even notice until she cleared her throat, and he looked over, nearly jumping. Eden noted the other standing on the other side of him; he looked like a ditch-crawler. Someone like that would’ve been kicked out from Alexandria in an instant.

She hid her disapproval of his friends and gave him a coolly neutral look. “Can I speak to you?”

Nova looked back at his friend. “I’ll uhh, be right back…”

“Are you in trouble?” His friend questioned.


Yes.” Eden spoke over him, silencing her brother. “He is. Please excuse us.”

A good distance away from Nova’s friend, Eden’s cool-tone changed. “One drink, Nova.” She hissed, “I said one drink, not to toddle off at your leisure and wait for the show to start.”

“I technically didn’t finish my-“

“Shut up.”

“Yes ma’am…” His eyes hit the ground; slowly they flicked back to hers. “Come on, I promise I’ll stay in the house for the rest of my sentence, just… please let me watch the fireworks?”

“You’re promises are about as valuable as fool’s gold.” Eden shot back. Nova didn’t look at her, just stared away silently. She wasn’t sure if he was faking his hurt or it was genuine, but it was getting to her. “… Fal’Cie curse you, fine.” He immediately perked up, smiling at her. “But I swear to Ultima Nova, if you break your house arrest one more time I’m going to let you rot in jail for a month.”

The first firework’s explosion erupted over them, making the sky sparkle gold. She had forgotten how close they were to the shore, and thus they were nearly right under the show.

Another went off, silencing everyone as the songstress’s voice echoed over the beach. Through fal’Cie manipulation the fireworks’ explosions didn’t sound nearly as loud and booming, and the girl’s song was carried over probably the entire town.

The show was spectacular, with the fight of the eidolons and fiends going along perfectly with the song. The voice that the songstress could pump out of her was amazing, even if it was amplified by the technology scattered all through the city for this day, it was stunning.

Light gathered around her, spinning in elegant wisps of colour, while old l’Cie knights projections appeared at her side, baring the mark of Lindzei proudly on their armored chests. The two siblings watched in silence, slowly moving closer to the stage, the show dazzling them.

The song ended, and silence fell over the crowd.

The wind picked up, sand racing up off the ground, forcing people back and trapping those inside. Eden watched her brother take a step back, as gold traces of energy began to spin around in the funnel. The crowd immediately began cheering as the energy expanded, blocking out the view of those inside.

But Eden noted the performers; they were looking at each other confused.

This was not a part of the show.

“Nova,” she caught his attention as she brought out her dual blades. “Get ready.”

“For what?” Nova looked at her, his voice full of uncertainty as he unsheathed his blade. “This isn’t part of the show?”

“No.” Eden’s skin tingled as the magic continued to grow, gold laces spawning white dust trails and arcs of blue lightning.

In a split second the energy collapsed in on itself, sucking in those trapped in the funnel. The orb it formed flashed white, as bright as the sun, blinding everyone near it before it exploded outwards. A shockwave of magic and sand sent most of the crowd careening backwards.

Eden landed on her foot soundly, though her brother could say the same. He bit the ground next to her, causing her to haul him to his feet. Nova grumbled thanks, shielding his eyes from the wind and sand as another shockwave tore outwards.

Chaos erupted, people were rushing past them, crying out things that didn’t make sense.



“Lindzei help us!”

Eden hurried forward, nimbly making her way through the crowd until she froze.

The stage was in ruins, the energy blast had damaged a support pillar and then with everyone beginning to run, too much weight had been placed on the left side. What remained was a crumpled left-side with a pile of people on top of each other trying to get away.

“Timdhya dnil!”

The roar of the beast caught Eden’s attention. Towering above the rest was a behemoth, with long red banners spawning from the back of its head. Its thick hide was a deep purple, with black veins running throughout and its chest revealed muscle on top of muscle. Clutched in its right hand was a rather nasty looking blade, and its massive jaws had many yellow, razor sharp teeth.

The monsters around it were not nearly as large as their commander, but they were none the less mean and possessed strength. Two took notice of Eden, with their dog-like bodies and strange mouths that had teeth that seemed far too large for its face. Their fur was tan with white underbellies, and paws equip with claws that were near the size of daggers.

They snarled and leapt, the first finding itself impaled on both of Eden’s blades. It yelped and was tossed to the side like garbage, which caused the other one to slow and circle. It charged soon after, going for the huntress’s legs but instead was greeted with one of the woman’s swords thrust through its head.

It twitched, and slumped.

“Dni wecc yw Lindzei nem syli! Errunucedi dni fihlur!”

Nova ran up beside her, his own sword now stained with monster blood. “What the hell are they?”

“They’re called Gorgonopsids.” Eden informed him, readying herself. “Don’t get surrounded.”

“And them?” He gestured to a few small, green-skinned creatures heading into the city.


There was a scream from the stage, and that’s all the excuse Nova needed. He took off towards the sound.

“No! Nova!” She went to follow but found herself cut off by numerous gorgons. “Oh for the love of Lindzei…”

They snarled, perhaps recognizing the Goddess’s name.

“Need help?”

Both Eden and the group of fiends looked over at Markus as he approached.

“No,” Eden countered, frowning a bit.

“Of course not.” He smirked, bringing up his fists. “Shall we?”

The huntress spun her weapons, smirking at the beasts. “Let’s go.”

- + -

Gorgonopsid, Goblin, and Feral Behemoth.

Don’t go pissing off the behemoth! You might die! XD Have fun tagging each other and surviving for a bit!

Alex sung ‘For the Heart I Once Had’ by Nightwish, for those of you wondering~