:: children of the revolution ::

Bellaevis looked up at the display from her prone position on the sand. It was comfortable down there, and she had hardly any sand in her bits, which made a nice change, and if she was honest, she didn't really fancy getting up at all.

That could have been the alcohol talking.

Either way. Sand had no right to be so comfortable, especially not when she nearly got trampled over the head by some over-excited kiddies.

“Hey,” she called lazily, rolling into a more upright position. “Watch where you're going.” She sat up and looked around, espying a large group of rowdy-looking guys propping up the bar. Looked like a good time, so she picked herself up, grabbed Bellwyrm, slung it over her shoulder and sauntered in their direction.

That was, right up until she walked face first into a man. “Ow,” she said. They proceeded to do that awkward thing where he tried to escape and she didn't let him, and then, suddenly, she figured out precisely why she recognised the guy.

“You're Eden's little brother!” She grinned, thumping her fist into her palm. “I knew I recognised you from somewhere! Wow, you've grown up, haven't you. You're like a beanstalk or something.”

She looked up at him, one eyebrow raised. He sure got attractive in that time, that was for sure. Grinning widely, she elbowed him right in the ribs. “So come on then, you gonna introduce me to your friends or what? Get me a drink and I won't mention seeing you to your sister, eh?” She turned just in time to see Eden grab Nova by the collar. “Oh well, that saves me some time thinking up an excuse.”

Bellaevis waved. “Hey Eden, s'up? Don't take him away, will you? It's my fault he's here, ain't it Nova? I made him promise to buy me a drink.” She sighed exaggeratedly. “Sorry. You can blame me, if you want.”