Huh. Yeah I totally knew that.

Round 6

COMBAT DISCO: A large modern disco with a multicolored floor, tables and chairs on one side near a bar. Off to one side is the DJ table, with powerful speakers on both sides.
MUSIC: Chiptunes - The only moves available are those of technical machines.

Team of Gym Leader Oslo (OOX)
[Snore Warrior][M]
66% HP
78% EN
Flamethrower ~ Earthquake ~ Flamethrower

Team of Challenger MLG (OOX)
28% HP
51% EN
*Speed -1, Attack +2, Attracted (3 more actions)*
Brick Break ~ Maternal Mayhem (Giga Impact + Brick Break)

We begin this round with Katara looking at dreamy at Snore, but it just didn't feel right. She was proud and confident! What the hell was she doing getting all gooey eyed? Then the tub of (pretty adorable) lard breathed fire on her. Oh, last straw! She went over and smacked him around the face. Beeyatch!
: -18% health, -8% energy
: -
8% health, -8% energy
[Spd -1, Atk +2, Atr]

Katara thinks that this will do nicely and sets her crown glowing white. She then charges at Snore, giving him a great big tackle. It might also be a hug, I can't tell. Snore is really surprised by this and is thrown back. He lands on his back with a large thump and struggles to get up. On his way up, he sends a shock-wave to Katara, which hurts her quite a bit. It also snaps her out of her infatuation, not that it helped Snore that much.
: -22% health, -9% energy
: -
16% health, -14% energy
[Spd -1, Atk +2]

Katara takes a breather, Snore breathes fire on her, Katara falls down and Snore is triumphant. And scene!
: -0% health, -8% energy
: -
8% health, -0% energy

The music now changes again, to the great musical talents of RAP. Oh dear god, please kill me now.

Team of Gym Leader Oslo (OOX)
[Snore Warrior][M]
26% HP
53% EN

Team of Challenger MLG (OXX)
00% HP
29% EN
*Knocked Out*

End Notes
Yo, yo, yo, let's get this battling going in the hizzay!
*cough* as in MLG sends out and issues attacks.