Round 4

COMBAT DISCO: A large modern disco with a multicolored floor, tables and chairs on one side near a bar. Off to one side is the DJ table, with powerful speakers on both sides.
MUSIC: Dubstep - The later the generation, the stronger the move.

Team of Gym Leader Oslo (OOO)
[King Thrashypants][M]
27% HP
24% EN
*Poison Point*
*Speed -2, Seeded*
Supersonic ~ Bulldoze ~ Incinerate

Team of Challenger MLG (OOX)
100% HP
100% EN
Brine ~ Substitute (10%) ~ Waterfall

We begin this round with MLG sending out his next in line, Katara, the Empoleon. Thrashy opens his mouth and starts a really strong screech, but Katara is...kinda quick and sends a load of salty water down the music boosting it further, causing Thrashy to splutter. Although Katara wasn't hit with the full brunt of the attack, she felt a bit woozy.
: -22% health, -5% energy
[Spd -
2, Seeded]
: -
0% health, -7% energy

Katara waits for her master's orders and is given a quick shake by Thrashy. She's not a fan of this, but doesn't like stats being lowered and increases in power. She then fashions a good lookalike using the chairs and tables...somehow. Doesn't apply logic to this stuff, or I get blinked out of existence.
: -0% health, -6% energy
[Spd -
2, Seeded]
: -
30% health, -10% energy
[Spd -1, Defiant, Atk +2, Sub (10%)]

On the last action for Thrashy, Katara coats herself in water and slams into him, muffled a bit by the music. Thrashy cried out as he was thrown back and hits the floor. He doesn't get up. Katara has shown her superiority.
: -20% health, -0% energy
: -
0% health, -8% energy
[Spd -1, Atk +2, Sub (10%)]

The music changes again to the strange sound of CHIPTUNES. It's time to get technical.

Team of Gym Leader Oslo (OOX)
[King Thrashypants][M]
0% HP
13% EN
*Poison Point*
*Knocked Out*

Team of Challenger MLG (OOX)
70% HP
75% EN
*Speed -1, Attack +2, Substitute (10%)*

End Notes
Is Chiptunes the music of the chipmunks? Because if so: oh dear.
Gym Leader Oslo to send out, then Challenger MLG to issue attacks.