OK, this could be in FanFic but I have three reasons to post it here.

1) This is not for a FanFic, it's just a background story for something you'll soon see.
2) General Discussion deserves more topics.
3) GD gets lots of different readers interested in Pokemon, I think the selection is wider than in FanFic.

And then to the point.

Imagine that scientists have been able to spot a big meteor heading towards our planet. If Pokemon were real, could the impact be prevented or perhaps at least softened with them? How.

You can consider different possibilities. One possibility is that the meteor is noticed soon enough and we have time to issue a plan and affect it before it even reaches the atmosphere. Another possibility is that getting through the atmosphere couldn't be prevented but the impact spot could be detected. If it were to hit ocean, how to deal with tsunami? If it were to hit land, could the impact be softened or perhaps the meteor itself be destroyed in a close encounter?

What Pokemon, what abilities and what attacks would you use to save us?

I'm especially interested in softening the impact with Pokemon, since it would bring some intensity to the story I want but why not the other options, they are interesting, too?