How do we not have a thread on this!?

Just got this game this past weekend, and finally beat it almost a week later. The main story is awesome. Plenty of twists and turns, and not to spoil anything, but things get really crazy towards the end. I felt myself saying "I can't believe this is happening" a few times. I even pushed myself to beat the last few chapters just so I could see what would happen next.

The humor is great. The game shatters the fourth wall several times, even making references to other Nintendo games. There's also plenty of replayability there. The challenge board from Kirby's Air Ride and Super Smash Bros. Brawl is in this game, plus there's the challenge of beating chapters on higher difficulties, which isn't easy considering the difficulty drops whenever you die, and then there's all those idols to collect, which are like the trophies from the Smash Bros. games. The biggest complaint I've heard in reviews is the controls, which is an odd one considering they can be customized. I set them so that I could move the targeting reticule with ABXY, and that worked out fine for me.

And I haven't even tried the multiplayer yet, which I've heard is quite good.

Sakurai has done it again, this is definitely one of the best games on the 3DS.