THERE'S A NEW TRAILER, GUYS. And some important plot information and details and whatnot about the game, AND the release date's been knocked forward to the 2nd of October. This is slightly old news by now (as in: two days old), but what the hell, I like talking RE with you guys <3

Stuff from this trailer (and also theories I've seen bandied around);

- Jake Muller is the name of the "nameless mercenary" and he's WESKER'S SON. Remember what the first trailer said about his blood being important? INTERESTING. Some people are thinking who the mother might be, but my favourite theory is that he was born around RE0-RE1 time when Wesker was a scientist with Umbrella as an experiment.
- That woman with the scarf might be Ada? (Theory bandied around, idek if it's true lol, she doesn't look much like Ada?)
- The blonde girl is totally Sherry Birkin
- The game will have three separate stories - one for each character - in a style which sounds very reminiscent of Suikoden III. Each storyline will meet up in China at a later point in the game, again, sounds kinda like Suikoden III lol.
- You'll be able to play any of the three stories, and they can stand alone. Together, they will make gameplay around 30 hours or so.
- Mercenaries will return, as well as online play, and both will apparently be unlocked from the beginning. YAY.

So we might already have had a RE6 thread, but I can't remember where it is, so have this one instead DISCUSS. Are you excited? I AM. Especially for Mr Jake Muller, who I already liked an awful lot before the revelation about him. Part of that liking might just be to see the Wesker fandom explode with rage if it comes out that Wesker screwed a lady, trololol, but what can I say.