So here we are at girl #5, Serena. Who would have thought 10 years ago that Ash would have traveled with 5 different main girl companions?

This actually takes me back, because its now been an entire decade since Misty left the show, and at this time back in 2003 was when the AG series was first starting and May was introduced. I remember when May was the, "new pokemon girl," and its hard to believe she's also a decade old at this point.

It also goes to prove that everyone was totally wrong about Misty ever getting to play any role in the series again. Her departure at the end of Johto was indeed quite permanent, and after that she only got a few episodes during Hoenn, which turned out to be her final episodes of the entire series as she never showed up in another saga after that. All those people who would post huge rants about Misty being important and returning to the show someday got proven wrong in every way possible. I actually miss reading the crazy rants of some Misty fans, I think at this point they all gave up.

Anyway, Serena is girl #5....who looks too similar to Dawn for my tastes.