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Thread: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

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    Default So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    So here we are at girl #5, Serena. Who would have thought 10 years ago that Ash would have traveled with 5 different main girl companions?

    This actually takes me back, because its now been an entire decade since Misty left the show, and at this time back in 2003 was when the AG series was first starting and May was introduced. I remember when May was the, "new pokemon girl," and its hard to believe she's also a decade old at this point.

    It also goes to prove that everyone was totally wrong about Misty ever getting to play any role in the series again. Her departure at the end of Johto was indeed quite permanent, and after that she only got a few episodes during Hoenn, which turned out to be her final episodes of the entire series as she never showed up in another saga after that. All those people who would post huge rants about Misty being important and returning to the show someday got proven wrong in every way possible. I actually miss reading the crazy rants of some Misty fans, I think at this point they all gave up.

    Anyway, Serena is girl #5....who looks too similar to Dawn for my tastes.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

  3. #3
    The Jigglypuff Master! Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    Who thinks yet ANOTHER bike will be destroyed by Pikachu? Bikes are literally lightning rods to Pikachu except in reverse. Instead of drawing electricity towards it from the source, the bikes seem to draw the source to themselves and Pikachu's attacks just get in the way.
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    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    Sorry about the semi-spammy first reply. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what kind of person Serena is. Back in the days of Misty, people were talking about AAML, but do 10-year-old boys fall in love?

    Misty was supposed to return in one Hoenn phase autumn 2003 and Hanada Tattsu among other TPM Pokemon otakus that time me included were very excited. I even didn't partake an important exam at school (I did have an option to do it later, although most of my classmates did it while I saved it for later) just to wait for TVTOKYO's Yokoku page to preview the ep in our computer class.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    I actually remember that. To be fair 10 years ago people didn't expect the anime to be going for 16 years or for the cast to constantly change each gen.

    It does look silly now when you read those old threads from 2003-2004 where people speculate about Misty returning, especially now 10 years later when we know she never did and never will.

    I wonder why the writers didn't confirm it right away? They didn't say Misty would never return until sometime in the middle of DP back in 2008. Maybe back in 2003 even the writers themselves weren't sure what they were going to do with the series yet?

    Serena looks alright, but like I said her design is too similar to Dawn. Not enough variety for me.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    Well, if we're going to be technical, Serena is more like the 6th or 7th female travelling companion (depending on if you count Bianca's and/or Cynthia's brief stints with the group), although she would be the 5th regular one. Interesting in that she already knows Ash, though...

    Now I just wonder if he's still going to be stuck as a 10 year old (come on, guys...) or if he's actually gained a couple of years (he seems older in the trailer when he's facing off against the Mega Garchomp, although he seems same as always in the rest of it).

  7. #7
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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    ^8th female travelling with him if you count temporary companions. You forgot about Cheryl. She went with Ash in Eterna Forrest for three episodes back in Sinnoh.

    Anyway, maybe Serena won't care Pikachu will destroy her bike (if she HAS one) since it's implied she and Ash are already good friends. A good long time friend wouldn't let an accident that has happened more than once ruin their friendship nor hang a guilt trip over their friend's head about it.
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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    Ash has had so many female companions that the ones in the middle are going to wind up forgotten. Already Iris seemed to be the least popular of all the girls, but a lot of people are starting to forget about Dawn as well even though she had a fanbase. When Serena leaves her character will wind up sandwiched in the middle too.

    It's called, "middle child syndrome," where things in the middle tend to be forgotten. I think the only reason May escapes this is because she was the first new main girl of the series, so she'll always be remembered for that reason. The others really don't have this luxury especially since every girl leaves after a single gen.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    I think May's appearance and contrasting her with her little brother Max helped as well. But Misty was my first anime crush and I think she was to many others too, sorry Sailor Moon.

    But I got an idea! Let's have a super exciting and arousing anime series where Misty, May, Dawn, Iris and Serena... adventure together. Without Ash. I'd watch that [/himg]

  10. #10
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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    Wow! It's hard to believe it's already been 10 years since I stopped watching the Pokemon anime!

    And from what I hear, they still keep repeating the same plot again and again. O_o

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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix View Post
    Wow! It's hard to believe it's already been 10 years since I stopped watching the Pokemon anime!

    And from what I hear, they still keep repeating the same plot again and again. O_o
    Well the games are the same 8 Gym quest over and over, so of course the anime would be.

    But I agree with you, its hard to believe its been over a decade since the original series ended. I didn't stop watching the anime though, but even then it amazes me that May is now a decade old character in the show. Its really unbelieveable that Ash has traveled with 5 main girl characters already...

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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    Quote Originally Posted by precita View Post
    Well the games are the same 8 Gym quest over and over, so of course the anime would be.

    But I agree with you, its hard to believe its been over a decade since the original series ended. I didn't stop watching the anime though, but even then it amazes me that May is now a decade old character in the show. Its really unbelieveable that Ash has traveled with 5 main girl characters already...
    Except the games are about different characters. I'd figure they'd all do something else with their lives after the games, not get a reset and start their quest all over again with new Pokemon and companions.

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    Default Re: So Ash is about to be on his 5th female travel companion

    Yeah, there's only so many times you can rehash the same plot before your anime as an entity becomes a trope.
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