Rather than spamming the poor folks in the ASB chat thread, I've decided to (hopefully) liven this place up a bit by posting my stuff here! Mostly this'll be wips and doodles (since I hardly ever finish anything off any more, lol), but hopefully there should be enough to keep people interested? Either way, to start this off, take my most recent drawing, which isn't QUITE finished yet because I need to add shading, but it's me as a Pokemon trainer/gym leader!

Also going to throw this in as well to shamelessly plug my deviantart (I should really post more stuff there, but I, uh, don't. Lol.), it's one of my dragons from the site Flight Rising! (not Pokemon related but eh why not)

So yeah, if you're interested in seeing more of my stuff, check out my Deviantart here, and my Tumblr, which I mostly just use to reblog random crap, here.