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Thread: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

  1. #1
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Lightbulb What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    From the hustle and bustle of infancy, to an uproarious childhood, to a rather lonely adolescence, our dear forum TPM is turning 18. Now our message board can imbibe in various vices in some places around the world, go to war, vote, purchase lottery entries, and legally watch adult entertainment... I guess. Ha

    Anyways what are some of your happiest memories associated with TPM? It can be related to both the forum itself and to personal connections related to the forum, and of course pokemon in general. I'll kick it off with a few ideas.

    -Meeting TPM members in the UK and Virginia in 2012! That was so much fun! I had a fantastic time getting to know Becki, Kirsten and Heald in the UK, and of course all the wonderful folks in Northern Virginia where we played Mario Kart, had Italian dinner and sang karaoke at a weird bar called Hard Times. Very fun! And this is where we learned that Birdo runs on hopes and dreams. Asilynne and Jeff are really down-to-earth, fun people!

    -One night after a few beers recently, Tony and I exchanged random videos of us swearing at Sonic the Hedgehog. It was really quite funny (at least at the time). "GET BLUE SPHERES!" Also, the fate of Ciao Bella.

    -Becoming a moderator for one of the sub-forums was a really big deal to me when I was a kid. I don't remember what happened with my being a mod but it felt like a real job with real responsibility at the time. Even though it was all volunteer, it certainly taught me some things that are important, like how to mediate conflict and make decisions when others' opinions about the topic are at odds with one another.

    -Playing the Werewolf Game was always a good time. I'm not in touch with everyone from those days (not already mentioned) except Green Lanturn, and I'm sure one of these days we will cross paths since we know lots of the same people.

    There are of course bittersweet things as well, and a few that are just sad. There was a lot of bullying, which I refused to participate in (or really let bother me all that much). A few members have passed away, one who I was in regular contact with up until his last year (Tainted). Most folks don't check this forum anymore. I also paid monthly fees for the server for a while but we could never get it to work for some reason, so I wasted a bunch of money that I couldn't really afford to spend for a while. Finally losing touch with the first regular groups of folks I was in touch with is bittersweet in its own way, because they were the first people I could ever truly call friends--Saria, Kori, Beth, Melvin and Katrina.

    We're a lot like a townie bar now, with some regulars (locals) but not a lot of new folks step in, and we keep the doors open for the few loyal patrons. It seems like a fitting analogy for a forum that's turning 18.
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
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  2. #2
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    So many good memories. Wins and losses in ASB, feeling I was remembered when I was resting at the hospital and shazza made a topic about it. Fun games in GGG, Whack-a-TPMer, Twisted Wishes, friends I have made, and last but perhaps not least, Mt. Moon, especially PostCount Capsule.

  3. #3
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Getting off the ezboard we all thought would be there forever.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Happy belated 18th birthday, TPM. I will love you until my death.

  5. #5
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    My fondest TPM memories? Let's begin...

    First of all was the moment when I found the Dragon's Guild in Polls & Clubs. I'd already been on TPM for a couple of months, but that moment felt like destiny was calling for me, and it was what made TPM feel like home for me.

    Before that, some of Dragon_Clan's RPGs were fun to play. Too bad I kept dropping out of them because I didn't have enough free time.

    Then came the Dragon Tamers... The beginning was bumpy, but from the second day onward... What a ride! Writing stories, making friends, writing stories with friends... It was the best. It was only sad that everyone ended up leaving, but it went on for over 15 years, I don't think many have done something like that. One of the collaborative stories I enjoyed writing the most was "What happened inside the temple in Templa Taure" with Ade (AntiAsh Superstar). And also participating in tournaments and then hosting them... Especially the Pegasus Games, the first tournament I hosted. Writing with The Blue Avenger, classy_cat18, DarkestLight and Wolfsong was really fun too! And I think my last story was a somewhat decent way to wrap things up, although if anyone ever decided to continue, I'd be first in line to do so. Not all the plot lines got an ending, after all.

    There was also my time at the Fanfic Forum. I really enjoyed writing articles for the E-Zine and interacting with everyone there, as well as the stories I read and the comments I got on the ones I got to write. Especially Karin's (Guardian Lune/Charizard04621). I really hope she's doing well, she kept my writing flame going when no one else did.

    And also Expedia... That was a wild ride too. Co-hosting an RPG with a group of GMs who would be full of ideas one day and disappear the next. I was the only one who was never affected by the Expedia Curse (it was said that every Expedia worker would run out of ideas/interest and disappear, I was warned about this as soon as I joined but as it turned out, the players left before I did).

    Resurrecting the website and forums, as well as the Unown Awards, were good times too. And bringing back AC/CC when people who had never been there decided to close it.

    Playing Lingo with Zak (remember that monstruous first thread?), making calculators, randomizers and tagboards, and even a Lingo solver just to show Dan I could make a faster one than the one he made and also to make a point of how using those things ruined the game.

    Kyle and I finally starting to understand each other and work together in GGG was good too.

    And making the MLP theme.

    And those few and brief but precious moments when I was able to meet some TPMers in person!

    There are more moments... So many more! And people. So many cool people and fun times! TPM will always have a special place in my heart.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  6. #6
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Monstrous first thread? Remind me. Definitely some fun times. I get my logic fix from Sporcle's grid 'logic puzzles' lately. You should check them out Gabi!
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  7. #7
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zak View Post
    Monstrous first thread? Remind me. Definitely some fun times. I get my logic fix from Sporcle's grid 'logic puzzles' lately. You should check them out Gabi!
    I love Sporcle! I'm kind of addicted to it... especially the logic tab! (Sorry for the crappy screencap but that's just how TPM has always been.) They have some fun logic quizzes that are very different, like the geography minesweeper ones and the Mastermind challenges. I have over 300 Sporcle badges hahah

    Last edited by Magmar; 28th March 2018 at 04:03 PM.
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
    (q)ueenly (2012), (y)ara sofia with Oslo (2012), (l)egalized (2014), (d)ream (2015), (a)ctive (2019), and (e)ighth generation unown awards! thanks TPM!

    member since day 1

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  8. #8
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Magmar View Post
    I love Sporcle! I'm kind of addicted to it... especially the logic tab! (Sorry for the crappy screencap but that's just how TPM has always been.) They have some fun logic quizzes that are very different, like the geography minesweeper ones and the Mastermind challenges. I have over 300 Sporcle badges hahah

    Heh. I was referring to those where you get a 5x5 (or 6x6 or bigger) and each one has a number (or a "unit" like Pokemon, HP characters, sports teams, countries etc.) and you get clues as you go to figure out what goes in each box. Like "row x is all prime numbers" or "all numbers divisible by 3 are adjacent to another" and such. Often the ones with things other than numbers require knowledge of something.

    You should try some of the ones made by SenatorGronk, Henry820, or d_o, those are particularly phenomenal. Or for a more insane challenge, geogeorge or ButlerAndrew. The latter's are particularly devious, one of them involved the numbers up to 300 that I remember spending a week on.
    Last edited by Zak; 28th March 2018 at 06:05 PM.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  9. #9
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Hoo boy, I have so many good memories of TPM, that I feel like there are too many of them to count. But I'll try to list the ones that I thought stood out the most:

    -becoming a worker in Pokemon Hangman (twice): Prior to Gabi and Louis becoming workers in this game, I was on the worker team along with Brian (mr_pikachu) and Christen (Number1ChanseyFan). I ended up feeling the need to resign from working when my plushie list suddenly vanished (luckily, I was able to keep track of everything I won there)...a bit of time passed, and I made the request to re-join the worker team there. I definitely don't regret that decision.

    -GGG: Speaking of GGG, I was fortunate enough to make a few new games there (including Pokemon BrainStrain, which I created with similarities to Pokemon Hangman, The Riddle Game and Lingo. Of course, it was (and still is) different than these three games). I'm especially glad most of the games I made are still active.

    -AC/CC: this was a great place for several years until it started slowly dying (I was especially sad when Expedia died, but it did have a good run even though it wasn't "won" in the end, oh well). I especially enjoyed working at Goldenrod Tower there in my second tenure as a worker there (my first tenure was alright; the second was definitely better). I'm sad it's a ghost town now, but oh well, I still have good memories of it.

    -ASB (the current ASB): even though this area slowly died as well, it was one of my favourite areas too. I enjoyed reffing some battles there, and I enjoyed being a battler even more. I especially enjoyed using Pokemon that when used early, could give me a lead almost nobody could catch. My battling strategy involved keeping opponents on their toes as much as possible, and at the times I felt were best, either lashing out with combos I used when a Pokemon was close to fainting (either going out with a bang if one of my Pokemon was about to go down, or unleashing a fast KO on one of my opponent's Pokemon when they were close enough to faint), or catching an opponent by surprise with Pain Split (usually with Gemini, my male Sableye who used his Prankster ability well). I made sure that if someone wanted to beat me, that they would have to work as hard as me or harder for the win. Similar to AC/CC, I'm also sad this area is a ghost town (I hoped Greyfox would be able to bring some much-needed life back into it, but I have the uneasy feeling he also lost interest in it too being as I haven't seen him post there in months. Greyfox's absence was pretty much the reason Mikachu and I agreed to drop our rematch, especially since he was reffing the battle for Mikachu and I).

    -RPG forum: I remember being in a couple of RPGs (PokeBabies is the one I remember the most, and IIRC, I think there was more than one PokeBabies RPG), though after a while, I eventually decided to stop participating in this forum, simply due to a lack of interest in it.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  10. #10
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    I have so many memories of TPM and its splinter groups that I'll provide short summaries of:

    The TPM Classical Era

    • Using the TPM main site in August 2000 as a way to take information and sell them as CD's to friends at school when I was 11, most notably the walkthroughs. Plus, I used it for pictures of fake Pokemon cards that I traded with friends at school.

    • Around this time, I was part of a Perfect Dark ( UBB5 message board. It wasn't until November 2000 where I realised that TPM had its own UBB5, and I assumed both the websites were associated due to the corresponding message board platforms.

    • Using the #pokemasters chat on, prior to joining the forums, and not realising that the shitty AOp named firepokemon from the chat was the rebellious and awesome Flying Destiny on the forums.

    • Becoming fascinated with the history of the TPM boards before I joined (March 2000-November 2000), particularly firepokemon vs Dodrio.

    • Envying Ash_300's post count, while competing with Master_PokemonH.

    • Having an Australian group with Bronze_Umbreon, totodile_girl, and vidgamerGBC. We used MSN.

    • The introduction of the Polls & Clubs forum. I was obsessed with it and loved the idea of becoming a moderator, creating multiple polls and clubs a day. I recall being competitive with Pidgeot, and somebody named togepi?

    • My first girlfriend in Chikoslavika's Revenge (Natalie), but at the same time having feelings for silverMaurari (?). Sidenote: Natalie added me on Facebook a few months ago and we had a good chat!

    • The introduction of UBB6 and the obsession with [Glow]. [Glow] ultimately had to be banned in signatures, I believe.

    • Captain Pringle's hilarious fanfic. I forget what it was called, but it was a play on words of Ash Ketchum.

    • The humor of Lawrence_III_Fanatic. I recall she had a reoccurring joke where she was obsessed with eating something?

    • The addition of Games to the Polls & Clubs forum felt profound.

    • I became a moderator of PCG in April 2001, it was one of the most exciting times of my childhood. I was running around the house as a 12 year old in complete ecstasy, with my mother having to calm me down. I believe it was LuIGiA007 (John) that did that one.

    • My mother passed away in May 2001 from cancer. I suppressed a lot of the emotions at the time, but TPM was my escape. I would often obsess and fascinate about it while in school.

    • Feeling envious of new members like Catbert and their exponential postcount plus being a moderator.

    • The shithouse that was the Shipping Forum!

    • The competition with BMG, UPN, and Pojo.

    • Kasumi's revelation.

    • People would post topics about leaving TPM, only to come back a week later.

    • Finding out firepokemon lied about his parents dying felt like a slight betrayal to me, since he felt like an older brother who endured a similar suffering. In hindsight he was just a fucked up kid (hi, Conrad!).

    • When every TPM member had their own shitty EzBoard. Mine was originally Shazza's Slippery Side and then Shazza's Spooky Slide. I think the URL was

    • I downloaded a pirated UBB and ultimately joined with Chris The Master's forum (the name of the forum escapes me), but it was really just he took all of my members whereas I admin.

    • To me, TPM moving to the EzBoard was the end of the classical TPM era. Puberty was setting in and I hadn't dealt nearly with my mother's death, and my teenage angst was localised within the TPM group.


    • Will edit this in the next day or two, but it was essentially being a TPM antagonist. This constitutes things like #pbs, being friends with Kevin/Little_Pikachu while they were dating, #sup, the initial SPAM forum, ummmm.

    Love you guys. x

  11. #11
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Wow, shazza... All those memories! I share most of them, but I wouldn't count all of them as happy.

    I also remember the short-lived Neo Multi Fic Project by NMFP-Alliance, of which I was proud to be a member. I wonder what became of the others. Especially PlatinumHawke, who left TPM shortly afterwards.

    But hey, I also found it funny how people would return a week after they'd slammed the door... And some even returned 7 years later! Among the latter, I was particularly curious about Alex (level100mewtwo). I never understood his comeback story at the Dragon Tamers Battle Range. I wonder if he had planned some big reveal, or maybe he just hadn't planned anything and just posted a story full of plotholes.

    As for the monstruous thread, I'm talking about Version 1, the one that was deleted because it was so big the forum had trouble loading it.

    And Kyle... I wish things had turned out differently for Expedia too. If you hadn't decided to restart and if Amy had run when Uinya told her to instead of trying to fight the YamiKairyu, things would have been very different. But hey, it wouldn't be a fair game if the bad guys didn't havea chance to win, would it? I had planned to continue and try to think of a way to fix things, but then everyone left, so... The YK won. Sorry.

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  12. #12
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix View Post

    And Kyle... I wish things had turned out differently for Expedia too. If you hadn't decided to restart and if Amy had run when Uinya told her to instead of trying to fight the YamiKairyu, things would have been very different. But hey, it wouldn't be a fair game if the bad guys didn't havea chance to win, would it? I had planned to continue and try to think of a way to fix things, but then everyone left, so... The YK won. Sorry.
    Well, if it makes you feel any better Gabi, I do regret restarting in Expedia (I just didn't feel confident enough that I could make a major difference in the game if I had decided to continue where I left off instead of would have felt wayyy too awkward for me to be travelling with the adopted/captured Pokemon I parted ways with, aka the Pokemon I had prior to restarting with my new adopted/captured Pokemon teams). To make a game that could potentially be unwinnable by the players is just...heartbreaking (but I guess that's how life goes when people decide to move on from TPM).
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  13. #13
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zak View Post
    Heh. I was referring to those where you get a 5x5 (or 6x6 or bigger) and each one has a number (or a "unit" like Pokemon, HP characters, sports teams, countries etc.) and you get clues as you go to figure out what goes in each box. Like "row x is all prime numbers" or "all numbers divisible by 3 are adjacent to another" and such. Often the ones with things other than numbers require knowledge of something.

    You should try some of the ones made by SenatorGronk, Henry820, or d_o, those are particularly phenomenal. Or for a more insane challenge, geogeorge or ButlerAndrew. The latter's are particularly devious, one of them involved the numbers up to 300 that I remember spending a week on.
    Hi Zak,
    Yes, the "Nimble Numbers" series and the Letters Logic puzzles are by far the trickiest! If you like Harry Potter, @lizbsn does great work there.

    For a straightforward, moderately challenging Pokemon logic puzzle, this one is a good starter:

    But generally I love all the logic puzzles on Sporcle. Well, other than the influx of K-Pop-related ones! I don't care who your bias is LOL
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
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  14. #14
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Magmar View Post
    Hi Zak,
    Yes, the "Nimble Numbers" series and the Letters Logic puzzles are by far the trickiest! If you like Harry Potter, @lizbsn does great work there.

    For a straightforward, moderately challenging Pokemon logic puzzle, this one is a good starter:

    But generally I love all the logic puzzles on Sporcle. Well, other than the influx of K-Pop-related ones! I don't care who your bias is LOL
    I remember that one. Have you checked out the one by ObnoxiousMartian? Probably the most brilliantly done Pokemon one (though I believe it only goes up to Gen 6. Well... actually Gen 5, but I remember the logic in it still works even if you take Gen 6 into account. Haven't tested it yet with Gen 7).

    And yes the Nimble Numbers/Lively Letters are fun... but the ones by d_o, geogeorge, and ButlerAndrew put them to shame in terms of difficulty. Definitely give those a shot. It's always exciting when I get an email that either of them made a new one after half a year.
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  15. #15
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    oh lol TPM is now 18 years old. Nice post. Also hi Shannon.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  16. #16
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Kyle: if it helps, there were 3 ways in which the game could have been won. You preventing at least one of the children from being captured, Karin using her time powers while inside the vortex, or Amy getting to the vortex before Sunrise. Sadly, none of those things happened.

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    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    These are some of my happiest memories of TPM <3

    Doing this I realised I'm crap at taking photos. Many of these were stolen from other peoples' facebook/flikr accounts XD

    Who they are, from top left:
    Me and Lady Vulpix (Natural History Museum)
    Shazza (There were no photos of the two of us, or you and Gus, together. So I stole this from the same album XD)
    Me and Heald (Shannon took this)
    Me and Crystal Tears (Wedding )
    Me and Weazel Overlord (MCM Expo, the first time I met her)
    Crystal Tears (Wedding again XD)
    Magmar and Heald (Morning after the night before 8D)
    Samchu (At my Uni house)

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  18. #18
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    When Polls Clubs Games was the place to be and I got most of the staff to approve my fortune book thread.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Bring it back!

  20. #20
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Games don't have to be Mod God Approved now.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Right, members have matured enough to be trusted to post games that aren't spam.

    And hey, that's an amazing album you made there, Becki! Thanks!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
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    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  22. #22
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Psst, shazza... still anticipating your 2003-2008 edit you promised above!
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  23. #23
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    I'll get around to it soon! In the interim, here's an edited post I wrote on another TPM Nostalgia thread in 2010 which I saved for some reason. I went into further detail that I forgot in the above post:

    I'm slightly hungover and tired, and need something to do to procrastinate from my 1.5k word essay, so writing my history (even though we've had so many nostalgic threads to the point we can now be nostalgic about nostalgic threads!) sounds like a great idea!

    I started getting involved in online communities around about 1998, when I was 9 years old. First it was a chat site called Chatropolis, then I started using Microsoft Comic Chat. I didn't join a forum until early 2000 on a site called - a site obviously dedicated to the Nintendo 64 FPS, Perfect Dark! I was only posting on there for a couple of months, but my interest in the game was winding down as the Pokemon fad in Australia was hitting a peak. I loved the anime, I was obsessed with collecting all the original cards and I was a master at Pokemon Yellow; though, I didn't have it on Gameboy but already knew how to use ROM's.

    I started trying to make fake cards to trade at school, and I think that's how I stumbled on the site in about September 2000. But I was taken away at all the different areas the site had to offer, that it instantly made its way into my Internet Explorer 5 favourites. I stole much of its content, as well as the ROMs, and attempted to sell CD's at $5 a piece at the local market; I was not successful.

    I found the chat pretty soon after, and tried to talk about some Pokemon. I recall thinking the bot, Carrots, was a real person until some point after. I remember people like Onix11 and that dude that owned Carrots, and of course Aeriana and firepokemon. Firepokemon was an AOp and kicked me out a few times for, presumably, retardation, and I was highly apologetic for things I couldn't comprehend, but I definitely feared him.

    I noticed the forums but didn't join for a month after. I really liked the poster, Flying Destiny, and thought Kasumi was really sweet. I was astonished at Ash_300's number of posts in such a short time, I thought Little_Pikachu was some hip young 20's chick that couldn't care for the rules, and Hyrelian_Genius was a bit of an asshole. There are so many members of the past that I can still recall, but to name them would take too much time.

    One of my first posts involved posting in the Gold and Silver forum that they have already released the #252 Pokemon; it got closed pretty fast. I remember the forum was down and I thought I got banned, so I emailed Kasumi and she told me not to worry. I felt so privileged to talk to PokeChamp - who was an admin at the time - on ICQ, making me feel I have some worth in these new forums. Pretty early on I desired to be a moderator. I befriended Vidgamergbc in Other Pokemon Games after we had a fight, and decided to just become friends.

    The day I found out Flying Destiny was the same person as firepokemon really blew me away. On the one hand, I really liked and respected Flying Destiny on the forums, yet I feared and was beginning to dislike firepokemon on the chat. Needless to say I didn't know what was up and what was down.

    I, along with many other members during those days, had the perception that postcount = a higher self worth. And the higher your self worth is, the more chance you have to being a moderator! I was posting in most topics and making my own, and I was becoming obsessed with the forums. I would wake up as 12 druing the summer holidays and just go onto TPM to see all the new activity. It felt very special. Master_Pokemon H and I were in some form of posting competition - well, that's at least how I perceived it is. I was making more friends with Australian's, with the likes of totodile_girl, Bronze_Umbreon and cool_daddy_47 (all of whom I still talk to on an occassional basis). The forum Polls & Clubs was recently created, and H_G and LuGiA007 were made admins, so I tried my best to get noticed. When Vidgamer was modded there, as well as LIIIF, I was pretty jealous to say the least. I started making polls almost daily, and was getting rather known for my "originality" in polls.

    I recall the [glow] features and everyone using them, including yours truly. They were so abused that a rule was set in place that they could only be used in signatures, for people started using it as font.

    I had my first e-girlfriend with Chikoslavia's Revenge - who turned out to be a pretty attractive girl - but at the same time, the Malasyian chick silverMaurari or whomever also wanted me. It was my first taste and being a manwhore.

    There was a mod spot in the now Polls, Clubs & Games forum, and I was worried it would go to squirtle_flame. I went into #pokemasterspbs - which I was beginning to frequent more - and I was complaining how my internet for the past few days had not allowed me to go into TPM. LuGiA007 then said that then I hadn't realised I had been modded. I was in total shock. I couldn't believe it. So I went to check and it was working finally, and I noticed my new found position and a congratulations topic! I went running around the house screaming with sheer excitement, jumping up and down and proud to tell my mother.

    A month or so after being moderated my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer; my world had been turned upside down. So, I was not active for a fair few weeks and people knew why, but TPM became a huge distraction for me when she was sick and after she had passed on. Not only was it my online home, but it had become a much needed distraction. I would think of it when at school, the current politics and the friendships I had made there.

    I was extremely excited when the forums upgraded to UBB6; it was a fresh makeover. Unfortunately, the servers couldn’t handle it and it went back to UBB5 pretty soon after. A second attempt occurred and things all worked well. While there wasn’t enough addons, and it took awhile for things to be normal, there were many new exciting elements. The first, of course, was the name change ability. I straight away went from pokemastershazza2000 to shazza, but soon enough it became pretty common to change your name to whatever you felt at the time.

    I got modded in UBB Help, mainly due to my mascerade that I knew what I was talking about when it came to UBB 6. And I guess, in a way, I did, as my EZBoard, Shazza’s Spooky Slide, was recently upgraded to an illegal copy of UBB 6. I was now modding two forums, and felt pretty sweet.

    In December 2001, Little_Pikachu was made into an administrator – and has remained as such for over nine years. I remember I was very jealous about this, as my next desire was to be made an admin. I recall it was Orientation Day at school and I was in P.E playing Baseball, but all I could think of was her current promotion and how that made me feel.

    Kevin was having server troubles or something and we were forced to become an EzBoard in about March-April 2002. The future of TPM was uncertain. Staff were quitting – kurai/H_G, for instance, stepped down as administrator. I think this was also when nick/blastoise_boy also quit being a TCG moderator – who was quite known to be kurai’s lapdog. The enthusiasm and enjoyment I got out of moderating was already fading away, and becoming an EZBoard was the final nail in the coffin, so I quit. I remember Suzie saying that if I ever wish to resume my position, then I should. Nearly eight years on, and I’m still waiting!

  24. #24
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    I sometimes wonder who remembers me from the early days of TPM 2001-2004. It wasn't until 2006, after my first hospital period, when I truly released my creativeness into active TPM posting.

  25. #25
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    I actually do remember you from Anime Discussion before I was even a mod.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  26. #26
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Nice! So my TVTOKYO translations weren't completely in vain.

  27. #27
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    I remember looking at those every Thursday and staying up waiting for it to update with next week's episode's preview and clip.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

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  28. #28
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    HOPES AND DREAMS def Magmar, miss you dude
    Meeting Ben definitely
    Loved writing RPGs back in the day when they finished sometimes, so many good times.

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Getting teams and decks rated that I never bothered to finish or use.
    For terrible Pokésex: 2148-4736-7219

  30. #30
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    My happiest memories are the AIM chats Mostly ummmm but we rotated between quite a few rooms back then. It didn't matter what time of day it was, what timezone you were, there was almost always someone there to talk to. And if enough people were online it was complete and utter chaos. I loved it! I do remember a bit of elitism and bullying and I am sorry if I participated in any of it. Kids are mean when trying to fit in.

  31. #31
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Katie View Post
    And if enough people were online it was complete and utter chaos.
    I actually recall a few of the pre-ummmm rooms regularly having "chaos" in the name.

    Kids are mean when trying to fit in.
    This is a fact that applies to real life adults as well... but one sad truth that people are in constant denial of, is that it often actually works.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

    We're not going to Guam... are we?

  32. #32
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Scizor View Post
    Getting teams and decks rated that I never bothered to finish or use.
    Yes! I remember how we'd have so many team rating discussions but there were only 151 Pokemon and, generally, only about ten were any good in competitive battling. So if you didn't have six of those ten then you weren't doing it right, ha. My first TPM interaction was with team rating and articles-writing back in the '90s... which is crazy to think about now! I'd gotten a team rated and I'm pretty sure I had a nidoqueen with Poison Sting and people were like "lol child"
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
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    You Are Awesome.

  33. #33
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    I proudly posted my Charizard with Ember/Fire Spin/Flamethrower/Fire Blast for rating and got mad when someone told me to pick other moves

  34. #34
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    My happiest moments here would have to be learning what interests the people have here. Not to mention all the friends I have made here over the last decade or so.
    The Hero of Hyrule.

  35. #35
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    What are my interests, Link?

  36. #36
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: What are your happiest memories associated with TPM?

    computer, music, politics, socialising, anti-socialising, exercising, exploring the mind
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

    We're not going to Guam... are we?

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