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Thread: Crazy Elf Boy's Guide to Pokemon Go Version 1.0.0 12/7/16

  1. #1
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Crazy Elf Boy's Guide to Pokemon Go Version 1.0.0 12/7/16

    Hello, I know I have not been the most prolific poster on TPM recently but I have still kept my eye on the site. Recently I have powered through Pokémon Go and I thought I would write up a guide to help out fellow players.

    CrazyElfBoy's Pokémon Go Guide

    Version 1.0.0

    Hello everyone, this is a guide which I have compiled about what I know about Pokémon Go. If you think you understand the basics, then scroll to 7: Important Tips and Tricks for hints on how to get all the Pokémon you want.

    If you notice any information which is not correct, outdated or missing please tell me so I can change it.


    - 1: What is Pokémon Go
    - 2: The Layout
    - 2.1: Character Profile
    - 2.1.1: Journal
    - 2.1.2 Medals
    - 2.2: Menu
    - 2.2.1 Pokémon
    - 2.2.2 Pokedex
    - 2.2.3 Shop
    - 2.2.4 Items
    - 2.2.5 Settings
    - 2.2.6 Tips
    - 2.3: Radar
    - 2.4: Compass
    - 3: Catching Pokémon
    - 3.1: Eggs
    - 4: Items
    - 5: Important Areas
    - 5.1: Pokéstops
    - 5.2: Gyms
    - 6: Evolving and Levelling
    - 6.1: Evolving Pokémon
    - 6.2: Levelling Pokémon
    - 6.3: Levelling Yourself
    - 7: Important Tips and Tricks
    - 7.1: Basic Tips
    - 7.2: Finding Pokémon
    - 7.3: Catching Pokémon
    - 7.4 Getting EXP
    - 7.5 Battling Pokémon
    - 8: Information Tables
    - 8.1: Pokémon Information Table
    - 8.2: Medal Information Table

    1: What is Pokémon Go

    Pokémon Go is the dream of anyone who has ever wanted to be a Pokémon Master. It is an Augmented Reality Game from Niantic (The Creators of Ingress) and of course the Pokémon Company. It allows you to walk around in your area and use your Android or IOS device to catch Pokémon.

    2: The Layout.

    The first thing you will notice when booting up the game is that you will need to sign in first with a Google Account, then you get to choose a name and personalise your character design. Then it will encourage you to pick your first Pokémon but more on that later.

    On the screen you should see you character near the bottom of the screen as well as a map layout of the nearby area. You should also see 4 other symbols.

    2.1 - Your Character (Looks like a picture of your character at the bottom of the screen to the left)
    Also included are:
    - A picture of your avatar.
    - Your current trainer level.
    - Your avatars name.

    Clicking on this should bring up another menu. This is more general information about your character:
    - Your character’s name
    - Your character’s avatar
    - Your Level
    - The amount of experience you have
    - Your Journal
    - How much Pokécoins you have
    - The date you started
    - Your team affiliation
    - Medal List

    2.1.1 - Journal

    The Journal keeps a record of what Pokémon you have captured and what items you have recently received from Pokéstops.

    2.1.2 - Medals

    The Medals are awarded when you reach certain milestones, most of these are capturing a certain number of Pokémon or doing something a certain number of times. The current table of Medals and their requirements can be found in 8.2 Medal Information.

    2.2 - The Menu (Looks like a Pokéball at the bottom of the screen in the middle)

    In the main menu there are 6 different sub menus.

    2.2.1 - Pokémon

    In this menu is a list of all Pokémon that you currently own, it is split into 2 sub headings: Pokémon and Eggs.

    This contains a list of all Pokémon which you own, in the bottom right there is a button which allows you to sort it in a number of different ways.
    - Recent (When the Pokémon was obtained)
    - Favourite (By Pokémon which you have favourited by clicking the little star)
    - Number (By National Dex Number)
    - HP (How much Hit Points the Pokémon has)
    - A-Z (Alphabetically)
    - Combat Power (How strong your Pokémon are)

    Once you have clicked on a Pokémon you will be taken to that individual Pokémon’s information.
    - CP (Combat Power, how strong the Pokémon is)
    - Power Arc (A semicircle with a white dot somewhere along it.)
    - Favourite Star (Star in right hand corner, click it to favourite that Pokémon)
    - Model of Pokémon
    - Name of Pokémon (Can be changed by clicking on the pencil icon)
    - HP (How much Hit Points the Pokémon has)
    - Type (The Pokémon’s typing)
    - Weight (The Pokémon’s weight)
    - Height (The Pokémon’s height)
    - Stardust (How much Stardust you have)
    - Pokémon Name Candy (How much candy you have to spend on Pokémon in that evolutionary line)
    - Power Up (Click to Power Up your Pokémon and how much Stardust and Candy it will cost)
    - Attacks (The attacks which your Pokémon knows, their Power and how much energy they have)
    - Date (The date you obtained the Pokémon)
    - Location (Where you obtained the Pokémon)
    - Transfer (This button sends the Pokémon to Professor Willow and receive 1 candy from the evolutionary line)

    Shows you the Eggs which you currently own. From here you can put them into incubators if you have any free, the number on the right underneath each egg is how far you need to walk in order for it to hatch.

    2.2.2 - Pokedex

    The Pokedex is a record of all the different Pokémon which you have obtained. Pokémon which show the models are Pokémon which you have obtained, Pokémon which have a silhouetted model are Pokémon you have encountered but not captured, while any Pokémon which just shows a number is a Pokémon you have not encountered.

    By clicking on any Pokémon you have encountered it will bring up a small entry on that Pokémon giving a small amount of information on that Pokémon.
    - Name (The Pokémon’s Name)
    - Seen (How many of them you have seen)
    - Caught (How many of them you have caught)
    - Type (The typing of the Pokémon)
    - Pokémon Category (Which species the Pokémon belongs to)
    - Pokedex Entry (The Pokedex entry of the Pokémon)
    - Evolution (The place in the evolutionary line the Pokémon holds)

    2.2.3 - Shop

    The shop allows you to spend Pokecoins on items as well as converting real money into Pokémon coins. The shield in the top right corner is a small shield with a number inside, this is the number of your Pokémon which are in Gyms every 21 hours you can click this and claim 500 Stardust and 10 Pokecoins for each Pokémon in a Gym.

    The items which you can purchase here will be explained in 4: Items.

    2.2.4 - Items

    This menu shows you a list of the items which you own and how many of each item you own. By clicking on an item you are given the option to use it.

    2.2.5 Settings

    In this menu it allows you to change certain aspects of the game:
    - Music (On/Off)
    - Sound Effects (On/Off)
    - Vibration (On/Off)
    - Battery Saver (On/Off)
    - Pokémon Go event information sent to email (On/Off)
    - Quick Start (Basic Game Information)
    - Help Center (Trouble Shooting)
    - Report High Priority Issue (Reporting Bugs, etc.)
    - About Pokémon Go (About Pokémon Go)
    - Sign out (Sign out of account)

    2.2.6 Tips

    This option gives the same Basic Information as the Quick Start option in the Settings Menu.

    2.3 - The Radar (Looks like a small white rectangle at the bottom of the screen to the right)

    This keeps a list of all nearby Pokémon in the area. While it is in the right of the screen the Pokémon on the far right is the closest Pokémon to your location, middle Pokémon is the 2nd closest and the left one is the 3rd closest Pokémon.
    When you click on the Radar it will bring up another menu showing all Pokémon nearby with a number of feet beneath them.
    - 3 Feet: Anywhere from 100 metres to Infinity
    - 2 Feet: 20 - 50 metres
    - 1 Foot: Less than 20 metres
    - No Feet: Extremely close by

    In this menu the Pokémon in the top left corner is the Pokémon closest to you while going from left to right each Pokémon is further and further away.

    2.4 - The Compass (Looks like a small circle with a silver and red arrow at the top right of the screen)

    By clicking on the compass you can shift between orientating the camera to your current direction or to North.

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    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  2. #2
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Crazy Elf Boy's Guide to Pokemon Go Version 1.0.0 12/7/16

    3: Catching Pokémon

    Probably the most important part of this game is catching Pokémon. After a while of walking around you will eventually encounter a Pokémon on your map. By clicking on this Pokémon it will send you into the battle Menu, from here you can do a few things.

    - Pokéball: Probably the most common option, by placing your finger on the Pokéball at the centre of the screen and swiping towards the Pokémon you throw a Pokéball to try and catch the Pokémon. When holding the Pokéball you will notice a circle getting smaller before resetting. The smaller this circle is the better your chances are of the Pokémon staying in the ball. The colour of the circle is also an indicator of how hard the Pokémon will be to catch:
    - Green is easy
    - Orange is medium
    - Red is hard

    - Items: From here you can select an item to use in battle.

    - Camera: You can take a picture of the Pokémon you are battling.

    - Run: You run away from the current encounter, the Pokémon will still be on the Over world map.

    3.1: Eggs

    Eggs that you obtain from Pokéstops can be put into Incubators and then hatched by walking the required distance.

    4: Items

    Here is a list of the known items and their functions.

    - Potion (Restores 20HP to a Pokémon)
    - Super Potion (Restores 50HP to a Pokémon)
    - Revive (Restores a fainted Pokémon to 50% of its maximum HP)
    - Lucky Egg (Doubles EXP for 30 minutes)
    - Incense (Lures Pokémon to your location for 30 minutes)
    - Pokéball (Standard tool for catching Pokémon)
    - Great Ball (Tool for catching Pokémon better than a Pokéball) Available from Level 12
    - Lure Module (Put in a Pokéstops to lure wild Pokémon nearby the Pokéstops for 30 minutes)
    - Razz Berry (Throw at a wild Pokémon to make it easier to catch)
    - Camera (For taking pictures of Pokémon during Encounters)
    - Egg Incubator: Infinite (For hatching Pokémon, can be used an infinite amount of times)
    - Egg Incubator: Charges (For hatching Pokémon, can be used 3 times before breaking)

    5: Important Areas

    While travelling around looking for Pokémon to capture you will come across 2 different type of locations on your map.

    5.1: Pokéstops

    Pokéstops are small blue cubes until you get close to them then they turn into a Pokéball symbol. When you are close to a Pokéstops you can spin the picture and obtain a number of items as well as 50exp. Pokéstops are usually at well-known locations in your community. Pokéstops reactivate and can be accessed again once every 5 minutes.

    5.2: Gyms

    Upon reaching level 5 you can choose to join a team, either Team Valor (Red), Team Instinct (Yellow) or the best team which is Team Mystic (Blue). Once you have selected a team you can now participate in Gym Battles. A Gym can be one of 4 colours.
    - Blue: Owned by Team Mystic
    - Red: Owned by Team Valor
    - Yellow: Owned by Team Instinct
    - Grey: Not owned by anyone

    If a Gym is controlled by a Team which isn't your own, then you can choose to battle it. You can choose up to 6 of your Pokémon to challenge the Gym with. The number of Pokémon you will have to battle is determined by the level of the gym, whatever level the Gym is that is how many Pokémon can be placed in that Gym. Every time you defeat Pokémon in the Gym it lowers the Prestige level of the Gym, which lowers the level of the Gym until 0 at which point it becomes unclaimed.

    If a Gym is controlled by your team you can do 2 things. First of which is place a Pokémon of your own into the Gym if there are any free slots. Or you can train against the Gym, Training is similar to battling a Gym except you only select 1 Pokémon to use and for every victory it raises the Prestige level of the Gym.

    If a Gym is Grey, it is not controlled by any team and you can freely put one of your Pokémon in without the need for a battle.

    When you decide to either Battle or Train at a Gym you will then enter the Pokémon Go Battle system. It works fairly easily as you have 3 different types of moves.
    1: Tapping on your Pokémon allows it to use its Basic Attack. (The first attack in its Pokémon Entry)
    2: Tap and Holding for about a second allows it to use its Special Attack (The second attack in its Pokémon Entry)
    3: Swiping left or right causes your Pokémon to Dodge, hopefully avoiding incoming attacks.

    During a battle you also have the opportunity to switch out Pokémon or Run Away. In a battle remember to be quick as unlike previous Pokémon games battling in Pokémon Go is done in real time and is unforgiving to those who hesitate.

    6: Evolving and Levelling

    Evolving and Levelling up your Pokémon is an important part of any Pokémon game and I am here to tell you how to go about it.

    6.1: Evolving Pokémon

    Every Pokémon which can evolve needs a certain amount of Candy from its evolutionary line in order to do so. A Bulbasaur would need Bulbasaur Candy to evolve into an Ivysaur, an Ivysaur still needs Bulbasaur Candy to evolve into a Venusaur. Each Pokémon is different and needs a different amount of Candy to evolve. Every time you catch a Pokémon you receive 3 Candy and each time you Transfer a Pokémon you receive 1, just remember once you Transfer a Pokémon you can never get it back.

    6.2: Levelling Pokémon

    Levelling your Pokémon is the only way to make them stronger, every Pokémon has a CP (Combat Power) rating, the higher this number the stronger the Pokémon is. Every Pokémon’s CP rating can be increased by the Power Up option using Stardust and Candy. Each time a Pokémon is powered up with will cost more and more Stardust and Candy. Just remember the higher your character level the higher you can raise your Pokémon’s CP rating.

    6.3: Levelling Yourself

    There are a number of different actions you can perform to gain EXP, the more EXP you have the higher your Trainer level will be. Below is a list of known ways to generate EXP.

    - 50EXP: Visiting a Pokéstops
    - Variable: Train or Battle a Gym
    - 100EXP: Catch a Pokémon
    - 500EXP: Register a Pokémon for the first time.
    - 500EXP: Evolve a Pokémon
    - 10EXP: Nice Throw (Catch a Pokémon with by throwing the Pokéball within the circle while it is big)
    - 50EXP: Great Throw (Catch a Pokémon with by throwing the Pokéball within the circle while it is at a medium size)
    - 100EXP: Excellent Throw (Catch a Pokémon with by throwing the Pokéball within the circle while it is small)
    - 10EXP: Curve Ball (Catch a Pokémon with by throwing the Pokéball in a curved motion)
    - 1000EXP: Hatch an Egg

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  3. #3
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Crazy Elf Boy's Guide to Pokemon Go Version 1.0.0 12/7/16

    7: Important Tips and Tricks

    Here is a list of tips and tricks which I have learnt over the course of playing Pokémon Go.

    7.1: Basic Tips:

    - Always be on the lookout for your own safety, catching Pokémon might be fun but it is not worth your life. Put your phone down when crossing streets and make sure you know the area you are walking in.

    - Be prepared, Pokémon Go will chew through your battery really quickly. Make sure you have a spare battery pack on hand. Your phone battery will last about 2 hours, if you intend on Pokémon hunting after that best make sure you have a way to power up your phone. My current gear which I take when Pokémon hunting is a small bag which fits on my bag, a battery pack giving me an additional 4 hours of charge, water bottle, snack as well as a jumper and umbrella for cold and wet weather.

    - Catching lots of Pokémon will eventually take its toll on your body as well as your Item supply. If you get a chance you will find a few Pokéstops are next to food outlets. Grab a meal, sit down and spin the Pokéstops once every 5 minutes to restock your supplies. Also make sure to put down a Lure Module every now and again to help out fellow trainers.

    - If you see another person playing Pokémon Go and it looks like they are having trouble. Stop, have a chat and who knows maybe you will make a new friend, if not at least you can pass on some important information to them.

    7.2 Finding Pokémon:

    - The type of Pokémon you find is based on your level so don’t expect to find a Dodrio or Butterfree from the get go, you best get used to catching Pidgeys and Rattatas for a while.

    - The best speed to finding Pokémon is Running or Jogging, walking is good but it is much too slow to locate far away Pokémon and if the app sense you are going too fast (20km+) then it will not count towards your eggs hatching. Also running will give you a fair amount of exercise.

    - When starting off you will notice small tufts of grass being thrown up, these are places which Pokémon have a higher rate of spawning near. But most of the time you would have to wait and if you have a Pokémon on your radar it is best to ignore the bushes and look at how far the Pokémon is away.

    - When locating a Pokémon, it will be a lot of guess work always make sure you are looking at your radar for the new interesting Pokémon that appear. When one appears walk around in your area until it is the nearest Pokémon, from there it is a lot of trial and error walking in different directions until you get it within 2 feet distance. Once it is at that point you’re a close enough that you shouldn’t have to move too far in any direction to encounter that Pokémon. Once a Pokémon has either 1 or 0 feet underneath it I find it best to stand still and let the GPS accurately grab your position, more often than not this will cause the Pokémon to appear.

    - Close and reopen Pokémon Go every 10 minutes or so, this will clear your radar. The reason for this is that every time you encounter a Pokémon it will be stored in your radar until at least 9 Pokémon are closer to you then it is. This means a Pokémon you encountered 10km ago could be in your radar along with one which is only 100m away. When the radar is reset it will immediately show all Pokémon in your area and nothing more.

    - Good trainers catch together, having another pair of eyes always helps. Not only can they help you identify locations of Pokémon, if your phones are linked then the accuracy of your GPS signal increases as it can piggyback off one another. The other benefit is that some people have found themselves in some unsavoury situations while playing Pokémon Go and there is always safety in numbers. If you don’t go around with someone because you want all the Pokémon to yourself, then you don’t need to worry as when a Pokémon is generated on the map it is generated separately for each person so multiple people can catch the same Pokémon.
    Last edited by Crazy Elf Boy; 12th July 2016 at 03:45 AM.

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    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  4. #4
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Crazy Elf Boy's Guide to Pokemon Go Version 1.0.0 12/7/16

    7.3 Catching Pokémon:

    - When catching Pokémon, the first thing you should know is that the distance you have to throw the Pokéball to catch the Pokémon changes with what Pokémon it is. For example, to catch a Pidgey the throw will have to be short while for a Zubat it will need to be a long throw.

    - The smaller the circle is the better the chance of catching the Pokémon is, the circle pauses once the ball is thrown so wait for it to get really small and then throw the ball.

    - If a Pokémon has an orange or red circle, consider feeing it a Razz Berry as these Pokémon are not only harder to catch but have a greater chance of running away.

    7.4 Getting EXP:

    - The quickest method I have found of increasing your trainer level is through either Egg hatching or Evolution. Evolution seems to be there easiest method, every time you evolve a Pokémon you receive 500EXP even if it is the second, third or fourth time you have evolved a Pokémon of this type. I suggest saving up Pidgey, Caterpie and Weedle Candy (12 to evolve) as well as Rattata Candy (25 to evolve) as all of these Candy are easily obtained. Then using a Lucky Egg to double your EXP gain to 1000EXP an evolution you can quickly evolve a bunch of Pokémon and rise in levels quickly. The Lucky Egg lasts for 30 minutes so you have plenty of time to cash in the evolutions.

    7.5 Battling Pokémon:

    - Make sure when battling gyms that you bring some friends who are on your team with you. 3 or 4 people can quickly take over a gym and the more Pokémon you place in a gym once you control it means it is harder to lose control.

    - If every time you start a battle at the Gym and it suddenly takes you out or the other Pokémon is staying at 1HP it means that the Gym has bugged out on you. The most common case I have seen this happen in is when more than one person battles the gym at the same time. The easiest fix is to wait about 5-10 minutes and try again. Sometimes sheer persistence gets through, but most times I think this does more harm than good.

    - If you see a nearby Gym controlled by your team with a free slot, drop a Pokémon in. It means that Gym is now stronger and your Defender Bonus is increased.

    - If you see a friendly gym which is very close to levelling up in Prestige, stay a while and train. Hopefully it will level up and allow you a slot for your Pokémon.

    - This is an exceptionally mean tactic which I have used on occasion and have heard it cause more than a few loud exclamations in the nearby area. If you see a Gym your team controls being challenged by another team. Wait around for a bit and wait for the Gym to turn grey and become unclaimed. Immediately throw one of your Pokémon into them Gym and hey presto your team controls that Gym again. Make sure to be quick though, and make sure a Pokémon you want to place is at full health because the Gym won’t accept it otherwise.

    - When Battling a Gym make sure to pack Revives and Potions are your Pokémon can be knocked out, when training a Gym, you only need Potions as your Pokémon will be left on at least 1HP even if it loses.

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    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  5. #5
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Crazy Elf Boy's Guide to Pokemon Go Version 1.0.0 12/7/16

    8: Information Tables

    8.1: Pokémon Information Table

    Number Name of Pokémon Candy needed to Evolve Hatches from (Distance Egg)
    1 Bulbasaur 25 2km
    2 Ivysaur ?? N/A
    3 Venusaur N/A N/A
    4 Charmander 25 2km
    5 Charmeleon ?? N/A
    6 Charizard N/A N/A
    7 Squirtle 25 2km
    8 Wartortle ?? N/A
    9 Blastoise N/A N/A
    10 Caterpie 12 2km
    11 Metapod 50 N/A
    12 Butterfree N/A N/A
    13 Weedle 12 2km
    14 Kakuna 50 N/A
    15 Beedrill N/A N/A
    16 Pidgey 12 2km
    17 Pidgeotto 50 N/A
    18 Pidgeot N/A N/A
    19 Rattata 25 2km
    20 Raticate N/A N/A
    21 Spearow 50 2km
    22 Fearow N/A N/A
    23 Ekans 50 5km
    24 Arbok N/A N/A
    25 Pikachu 50 2km
    26 Raichu N/A N/A
    27 Sandshrew ?? 5km
    28 Sandslash N/A N/A
    29 Nidoran♀ 25 5km
    30 Nidorina ?? N/A
    31 Nidoqueen N/A N/A
    32 Nidoran♂ 25 5km
    33 Nidorino ?? N/A
    34 Nidoking N/A N/A
    35 Clefairy 50 2km
    36 Clefable N/A N/A
    37 Vulpix ?? 5km
    38 Ninetales N/A N/A
    39 Jigglypuff 50 2km
    40 Wigglytuff N/A N/A
    41 Zubat 25 2km
    42 Golbat N/A N/A
    43 Oddish 25 5km
    44 Gloom 100 N/A
    45 Vileplume N/A N/A
    46 Paras 50 5km
    47 Parasect N/A N/A
    48 Venonat 50 5km
    49 Venomoth N/A N/A
    50 Diglett 50 5km
    51 Dugtrio N/A N/A
    52 Meowth 50 5km
    53 Persian N/A N/A
    54 Psyduck 50 5km
    55 Golduck N/A N/A
    56 Mankey 50 5km
    57 Primeape N/A N/A
    58 Growlithe ?? 5km
    59 Arcanine N/A N/A
    60 Poliwag 25 5km
    61 Poliwhirl 100 N/A
    62 Poliwrath N/A N/A
    63 Abra ?? 5km
    64 Kadabra ?? N/A
    65 Alakazam N/A N/A
    66 Machop ?? 5km
    67 Machoke ?? N/A
    68 Machamp N/A N/A
    69 Bellsprout 25 5km
    70 Weepinbell 100 N/A
    71 Victreebel N/A N/A
    72 Tentacool 50 5km
    73 Tentacruel N/A N/A
    74 Geodude ?? 2km
    75 Graveler 100 N/A
    76 Golem N/A N/A
    77 Ponyta 50 5km
    78 Rapidash N/A N/A
    79 Slowpoke 50 5km
    80 Slowbro N/A N/A
    81 Magnemite ?? 5km
    82 Magneton N/A N/A
    83 Farfetch’d N/A N/A
    84 Doduo 50 5km
    85 Dodrio N/A N/A
    86 Seel 50 5km
    87 Dewgong N/A N/A
    88 Grimer 50 5km
    89 Muk N/A N/A
    90 Shellder 50 5km
    91 Cloyster N/A N/A
    92 Gastly 25 5km
    93 Haunter 100 N/A
    94 Gengar N/A N/A
    95 Onix N/A 10km
    96 Drowzee 50 5km
    97 Hypno N/A N/A
    98 Krabby 50 5km
    99 Kingler N/A N/A
    100 Voltorb 50 5km
    101 Electrode N/A N/A
    102 Exeggcute 50 5km
    103 Exeggutor N/A N/A
    104 Cubone 50 5km
    105 Marowak N/A N/A
    106 Hitmonlee N/A 10km
    107 Hitmonchan N/A 10km
    108 Lickitung N/A 5km
    109 Koffing 50 5km
    110 Weezing N/A N/A
    111 Rhyhorn 50 5km
    112 Rhydon N/A N/A
    113 Chansey N/A 10km
    114 Tangela N/A 5km
    115 Kangaskhan N/A 5km
    116 Horsea 50 5km
    117 Seadra N/A N/A
    118 Goldeen 50 5km
    119 Seaking N/A N/A
    120 Staryu 50 5km
    121 Starmie N/A N/A
    122 Mr.Mime N/A 5km
    123 Scyther N/A 10km
    124 Jynx N/A 10km
    125 Electabuzz N/A 10km
    126 Magmar N/A 10km
    127 Pinsir N/A 10km
    128 Tauros N/A 5km
    129 Magikarp 400 2km
    130 Gyarados N/A N/A
    131 Lapras N/A 10km
    132 Ditto N/A ??
    133 Eevee 25 10km
    134 Vaporeon N/A N/A
    135 Jolteon N/A N/A
    136 Flareon N/A N/A
    137 Porygon N/A 5km
    138 Omanyte ?? 10km
    139 Omastar N/A N/A
    140 Kabuto 50 10km
    141 Kabutops N/A N/A
    142 Aerodactyl N/A 10km
    143 Snorlax N/A 10km
    144 Articuno N/A ??
    145 Zapdos N/A ??
    146 Moltres N/A ??
    147 Dratini ?? 10km
    148 Dragonair ?? N/A
    149 Dragonite N/A N/A
    150 Mewtwo N/A ??
    151 Mew N/A ??

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  6. #6
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
    Crazy Elf Boy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Crazy Elf Boy's Guide to Pokemon Go Version 1.0.0 12/7/16

    8.2: Medal Information Table

    Medal Name Description Bronze Requirement Silver Requirement Gold Requirement
    Jogger Walk Distance 10km 100km ??
    Kanto Pokémon in Pokédex 5 50 ??
    Collector Number of Pokémon caught 30 500 ??
    Scientist Number of Pokémon Evolved 3 20 ??
    Breeder Number of Pokémon Hatched 10 100 ??
    Backpacker Number of Pokéstops visited 100 1,000 ??
    Fisherman Caught (X) Magkiarp weighing at least (1) 3 ?? ??
    Battle Girl Number of won Gym Battles 10 100 ??
    Ace Trainer Number of times Trained 10 100 ??
    School Kid Number of Normal Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Black Belt Number of Fighting Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Bird Keeper Number of Flying Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Punk Girl Number of Poison Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Ruin Maniac Number of Ground Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Hiker Number of Rock Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Bug Catcher Number of Bug Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Hex Maniac Number of Ghost Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Swimmer Number of Water Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Gardener Number of Grass Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Rocker Number of Electric Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Psychic Number of Psychic Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Dragon Tamer Number of Dragon Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Skier Number of Ice Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Fairy Tale Girl Number of Fairy Pokémon caught 10 50 200
    Youngster Catch (X) Rattata weighing at most (1) 3 50 ??
    Pikachu Fan Number of Pikachu caught 3 50 ??

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  7. #7
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Crazy Elf Boy's Guide to Pokemon Go Version 1.0.0 12/7/16

    Thank you for confirming how the max km before it no longer goes towards your egg count!


  8. #8
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Crazy Elf Boy's Guide to Pokemon Go Version 1.0.0 12/7/16

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

    HEY! I do art commissions! Follow me and my pals on their website here!

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