- TCG Section Help
- Official TCG News and Rulings topic
- Discussion: New Uses: The Banning of Slowking
- New Pokemon Cards
- question S. Alakazam.
- Faires wear boots, man, you gotta believe me...
- Dragon Annihilation (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Another Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game Question....
- Just a quick question
- Might as well name this board "Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game".
- my f/s beatdown deck (Yu-Gi-Oh)
- 3rd place, isnt nice?!
- a yugioh deck i need help with. thanx and enjoy!
- Gone for 3 days, but...
- Aquapolis deck/strategy/combo discussion
- YuGiOh Defence Deck (EDS)
- Basic BeatDown Deck (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- ..::BrUTa\_ Vi0\_ENC3::..
- Dark Gengar's Ally/Rival
- A question for Roarkiller...
- YGO deck - Spelling your Demise
- Aquapolis: metagame-setting cards
- Great card Images-GC images too?
- A few Yu-Gi-Oh decks...
- Competition: Be creative with fakes.
- Legal promo cards in NeoOn?
- Video Game Question (and yes, I am in the right forum section)
- Yu-Gi-Oh Deck, Scorcerer's of Dragons. (Needs Rated)
- A challenge for all you YGO duelists...
- Make a Magic: The Gathering Card!!
- Lightning-Fire v2.0
- To those going to SBZ (Plano, Tx) on 2/16 that want to help a returning vet out...
- Mono Black Deck (MTG, of course.)
- What no lyrics?! A Scizor deck.
- ..:Dark Sc|z0r Deck:..
- Me: "Woah, it's Dark Vileplume and Magby all in one"
- The nurse is not wanted; why?
- InSaNe Boost Wiggly: Version 2.0
- WotC's license expires
- Yu-Gi-Oh: Relinquished questions
- Yu-gi-oh questions
- Team Rocket
- 2-on-2 battles: Not just in the game
- Trading?
- Some Rare Pokemon Cards
- Goodbye to pokemon tcg (not kidding)
- Need images
- Skyridge: The Last Set From Wizards...
- Reinventing Steel (Updated Kabulix deck)
- Scourge: A firebreathing dog gets his day.
- Future Deck (Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck)
- yu-gi-oh? hum, maybe i could get some tips
- [YUGIOH] Do the...
- One Of My Own Pokemon Card Decks
- Yu-Gi-Oh Ultimate Combo Creating
- Yu-Gi-Oh Deck: Glorious Battle
- ADV spoilers
- Yu-Gi-Oh Deck: Scorcers of Dragons
- [RMT (D)]- DeW (No not Mountain Dew)
- Burned?
- Does card color influence you?
- yu-gi-oh! question
- Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck plz
- Skyridge Spoiler
- DBZ/GT CCG topic
- yu-gioh tcg game question
- I need help with my Yugioh deck....
- just got a god
- ADV release date?
- I make a challenge!
- Alakazam?
- Help with my YGH Deck
- Web Site
- new set of pokemon cards comming out
- WoTC
- Magic FAQ: Learn about the game.
- Skyridge: A Let Down
- New Pokemon TCG Set? And maybe some new E-Cards.
- Pokémon TCG: Dark, Normal and Steel
- Decklists
- I Like It!!!
- Rate my Yu-gi-oh deck pls. OH NOES!
- EX Ruby & Sapphire
- *Gasp* a Pokemon deck in a Pokemon TCG forum?
- Selling out
- We have a new mod!
- Discussion: Groudon EX and Kyogre EX
- Exactly how Rare are EX cards?
- Omg! Wtf! O_o Its Here
- apprentice patch editor?
- Ruby Ex Theme Deck List?
- What set(s) are these cards from?!
- New YGO Deck - Last Warrior, Only Warrior...
- Aquapolis Theme Decks
- MTG Deck idea..
- Two more MTG decks..
- A dumb n00b question, but...
- Malik Ishtars Deck
- MTG and Pokemon Create-A-Card Topic
- Perhaps an over looked Pokemon card...
- Pokemon Spoilers
- Baby pokemon in 2 vs 2??
- Fusions and Rituals (YGO Deck Ideas)
- My first deck in a looooong time
- Holy Crap This Is A Strong Card
- E-cards
- Hey Everybody! Remeber me?
- Pharaonic Guardian comes out on Friday
- MTG Tourneys (Kinda a poll like thing)
- Questiiiooonnn.....
- Calling all Ripetide Feraligatr masters.
- Made a few slight modifications to my black deck..
- modified deck thing (MMF, not MMMF)
- YGO Discussion - No room for new cards?
- YGO's Pls rate my deck
- MTG : 8th Edition Pre-release
- Whoo, another deck to rate.
- A thrilling duel between me and OzAndrew
- Aquapolis Magneton Error
- Wanted....
- Unofficial Trading topic
- Trivia: Can you win?
- MTG game between my friend and I
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel decks needed
- W/G Deck
- Pogeymon cards
- SCEPTILE, the grass menace
- has this happend to you.
- A Deck idea, inspired by The Muffin Man
- Mirrodin: Magic goes tech.
- EX Sandstorm
- Official Good and Bad Reference Topic
- Official Rules of Trading on TPM
- TCG News
- Shinny Pokemon Cards
- another MMF deck omg wtf?
- Why you should block...
- The Unofficial MTG discussion thread!
- Unnamed non-DCI water deck
- Stories of the Sets
- The Unappreciated Tricolor Deck
- Why's It Shiny?
- To all Yu gi oh players out there.....
- new -=- Yu-Gi-Oh TINS -=- new
- Won a tourney on the weekend
- Ruby and Sapphire Challenge Series Tournament
- How much money have you spent on pokemon/yu-gi-oh cards?
- Ruby/Sapphire Challenge
- Magic: the Gathering
- Yu-Gi-Oh world championships (I got some pics)
- Finally 1st deck but lacking of some staples though...
- Fairy/Spellcaster RMD!! (YGO of course)
- Help with a Fiend Deck!(YGO)
- Mirrodin Information
- Oz's new deck. V 6.0
- No Theme Beatdown Deck Ver.2 ;P
- Quick! It's a Yu-Gi-Oh deck that's not a beatdown OMG!!!!11ONEone
- UPDATED DECK: Psssst! Hey You! Come here for a rare occurance!
- Need help wif some Japanese ard here lolz
- Deck ratings/comments/fixes please??
- Broken...
- My Yu-Gi-Oh Deck!
- Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship Deck
- MTG World Championship Deck
- No sweat ya doods I posted my deck three times and nobody fixes them -_-"
- tcg pictures
- confirming a few details~
- Probable Release date of Sandstorm + more
- MTG Deck, fixes/comments.
- Next Yu-Gi-Oh Expansion after PGD...
- Predictions for TP-4 Ultra Rare
- Jinzo...in a Tin?
- The Other 55 EX Sandstorm Cards
- Jeez, im actually askin' for help
- MAJOR SPOILER! Full list of Magician Force Series for Yu-Gi-Oh!
- The Next EX Set will be Called.....
- The Long Awaited Scans have Arrived!
- My friend's deck
- Base 1st editions value?
- Thoughts of the new HP limit
- Hand disruption, Out of play or Machine?
- Marill Error
- Yata deck revised for Magician Force
- EX Sandstorm Theme Deck Spoliers
- What was you very first......
- What every MTG deck needs (discussion type thing)
- Chaos Emperor Dragon? Whoo~
- Questions...
- Help Needed for a Friend
- Kids' WB Sandstorm Promotion
- Mirrodin Pre-Release
- They Finally Give Us a Release Date for Sandstorm
- Australia to finally be in the official Yu-Gi-Oh! league
- Cheap Deck (YGO)
- Rain Dance deck fix; Tag Team Strategies
- Pokemon TCG 2... Trap!!!!
- Selling Yugioh cards
- Fix my Expedition-on Sceptile deck
- A DIFFERENT deck! How about that?
- My "Weird" Deck
- My Untitled Deck
- I've had ENOUGH!
- My new field clear deck (Yugioh)
- (Yu-Gi_Oh) Scorcerers of Dragons, Version 6.0 Construction and help
- E-Reader - Pokemon Games and Whatnot
- Ex Dragon Pics!!!!!!!!!!!
- 2 quick questions
- A question about Victory Dragon
- WARNING: The following might contain a Newbish question!!!
- The New Modified!
- In your Pokémon Sandstorm boosters
- Favorite Format
- yami bakura
- Gardevoir ex deck help (modified)
- The Light & the Dark Ver. 2
- -=NEW=- YGO deck! - Rulers of Attraction-
- Wow! Finally i made my own YGO deck!
- New and Improved Cheap Deck
- The Bouncing Wumpus AEther Show! (aka rate Red's Magic deck)
- My killer Yata deck (revised)
- Get on up.. and dance! [Magic]
- fav. YGO deck type.
- A debate about wording...
- TCG Quiz #2 - Dark Pokemon
- For Better or Worse?!
- Pokemon E+ Cards
- Tournament Next Week So ya...
- The Funniest, Craziess, Stupidest, thingy that has ever happened in the Pokemon TCG.
- Not sure if this was a good idea or not.. I'd say NOT.
- TCG Polls
- Seto Kaiba Deck ver. 2.0
- MTG Rules
- Last Will (YGO)
- TCG Challenge #1 (EOMC) - Trainer Cards
- Yu-Gi-Oh Deck. Help wanted...and definitely needed
- Holy smokes, im back o_O NOW FOR GOOD
- Misson Accomplished!
- Flaming Elves. (MTG Deck) Rate!!!!!111oneone
- IO or not to IO... *Attention to all YGO players out there*
- Pokémon TCG Lesson #1 - Anatomy of the Cards
- Kaiba Theme Deck ver. 3.0
- BUG-Ger Me - Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck
- Does anyone know...
- Just a deck I threw together in apprentice out of boredom (MTG)
- EX Dragon Tournies this Sunday and next Saturday (ya know what that means)
- Pls Rate this Deck (YGO fiend theme deck)
- [Slight Chance of Rain][Deck][Pokemon]
- TCG Quiz #3 – Ye Old Cards/Decks/Sets
- Yep, another rate my deck (Dragon Deck)