View Full Version : Tabletop, Cards and other Games

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  1. TCG Section Help
  2. Official TCG News and Rulings topic
  3. Discussion: New Uses: The Banning of Slowking
  4. New Pokemon Cards
  5. question S. Alakazam.
  6. Faires wear boots, man, you gotta believe me...
  7. Dragon Annihilation (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  8. Another Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game Question....
  9. Just a quick question
  10. Might as well name this board "Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game".
  11. my f/s beatdown deck (Yu-Gi-Oh)
  12. 3rd place, isnt nice?!
  13. a yugioh deck i need help with. thanx and enjoy!
  14. Gone for 3 days, but...
  15. Aquapolis deck/strategy/combo discussion
  16. YuGiOh Defence Deck (EDS)
  17. Basic BeatDown Deck (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  18. ..::BrUTa\_ Vi0\_ENC3::..
  19. Dark Gengar's Ally/Rival
  20. A question for Roarkiller...
  21. YGO deck - Spelling your Demise
  22. Aquapolis: metagame-setting cards
  23. Great card Images-GC images too?
  24. A few Yu-Gi-Oh decks...
  25. Competition: Be creative with fakes.
  26. Legal promo cards in NeoOn?
  27. Video Game Question (and yes, I am in the right forum section)
  28. Yu-Gi-Oh Deck, Scorcerer's of Dragons. (Needs Rated)
  29. A challenge for all you YGO duelists...
  30. Make a Magic: The Gathering Card!!
  31. Lightning-Fire v2.0
  32. To those going to SBZ (Plano, Tx) on 2/16 that want to help a returning vet out...
  33. Mono Black Deck (MTG, of course.)
  34. What no lyrics?! A Scizor deck.
  35. ..:Dark Sc|z0r Deck:..
  36. Me: "Woah, it's Dark Vileplume and Magby all in one"
  37. The nurse is not wanted; why?
  38. InSaNe Boost Wiggly: Version 2.0
  39. WotC's license expires
  40. Yu-Gi-Oh: Relinquished questions
  41. Yu-gi-oh questions
  42. Team Rocket
  43. 2-on-2 battles: Not just in the game
  44. Trading?
  45. Some Rare Pokemon Cards
  46. Goodbye to pokemon tcg (not kidding)
  47. Need images
  48. Skyridge: The Last Set From Wizards...
  49. Reinventing Steel (Updated Kabulix deck)
  50. Scourge: A firebreathing dog gets his day.
  51. Future Deck (Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck)
  52. yu-gi-oh? hum, maybe i could get some tips
  53. [YUGIOH] Do the...
  54. One Of My Own Pokemon Card Decks
  55. Yu-Gi-Oh Ultimate Combo Creating
  56. Yu-Gi-Oh Deck: Glorious Battle
  57. ADV spoilers
  58. Yu-Gi-Oh Deck: Scorcers of Dragons
  59. [RMT (D)]- DeW (No not Mountain Dew)
  60. Burned?
  61. Does card color influence you?
  62. yu-gi-oh! question
  63. Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck plz
  64. Skyridge Spoiler
  65. DBZ/GT CCG topic
  66. yu-gioh tcg game question
  67. I need help with my Yugioh deck....
  68. just got a god
  69. ADV release date?
  70. I make a challenge!
  71. Alakazam?
  72. Help with my YGH Deck
  73. Web Site
  74. new set of pokemon cards comming out
  75. WoTC
  76. Magic FAQ: Learn about the game.
  77. Skyridge: A Let Down
  78. New Pokemon TCG Set? And maybe some new E-Cards.
  79. Pokémon TCG: Dark, Normal and Steel
  80. Decklists
  81. I Like It!!!
  82. Rate my Yu-gi-oh deck pls. OH NOES!
  83. EX Ruby & Sapphire
  84. *Gasp* a Pokemon deck in a Pokemon TCG forum?
  85. Selling out
  86. We have a new mod!
  87. Discussion: Groudon EX and Kyogre EX
  88. Exactly how Rare are EX cards?
  89. Omg! Wtf! O_o Its Here
  90. apprentice patch editor?
  91. Ruby Ex Theme Deck List?
  92. What set(s) are these cards from?!
  93. New YGO Deck - Last Warrior, Only Warrior...
  94. Aquapolis Theme Decks
  95. MTG Deck idea..
  96. Two more MTG decks..
  97. A dumb n00b question, but...
  98. Malik Ishtars Deck
  99. MTG and Pokemon Create-A-Card Topic
  100. Perhaps an over looked Pokemon card...
  101. Pokemon Spoilers
  102. Baby pokemon in 2 vs 2??
  103. Fusions and Rituals (YGO Deck Ideas)
  104. My first deck in a looooong time
  105. Holy Crap This Is A Strong Card
  106. E-cards
  107. Hey Everybody! Remeber me?
  108. Pharaonic Guardian comes out on Friday
  109. MTG Tourneys (Kinda a poll like thing)
  110. Questiiiooonnn.....
  111. Calling all Ripetide Feraligatr masters.
  112. Made a few slight modifications to my black deck..
  113. modified deck thing (MMF, not MMMF)
  114. YGO Discussion - No room for new cards?
  115. YGO's Pls rate my deck
  116. MTG : 8th Edition Pre-release
  117. Whoo, another deck to rate.
  118. A thrilling duel between me and OzAndrew
  119. Aquapolis Magneton Error
  120. Wanted....
  121. Unofficial Trading topic
  122. Trivia: Can you win?
  123. MTG game between my friend and I
  124. Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel decks needed
  125. W/G Deck
  126. Pogeymon cards
  127. SCEPTILE, the grass menace
  128. has this happend to you.
  129. A Deck idea, inspired by The Muffin Man
  130. Mirrodin: Magic goes tech.
  131. EX Sandstorm
  132. Official Good and Bad Reference Topic
  133. Official Rules of Trading on TPM
  134. TCG News
  135. Shinny Pokemon Cards
  136. another MMF deck omg wtf?
  137. Why you should block...
  138. The Unofficial MTG discussion thread!
  139. Unnamed non-DCI water deck
  140. Stories of the Sets
  141. The Unappreciated Tricolor Deck
  142. Why's It Shiny?
  143. To all Yu gi oh players out there.....
  144. new -=- Yu-Gi-Oh TINS -=- new
  145. Won a tourney on the weekend
  146. Ruby and Sapphire Challenge Series Tournament
  147. How much money have you spent on pokemon/yu-gi-oh cards?
  148. Ruby/Sapphire Challenge
  149. Magic: the Gathering
  150. Yu-Gi-Oh world championships (I got some pics)
  151. Finally 1st deck but lacking of some staples though...
  152. Fairy/Spellcaster RMD!! (YGO of course)
  153. Help with a Fiend Deck!(YGO)
  154. Mirrodin Information
  155. Oz's new deck. V 6.0
  156. No Theme Beatdown Deck Ver.2 ;P
  157. Quick! It's a Yu-Gi-Oh deck that's not a beatdown OMG!!!!11ONEone
  158. UPDATED DECK: Psssst! Hey You! Come here for a rare occurance!
  159. Need help wif some Japanese ard here lolz
  160. Deck ratings/comments/fixes please??
  161. Broken...
  162. My Yu-Gi-Oh Deck!
  163. Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship Deck
  164. MTG World Championship Deck
  165. No sweat ya doods I posted my deck three times and nobody fixes them -_-"
  166. tcg pictures
  167. confirming a few details~
  168. Probable Release date of Sandstorm + more
  169. MTG Deck, fixes/comments.
  170. Next Yu-Gi-Oh Expansion after PGD...
  172. Predictions for TP-4 Ultra Rare
  173. Jinzo...in a Tin?
  174. The Other 55 EX Sandstorm Cards
  175. Jeez, im actually askin' for help
  176. MAJOR SPOILER! Full list of Magician Force Series for Yu-Gi-Oh!
  177. The Next EX Set will be Called.....
  178. The Long Awaited Scans have Arrived!
  179. My friend's deck
  180. Base 1st editions value?
  181. Thoughts of the new HP limit
  182. Hand disruption, Out of play or Machine?
  183. Marill Error
  184. Yata deck revised for Magician Force
  185. EX Sandstorm Theme Deck Spoliers
  186. What was you very first......
  187. What every MTG deck needs (discussion type thing)
  188. Chaos Emperor Dragon? Whoo~
  189. Questions...
  190. Help Needed for a Friend
  191. Kids' WB Sandstorm Promotion
  192. Mirrodin Pre-Release
  193. They Finally Give Us a Release Date for Sandstorm
  194. Australia to finally be in the official Yu-Gi-Oh! league
  195. Cheap Deck (YGO)
  196. Rain Dance deck fix; Tag Team Strategies
  197. Pokemon TCG 2... Trap!!!!
  198. Selling Yugioh cards
  199. Fix my Expedition-on Sceptile deck
  200. A DIFFERENT deck! How about that?
  201. My "Weird" Deck
  202. My Untitled Deck
  203. I've had ENOUGH!
  204. My new field clear deck (Yugioh)
  205. (Yu-Gi_Oh) Scorcerers of Dragons, Version 6.0 Construction and help
  206. E-Reader - Pokemon Games and Whatnot
  207. Ex Dragon Pics!!!!!!!!!!!
  208. 2 quick questions
  209. A question about Victory Dragon
  210. WARNING: The following might contain a Newbish question!!!
  211. The New Modified!
  212. In your Pokémon Sandstorm boosters
  213. Favorite Format
  214. yami bakura
  215. Gardevoir ex deck help (modified)
  216. The Light & the Dark Ver. 2
  217. -=NEW=- YGO deck! - Rulers of Attraction-
  218. Wow! Finally i made my own YGO deck!
  219. New and Improved Cheap Deck
  220. The Bouncing Wumpus AEther Show! (aka rate Red's Magic deck)
  221. My killer Yata deck (revised)
  222. Get on up.. and dance! [Magic]
  223. fav. YGO deck type.
  224. A debate about wording...
  225. TCG Quiz #2 - Dark Pokemon
  226. For Better or Worse?!
  227. Pokemon E+ Cards
  228. Tournament Next Week So ya...
  229. The Funniest, Craziess, Stupidest, thingy that has ever happened in the Pokemon TCG.
  230. Not sure if this was a good idea or not.. I'd say NOT.
  231. TCG Polls
  232. Seto Kaiba Deck ver. 2.0
  233. MTG Rules
  234. Last Will (YGO)
  235. TCG Challenge #1 (EOMC) - Trainer Cards
  236. Yu-Gi-Oh Deck. Help wanted...and definitely needed
  237. Holy smokes, im back o_O NOW FOR GOOD
  238. Misson Accomplished!
  239. Flaming Elves. (MTG Deck) Rate!!!!!111oneone
  240. IO or not to IO... *Attention to all YGO players out there*
  241. Pokémon TCG Lesson #1 - Anatomy of the Cards
  242. Kaiba Theme Deck ver. 3.0
  243. BUG-Ger Me - Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck
  244. Does anyone know...
  245. Just a deck I threw together in apprentice out of boredom (MTG)
  246. EX Dragon Tournies this Sunday and next Saturday (ya know what that means)
  247. Pls Rate this Deck (YGO fiend theme deck)
  248. [Slight Chance of Rain][Deck][Pokemon]
  249. TCG Quiz #3 – Ye Old Cards/Decks/Sets
  250. Yep, another rate my deck (Dragon Deck)