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  1. Poll: Best console and/or game bargain you ever got
  2. A Pokemon in Super Mario Bros 2?????
  3. New FFX-2 Pictures!
  4. EverQuest!
  5. New Info on Final Fantasy X-2
  6. Dragonball Z-Budokai
  7. Poll: Which is the best pokemon clone/rip off/related game?
  8. Freeloader (GC)?
  9. Eternal Duelist Soul question
  10. No One Lives Forever 2
  11. It's Christmas!!!!!!!
  12. Golden Sun Help
  13. Dragonball Z: Budokai Strategy Guide/Walkthrough
  14. Zelda OoT questions
  15. If you could visit any video game location as a holiday...
  16. Final Fantasy Fighter?
  17. Sonic Advance 2 & Adventure 3
  18. New Images for Biohard/Resident Evil 4!
  19. Chrono Cross RAQ and Help
  20. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2
  21. Zelda Four Swords
  22. Wario Bros. (+Q)
  23. have you seen the GBA SP?
  24. Yu-Gi-Oh Eternal Duelist Soul...
  25. HELP-Super Mario Advance 3 level 2-4 boss
  26. Super mario Sunshine?
  27. What is with all the STUPID games?
  28. Games you want to get in 2003
  29. Games: that never made it! Part three.
  30. SSBM event 51 help (i beat it already, but)
  31. The Best and Worst Video Game Villains
  32. Help!SA2B!Reply Quickly!
  33. 2003: Year of the RPG?
  34. MK Trilogy Glitch? (PS)
  35. New "virtual On" Game!!!!!
  36. jade cocoon
  37. Undeath to Aeris
  38. Virtual On Force Ver 7.7
  39. Spiderman help
  40. GBA/A link to the past. HELP!
  41. Weak Point for the "Tricky Ruins Master" Part 2
  42. FF6 (gem box + economizer??)
  43. GBA Screen
  44. *smile* *twitch*
  45. Cheats for Rayman 3 on GBA(i'm Stuck)
  46. *crackle**crackle* Houston...We have a Beta Test*crackle**crackle*
  47. Fatal Frame
  48. PS2 Everquest®
  49. Guilty Gear X2
  50. Diablo II and Starcraft (POLL)
  51. On The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time I lost Zelda's Letter.
  52. Best Video Game Remake
  53. Warcraft III Frozen Throne Beta
  54. Need help getting the last two trophies in Super Smash Brothers Melee
  55. Im back baby!! I'm back!!
  56. Wrestling gone wrong.... very wrong...
  57. metroid fusion
  58. Animal Crossing 2
  59. Zelda 64 fans, who is the better villian?
  60. DemiKids...it's like Pokemon...only with demons.
  61. What version of Soul Calibur 2 are you getting?
  62. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 version
  63. Cool RPG!
  64. Warcraft I for Mac- no background Music?
  65. Mm8 Help!!! Asap!
  66. Worst Developer?
  67. What should I get?
  68. Batman dark tomorrow HELP!!!!!
  69. i need help wit metroid fusion
  70. Realistic Zelda?
  71. Macro Button help
  72. GTA coming to Box and Cube in 2004
  73. SNK back in the USA
  74. Sonic Happy Meal anyone?
  75. SD Adapter lives.
  76. Game shark for GBA
  77. RPG Maker 2000
  78. NBA Street Vol. 2
  79. since RPG maker 2003 is translated already...
  80. Jazz Jackrabbit 3 Demo
  81. Half Life 2!! - Preview
  82. Game Revelations
  83. Next step after GBA
  84. Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
  85. golden sun help
  86. Clever Nicknames For SSBM Characters
  87. Questions, Gamecubes and Animal Crossing
  88. Yu-gi-oh world wide edition
  89. The Ultimate Fighting Game
  90. Soul Calibur 2
  91. A new Street Fighter game? It's about time!
  92. How do they do it? GBA style.
  93. Engrish in Budokai?!?!
  94. Widescreen Video Games?
  95. poll: best rpg system.
  97. RPG maker games
  98. Nintendo developing a new Pac-Man game
  99. Thoughts on New Gamecube
  100. Ff Ix Fmv
  101. A Super Mario Bros. 3 remake? It's about time!
  102. Nintendo to bundle GBA Player with GameCube
  103. Just go a PS2
  104. Enter the Matrix
  105. Gameboy Advance
  106. Sleepers: the games that almost were, but weren't...
  107. Sonic Adventure 2
  108. New game-based comics (Sorry if this is the wrong forum)
  109. The ever so annoying Air's Rock...
  110. Choons!!!
  111. A Q about the E-reader
  112. Metroid Prime boss poll
  113. Games may sharpen the mind
  114. If you think you're good at Super Smash Bros Melee....
  115. A Q about Lylatt wars.
  116. Sonic Mega Collection Question
  117. The Frozen Thone goes gold!
  118. PSO for GC
  119. WarioWare Inc.: Mega Microgame$
  120. Metriod Prime Favorite Boss Poll
  121. Nintendo 64 DD
  122. Golden Sun: The Lost Age - playable characters
  123. Dreamcast
  124. Armored Core 2: Good ACs
  125. GBASP and GC linkup (HELP!)
  126. Best N64...
  127. E3 Rundown
  128. Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Microgame$
  129. Golden Sun transferring issue
  130. Redux "what N64 game should I buy" thread..
  131. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. And other ones, if you wish
  132. Arcade Gaming
  133. Advance Wars 2
  134. Splinter Cell
  135. Tourneys anyone?
  136. Probably the craziest question concerning Zelda: Majora's Mask...
  137. Colors of the GBA SP's
  138. Megaman BattleNetwork3 Question
  139. question about pokemon Coliseum
  140. Do your parents or relatives play video games?
  141. Oni help
  142. "Only For" GameCube
  143. Championship Manager
  144. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) Help
  145. Metroid Prime
  146. Street Fighter 2.5
  147. E card questions
  148. Need help with Sonic Adventure DX
  149. Illbleed's Sonic Parody[pics wanted]
  150. Star Fox Adventures
  151. Metroid Fusion: Is it possible?
  152. Good SNES games?
  153. Pokémon Jade/Diamond
  154. WarcraftIII Anyone?
  155. Megaman Battle Network Three
  156. help with Golden Sun:The Lost Age
  157. Sonic Pinball Party
  158. Jak II
  159. I need help.
  160. Finnaly!!!
  161. Tolbi-Bound-Ship in Golden Sun
  162. Shooter Love?
  163. Is it just me or....
  164. Nintendo Fusion Tour
  165. F-Zero GX
  166. Question
  167. whats better....
  168. SSBM anyone?
  169. Major news on Sonic Heroes!
  170. Your Nintendo Game Cube /GBA Library
  171. RS: rouge leader help
  172. SSB (not M): Samus's Board the Platforms
  173. EGM Interview
  174. Star Wars: Knights of the old republic. Help
  175. Madden 2004, personal opinions.
  176. Mario Golf
  177. GTA: Vice City Accidental cheat
  178. Sega to enter the music business
  179. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
  180. For all you fighting game fans, SNK or Capcom?
  181. Stupid question about an afterburner
  182. The All Mighty Gamecube!!!
  183. Release dates for Soul Calibur II
  184. Pso: Hunters
  185. Need help on Super Smash Brothers Melee
  186. More SSBM Trophies?
  187. New demo disk for 'Cube.
  188. The Phantom :D
  189. Broadband adaptor for the Gamecube
  190. Xbox Live
  191. Favorite video game quotes
  192. It's Offical, Paper Mario on Paper
  193. X-men next dimension: help needed
  194. Chain Sawd
  195. Help needeed A.S.A.P.
  196. Hyped up games
  197. Poll:Favourite Female Tekken Character
  198. SSB and SSBM question
  199. What? Another "Capcom vs." game?
  200. DBZ on GBA nd PS2
  201. Mega Man Anniversary Collection
  202. Mario Kart: Double Dash news
  203. What video game character would you like to be?
  204. Soul Calibur II and F-Zero GX
  205. Soul Calibur II Fighter's Thread!
  206. what games should i put on my wish list?
  207. GS (Golden Sun) Help
  208. 1080 Avalanche, anyone?
  209. VIce City or GTA III?
  210. an odd code
  211. New pokemon games! (Kinda new games:D)
  212. Random Assortment of Video Game Related Things
  213. Warcraft3 problems..
  214. SSBM question (involves L-cancel & wavedash)
  215. Is gamecube really dead on its feet? Should I get an Xbox?
  216. Tokoyo Game Show (Update!)
  217. Mysterious games...
  218. Browsing the Web with my dreamcast
  219. Legacy of Goku 2 Gameshark Codes?
  220. Old Games
  221. Mega Man X Command Mission: a new Mega Man RPG for PS2/GC
  222. GameCube sales quadruple!
  223. Video games
  224. Shenmue
  225. Resident Evil
  226. Soul Calibur 2 Question
  227. N-Gage a global success!
  228. *sigh*
  229. Video Game Worlds
  230. Diablo II patch released!
  231. Is Roy a character in the new American Version Of "Fire Emblem" for the GBA?
  232. Good News for Gamecube Owners
  233. Enix is remaking dragon warrior 5, my favorite game.
  234. Tony Hawk's Underground!
  235. {tourney} Wanna Race?
  236. Sonic Heroes Lookin DANG good![[Possible SPOILERS]
  237. Must have... Killer 7.....
  238. Thread for Sims Lovers
  239. Europeans get the goods.
  240. Final Fantasy XI
  241. True Crime: Streets of LA
  242. PSP Revealed!
  243. Aussies cheated again? (Or am I just paranoid?)
  244. Videos of every track in Mario Kart
  245. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
  246. Rogue Ops: Worth it?
  247. What are you playing......right now?
  248. Need help for Super Mario World (GBA version)
  249. Games you wanna get but are too old
  250. I'm a weak, weak man and I'm finally caving...